Glacier Challenge is a special program of this city, and they will hold this event at this time of year.

  I got into the water in such a cold weather.

  But this is also everyone's carnival. Seeing the players screaming and struggling in the water, everyone finds it very fun.

  Therefore, the number of participants is increasing, and by now, it has almost become a major event here.

  Qin Shaoyu and others are all outsiders. The first time they heard about these games, they never thought about participating.

   Therefore, when Qin Shaoyu proposed to participate in the competition, everyone was stunned.

  "Are you crazy?! If you want to go down, you have to lie down for a few months when you come back!"

  Of course this is an exaggeration, but the question is, if this goes on, wouldn’t it be cold to death?

  If you have poor physical fitness, you will have to stay in bed for a while if you go down for a while.

  With Qin Shaoyu's physique, he doesn't seem to be a person who can bear the cold!

  Other contestants have already made various preparations beforehand. They must not stop doing exercises, so that they can progress gradually every day, and they won’t be overwhelmed by the water.

  So, generally, the players who come to participate in the competition will not be casual.

  That would really be terrible.

  So, Qin Shaoyu's request is very scary.

   "You still want to make a movie! Don't you take your body seriously?"

   and Qin Shaoyu’s companion is a third-line American actor, who is familiar but the audience may not be able to name it.

  The relationship between them and Qin Shaoyu is pretty good. Qin Shaoyu’s previous performance on the set has surprised them.

  They also like strong and humble newcomers, especially this small Chinese actor who is so handsome and exquisite.

  Qin Shaoyu has just grown up, but in the eyes of Americans, this appearance is simply underage.

  The average age of the members of the crew is thirty or forty years old, and Qin Shaoyu’s age is equivalent to their children.

  So, they were very good to Qin Shaoyu, and now they heard that he was looking for death, they were all frightened.

   "Don't worry, I have confidence." Qin Shaoyu said earnestly.

   Then, she looked at Noah not far away and raised her volume.

   "Don't worry, I have participated in a parkour competition before, and I took the first place directly. That is too simple. This challenge is even simpler."

  Number one in parkour?

Then what?

  What does this have to do with this glacier challenge?

  No matter how parkour is, there is no need to run into the water.

   "These are two different things at all!" Others persuaded.

  Bao Rutong also looked sad, "I beg you, don’t join in the fun..."

  "Don’t worry, I’m confident. Besides, I’m much better than some people! They dare not go down, I dare. When the time comes, I will give you the first place!"

  The people around him were speechless.

  Where did he come from such a big tone?

  They felt chilly standing on the shore, let alone entering the water.

  The most important thing is that you can’t swim after entering the water, at most you can just jump in place.

  So, there is no heat generated at all.

   Isn’t this alive and dead?

  Noah also heard the provocation in his words.

  Parkour competition, take first place... Doesn’t it all have anything to do with him?

   Isn't he too much of this?

  However, facing Qin Shaoyu’s provocative eyes, his head became hot, and he said directly: "I will also participate!"

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