Rebirth of the Chief Male God: Inverse Young, Addicted To Pets

Chapter 1062: The messenger behind the scenes

  The few people were in pain. When they saw the bill, they almost cried.

   However, they dare not resist no matter what.

  Qin Shaoyu’s previous performance has successfully deterred them, making them afraid to resist.

  Seeing Qin Shaoyu insisting on taking Bao Rutong for various examinations, their hearts were bleeding.

  They were also wondering in their hearts, what happened to Bao Rutong and why she didn't wake up after tossing for so long, but after doing all the checks, she suddenly woke up.

  This kind of magical thing makes them look bewildered, this kind of thing is too far beyond their cognition.

  It's always impossible for Qin Shaoyu to wake Bao Rutong, right? No one's doctor can wake her up!

  If it weren’t for Bao Rutong’s troubles, they wouldn’t be so worried, so Qin Shaoyu would take her for various examinations.

  After a series of inspections are done, they are going to die, okay!

  After Qin Shaoyu and the others left, they were full of resentment.

  They didn't dare to find Qin Shaoyu to settle the accounts, they could only find the instigator this time.

  Yes, as Qin Shaoyu expected this time, they would come here because someone was urging them.

  The intention of their visit this time is really not very friendly. Their live broadcast this time is not purely tricky, but also reveals Qin Shaoyu's "true face"!

  In the face of such a simulated gun, how many people can keep calm?

  A weak chicken like Qin Shaoyu, if he is threatened at that time, he will definitely expose all kinds of unbearable sides. If this is the case, he will be ashamed.

  In this case, everyone can see how embarrassing he is.

  Such a counselor will definitely be laughed at by everyone.

  As long as you open the beginning, it will be easier to operate later.

  It's just that they didn't expect that the development of things was completely beyond their control.

  Qin Shaoyu didn't do what they thought, instead he broke out, smashing their guns! It was them who were scared to death!

  Moreover, his bravery in front of the camera shocked everyone.

  What a sense of security for such a mighty man!

  Not only did they fail to expose Qin Shaoyu's ugly and weak side, but instead let him show his face in front of everyone.

  Now, the fans below their videos are going crazy, and the comments all have the same meaning-Qin Shaoyu is so handsome!

  The most important thing is that they still spent so much money!

  Thinking of the large sum of money, their hearts are bleeding.

  They don’t have much money. This medical bill really cost them half their lives!

  So, they can only find someone responsible.

When    was found, Emily was very annoyed.

   "You guys made things like this, so you are embarrassed to ask me for money?"

   "Huh! If it weren't for you to let us go, how could we do this kind of thing! Anyway, we can't suffer. If you don't give it, I will go to your father!"

  Of course, so to speak, they dare not go to Emily’s father.

  This kind of thing, they dare not let others know, otherwise, it would be ashamed.

   was threatened, Emily was more nervous than them.

  If they really go to find their father, it will be over.

  In the end, she can only grit her teeth and give them the money.

  Rao is that she has a lot of pocket money, but she is also distressed for giving so much money!

  With so much money, she can buy some beautiful bags.

  But, she was even more afraid that they would go to her father to sue.

  After solving these people, she ran to Noah to complain.

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