
  After listening to Bao Rutong’s words, Gu Shixian’s first reaction was like this.

  How can it be possible to lose weight successfully in two months?

  The beauty pills they make can’t achieve this effect at all. It takes at least a year to lose weight. And they did not find that this slimming pill has such an effect.

  Of course, this is also because they did not find fat people to experiment. The clients of their beauty pills are all good in shape, but they still want to keep it.

  Although Gu Shixian knew that the effects of beauty pills and slimming pills were different, he did not expect such a big difference!


  Qin Shaoyu smiled, "Actually, it is impossible to distinguish. You only need to find someone to compare."

  Qin Shaoyu's words made Gu Shixian's face change constantly, and her face became distorted.

   "However, the biggest problem with this beauty pill is not that it is expensive, but that there are toxins in it!"

  Isabella was also shocked, "toxin?"


  Qin Shaoyu nodded, "If it takes two years, the worst result..."

   "What is it?"



The expression    changed the expressions of everyone present.

  Even if someone thinks that DINK will not have children in the future, it is completely different if they don’t want to have children and cannot have children!

Once    is affected, isn’t it all over? !

  Isabella’s face also changed, her voice a bit sharp, "What you said is true?!"

   "You can verify it." Qin Shaoyu said confidently, and then said to Emini, "So, I suggest you don't eat this."

   "You bullshit!"

  Gu Shixian was furious, "You are slandering! How could there be such a consequence!"

  Although Gu Shixian knows that there is something wrong with the beauty pill, at most it can cause some gastrointestinal problems. How can it be related to infertility?

"You don't even know the possible evil consequences, why are you so confident?" Qin Shaoyu looked at her with an indifferent expression, "You are not even sure about the quality of your products, so you dare to sell them, you Are you not afraid of eating badly and getting retribution?"

  Gu Shixian's face suddenly turned pale.

  She is still young after all, after being dismantled, she couldn't react for a while.

  Emini's face is also ugly, and she asks Qin Shaoyu, "What if I eat a few of them? Will it be affected?"

"That's not true." Qin Shaoyu shook his head and did not continue to scare her. "As long as you stop taking it now, you won't be affected later. Of course, if you have been eating for a while, just take a good rest, eat more fruits and drink more water. , It will be much better."

  Emini also breathed a sigh of relief, "That’s good!"

  She is really afraid of her own problems.

  In this way, the look in her eyes towards Isabella was also a bit unpleasant, but she didn't say anything when she saw other people present.

  Isabella’s expression is also ugly. After all, these medicines were introduced through her, and she ate the most, and she had been taking it for more than two months.

  According to Qin Shaoyu's statement, she now has a lot of toxins in her body.

  She felt in a daze that there was something wrong with her body.

  Gu Shixian has cold hands and feet, but still tries to defend herself, "You are not a doctor, and you don’t understand this at all. Why do you say that?!"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions moved slightly.

  Yes, Qin Shaoyu is not a doctor at all, what he said is probably false!

  Qin Shaoyu smiled, "You don’t know, did I make the slimming pills?"

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