I thought it was being robbed by someone, and even brought a gun, but I didn’t expect that all this turned out to be street tricks? !

  Is the tricky game so big now? Isn't this going to scare people to death? !

  What if they are timid? Who is responsible if you are frightened out of trouble?

   "They are too much!"

   After Bao Ziruo finished speaking, he closed his eyes and fainted.

   "Sister Tong!"

  Qin Shaoyu responded quickly to take Bao Rutong, and was shocked.

   Both people on the ground are a little bit confused, why suddenly they fainted?

   Haven't they all beaten them to the ground and trampled all their guns to pieces? How can you be so scared?

  Qin Shaoyu supported Bao Rutong, took out his mobile phone and called the ambulance here.

   Then, he turned his head to look at these two people, "You are scared to dizzy, you are responsible!"

  Only then did the two of them react, their expressions changed drastically.

  Fuck! This is too bad!

  Be aware that medical ambulance in the United States is very expensive. Even if you just call an ambulance, you have to spend a lot of money.

  They just came here to shoot the video and play tricks, but they didn’t expect it to be like this!

  But Qin Shaoyu wouldn't let them leave. His eyes stared at them indifferently, with the rhythm of directly torturing them when they moved.

  Both of them were about to cry.

  The people who were filming over there rushed in front of them, clarified the matter, and explained that they were playing street pranks and were not wicked.

  "Are you playing street tricks?"

  Qin Shaoyu narrowed his eyes dangerously and looked at them.

  Several people trembled, not daring to shake their heads, "Yes, we didn't expect..."

   "Okay, don't talk so much nonsense, you will be reimbursed for medical expenses."

  As soon as these words came out, their faces became more bitter.

  Go to the hospital, that's terrible!

  There is a saying on the Internet that foreigners are so serious about fitness because they cannot afford to be ill.

  Of course, this is an exaggeration, but the medical resources here are very expensive. If there is no medical insurance, it is even more difficult.

  People often complain about it. They have a cold. They lined up in the hospital for a few days before seeing the doctor. At that time, the cold was gone.

  So, generally speaking, if they can't go to the hospital, they won't go.

  But now, they actually scared people out!

  In this case, they have to pay for this time!

  This is too bad!

  They have been doing street tricks for so many years, and they haven’t been so unlucky yet!

  But Qin Shaoyu doesn't care about their sad reminders, anyway, this is what they caused, so they are naturally responsible for them.

   Soon, the ambulance arrived.

  Listening to the sound of the ambulance, these people were almost crying.

  This is all money!

  Went to the hospital, and after a checkup, there was no major problem in the end, but after looking at the final bill, tears came out on their faces.

When Bao Rutong woke up, he looked dazed.

  Why did she pass out?

  She was really nervous before, but she is not so vulnerable!

  Furthermore, the matter is over, and the real situation has been learned from Qin Shaoyu's mouth, so it is even more impossible to faint!

  So, the fainting this time made her very puzzled.

  Qin Shaoyu certainly couldn't tell her that this was a ghost of her.

  Who let these people do this kind of thing. She just wanted to teach them a lesson.

  Bao Rutong is fine anyway, and it’s okay to check.

  Furthermore, she suspects that these people's intentions are not good, and they can't be pure street tricks.

  How to say her current popularity is also there, and fools will come out to trick her.

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