Qin Shaoyu said to Bao Rutong with a bewildered look: "Sister Tong, are your previous photos still there?"

   "Yes." Bao Rutong nodded, "What's wrong?"

   "Show them."

  Bao Rutong was puzzled, but still adjusted the photos in the phone.

   "Gosh! Is this how you were before?!"

  Emini could not help being shocked after seeing the look above clearly, Bao Rutong's appearance was amazing!

  Of course, the former Bao Rutong is not ugly, even if she is fat, she is also the beauty of the fat man.

   However, Bao Rutong and before after losing weight are completely two people!

  No wonder people say that losing weight is the best plastic surgery.

  Fred also raised his thumb, "It's incredible!"

  Gu Shixian also leaned over to take a look, and then sneered, "I was a fat man before, then? What do you want to explain?"

  Queen Qin Shao looked at her with eyes that care for the mentally retarded, and then said to Bao Rutong: "Sister Tong, tell them how you lost weight."

Bao Rutong looked at them blankly, but still took out the bottle from his bag.

   "I just took this slimming pill."

   "Slimming pills?!"

  This pronunciation is in Chinese, but Emini is very impressed.

   "Yes." Bao Rutong nodded, and then translated it in English, "After eating this, I slowly lost weight."


  Emini was stunned, Bao Rutong actually lost weight by this!

"you're lying!"

  Gu Shixian was shocked, and immediately pointed at them, “Don’t use this kind of stuff to talk nonsense! Are you really stupid?”

  How can you lose weight just by taking these pills! At most, you can maintain your figure!

  Queen Qin Shao looked at her with pity and sarcasm, "Really? You really think we are talking nonsense? If you think it's impossible, why do you plagiarize the prescription?"

   "You! What did you say!"

  Gu Shixian's face was pale, "Who, who said it was me..."

"Apart from your ancient family, who else would be so shameless? If you want to imitate other people's prescriptions, but you can't fully copy them, but you still regard yourself as genuine, the price is so high, do you really think everyone is a fool? "

  Gu Shixian's face was white and red, and she was speechless for a while.

   "I, I don't have one!"


  Qin Shaoyu general Bao Rutong took the medicine bottle in his hand and poured a pill from it, "Look at the comparison."

  Everyone looked over and was surprised.

   is also two black pills, but the discerning person can see the difference at a glance.

  One of them is more rounded and looks like it will glow.

  The other one is dull, not even the appearance is so round.

  At this point, you can distinguish between true and false.

  "Please see clearly, who is the fake." Qin Shaoyu looked at Gu Shixian contemptuously, "I finally know how someone can have such a thick skin, so you really treat everyone as fools!"

  Gu Shixian jumped with anger at his words.

  But everyone can see the difference here.

   "Sister Tong, tell them when you succeeded in losing weight, to be more specific."

  Bao Rutong also saw the problem, of course he would not discourage Qin Shaoyu.

  She talked about her own affairs.

  So everyone knows that it took her less than two months to lose weight successfully. She didn’t need to exercise, and she relied mainly on slimming pills.

  Now, she has taken a slimming pill a week, and she has not regained weight, and her physical fitness is much better than before.

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