Noah’s voice also attracted the attention of other people. Everyone could not help being surprised. Why do so many people want to go into the water today?

  Looking at their appearance again, they didn’t come prepared at all. Are they here to die?

  Noah’s companion was also shocked, "Are you crazy?"

  Although the water here is not frozen, it does not mean that the water is not cold!

   "You have to film tomorrow!"

  However, before Noah spoke, he heard Qin Shaoyu speak not far away.

   "Oh, as expected, some people still dare not participate. In that case, I should participate by myself!"

   Noah who was seated in the seat was angry again, "Don't worry, if it doesn't work, I will come up!"

  The companion who came out with Noah is similar to his coffee position, so no one can persuade him.

  In the end, everyone can only let him participate.

  The organizing committee who accepted the registration was also surprised. I didn’t expect two more stars to participate this time!

  Although they are not bad news exposure, but two more celebrities participate, which shows that their activities are very good!

  Although there is a film and television city nearby, the stars usually come and go in a hurry.

  So, they asked the two of them very seriously.

  "Do you really want to participate in the competition?"



  The two nodded together.

  Noah glared at Qin Shaoyu, and then got his bright smile.

  Noah's eyes became colder.

  He knew that Qin Shaoyu was going to coax himself into the water, but he knew that he knew, but he was unwilling to refuse.

  Although he grabbed the role from Qin Shaoyu's hands, the feeling of losing a round was as if it were in his throat.

  He always felt that as long as he worked hard, he would be successful.

  However, he obviously performed very well, but as soon as Qin Shaoyu appeared, he lost his light.

After   , if it were not for his own use, Director Carl would not choose him to participate.

  After Qin Shaoyu released two songs, after gaining a good reputation in the United States, he was able to find that Director Carl’s attitude towards him was a little different.

  Furthermore, he accidentally heard Director Carl and others say: I would have known that I would not change people.

  Such words made him very angry.

  At the same time, some fans on the Internet began to compare the situation of the two, and some people sighed that it was a pity that Director Carl did not choose Qin Shaoyu! This will definitely be his biggest mistake!

  He did not dare to resent Director Carl, nor did he dare to resent the netizens, but he was able to vent all his grievances on Qin Shaoyu.

  If Qin Shaoyu hadn't performed so well, he wouldn't let others like him so much.

  So, all this is Qin Shaoyu's fault!

  He has always wanted to suppress Qin Shaoyu, letting everyone know that he is the best!

  At that time, everyone will know that Qin Shaoyu is just lucky!

   had this idea in his mind, so Noah agreed to this game.

   Soon, the two signed up.

  The registration deadline has come soon, and all the players are standing on the shore to prepare.

  There are many players who signed up, tall, short, fat, thin, men and women of all ages.

  However, among so many people, Qin Shaoyu and Noah are the most eye-catching because they are the best, and they have black hair and black eyes. Among a bunch of heads with various hair colors, their black is the most conspicuous.

  But what everyone pays more attention to is Qin Shaoyu. His appearance is so exquisite that people can't help discussing.

  Listening to others discussing Qin Shaoyu, Noah's face became even more ugly.

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