Qin Shaoyu took a few steps forward and kicked the hand of the black man who had not yet reacted. Their hand hurt and the gun fell off.

  Qin Shaoyu stepped forward and picked up the two guns.

  Then the object at the gunpoint was changed.

  This process is very fast, but within a few seconds, the person holding the gun and the person threatened instantly exchanged.

  The live broadcast room was silent.

  【So this is Hua Guo Kung Fu! That's awesome! 】

  【I also want to learn Chinese Kungfu! This is too great! 】

【sky! Faced with such a terrifying gun, he even dared to fight back! so amazing! 】

  【If it were me, just kneel down! 】

  The live broadcast room went crazy immediately, and the comments passed.

  The two black men who were pointed at by Qin Shao's guns also wanted to cry without tears.

  In their plan, as long as they took out the grab, Qin Shaoyu would definitely kneel down.

  I just didn’t expect that the development of the matter completely exceeded their expectations!

  Qin Shaoyu did not kneel down, but they themselves were the ones who knelt down in the end!

  This embarrassing scene was faithfully recorded by the camera.

Seeing Qin Shaoyu's success, Bao Rutong finally recovered and rushed up, "Are you okay?"

  Qin Shaoyu smiled slightly, "It's okay."

  How can something happen? These are just fake guns.

  He was a little worried, not about himself, but about Bao Rutong.

  But after seeing their guns, I immediately understood that it was fake.

  Don't talk about fake guns, even when facing real guns, she won't be ashamed.

   "Oh my God, it's too dangerous here!"

  Bao Rutong still has lingering fears.

  I’ve heard that this place is dangerous before, but the problem is that this kind of thing can happen on the streets where these people come and go!

  Are these people so rampant? !

   "Call the police!" Bao Rutong said angrily.


  Qin Shaoyu shook his head.


  Bao Rutong wondered, "You didn't mean to let them go like this, did you?"

After    finished speaking, Bao Rutong himself reacted first, "Yes, they are the people here after all..."

  If you offend them, something will happen.

  But, just let them go, this is too awkward!

   "There is no need to call the police." Qin Shaoyu shook his head, then threw two guns to the ground, raised one foot high, and then fell fiercely.


  The two guns on the soles of his feet shattered instantly and turned into dregs.

  This scene stunned everyone, whether it was Bao Rutong and others present, or the people in the live broadcast room.

  This is a simulation gun! Although there is not much lethality, the appearance is still very real, and the hardness is not low.

   Even if you smash something, it may not be so fragmented!

  But, Qin Shaoyu couldn't help but crushed them!

  What kind of power is this? !

  The two people lying on the ground watched his movements and shook together, and the goose bumps were all up.

  If Qin Shaoyu’s feet were on them...

  Thinking of this, they almost burst into tears.

  Where does this monster come from! This is too cruel! More cruel than them!

After Qin Shaoyu stepped on his spear, he turned his head and looked aside.

"What are you looking at?"

  Bao Rutong looked at it suspiciously, and finally saw the camera here clearly.

   "What are they doing?"

  Bao Rutong is a bit confused.

  "Taking us." Qin Shaoyu said with certainty, "We have encountered a street trick."

   "Street tricky?"

  Bao Rutong was taken aback for a moment, and then became angry, "What messy tricks?!"

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