The drone hovered in the military area for a long time. After discovering these helicopters, Li Yu became obviously more excited, and his eyes gleamed.

However, he remained calm despite being so excited.

Through the drone, we can see that there are many bones of corpses near the entrance of the military area. Some of the clothing and vehicle flags on them can be seen to be left by the motorcycle gang.

Going deep inside, there are no traces left by the motorcycle gangs.

This shows that the motorcycle gang members did not enter at all.

Don't they want to go in? According to the interrogated biker gang members, they couldn't enter at all, and the closer they went inside, the more zombies there were.

The small barracks were filled with zombies.

So Li Yu said to Li Tie: "Tiezi, turn on the speaker and test the water."

"Okay." Li Tie looked at the empty military camp. He was also very curious. There was no one here, so why did the motorcycle gang not enter?


A huge trumpet sounded, and the sound echoed throughout the entire military camp.

Even Li Yu and others outside the military camp could hear the sound of loudspeakers in the distance.


From each barracks, many zombies suddenly appeared. These zombies were basically wearing uniforms. Since it was winter when the apocalypse first broke out, they were still wearing winter uniforms.

Through the perspective of the drone, Li Yu and the others could see the zombies coming out of each barracks at a speed visible to the naked eye, like a tide.

Soon, they gathered under the drone.

There are so many zombies that the playground that was empty just now is now full of zombies.

In the aisle, on the playground, under the tree

Nearly two-thirds of the military area was filled with zombies.

Li Yu and others gasped when they saw this scene.

Logically speaking, this military camp is not small, but it can actually accommodate so many zombies.

At a rough glance, there were more than 30,000 zombies.

Moreover, since these zombies were in the army during their lifetime, they were tall and of good quality. Some zombies even had guns hanging on their bodies. When they walked, they bumped into the railings next to them and made a clanging sound.

Li Yu and his third uncle looked at each other.

Both of them had a look of fear in their eyes. The movement speed of these zombies was obviously higher than that of ordinary zombies.

Even so, Li Yu still wondered, since these zombies are attracted by the sound, why not just lure them away.

"Uncle Third, the best way now is to use drones to lure these zombies away, and then we can go in again. This is safe. What do you think?"

Li Yu looked at the drone and said to Uncle San.

The third uncle nodded slightly. He looked at these uniformed zombies with some sadness in his eyes.

To be honest, even if they turned into zombies, Uncle San still didn't want to shoot them.

"Okay. Just do as you say." The third uncle nodded and said.

Afterwards, Li Yu directed the convoy to retreat two or three kilometers away, trying to avoid direct contact with this group of zombies, lest the zombies abandon the horn on the drone and be attracted to them instead.

After retreating two kilometers away, everyone's vehicles turned around. If the zombies inside rushed out, they could leave at any time.

"Tiezi, lure those zombies out and go as far north as possible." Li Yu said to Li Tie next to him.

Li Tie nodded, controlled the drone, flew at low altitude, and slowly walked towards the gate with these zombies.

The drone always stays three meters above the zombies.

The loud noise made these zombies very restless.

In order to keep up with all the zombies as much as possible, the drone controlled by Li Tie would stop almost every ten meters and wait for the zombies behind to catch up.

"It works!" Li Yu saw that the zombies inside followed the drone, with a smile on his face.

Buzz buzz——

After a while, the drone finally led the dense group of zombies to the gate of the military area.

The gate was open, and they only had to walk a little further before they successfully lured the zombies out.

Li Yu looked at the drone screen seriously. As long as the drone took away these zombies, they would seize the time and take away the military radio station and helicopter, and everything would be perfect!

But, accidents happen.

The drone obviously flew outside the gate of the military area, but not a single zombie came out with it.

Standing just outside the gate, it seems that there is a barrier between the gate and the outside.

Keep these zombies from coming out.

"Strange! Why don't these zombies come out?" Li Tie was a little confused.

He thought he hadn't lured it out enough, so he drove the drone back, lowered its speed, and tried to lure the zombies out again.

However, after trying several times, it didn't work.

"Hey? It's really weird, why don't these zombies come out?" Li Tie stared at this scene with wide eyes.

Not only him, but also Li Yu, Sanshu, Lao Qin and others who were watching around the screen were stunned.

"What on earth is going on?" Li Yu looked at this scene in surprise.

Why are these zombies unwilling to leave the military area.

Seeing this scene, Li Yu inexplicably remembered a story he heard in his previous life.

It was a few years after the apocalypse broke out. A father was accidentally bitten and infected by a zombie, but he took his newborn daughter with him.

After being bitten, he realized that he would soon be unable to hold on, so he found a pile of carrion, tied them to wooden sticks, and asked a young boy to take care of his daughter after he lost his mind. .

After saying his final farewell to his daughter, he couldn't hold on anymore and became confused. But at the end, he was afraid that he would bite someone after turning into a zombie, so he put on braces on himself.

And he kept throwing the dirt on the ground with his hands. When he finally transformed into a zombie, his head was buried in the dirt. At the last moment, he understood why some zombies buried their heads in the dirt.

Because they are unwilling to hurt the people closest to them.

In the end, his head was buried in the dirt and he turned into a zombie.

Later, he turned into a zombie and walked in the fields and streets with his daughter and the little boy on his back.

The piece of rotten flesh tied with a wooden stick was always hanging in front of him who had turned into a zombie, driving him to walk.

I don’t know how long it took, but I finally met some survivors.

When this group of survivors saw this strange scene, they were all moved.

Using the carrion as a guide, we move forward with a heavy load on our backs.

This is the last thing a father does to his daughter after being bitten to death.

The survivors were moved by the man who had become a zombie and saved his daughter.

It was also at this time that the little boy followed the man's instructions and took a bottle of perfume from his pocket and sprayed it in the air.

The man who became a zombie trembled all over after smelling the perfume. This was the smell of his wife.

At this moment, the man who became a zombie no longer had any worries.

The survivors saw him off for the last time.

Later, he saw a few words written on his daughter's belly: Thank you, her name is Liu Xi.

When Li Yu first heard this story, he was greatly shocked. He lamented that even in such a cruel apocalypse, there is still touching humanity.

There is extreme evil in human nature, but there is also extreme goodness.

Such is the glory of human nature.

Just when everyone didn't know what was going on, the third uncle next to him looked at the flag at the door that was somewhat worn out by the wind and rain.

Suddenly he said dullly: "Perhaps, when the zombies first broke out, they didn't have time to receive new orders.

For those in the army, the first rule of discipline is: obey orders in all actions. "

"You are not allowed to leave the military camp without an order. This is discipline and a memory engraved in the bones of every soldier."

After the third uncle finished speaking, the eyes of Li Tie, Lao Luo, Ju Tianrui and others next to him became hot, and a ball of heat seemed to surge up from their chests.

The heat rushed to their heads, making those who were in the army feel extremely uncomfortable.

Resist the urge to cry.


The third uncle depressedly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit a cigarette.

His brows were furrowed, and there seemed to be memories in his eyes.

Not only him, many people in the Da Zhangshu base are in the army. Only those who have been in the army can understand the feeling.

That is fearlessness, that is faith, that is the most precious thing in their hearts.

The cicadas are chirping, and at 12 noon, the air is dull and depressing.

No one spoke. In this dull atmosphere, Li Yu also felt that emotion.

The third uncle finished smoking a cigarette, and then said to Li Yu: "I have a way."

Li Yu looked up in surprise. To be honest, it might be quite uncomfortable for him to lead everyone in. Firstly, seeing such a shocking side.

Secondly, there are too many zombies inside. The density of zombies in the small military camp is so high that it is extremely dangerous.

Before Li Yu could ask him what he could do, the third uncle shouted to Lao Qin next to him: "Old Qin, get in the car and drive to the gate of the military area."

"Uncle Third, is this too dangerous?" Li Yu said worriedly after hearing this.

The third uncle waved his hand and said there was no need to worry.

Lao Qin didn't know what the captain wanted to do, but out of years of habit, he wouldn't ask and just did it.

Lao Qin got into the car, and his third uncle also entered the car. Everyone was able to carry some of their own things.

After the third uncle got in the car, he rummaged through the package and found a souvenir from the time he was discharged from the army, a mini trumpet.

Lao Qin, who was about to start the car, saw his third uncle taking out this, and his body was shaken, as if he understood something.

Inexplicably, he felt a little excited.

He hadn't heard this voice for a long time.

"Let's go." The third uncle said to him.

Lao Qin stepped on the accelerator and drove towards the gate of the military area.

Li Yu looked at the back of his third uncle's vehicle, his head filled with doubts. He didn't know what his third uncle was going to do there.

Even if these zombies retain some habitual movements, they will still attack humans. The only bones left among those eaten at the door are the members of the motorcycle gang, which is proof.

As he slowly approached, the third uncle climbed on the roof of the car and took out the mini trumpet.

Li Yu saw his third uncle's movements through the drone and couldn't see clearly what was in his hands, so he was a little confused.

At this time, the third uncle was only twenty meters away from the entrance of the military area.

The vehicle is still moving.

Soon, the vehicle arrived outside the entrance of the military area, less than thirty meters away from the entrance of the military area.

"Xiao Tie, turn off the horn of the drone."

Uncle San used the walkie-talkie to contact Li Tie.

Upon hearing this, Li Tie immediately turned off the horn.

As the loudspeaker turned off, the zombies in the military area suddenly became quiet from their restlessness.

Li Yu looked at the zombies nervously, fearing that the zombies would rush towards Uncle San and his car from the military area.

But to his surprise, the zombies still did not leave the door.

Everyone was a little shocked when they saw this scene with their own eyes.

The next second, a loud, melodious, and urgent voice sounded.

"Tick-tock, tick-tock~tick!"


Hearing this sound, Li Tie and others were engraved in their bones, and their whole bodies trembled.

It was as if there was a breath of air rising from the soles of the feet and heading straight to the top of the head.

"This is the Charge." The jackal next to him raised his head, looked at the military area in the distance, and murmured.

The tone was full of memories and unspeakable emotion.

The zombies who had gathered at the door heard this voice.


Suddenly, he calmed down from the restlessness just now.


A zombie walked out of the gate, followed by more and more uniformed zombies.

Their walking speed was not fast, and although they still looked a bit chaotic, Li Yu had never seen such a neat group of zombies.

Seeing that the zombies that had not come out just now, no matter how they used the loudspeaker or any other method, they came out after hearing the charge.

At this moment, the sound of the Charge replaced Li Tie's original purpose of controlling the drone's horn to lure away these zombies.

When Li Yu and others saw this scene, goosebumps appeared all over their bodies, and the emotions in their hearts were even more complicated to the extreme.

Is this the belief?

Lao Qin saw with his own eyes the zombies in uniforms slowly walking out of the gate.

His eyes were hot, and tears flowed down.

"Damn!" Lao Qin wiped his tears, his eyes red.

This is the Charge, the sound that these people are most familiar with, the sound that is engraved in their bones and souls.

What does this sound mean? It means charging forward without fear of life or death.

His throat felt like there was a piece of lead pressed down on him. Looking at the zombies in uniforms, Lao Qin felt particularly uncomfortable. These were all comrades in arms before.

The third uncle was playing the trumpet, his eyes were red, and he couldn't help but want to choke, but he suppressed it in order to maintain the sound of the charge trumpet.

As the zombies slowly approached, Lao Qin stepped on the accelerator and walked slowly north.

Not fast so that they can keep up.

The Charge is loud, melodious, and extremely penetrating.

Even Li Yu and others who were two kilometers away could hear Uncle San blowing the charge horn.

Everyone looked down through the drone.

Uncle San and Lao Qin were driving in a car in front, followed by a dense wave of zombies, following unusually neatly under the hottest sunshine at noon.

This scene is very shocking.

The whole road was crowded with zombies, and when they raised their heads, they all headed in one direction. From the gate, none of the zombies who had never come out were pulled away, and they all headed in the direction of the third uncle.

Unknowingly, everyone was standing upright, neither sitting nor lying down. It seemed that only in this way could they express their inner emotions at this time.

The Charge is still loud and clear.

(Ask for a monthly ticket~~)

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