As Uncle San blew the horn, tens of thousands of uniformed zombies followed behind.

Everyone looked at this scene and were speechless for a long time.

Tap tap tap!

Under the noon sun, zombies will actually move more slowly and stiffly due to their limbs.

But at this moment, these uniformed zombies actually walked out in relatively orderly footsteps amidst the chaos.

This neatness seems to be part of their body memory.

The mighty zombie wave slowly followed the third uncle. To be precise, it should be following the direction of the sound of the Charge.

There were too many zombies in the military camp. It took more than ten minutes for all the zombies to walk out of the military camp.

The drone controlled by Li Tie allowed Li Yu and others to see a long group of zombies, like a long dragon.


Li Yu slowly let out a sigh of relief, and then woke up everyone who was still immersed in that sad mood.

"Let's go, we have to go fast. I don't know how long Uncle San can hold on."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked to the car.

Everyone also woke up with a start, then got in the car and drove quickly towards the military camp.

Li Tie is still using a drone to detect the movement there, in case the zombies suddenly return, then all of them will be trapped in the military camp.

There are so many zombies, if they are trapped, these zombies can kill them.

Time, every second counts.

Soon, they arrived at the gate of the military camp.

I saw so many zombies leaving from inside just now, anyway, even if there are still zombies inside, the number should be very few.

"Everyone mainly completes two tasks. Uncle Jackal and Uncle Ant, I will leave the helicopter to you. After you get it, you can fly the helicopter out without waiting.

The second task is the military radio station. After everyone enters, the first thing to do is to find the military radio station.

If you still have time, you can put all the firearms and ammunition inside, all you can take away, into the car. "

Li Yu quickly told everyone about the mission.

Everyone responded one after another.

The vehicle entered the gate, but after they entered the gate, none of the zombies could be seen.

Extraordinarily desolate.

"Scatter." Li Yu gave an order, and they drove the vehicle to each barracks.

Soon, Ju Tianrui walked into the nearest barracks, but saw that there was no one there.

"Mr. Li, there are no zombies here."

"I don't have one here either."

After hearing the dispersal, Lao Bi, Ju Tianrui, and Jackal didn't see any zombies.

Although they had expected it, the people who actually saw this scene were still shocked.

For those zombies who went out, they became more and more respectful.

The entire military camp was now empty.

This is also convenient for Li Yu and the others to search for what they want.

In this empty barracks, there are still some shell casings in the dilapidated barracks, which should have happened when the zombies just broke out.

As time goes by.

Suddenly, news came from Ju Tianrui: "Mr. Li, I found two intact military radios here, and also found some firearms, no, many guns."

"I found thirty sets of special forces suits here. There are also night vision goggles and gas masks."

"Get rich, I found a warehouse, come quickly!!!

Anti-riot weapons include rubber bullets, tear gas, dazzling bombs, high-pressure water guns, etc.;

There are also many kinds of firearms, including pistols, rifles, submachine guns, machine guns, special guns and shotguns

Bullets, artillery shells, aerial bombs, grenades, mines, mines, explosives, etc.


Lao Bi's voice echoed on the channel.

Li Yu quickly ran towards him.

Originally, military areas were usually located in relatively open highlands. Although natural disasters occurred in the last days, this warehouse was well sealed, so many things inside were not soaked by water.

Only the surface carries a thick layer of dust.

In the previous big flood, the dam was flooded, and the Changhe River Basin was mainly affected. Although the Yellow River Basin in the north was also affected, the nearby cities were also affected.

However, the location of this military region is at a higher altitude, so the impact is very small.

Li Yu came to the deepest part of the military zone. In the underground warehouse here, he saw a large warehouse. In front of him were 6 military trucks, 3 armored personnel carriers and 3 infantry fighting vehicles.

Mighty and domineering.

Lao Bi and others inside were overjoyed. They touched here and there, and the wrinkles on their faces turned into flowers with laughter.

Li Yu also had a smile on his face. Lao Bi was right.

Get rich!

Just when he was immersed in this kind of joy, news came from Jackal: "Mr. Li, we have arrived at the helicopter. After inspection, only one can be used, and the other engine is seriously damaged. There's also a big problem with the wing that we can't fix."

After hearing this, Li Yu replied: "It's okay, just having a helicopter is enough. This is also an unexpected surprise."

Afterwards, Li Yu shouted to Lao Bi and the others: "Don't look, hurry up and move your things into the car, and quickly check whether these cars can be taken away. If this transport car can be used, you don't have to worry about it later." I can’t pretend anymore.”

They only brought a dozen vehicles, most of which were used to carry people. If they wanted to move everything inside, those vehicles would definitely not be enough.

After all, when they came here, they just wanted to find a military radio station at first. They never expected that it would give them a huge surprise after they came here.

Lao Bi quickly came to his senses, nodded quickly and said, "Yes, yes, everyone, check quickly."

After saying that, he walked out of the warehouse and walked in with a barrel of diesel.

Add diesel to the military truck, then get in and light it up.

Boom boom boom~

It rang for a while and finally started.

It works!

Immediately afterwards, Lao Bi went to check other cars.

In the end, it was found that 5 military trucks, 2 armored personnel carriers and 2 infantry fighting vehicles were useful, but the other three could not be started for unknown reasons.

But at this time, they did not have time to carefully check what caused the failure to start.

They just want to move hard and move quickly.

There were too many things. Even if more than 80 people came, it would still take a lot of time to move them all.

So Li Yu told Lao Qin about the situation here.

The third uncle is still playing the trumpet and can't stop at all. He doesn't know what the consequences will be if he stops, so the third uncle keeps playing.

After Lao Qin learned the news about Li Yu, he told his third uncle behind him.

After the third uncle learned about it, he stretched out his hand and made a 1.

"An hour?" Lao Qin and his third uncle confirmed.

The third uncle said "OK".

So Lao Qin shouted to Li Yu: "In an hour, we will bring the zombie back."

They didn't test it, and they didn't know if the zombies would return the same way after stopping the charge.

If they stop here and those zombies turn back directly, then Li Yu and the others will be in danger.

To be on the safe side, third uncle kept blowing, leading these zombies around in circles.

"Okay." Li Yu was slightly happy after hearing that for an hour.

This time is beyond his expectation, as long as you hurry up, all the things inside can be moved away.

So he picked up the walkie-talkie and contacted everyone: "Within 55 minutes, everyone must evacuate here, and the countdown begins!"

Everyone who heard the news adjusted their watches one after another.

Basically everyone will be equipped with a waterproof watch, and these watches are all obtained from the previous search.

Soon, everyone was working hard to carry it.

This trip was too hasty, and I didn't bring a forklift, so most of the things had to be carried by two people.

Li Yu looked at the warehouse with the most weapons and ammunition. There were only more than 30 people from Lao Bi and the others, so he asked Ju Tianrui to divide half of the people over.

After checking the condition of the helicopter, Jackal and the others found no aviation kerosene, so they could only add some diesel to it.

Then the helicopter flew up.

The sound of the helicopter was loud, booming, and Li Yu ran out of the warehouse.

When he saw the helicopter flying in the sky, he couldn't hide the smile on his face no matter what.

Many men like to fly airplanes.

Whether it was before the end of the world or in the previous life, Li Yu never had the opportunity to fly a plane.

But in this life, when the time comes, I can let my third uncle and the others teach me how to fly this helicopter.

Jackal and the others drove the helicopter around the military area and then parked it back.

After the jackal got off the helicopter, he frowned and said to the ant: "It stands to reason that there should be repair tools, let's look for them. In addition, although the helicopter next to it has many problems, some parts can still be removed. use."

Ant nodded and said, "Let's look for it."

In the military area, many things are placed according to certain rules.

Soon, the two veterans, as soldiers, found the tools to repair the helicopter and even found some important parts inside.

They loaded the parts and tools on the cart, then pushed the cart and put it into the intact helicopter.

Next, they began to dismantle the broken helicopter.

With limited time, they could only remove the more important and easily damaged components.

Time passes slowly.

Ju Tianrui later found two intact military radio stations. These radio stations were very important and the most important reason why they came here.

No one rested, even though their hands were trembling with fatigue, they still didn't stop.

This feeling is like an event held one day before the end of the world

You are asked to pick up as much money as you can on the ground within an hour.

Anyone would go crazy picking up money.

In the same way, these people went crazy when they saw these weapons and equipment.

No one has the luxury of wasting time to rest, and rest is not the time to rest.

Li Yu looked at the countdown and there were only the last twenty minutes left.

At this time, most of the weapons and ammunition had been carried, and everyone was dripping with sweat.

In addition, this time is just after twelve o'clock, which is the hottest time of the day.

The weather has started to heat up again recently, and the highest temperature at noon can now reach 42 degrees.

Li Yu sent two people to get some water from the car. With such heavy physical work, it is easy to become dehydrated if you do not replenish water.

"Hey!" Li Yu picked up two boxes of ammunition.

Lao Bi and the others are now used to it. They have seen it too much, and they will naturally get used to it.

Lao Bi and the others usually need two people to move it, but Li Yu can lift four of them by himself.

Li Yu's joining made their transportation speed much faster.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

If they are arranged in order of importance, first of all, the military radio station, then the helicopter, and then these guns and artillery shells.

When we eliminated the motorcycle gang last time, we used a lot of precious artillery shells, and now we have all been replenished, and there are even a lot more.

With these shells, they can last for a long time.

The jackal and the ant removed the last part and looked at their watches. There were less than ten minutes left.

After hesitating for a moment, he said to Li Yu:

"For the sake of safety, we drove the helicopter out first. To be honest, this helicopter has been left here for too long. It was exposed to wind and rain. It was a miracle that it was able to fly just now.

I'm afraid that the time is almost up and something goes wrong. Let's take the helicopter out first and park it just two kilometers away. "

Hearing this, Li Yu felt that Jackal's words made sense, so he said: "Okay, Uncle Jackal, then I'd like you and Uncle Ant to fly the helicopter out first. We're almost finished here."

As he said that, he glanced at the busy people.

"Okay." Jackal replied.

After saying that, he nodded towards the ants.

The two got into the helicopter and lit it up.



There was no movement for a while, and the jackal patted his mouth.

"Crow's Mouth. Damn!"

Then he tested it again, and it finally turned on this time.

"The transmission gear may be worn out, and we will find a way to repair it later." Listening to the sound of flying, the ant said to the jackal.

"Okay, it should last for a while, at least it's no problem to fly a few hundred kilometers." Jackal said.

"Yeah." The ant didn't object, and he thought so too.

Soon, they landed the helicopter in the area just now.

That place is wide, but the helicopter can be put down.

at the same time.

Li Yu looked at the last box of shells, loaded them into the military truck, and exhaled heavily.

Then he shouted to Lao Bi: "I'll leave this to you, drive the car out quickly."

Then I looked at the time and saw that there were only 8 minutes left.

Shouted: "Eight minutes to go."

After saying that, Li Yu walked out of the warehouse.

Seeing outside, the cars they brought were full of various things, body armor, helmets.

There were even five military pickup trucks, all piled high with all kinds of stuff.

Seeing that Ju Tianrui was picking up the gun hanging by the door, the gun should have fallen from a certain zombie.

"Ju Tianrui, where did you find these pickup trucks?" Li Yu shouted at Ju Tianrui.

"That back." Ju Tianrui pointed to the rear of the military camp.

"Where's the military radio?" Li Yu asked.

"I asked Dongtai and the others to take them out first."

"We don't have much time. After moving everything, get in the car and leave here."


Li Yu got in the car and was about to contact his third uncle.

At the same time, Lao Qin contacted Li Yu and shouted: "We are back, have you gone out?"

Li Tie next to him also shouted: "Three kilometers away, they will be back soon."

Upon hearing this, Li Yu immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said to everyone: "Now, immediately, immediately, whether the move is finished or not, get in the car and leave."



In fact, they have already moved all the important things, but that's how it is here. When they see something that may be useful, they want to move it together.

Under Li Yu's order, everyone immediately got in the car and left.

Boom boom boom!

As a vehicle left the military area.

Li Yu took the walkie-talkie and counted the people to make sure no one was left there.

It's no joke if anyone stays in there.

With a personal count, everyone was ensured to come out.

Li Yu relaxed a little now. Although they came out now, the third uncle's side was not over yet.

The third uncle did not discuss it with him. At this time, the third uncle could not speak. He could only wait and see how he would handle it.

I don’t know if the third uncle will lead the zombies back to the military camp, or if he has other arrangements.

He didn't know, but he had to do something about it.

He picked up the walkie-talkie and contacted Lao Qin: "Uncle Qin, we are all out now. We are just waiting for you to finish."

When Lao Qin heard this, he looked at the zombies that had been following the car, and felt no relief.

He shouted to the third uncle behind him: "Captain, Mr. Li and the others have left the military area now, what will happen to us behind?"

(Ask for monthly ticket)

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