Qin Shaoyu came out of the crew and walked back to the hotel with Bao Rutong. There was no snow in these two days, but it was still quite cold.

  But Qin Shaoyu is still a coat, completely different from Bao Rutong who wrapped himself into a ball.

   One tall and one short, one thin and one bloated, it is really conspicuous when going out.

  While walking, Bao Rutong also talked to Qin Shaoyu about the next itinerary.

  I just didn’t expect that when I walked to a corner, two people suddenly popped out, and they were still holding guns in their hands!

  The United States can have guns, so various social news often happens.

  But Bao Rutong did not expect that someone would run to him with a gun!

  She gasped and almost fainted!

   These are two black men, very tall, dark-skinned, and very vicious expressions.

   "Take out all the money from you! Otherwise, you will be killed!"

  Bao Rutong almost didn't scream out, and grabbed Qin Shaoyu to hide behind him, "You... don't mess around!"

   "Don't talk nonsense! Give money!"

  The black holes of the two men pointed at Bao Rutong and Qin Shaoyu, their faces were ferocious.

   "You want money?" Qin Shaoyu said coldly.

   "Yes! Give money!"

  One of them shook his gun and said to them: "Hurry up and get your money out! Otherwise, I'll be your kind!"

  Bao Rutong’s heart was about to jump out, his legs were soft, and he nodded and said, "I, we will give you money! Don’t mess around!"

  They didn’t know, all their movements were captured by a camera not far away.

  A man made a V to the camera with a big smile, "Let’s see how they will react."

  In the live broadcast room, everyone's comments were all brushed up.

   "This man is too scared! He hides behind the girl!"

  "This woman is pretty, she should be a little older than this man, brother?"

   "Hey, isn't this Qin? Why did you find him this time?"

   "Yes, this is Qin! But, his performance is too rubbish? Why do you hide behind the girls?"

   "In front of death, I am afraid of death!"

  Everyone smiled and posted various comments.

  Everyone wanted to see Qin Shaoyu’s reaction, and wanted to know what he would do.

   However, Bao Rutong’s reaction was too fast, and he blocked him directly, which was a bit wrong in the eyes of others.

  A big man hides behind the girl, which is too shameful!

  A man like this is really not like a man, so he can't feel safe at all!

  Everyone had a lively discussion, and many people looked down on Qin Shaoyu with contempt. If his boyfriend had done this, he would have kicked him a long time ago!

  It’s just that I didn’t expect that the next moment, things would turn around directly!

  Qin Shaoyu pushed Bao Rutong aside, and then walked towards the two men.

   "You, what do you want to do?!"

  The two men didn’t expect Qin Shaoyu’s reaction, and they were stunned. What did he want to do?

   "Don't come here! Or kill you!" They shook their guns.

  Qin Shaoyu smiled at them, and then raised his right foot fiercely, kicking one of the men out!

  【Fuck! What did i see? ! 】

  【Did you fly out? ! Am I dazzled? ! 】

【sky! This is Hua Guo Kung Fu? ! 】

  【My God! He actually has this kind of ability? ! 】

  But Qin Shaoyu didn't stop, and kicked another man out.

  Next, he stepped forward quickly.

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