Rebirth of the apocalypse: Winning a prize of 30 million at the beginning

Chapter 785 Harvest from the biker gang’s lair! (Two in one, a big chapter of 8,000 words)

On the way from the oil city to the motorcycle gang's lair, they tried to avoid the villages and small towns on the way, and drove from relatively open places.

But they still encountered some zombies on the road. After seeing Li Yu's vehicle, these zombies were instantly attracted to it.

It caused a lot of trouble to Li Yu and the others, but fortunately, the cars they drove over were all reinforced, and no car was dragged by the zombies.

In addition, since the sun is coming out soon, there are much fewer zombies on the road than at night.

The drone hovers in front of them, detecting which direction has fewer zombies, so they can make adjustments and modify their route.

It was only a distance of more than ten kilometers, but due to the obstruction of zombies, they had to drive for more than half an hour.

By the time they arrived at the biker gang's lair, the sun had already risen.

The biker gang's lair was built in a newly planned village before the end of the world. The houses and roads inside were planned and relatively concentrated and neat. In fact, it was not much different from a small town, except that the area was smaller.

There is a "well" character, with two straight roads running through the entire village in the north and south.

Looking at the wall still under construction in front of him, Li Yu was a little surprised. The scale was not small, and the manpower and material resources consumed were not small.

I am also somewhat fortunate in my heart. If the motorcycle gang continues to develop, once the wall is built and a solid territory is established, the motorcycle gang will become more difficult to deal with.

In the apocalypse, without a stable station, there is no way to grow. This motorcycle gang has been circulating in various places before and has not developed.

It was not until the Motorcycle Party came to Xinyang and established a solid stronghold that it developed rapidly. Not only did they build a headquarters stronghold, but they also had a stable oil supply distribution, plus a colonial planting point.

However, Li Yu didn't quite agree with the motorcycle gang's approach. The pace was too big. Before the strength increased, being so arrogant could easily cause covetousness and conflicts among potential forces.

The best thing to do in the end of the world is to keep a low profile and develop steadily, and the key is to focus on improving your strength.

A large population is not the key point in judging the strength of a base in the apocalypse, but quality is more important.

Just like the principle that Li Yu has always adopted, the base does not support idle people, but only capable people will be admitted to the base. This method can make the team streamlined and the combat effectiveness is high.

Moreover, food pressure will not be as great.

Li Yu didn't get out of the car. He opened the roof of the RV and saw a huge hole in the right wall.

Feeling a little annoyed in his heart, he thought that the remaining motorcycle gang members and others had left as soon as possible.

They had tried their best to arrive as early as possible, even setting off before the sun came up, but they were still delayed by the zombies on the road, and the sun had already come out when they came.

"Go in and be cautious. If you encounter members of the motorcycle gang, shoot them to death." Li Yu shouted to the people around him.


The tank entered through the huge opening, followed by Li Yu and others.

But when Li Yu entered the place, he found that the ground was full of various items scattered, and there were even half a bag of food that seemed to be torn by something.

There are also some human bones on the ground, which have been eaten by zombies.

Reminiscent of the cave entrance he saw when he came in, a guess flashed through Li Yu's mind.

Could it be that zombies broke in last night? It was actually reasonable to break in. After all, most of the biker gang had been wiped out by them, and the remaining people, relying on the unfinished wall, had a hard time resisting the zombie swarm at night.


Li Yu's hair stood up all over his body, and an extremely strong sense of crisis came from the direction of the roof on the right.

Li Yu didn't hesitate and slid down from the roof of the RV.

The next second.

A bullet hit the spot where he was standing just now. The bullet hit the steel plate on the roof of the car. The steel plate was very thick. The bullet grazed diagonally and bounced up.

"Mr. Li."


When everyone saw this scene, they quickly shouted to Li Yu.

But they saw that Li Yu seemed to have no idea and avoided early.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.


A bullet flew toward that window.

The bullet accurately hit the man in the top room on the right.

That person was the member of the motorcycle gang who survived last night. This person was also a die-hard loyalist of the old ghost. At this time, he saw a group of strangers coming in from outside the wall, so he began to snipe in secret.

But he didn't expect that the shot he was sure to win could not hit the man.

Die with hatred.

Li Yu hid in the car and did not see the shot fired by Ju Tianrui, and his face darkened.

He immediately took out his walkie-talkie and said to everyone: "Everyone, please be vigilant. Biker gang members are hiding in the house."

Immediately afterwards, Li Yu said to Lao Luo: "Lao Luo, bomb the building on the right, the fourth floor, and the room by the window."

After hearing this, Lao Luo immediately replied: "Okay."

Then he quickly gave instructions to the other people in the car. After these two days of fighting, the people in the car had formed a tacit understanding. They aimed and loaded the ammunition faster and faster. In less than 10 seconds, they fired the cannon. The tube was aimed at the building on the right.

"Fire!" Lao Luo shouted.


A shell hit the room on the right side of the building less than a hundred meters away.

Suddenly, the room was blown open, and a lot of construction debris fell from above.

Looking up, you can still see the two fallen bodies over there.

After the sound of the cannon, the roars of zombies came from several houses with open doors nearby.

There are even zombies coming out of the house.

Everyone in the car saw the zombies coming out of the house and quickly opened fire.

Bang bang bang bang!

There was a lot of gunfire.

Li Yu's face showed contemplation. It seemed that zombies had indeed rushed in here last night. Not only did they rush in, but they also hid in the house at dawn.

Li Yu brought nearly 60 people, a dozen vehicles, and five or six machine guns, amid intensive gunfire.

The zombies who ran out of the house seemed to be seeking death. They were killed by a barrage of bullets as soon as they reached the door.

Five minutes later, Li Yu was secretly frightened as he looked at the surrounding buildings and the piles of zombie corpses on the street ahead. It seemed that a lot of zombies had rushed in last night.

Turning his eyes in a circle, Li Yu thought for a moment and gave instructions to everyone.

"Lao Luo, the space here is too small, not suitable for tanks and armored vehicles to exert their power. You go out and surround the entire motorcycle gang's lair. Don't let anyone or a zombie escape.

Ju Tianrui, please take people to clean these floors. Pay attention to safety and put on explosion-proof clothing before going in. I suspect there is someone here. "



Neither of them were the kind of people who liked talking nonsense, so they immediately led people to carry out Li Yu's orders.

Ju Tianrui led the people out of the car. Everyone was wearing explosion-proof clothing and helmets on their heads. With these two layers of protection, there would definitely be no problem in resisting zombies, unless a single person fell into a group of zombies and ran out of bullets. The power is exhausted, otherwise there will generally be no problem.

Even when facing people, although there is a possibility of injury, the key parts of the body and the explosion-proof clothing are thickened, so it is difficult to die directly.

Ju Tianrui took thirty people, forming six cleaning teams with five people in each team, and ran to the surrounding upstairs.

After explaining all this, Li Yu asked Cannon to stop the car and evacuate to the edge of the motorcycle gang's lair to wait.

Dapao watched Ju Tianrui and the others go over to clean, and his hands were itchy, so he said to Li Yu: "Brother Yu, let me go too. I have been driving every day for the past two days and my feet are numb. I want to stretch my muscles."

Li Gang, who was next to him, also said, "I'll go with you."

Li Yu glanced at them, looked at Ju Tianrui and others who were still cleaning in front, thought for a while and said, "Okay, you go ahead."

They were wearing explosion-proof suits, and together with Ju Tianrui and the others, even if they encountered the remaining members of the motorcycle gang, as long as there was movement, they would support each other, so there shouldn't be any problems.

When the two heard Li Yu's promise, they put on their helmets. Cannon got out of the car with a gun. Li Gang also got out of the other car door, and the two ran towards Ju Tianrui and the others.

at the same time.

The motorcycle gang's lair, in the factory.

After Jiuge, a short man, heard the gunshots outside, he quickly lay on the wall and listened.

The gunfire lasted for a full five minutes, but Jiu Ge still couldn't figure out what was going on outside.

Standing up, he saw outside the iron railings that the zombies in the factory corridor had already run out more than half, running towards the location of the gunshots outside.

There were only a dozen zombies left, leaning their rotten faces against the iron railings, looking greedily at the people imprisoned inside.

The rotten face was squeezed and deformed by too much force.

There was even a zombie with bulging eyes that fell to the ground.

But the people imprisoned inside did not have any iron weapons on their bodies, so they were unable to attack these zombies.

As enslaved by the motorcycle gangs, these people were not allowed to carry any weapons on their bodies, not even a piece of wood.

After morning arrived, these zombies did not leave. Instead, they hid in this corridor. They could not escape at all.

At this time, there was finally movement outside, but there were still some zombies that did not leave.

Jiu Ge thought for a long time, but couldn't figure out what happened outside, so he walked to the corner of the wall and leaned against the dozing old Huangtou.

"Old Huang." Jiu Ge didn't call him Lao Huangtou. Adding a "tou" always seemed impolite. After yesterday's incident, Jiu Ge had some admiration for Lao Huangtou. This old Huangtou was a smart man.

Jiuge likes to deal with smart people the most.

After hearing Jiu Ge's voice, the old Huangtou slowly opened his eyes and looked at him suspiciously: "Jiu Ge, what's the matter?"

Jiu Ge pointed to the outside and said, "Did you hear the gunshots outside?"

"I heard it. What's the matter?" Old Huangtou narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the zombie still lying on the iron railing, and replied.

"Aren't you curious about what happened outside?" Jiu Ge looked at him suspiciously.

The old Huangtou grinned, showing the gap between his two front teeth, and said, "No matter what happens, it's a good thing for us!"

"A good thing? How do you know it?" Jiu Ge felt a little tired standing up, so he also squatted down.

As slaves, they are basically equivalent to consumables. Basically, they will be given something to eat after three days. This is because the motorcycle gangs need them to build the wall, otherwise they will not be given any food.

Many slaves starved to death. These people who starved to death were simply ran away by the motorcycle gangs and dumped in the wilderness.

I've been hungry for too long and feel dizzy.

After squatting down, I felt much better.

The old Huangtou was also dizzy from hunger, and explained with a smile: "Of course it's a good thing. Look at the zombies outside the iron railings. If there was no movement outside, the zombies outside the railings would probably stay there forever.

If we stay there, we will starve to death sooner or later.

There were gunshots outside, and there were only two possibilities.

The first possibility is that the old biker gang is back and they are cleaning up the zombies that entered last night, which is why the gunshots were fired.

For us, when they come back, they will definitely come to the factory to clean up the zombies, then we will return to the way we were before, but at least we won't be directly trapped in it. At least you can survive for a while.

The second possibility, I guess, the old ghost went out yesterday, he must have encountered something outside, it is very likely to be his enemy, the old ghost and the others were killed by them, and then this group of people who don't know where they came from came over Take away the old ghost's lair.

If it is these people who don't know their origins, they will definitely find this place later, and they will definitely clean up these zombies.

For them, it's easy.

This is also a good thing for us. "

Old Huangtou's words were a bit leaky, but Jiu Ge still understood what he said. Through his analysis, everything seemed to be exactly what Old Huangtou said.


Jiu Ge suddenly frowned and said: "We have never met those people, let alone understand them. How can you judge that they will clean up the zombies outside the iron railings? What if they want to kill us? ?”


The old Huangtou smiled, then sat up straight and said to Jiu Ge: "I don't know whether those people are good or bad, and in the last days, there is no distinction between good and bad, only profit, and it won't be because they wiped out the locomotive. The party is the good people.

But at least, the motorcycle gang is so bad, no matter how bad they are, how bad can they get. No matter how miserable we are, how much worse can we be? "

"Then why can you say that they won't kill us? What if they regard us as motorcycle gang members?" Jiuge asked with a frown.

The old Huangtou touched the clothes on his body that had been whipped into strips by the motorcycle gangsters. The clothes were torn and torn, and there were some blood-red dirt on his body formed by blood clots.

He smiled between his front teeth and said, "Do we look like bikies now?"

Jiu Ge looked at the people around him. Most of them were whipped by the motorcycle gang. When they built the wall before, the motorcycle gang liked to torture people. Generally speaking, if they move slowly Will beat them.

However, some members of the motorcycle party take pleasure in abusing others, and like to give two whips from time to time. They enjoy the pleasure of bullying others, which makes them feel superior, and the joy of being able to control other people's lives at will makes them very fascinated.

As a result, most of the slaves, old, weak, sick and disabled who were imprisoned here died, and those who survived were only young and middle-aged people in good health.

Although there were both men and women, the good-looking ones were used to vent their sexual desires, and only some men and women with ordinary looks and relatively thick bodies were able to stay.

As for these people, many of them were half-clothed, unkempt, and smelled of sweat after days of hard work.

Combined with being imprisoned here, it is obvious that anyone with a discerning eye can see that they are just a group of people who are treated as slaves by the motorcycle gangs.

"Huh - what you said makes sense. But, why can you be sure that they won't kill us." Jiuge asked again.

The old Huangtou felt that it was a bit exhausting to sit up, so he leaned against the wall again, and said slowly: "The world is prosperous, and it is all for profit; the world is crowded, and it is all for profit. We are at least a labor force. What.

What's more, killing us will cost bullets and energy. If we are reduced to the point where we are no threat at all, there will be no benefit for them to kill us.

Unless they are mentally ill, anti-human, and specialize in killing people for pleasure. If that is the case, then we are dead, we are dead! "

After Lao Huang finished speaking, he closed his eyes again.

Then he murmured again: "I can't rule out the possibility, but the possibility is very low. Just wait, we can't do anything now, and we will know everything later."

Looking at the old Huangtou who looked calm and could even lean against the wall and squint to relax, Jiu Ge felt inexplicably impressed.

If nothing else, this old yellow head is not only smart, but also has a great mentality.

outside the factory.

As the gunfire approached, Ju Tianrui and others soon cleared most of the area.

It's just that after cleaning up, they found that there are not many members of the motorcycle party left here. So far, apart from the person who shot coldly in the dark at the beginning, and the person who was blasted out by Lao Luohong, only one person has been found. Three people, who had also been shot, lay dying in the closed room.

What they didn't know was that last night, there was a shootout between the fleeing motorcycle gang and the old ghost's loyalists, most of them died, and some of the rest were caught up and swallowed by zombies before they could escape.

Therefore, when Li Yu and the others came here at dawn, there were less than eight people alive in the entire motorcycle gang, and two of them had gunshot wounds.

After cleaning most of the area, they finally arrived at the center of the biker gang's lair.

In the center, there is the most luxurious house in the entire lair.

It is eight stories high and is quite luxuriously decorated.

Cannon, Li Gang and Ju Tianrui's team walked up to the central building.

Their eyes were full of vigilance, and they knew that there were probably zombies here, and even more likely there were remnants of the motorcycle gang.

Bang bang bang!

They met a lot of zombies on the first floor, and with the cooperation of a few people, they cleared them up very quickly.

Immediately afterwards, they continued to move up, maintaining their formation, ensuring that when two people rushed forward, there was someone behind them to cover them.

Soon, they cleared up to the fourth floor.

There were only a few zombies on the fourth floor, and they cleared them all easily.

They are very cautious. When going upstairs, they will not rush directly up. Instead, they will use the mirror they carry with them to peek up before entering the corner.

When opening a door, at least two people need to team up. One person kicks the door open, and the other person aims at the door until he sees no one in his direct line of sight, then quickly pokes in, and then scans. Once he finds someone inside, he can shoot.

There are many operations and tips similar to this. Some of them were taught by Uncle San when he was training them, and some of them were summed up through countless actual combat experiences in the apocalypse.

To use Li Yu's words, if you are careful, you will only have one life. If you are not careful, you will die without knowing how.

Li Yu's concept has affected everyone at the Da Zhangshu Base, and everyone works in accordance with this concept.

No matter how boring it is to wear a helmet, they will not take it off until they are in a safe environment.

This method also reduced the personnel losses at Da Zhangshu Base to a very small number.

Cannon and the others opened every door on the fourth floor, making sure not to miss any blind spot.

At this time, there is only one last room left, which is near the large terrace on the fourth floor.

Li Gang was about to push the door open when Ju Tianrui beside him said quickly: "Wait a moment."

When Li Gang heard this, he did not stop at the door, but immediately ran to the door. This ensured that even if someone inside had a gun and fired through the wooden door, he could escape. Therefore, when they are cleaning, they usually don't stand at the closed door for too long, kicking it open and then stepping aside.

If you can't kick it open, use your gun to blow the lock open.

Li Gang turned his head to Ju Tianrui in confusion and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ju Tianrui pointed to the terrace outside. Under the sun, there was a large pool of blood there, which was somewhat reflective due to the sunlight.

Following the direction of his fingers, there were some blood stains from the terrace to the door. Although it had been licked by zombies, traces of it could still be seen.

Even on the door and on the wall, there was a bloody slap mark.

More importantly, there was a bloody slap mark on the door handle.

When Ju Tianrui pointed out this, everyone was not stupid and instantly understood what Ju Tianrui meant.

There are blood stains, which means there is someone inside!

A member of the motorcycle gang, and that person was probably injured!

Dapao understood immediately and gave Ju Tianrui a thumbs up, then pointed at the gun in his hand, and then pointed at the door.

The meaning was obvious. He made a sudden move towards the door, then broke the lock and rushed in.

If that person is standing behind the door, after the sudden burst, you can kill him.

After Ju Tianrui saw the cannon's movements, he understood instantly.

So, he also imitated the movements of the cannon and gave a thumbs up gesture.

The meaning is easy to understand: Cannon, your method is very good, let’s do it!

The next second.

Bang bang bang!

The wooden door was quickly punched with several holes, and then two more bullets hit the lock.


Cannon saw that the lock was blown and kicked it open.

The door slammed against the wall inside with a loud bang.

The cannon took a step back, and as it retreated it saw no one in its direct line of sight.

Li Gang on the left hurriedly ran inside. Only by going from this angle could he see the situation inside more quickly and react.

A quick glance inside.

I saw a woman sitting slumped in the corner of the right window.

Li Gang subconsciously wanted to shoot, but he saw that the woman had her eyes closed and fell into a coma.

She didn't hold anything in her hands, and she was wearing a white skirt, with a lot of blood flowing from her thighs.

Although she was wearing a loose white skirt, she could still see this woman's graceful figure.

Between the concavities and convexities, it is like a beautiful scenery.

More importantly, that woman was extremely beautiful, with a face that made the gods look upside down, eyebrows as light as autumn water, and jade skin that matched the breeze.

The window was open, and a ray of sunlight shone on the woman's face. Under the faint sunlight, three thousand green hairs were fluttering. Her beautiful face was pale and bloodless, and her tightly knit indigo eyebrows made people see the forbearance. Never stop pity.

The white dress, the dense sunshine, the dazzling red blood, and a breeze blew the woman with her eyes closed and her frowning.

It's like an oil painting.

Li Gang hesitated and did not fire.

One is that this woman is so beautiful, and the second is that this woman has no weapons and is unconscious, so she does not pose a threat.

Thumb thump thump——

Ju Tianrui and Cannon also ran in.

"Gangzi, what are you staring at? Well, it looks good." Dapao asked, then turned his head to look in the direction Li Gang was looking, and two words popped out.

But soon, Cannon was separated from the woman's beauty, raised his gun and said: "No matter how beautiful she is, she will be destroyed! Brother Yu said, leave no one behind."

As soon as these words came out, Ju Tianrui and Li Gang looked at Da Pao with full admiration in their eyes. It turned out that the blood-handed man slaughtered Brother Da Pao. He was really cruel.


The beautiful woman sitting in the corner, perhaps because she was woken up by the cannons, woke up now.

Slowly open your eyes, the eyes are water waves, eyebrows are mountain peaks.

A pair of eyes were like autumn water, and when she opened her eyes, she saw the cannon pointing at her with a gun.

Trembling all over, he hurriedly begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, don't kill me."

"Are you from the motorcycle gang?" Li Gang straightened his expression and asked seriously.

He did not say who he was, but asked if this woman was a member of the motorcycle gang. If she was, then she would be killed and even if she was beautiful, she would not be allowed to stay.

If not, then there is no need to kill.

They are not crazy and will not kill people for no reason.

Hearing this, the woman looked at Li Gang and the others and thought for a moment.

She has never seen them in the motorcycle gang, so these people are most likely not from the motorcycle gang, then they are most likely from other forces.

Thinking back to what happened in the past two days, I and Lao Gui ran out after receiving the news yesterday.

Then, the group of people in front of you are likely to be enemies of the motorcycle gang.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Thinking of this, the woman breathed a sigh of relief.

He opened his red lips lightly and said: "I am not a member of the motorcycle gang. I am a kidnapped by the motorcycle gang. That old ghost snatched me away and used us as a reproductive tool. I wanted to kill him, but I was tied up and could not kill him." Him. Where is that old ghost now?"

"Dead." Li Gang stared at her, as if he wanted to distinguish the truth from the lies.

"What a good death! What a good death! Hahahaha! I knew he would be punished one day for what he suffered!" A crazy expression appeared on the woman's face.

Looking at her hysterical look, it was hard to imagine what she had experienced before.

Ju Tianrui looked at the blood on the ground and asked with speculation: "What is this blood on the ground?"

"It's that old bastard's child. Every time I have a chance, I will find a way to have an abortion. Last night, I jumped down from upstairs, crawled into this room, beat my stomach for a long time, and finally had an abortion. Hahahahaha, That old bastard always dreamed of having a child, but I just didn’t go along with his wishes.”

Looking at the crazy woman, Ju Tianrui and the others sighed.

After all, this is a poor man, a poor man who was captured by an old ghost and tortured.

"Alas" Ju Tianrui sighed and said nothing.

Turn around and leave.

Cannon next to him seemed a little ashamed, so he took out a hemostatic bag from his body and threw it next to the woman.

This woman looked at their backs as they left.

Suddenly he said loudly: "My name is Concubine, thank you! Thank you!"


This chapter is three in one, and there are 13,000 updates today.

Sincerely, Xiaoliicai, everyone, please give me a monthly pass


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