There was no one around, and the burly man looked happy when he saw this scene.

Sure enough, only those who are brave can escape and welcome a new life.

While running, his mind was still working, thinking of Old Huangtou and the others who had just stayed there, with a look of ridicule on his face.

However, as he ran, he noticed something was wrong.

no one!

From the factory building to the center, you could still see people exchanging fire there, but since he ran to the periphery, he could hardly see anyone.


He ran under the wall they had built during the day.


If there was no one on the road just now, it would be fine. Now there is no one on guard duty on the wall. So who will be on guard duty?

He was just about to climb up the wall and take a look outside, then choose a road and drive all night to escape. Although he might be killed by the zombies, he might be able to survive if he gave it a try. In any case, it was better than staying here as a slave. good.

But the next second, the roar of zombies suddenly came from a few meters away.


"Holy shit, the zombies are coming in!" The burly man looked at the zombies not far away, slightly stunned, his eyes full of shock.

He really didn't expect that there would be zombies in such a powerful motorcycle gang's nest! "


He murmured, as if he wanted to use the words he spoke to command his legs.

After saying that, he suddenly ran in the opposite direction from where the zombies came. The zombies came in and it was over. It was all over now.

Um? He suddenly remembered what Old Huangtou said in the factory just now.

If we say that at this moment when the zombies come in, the places where the biker gang's lairs are the safest.

The factory where they were imprisoned was definitely a good place.

In order to strictly confine slaves like them, the originally closed factory building was reinforced, making it difficult for slaves like them to escape.

But now, it has become a safe place.

They can't get out from inside, but the zombies are also making progress. ah

Thinking of this, he suddenly turned eastward, knowing where he was going now.

After the zombies came in, some escaped slaves also encountered them head-on.

Two people ran back, attracting the attention of other people who were captured as slaves. Soon, they all knew that zombies had come in.

They all thought of going together, so they ran towards the factory where they were originally detained.

Cai Guangtou and his gang, who were caught in internal strife, were loyal to the old ghost. They naturally saw those slaves running out, but now they didn't care about them at all.

Until they also started to have zombies appearing behind them.

"The zombies are coming in, cease fire, cease fire!" Bald Cai shot a zombie behind him and shouted towards the other side.

However, there were two people opposite him who were close friends of the man whom Baldy Cai killed. They were so anxious at this time that they couldn't listen to anything at all.

They were determined to kill Bald Cai, so they fired two shots at the place where Bald Cai's head appeared.

"Are you crazy? I said there were zombies coming in. Didn't you send someone to guard them? Damn it."

After saying that, he stepped back to the right, trying to avoid the zombies surrounding him and avoid being hit by those on the opposite side.

There is a dilemma, and danger is everywhere.

At this time, Bald Cai felt extremely regretful. If he had not made that idea, perhaps this would not have happened, but it was too late to say anything now.

"Ah!" Under attack from both sides, someone next to him was bitten by a zombie.

The firepower on the other side suddenly weakened a lot. Cai Guangtou raised his head and glanced over there, only to see many zombies appeared on the other side. The appearance of zombies finally woke up the diehard old ghosts and hurriedly resisted the zombies.

Seeing those people falling into the zombies, Bald Cai's face lit up and he immediately jumped towards the house on the right.

The motorcycle party lair.

In the factory where slaves were kept, the short man Jiu Ge suddenly took a few steps forward and leaned against the edge of the factory, listening to what was going on outside.

"Have you felt that the roar of the zombies is getting closer and closer to us?" Jiuge looked at the men next to him and asked.

The subordinate listened carefully, nodded seriously and said, "Yes, I heard it too."

Jiuge's expression changed and he quickly walked towards the iron gate.

At this moment, Old Huangtou frowned more and more as he listened to the sounds outside.

Thumb thump thump——

There was a dense and messy sound of footsteps outside the factory.

The old Huangtou looked closely at the door of the factory building. The distance from the door to the iron railing where they were imprisoned was about 20 meters. Because they were blocked, they couldn't see the outside at all.

The next second, several figures suddenly appeared from the door.

"Zombies, zombies, zombies are coming in, let me in quickly."

"Open the door quickly, I want to go in."

"It's over, it's over, there are zombies outside."

They stumbled towards the iron railing, shouting to the people in the factory as they ran.

"Lock the door! Lock the door now!"

Jiuge, a short man, happened to walk over and saw the people running in from the door, so he shouted quickly.

As soon as the words fell, the few people who had been commanded by him to stand at the railing door immediately pulled the thick iron door, locked the door, and then tightened it with iron chains, and buckled it to death.

"No!!" Someone who ran out cried out desperately when he saw the iron door closed.

"Lao Jiu, you bastard, open the door quickly."

"Mother Rinen, let's have a show. Qisun, please open the door quickly."

"Brother Ninth, it's me. Open the door quickly and let me in."

Bang bang bang!

These people gathered on the iron railings and beat the railings and iron doors hard.

Jiu Ge and the others behind the iron gate took a step back, their faces uncertain.

Old Huangtou and the young man Xiaoye, who had been standing nearby, only four or five meters away from the iron gate, looked on with cold eyes and watched this scene calmly.

"You are not allowed to open the door. Anyone who dares to open this door will have trouble with me." Jiuge looked around behind him with a stern warning in his eyes.

There were a few people in the back who couldn't bear to see the people outside, and some wanted to go over and open the door.

But after seeing the warning looks in Jiuge's people's eyes and the expression that anyone who dared to get close to the iron gate would be in trouble with us, his expression became taciturn and he stopped stepping forward.

But most people nodded in agreement. Of course they were unwilling to open the door when it came to their own interests.

If you open the door at this time, what if the zombies outside run in? What if the people who ran out are bitten by zombies, and they will be completely destroyed if they come in.

Bang bang bang!

Those outside slapped the iron door hard, and the burly man among them used the strongest force. It was only then that he felt remorse in his heart.

If I had known earlier, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have gone out. Old Huangtou had obviously told them just now, but he just didn't listen.

When those who ran out together saw him, they had anger on their faces and kept yelling: "It's all your fault. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have run out."

The aisles of the entire factory building were densely packed with people. The people near the iron railings kept beating on the iron doors, praying for the people inside to open the door.

But the people at the back of the aisle didn't know what was going on inside. They thought there were too many people, so they squeezed in harder, trying to get in quickly.

Two minutes later.

A cry of agony from the door broke through the crowd.


Someone nearby was exclaiming: "The zombies are coming, he was bitten, get in quickly."

"Why aren't you moving? Why can't you squeeze in?"

After a gap of several seconds, the aisle became more crowded.

A man accidentally fell, and before he could get up, someone kicked him on the head.

The next second, he felt countless pairs of feet stepping on his body.

They were crowded in this small space, watching helplessly as the zombies behind them rushed over.

He kept pushing towards the iron railing, but it was very solid and could not be pushed at all.

They can only watch as the zombies get closer and closer to them, and then devour them.

The people in the iron railings were frightened when they saw this scene, and they thought to themselves: Fortunately, they didn't go out.

This iron railing that they once regarded as the most hated and extremely strong iron railing has now become their protective umbrella.

Block the intrusion of zombies from outside.

Seeing the tragedy outside, Jiu Ge looked terrified in his eyes, and then took a deep look at the old Huangtou standing beside him.

Outside the factory, things were not much better at this time.

All the zombies broke in, and for a while, the motorcycle gang's lair was full of zombies, and there were mournful wailing sounds everywhere.

More than ten kilometers away, there is the Oil City.

There was a sea of ​​flames outside the wall, and everyone in the wall was resting except for those on duty.

The snoring sound from time to time makes people feel at ease after hearing it.

There is a rare quietness.

Thousands of miles away.

Big camphor tree base.

The walls of the third outer city, including the duty room above, have been built. The walls are connected to each other, and the walls of the third outer city can be reached from the main entrance.

Tonight, the second uncle has insomnia.

Originally, he didn't have to be on duty today, but he couldn't sleep because of insomnia, so he didn't sleep at all.

He has experience in dealing with insomnia. He survived the whole night, and then he will not sleep during the day tomorrow, and he will naturally be able to fall asleep tomorrow night.

There was nothing to do in the inner city, so he came to the wall for a walk.

The wall is steep and tall, ten floors above the ground. Such a high wall gives people a sense of security.

There were very few zombies outside, and my second uncle walked around the wall, only seeing a few of them.

Since many cooperators and non-staff people have lived nearby, some wooden fences have been spontaneously built on national highways and some low places. When it doesn't rain, the number of zombies that can reach the fence has become less and less.

"Aren't you asleep yet?" The uncle came out of the duty room, just in time to see the second uncle, and asked in surprise.

The second uncle shook his head and said, "Can't sleep, come out for a walk."

"What's the matter, what's on your mind?" The uncle poured the tea into the trash can next to the duty room, shook the teacup and said.

"No, it's just that I can't sleep." The second uncle said.

As the second uncle said, he leaned against the wall behind him.

The moon and stars are rare, and everything is silent.

The chirping and rustling sounds of insects outside the woods, coupled with the gentle evening breeze, make people feel peaceful.

When the uncle heard what the second uncle said, he stopped talking and leaned against the wall with the second uncle.

"Jing Lue should be twenty-one years old this year, right?"

After a while, the second uncle broke the silence and said to the elder uncle.

Liu Jinglue is the uncle's son.

The uncle smiled and said, "Twenty-two."

After finishing speaking, he said with some regret: "More than two years have passed in a blink of an eye, almost three years. When he came here, he was still 19 and just a freshman. I didn't expect it to go by so fast."

When the second uncle heard this, he nodded in agreement and said, "Yeah, time flies so fast, and I don't know what the future will be like. There were natural disasters in the past two years. So far this year, except for the floods, everything else has been fine. , but this feeling of uncertainty is really uncomfortable.”

The uncle had a better attitude and said calmly: "Let the future be left to the future. It is impossible for us to know what will happen in the future. Do your best and obey fate."

"You have a good attitude." The second uncle glanced at the older uncle with a smile, and then said: "The things you brought back from the Western Conference last time were too many, and it took several days to sort them out. By the way, , how did it feel last time you went out?"

The uncle thought for a while and said, "That's it. Actually, I don't feel much. The main reason is that the distance is long, and I'm old, and my butt hurts when I sit."

Speaking of this, the uncle laughed.

But soon he stopped smiling: "I just feel a lot of pressure, taking so many people with me. It's okay during the day, but at night I worry about zombies breaking through the protection. After taking so many people out, I want to keep them intact." Bring it back."

When the uncle said this, his face was serious.

"When I'm on the road during the day, I hardly meet anyone, but it makes me very depressed. When I sleep at night, I feel uneasy and nervous. It's completely different from being in the base. After returning to the base, I feel like It’s an unreal feeling.”

"What does it feel like?"

"It's so safe. It seems like there is no need to worry about safety issues at all."

The second uncle was silent for a while, and then sighed with emotion: "Yeah, maybe you can only appreciate the value when you lose it. In Maslow's needs theory, the lowest physiological needs are food and clothing, and safety needs. These two lowest needs , but it has become the most extravagant demand in the last days."

The uncle also felt the same, nodded and said:

“So, in the last days, dignity, morality, and emotional value have become less important.

The corruption of human nature is inevitable. After all, we are all going to starve to death, so who cares about things about face and values.

When we came back, we met someone who drove nails into the road and punctured the tires. They must be people who wanted to rob us. Maybe because there were so many of us, those people didn't show up, but I think if we If there are few people, people who may be lurking in the dark may come out to rob. "

The two chatted, talking about Lao Dong, other people in the base, and their opinions on other people in the base.

Because they stood high and their voices were not loud, they chatted casually in the gentle evening breeze.

"That old director's daughter is a top student at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. She seems to be majoring in electronic engineering. She is currently tinkering with long-distance radio transmission and reception there."

"This is a good thing. If we can communicate over long distances, we will be able to communicate with the base at any time like when we were in the Western Conference. It will not be like now. We can only contact the base when we return to Gan City. .”

“She said it was more than thirty kilometers away, and there was no radio transmission or reception in the ultra-long range, so there was no problem with reception.

There were just some problems with the transmission. These were generally only available on military radios, but she said she could find some materials and make them herself. What about oscillators, frequency multipliers, low-frequency amplifiers and power amplifiers? It’s all a mess and I don’t really understand it. Anyway, I have already released the task, and I will try my best to get everyone to find it. "

"Well, this matter is an important matter and needs to be dealt with carefully. But after all, people like Lao Dong are all talented people."

The night was quiet, and two men in their forties were chatting in the gentle evening breeze.

Oil city.

Early the next morning, it was still dark.

Li Yu got up. He slept soundly last night and woke up feeling refreshed early in the morning.

The flames outside the wall were extinguished at some point, and the air was filled with the smell of rotten sewer eggs, and they were rotten eggs that had been soaked for a long time.

There was an unpleasant smell of coke mixed with it.

The two flavors came together, making Li Yu frown as he just got off the car. The smell was a bit strong.

Uncle San, Ju Tianrui and others had already gotten up early, had packed their things, and were sitting on the steps of the RV eating breakfast.

"Third uncle, I will go to the biker gang's lair later. Are you going to the food growing point in the west that was colonized by the biker gang?"

"Anything is fine." The third uncle ate the dry food, raised his head and said casually.

"Okay, let's arrange it like this for the time being, and let Lao Bi and the others guard this place."

After speaking, Li Yu shouted to Lao Bi, who was more than ten meters away: "Lao Bi, come here."

Lao Bi had just packed up his things. After hearing Li Yu's call, he quickly ran over: "Mr. Li, please call me."

Li Yu nodded slightly and said to Lao Bi: "Uncle San and I will go to the motorcycle gang's lair later. We need someone to guard this place. You can stay."

When Lao Bi heard this, although he also wanted to go there together, Li Yu's tone did not mean that he was discussing with him, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

"Well, then I'll leave forty people for you. Okay, you go and do your work first." Li Yu said.

Five minutes later.

The sun has not come out yet, the sky is still gray, and there are still some unburned zombies outside the Oil City Walled City. Some of these zombies' bodies were burnt black and emitted a strong stench, but their heads were not fatally injured.

The number of zombies was reduced by more than half compared to last night.

And it looks like the sun should be out in twenty minutes at most.

Going out at this time is not a big problem.

After discussing it with his third uncle, Li Yu felt that it was time to set off now.

So he asked Lao Bi and the others to reverse the two cars to form an exit.

As soon as an exit was formed, the zombies gathered under the wall crowded in.


Lao Luo drove the tank and rushed out first.

Knock, knock, knock!

Two tanks and two armored vehicles walked ahead to clear the way, instantly crushing the zombies that crowded in under their wheels.

Two or three scattered zombies got in through the gaps and were quickly killed by Lao Bi and others who had been prepared nearby.

A car drove out and ran over the zombies, forming a road paved with zombie corpses.

After seeing the vehicles coming out of the oil city, these zombies wanted to pursue them, but the vehicles were much faster than them.

In addition, several tanks and armored vehicles opened the way in front, which relieved a lot of pressure on the vehicles behind.

When Li Yu and the others came out, nothing unexpected happened.

The moment their last vehicle came out, Lao Bi and others controlled the two trucks loaded with dirt to merge in the middle.


Because he was too anxious, the two cars collided, and the fender at the front of the car made a loud noise.

The zombies in the middle gap were instantly crushed into pulp.

After driving a few kilometers, Uncle San, Li Yu and the others separated.

One is to the biker gang's home base, and the other is to the food growing point where the biker gang colonized.

Along the way, you can also see sporadic zombies wandering on the road. In this gray sky, it seems like a hundred ghosts walking at night.

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