Li Gang and others looked back at her, left without saying anything, and continued running upstairs.

Upstairs, they found several zombies with bulging bellies. It was obvious that they had had a feast last night.

After Ju Tianrui and others dealt with the zombies in twos and twos, they looked at the surrounding layout, then walked to the window sill and looked down, and saw the pool of blood on the fourth floor.

Then he said to the others: "The woman downstairs is a smart person and a ruthless person. She jumped directly from here and survived. If she had stayed up here last night, she would have been killed long ago. The zombies ate it.”

Cannon looked at the window sill and didn't feel much. He said, "Let's speed up the progress and clean up everything in here as soon as possible."

Soon, as each group cleaned up, the remaining members of the motorcycle gang were discovered, but they were all eliminated by Ju Tianrui and the others.

Several of the remaining members of the motorcycle gang suffered some serious injuries, which also made it easier for everyone to clean up and saved them a lot of trouble.

Just when they were clearing out the biker gang's lair, leaving only the last area, news suddenly came from the intercom.

"Captain Ju, there are many people in the gray factory building in the middle behind. Please come over and provide support."

Ju Tianrui had just finished cleaning up a building at this time. He came down from the upstairs. After hearing the voices of the team members, his expression changed and he quickly said to Li Gang and others: "We found a lot of people behind, let's go and take a look."

After saying that, he rushed over there. At the same time, people who were searching in other directions also ran to support him.

It wasn't until Ju Tianrui, Li Gang and others arrived there that they discovered that these people were imprisoned inside iron railings and were naked and haggard.

There were more than a dozen corpses of zombies on the ground. It was easy to see that these zombies were eliminated by Zhou Tian and the others.

"What's going on?" After Ju Tianrui came over, he looked at the detainees inside and asked Zhou Tian.

Zhou Tian pointed his gun at the people inside the iron railings and said: "When we came in, we found some zombies here. After we dealt with them, we found them. These people said they were captured by the motorcycle gangs. They were all originally in Some survivors around here.”

Ju Tianrui carefully looked at the detainees inside, frowned and said, "Okay."

Then he said to the others: "Go and clean up the other places first, and leave this to me."

As soon as the words fell, the people who came around dispersed one after another to clean up the remaining places.

Ju Tianrui picked up the walkie-talkie and reported the situation here to Li Yu. After Li Yu heard it, he asked Li Tie to drive in the RV.

A few minutes later.

Li Yu walked into this factory building and saw the people detained here.

While he was looking at this group of people, these people were also observing Li Yu and others, with fear in their eyes. They didn't know whether these people in front of them would treat them like slaves like the motorcycle gang.

"Open the door." Li Yu just glanced at them and said to Ju Tianrui.

Ju Tianrui stepped forward, took a steel scissors from the car, and cut off the iron chain and lock on it.

Old Huangtou stood up from the corner and walked slowly towards the door.

Jiuge beside him said in a low voice: "Old Huangtou, what do you think?"

Old Huangtou looked at Li Yu and others wearing uniform explosion-proof suits, and said thoughtfully in his eyes: "This group of people is not simple. At present, it seems that these people are not planning to embarrass us."

Soon, Zhong Chuchu and Shen Xiaoxiao came over.

Li Yu pointed to these people who came out of the iron railing and said, "Do you know these people?"

Before Zhong Chuchu could answer, he heard a young man shout: "Sister Chuchu!"

"Is that Chu Chu?"

"It seems to be, you give way, you are blocking my sight."

Among the group of detainees, there was a crowd of people, and there were many voices of discussion.

In the crowd, a tall and thin young man squeezed out from the crowd behind, and shouted at Zhong Chuchu: "It's me, Xiaoye."

Zhong Chuchu looked at the tall, thin man with long hair and tattered clothes in front of him, and said somewhat uncertainly, "Xiaoye?"

"How did you become like this?" After Zhong Chuchu looked carefully, he confirmed that the person in front of him was Xiaoye, a member of the Oil City Walled City.

"Where's Lao Huang?" Zhong Chuchu looked at Xiaoye in front of him and asked.

After hearing Zhong Chuchu's voice, Lao Huang squeezed out from the crowd and saw Zhong Chuchu standing next to Li Yu. His face immediately showed joy, "Chu Chu! Xiaoxiao is here too. I have found you."

In the crowd, after hearing the news, dozens of people crowded over and joined Zhong Chuchu and Shen Xiaoxiao.

"Sister Chuchu, we failed to escape and were stopped by someone. Where have you been?"

"Finally we found the leader, we are saved."

"Sister Chu Chu, who are those people?"

"What, they killed all the biker gang, and the old ghost is also dead. That's great."

"The old ghost is dead, well done! He should have died a long time ago!"

Seeing a group of people surrounding Zhong Chuchu and Shen Xiaoxiao, Li Yu took a few steps back and looked at them quietly.

He didn't need to answer the question he asked Zhong Chuchu just now, everything in front of him has already given him the answer.

After a while, suddenly a woman came from behind.

He was about 1.75 meters tall, wearing a white dress covered in blood, and looked very weak.

At this time, she was standing on the right side of Li Yu and others and Lao Huang's group. There was a group of people on Li Yu's side, and a group of people on Lao Huangtou and Zhong Chuchu's side, but she was alone.

Standing more than ten meters away, just looking in the direction of Li Yu and the others, they seemed to have something to say, but seeing the murderous aura emanating from Li Yu and the others, they seemed afraid to get close.

The group of people who had just been released from the factory were quiet for a few seconds after seeing this woman, and they immediately started talking.

"Why isn't that woman dead? I remember she seemed to be an old ghost woman, right?"

"She is also a member of the motorcycle gang, she should be killed! Kill her!"

"Don't say that, she is also a poor person. She was also kidnapped by the motorcycle gang, but she was just used as a reproductive tool by the old ghost."

"Oh, what a sin."

"Hmph, I don't care if she is a fertility tool, but she deserves to die."

The gang was divided into three factions. Some people were tortured by the motorcycle gangs and wanted revenge, so they vented their anger on her.

Another group of people sympathized with her. After all, they were all victims. This group of people were basically the people from the former oil city who stood with Zhong Chuchu.

There is also the largest part of the group, the silent majority, standing there and watching with cold eyes.

Li Yu also looked over curiously and frowned.

Ju Tianrui next to him came over to explain how he found her just now, and why this woman was covered in blood.

After Li Yu finished listening, he glanced at the woman in surprise. This woman was very cruel to him.

The woman next to her obviously heard the words of the group that wanted to kill her. Her body swayed slightly, her pale face had a trace of blush, and her face was filled with anger.

She is not from here, everyone she knew was killed by the old ghost, but she does not mean that she can swallow her anger in the face of insults.

She shouted to the group of people who scolded her and even clamored to kill her: "A group of cowards who bully the weak and fear the strong. What's wrong with me? I'm also a victim. Do you think I want to? That old ghost killed me." family, I wish I could eat his flesh and skin him!"

"Then why don't you die, why don't you commit suicide?"

"Yes, you have been defiled by the old ghost, why don't you die?"

"If I were you, I would kill myself a long time ago."

Those people kept abusing her. If it wasn't for Li Yu's presence, they might have stepped forward to stone her to death by now.

"Are you clean? I am better than you high-sounding people. At least I have resisted and struggled. What about you? A bunch of cowards! I originally wanted to die, but I don't want to now!"

Femininely trembling all over, but she still stood upright, with anger in her eyes.

Li Yu saw this scene from the side, combined with what Ju Tianrui said just now, he was amazed.

What a strong woman.

Seeing her reminded him of Song Min back then.

Human nature in this world is like this, the weak dare not swing their swords at the strong, but they are more willing to swing their swords at those who are weaker than him.

Bully the weak and fear the strong.

Facing the motorcycle gang, he didn't know how to resist, but instead punched a woman who was hurt by the motorcycle gang.

Li Yu quietly watched this human drama. Originally, according to his idea, he wanted to set up the Oil City Walled City as a branch here, and then expand it according to the model of the Da Zhangshu Base. That would definitely require the use of people. to collaborators.

But this part of the people let him dispel this idea.

We can see the bad nature of people in the subtleties. Such a group of people who bully the weak and fear the strong will be obedient if they are incompetent. Once they are given weapons and power, these people are probably no better than the motorcycle gangs.

Seeing her scolding dozens of people alone, she still didn't lose the wind.

Among them, through her counterattack, it is not difficult to see that this woman's logical ability and argumentative ability are excellent. It seems that she should have received a good education before the end of the world.

After watching for a while, Ju Tianrui ran to Li Yu and said, "Mr. Li, the entire motorcycle gang's lair has been cleaned up. In a warehouse, a large amount of food, fuel, vehicles, as well as some alcohol and bullets were found."

Li Yu's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Said to Ju Tianrui: "That's right, let the brothers put these things in the car and transport them back to the Oil City."

Ju Tianrui asked curiously: "Shall we transport it back to the oil city? Then over here"

Li Yu pointed to the surroundings, there were burning flames everywhere, and said: "It doesn't make much sense here. The place is so big, it is difficult to defend without enough manpower. It is not as good as the Oil City Walled City. Although the place is not big, it is at least better than this place." The edge should be more guarded.

When there are not many people, the troops cannot be dispersed, otherwise nothing will be achieved.

Moreover, this area does not have any strategic significance. There is no oil, the wall is not well built, and the place is so big.

Bring back! "

After Ju Tianrui heard what Li Yu said, he nodded sincerely.

Li Yu's considerations were indeed more profound. There was stable oil over there in the Oil City Walled City. At least when facing the zombie wave, there was no need to be afraid. Even a small number of people could survive the zombie wave.

"I'll make arrangements right away." Ju Tianrui followed Li Yu's order and left here to make arrangements.

After Ju Tianrui left, Zhong Chuchu took Lao Huangtou and Xiaoye to Li Yu's side.

Zhong Chuchu looked at Li Yu and said, "I'm sorry, City Lord, I didn't have time to answer your question just now."

Li Yu waved his hand and said it was okay. If you have anything to say, please tell me.

Zhong Chuchu hesitated for a few seconds, and then said to Li Yu with some anxiety: "These people used to be from the Oil City Walled City, and they were all with us. They are very grateful to you for saving them.

At that time, we were attacked by motorcycle gangs and scattered in various places. Some people were arrested. Now they have nowhere to go. I was thinking about whether we could let them become partners of the Da Zhangshu base like us. "

As if she was afraid that Li Yu would misunderstand, she added: "Don't worry, the Oil City Walled City was attacked by motorcycle gangs, and now it belongs to you. They are only grateful to you and don't want to go back there. They just want to A way to survive. Look."

Li Yu looked at the people behind her, most of whom were young and strong, looking at herself expectantly.

In their opinion, Zhong Chuchu is a force that Zhong Chuchu is willing to follow and a force that he is willing to join. It is definitely not bad, not to mention that it was the same force that just killed the motorcycle gang.

Li Yu's face was expressionless, but his head was thinking rapidly.

Human beings can actually be considered a strategic resource in the apocalypse.

Only with people, especially talented people, can we sustain blood transfusion and expansion.

However, it is difficult to control the stability of people. For Li Yu, he would rather not have so many people, but also ensure the character of the personnel.

Otherwise, once something goes wrong, it will cause a huge disaster.

I passed through this group of people just now and did not insult the woman. Although I could see something, it was not enough.

Although they are just partners, it is of no harm to the Zhangshu Base. After all, it is just a cooperative relationship. There is no obligation or necessity to provide them with protection and food. They just get what they need through exchange.

Li Yu thought for a while and then said, "I'll think about it. I'll give you an answer later."

It just so happened that Ju Tianrui and the others were transporting the motorcycle gang's supplies. Let them act as porters to see if anyone would steal it. If there are people who steal it, we must not want such people.

However, Li Yu will not tell Zhong Chuchu that this is a test. He will only tell Zhong Chuchu the result after they finish it.

So he asked Ju Tianrui to come over and talked to him, asking him to load the weapons and ammunition into the car later. Don't let those people touch these things. He asked him to let the other things behind Zhong Chuchu later. People move it.

Moreover, let Ju Tianrui spread the news and let everyone keep their eyes open to see if anyone would steal it.

Then Li Yu found Zhong Chuchu and said to her: "You said I saved their lives and they are grateful to me?"

"Yes, they want to come over to thank me personally. Do you want them to come over?"

Li Yu waved his hand and said: "No, let's do this. Since you are so grateful to me, then let them help me move my things."

"Ah? Okay, what are you moving?" Zhong Chuchu was stunned when she heard this, but she still nodded in response.

"Lao Ju, tell her." Li Yu asked Ju Tianrui next to him to come over and talk to Zhong Chuchu.

One minute later.

Zhong Chuchu nodded, indicating that there was no problem.

Then she walked back and told Old Huangtou and the others the news.

Hearing this, Old Huangtou looked at the young man in the distance with strong appreciation in his eyes. No wonder he was able to have such a strong strength in the apocalypse. It seemed that he not only relied on firepower, but also enough caution.

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