As soon as these words came out, everyone present took a sigh of relief.


  He made the slimming pills? !

  Qin Shaoyu turned the bottle in his hand with a plain face, "I made the slimming pills. Also, my understanding of medicinal materials and medical techniques is much better than you."

  Qin Shaoyu’s words made Gu Shixian pale, "Impossible!"

  He is not raised in ancient parents, how could he have such an ability!

  She was raised in ancient parents, and she has been learning various medical techniques since she was a child. Now she is only a small accomplishment, not a qualified doctor, but he can actually make something like slimming pills? !


  Looking at Gu Shixian's shocked appearance, Qin Shaoyu was in a good mood.

  "Why is it impossible? What you can't do, don't think that others can't do it."

He looked at Gu Shixian's face firmly again, and then smiled, "I want to say, you seem to be a little hilarious when you play these days, I suggest you go to the hospital for a check. If you don't want it, solve it as soon as possible. "

  These words made Gu Shixian's face ugly, "What do you mean by this?"

   "She means, you are pregnant, go to the hospital to solve it."

  Sikong Ni remained silent on the side, but as soon as he spoke, he threw a bomb directly.


  As soon as the bomb was thrown out, Gu Shixian gasped, her face pale, "What are you talking about?!"

  How could she be pregnant! This is impossible!

  Qin Shaoyu glanced at Si Kongni and nodded appreciatively, “That’s what I meant. I didn’t expect that after you came here, you are much more chic than in China. And you have a lot of boyfriends.”

  As soon as these words came out, Gu Shixian's face suddenly turned pale, and she was dumbfounded, "You, what are you talking about!"

  But just by looking at her reaction, Qin Shaoyu was right, and she completely stabbed her painful foot!

  Qin Shaoyu shrugged, "Is it nonsense, you know it yourself."

  Everyone looked at Gu Shixian's guilty conscience, and they all understood that Qin Shaoyu was definitely not talking nonsense.

  Gu Shixian was flustered and didn't know what to say.

  Isabella frowned, "This gentleman, please be polite, this is a lady after all, but you will be held accountable for slandering people!"

  Qin Shaoyu smiled, "So what? She is not my girlfriend, and the child in her belly is not mine. Why should I treat her as a gentleman?"


  Isabella is anxious, she didn't expect this kid to be so shameless!

  "But this lady, if I read it right, you..."

Seeing that Qin Shaoyu's flame was about to burn to her side, Isabella's face changed, and she made a decisive decision and directly pulled Gu Shixian up, "Sorry, we have an appointment, the time is almost there, we have to pass first. "

After    finished speaking, she took away the ancient Shixian who hadn't kept her house.

  Looking at the backs of them fled, both Emini and Fred looked dazed.

  Fuck! What is Qin Shaoyu talking about? !

  Although Qin Shaoyu's English pronunciation is very pure and clear, but the content here...a bit overwhelming!

   "Sorry, let you see the joke." Qin Shaoyu said with a smile.

   "Did you... did what you just said was true or did you scare her?"

   "Of course it is true." Qin Shaoyu nodded.

   "Fuck! How did you see it!? Don't your Chinese medicine doctors want to get the pulse of...?! Can you tell it at a glance?"

   "This is a secret." Qin Shaoyu said with a smile.

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