Since breaking up at the wedding banquet before, Bao Ziruo hasn’t seen Xie Shiling for a while.

  Unexpectedly, at this time, they met again.

  Since Qin Shaoyu’s accident, Bao Ziruo has been very sad and has no intention of continuing to work.

  Others knew about her relationship with Qin Shaoyu, so they didn't force her to work, but let her go out to relax.

  It’s just that Bao Ziruo didn't expect it, but when he came out to relax, he could also meet Xie Shiling.

  At the moment she saw Xie Shiling, she wanted to turn around and leave, but in the end she didn't do so.

  Why did she leave? Did she do something wrong?

  Moreover, because of some things, she was very upset.

  I was sad and worried because of Qin Shaoyu’s disappearance, and was upset because of someone’s inexplicable attitude. All the things added up made her wish to destroy the world!

  Xie Shiling appeared in front of her, and if she had a good attitude, she could not bear it if she wanted to do something.

  She walked over with an indifferent expression. When the two passed by, Xie Shiling called her.

   "It's a coincidence that Ziruo is wrapped."

   Bao Ziruo stopped, looked at her indifferently, and vomited, "What a bad luck."

  Xie Shiling's smile suddenly stiffened, and she almost cursed.

   But thinking of Bao Ziruo's madness, she still resisted.

  Just, she quickly smiled.

   "Isn't it Wednesday today? You didn't go to class or work?"

   "Holiday." Bao Ziruo also stopped, looking at her with a faint expression, "Of course it's not as free as you, no need to go to school or work."

  Xie Shiling's grades are not very good. Although she studied abroad before, she only went to a pheasant university.

  The kind of pheasant university, as long as you have money, you can enter, regardless of attendance, let alone what you can learn.

  It is precisely because of this that Xie Shiling doesn't care about going to school at all, she wants to find a rich husband to live her life. Anyway, she has money in her family and her husband also has money, so what else does she need to fight for?

  Otherwise, they wouldn’t be so predestined and would meet again.

   Hearing Bao Ziruo's irony, Xie Shiling's smile paused, and then it became more brilliant.

   "This is true, I am indeed quite free."

   Bao Ziruo glanced at her and her boyfriend next to her, "If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first."

   "Wait!" Xie Shiling hurriedly shouted: "Don't go any further! We are sisters after all, can we talk!"

   "What are you talking about? Haven't been beaten enough by me last time?"

   Bao Ziruo looked at her sarcastically.

Xie Shiling's face was a bit ugly, she grabbed her boyfriend's arm, and after gaining a sense of security, she smiled, "I just want to care about your work. I heard that Qin Shaoyu has been arrested now? When? Torn ticket?"

  As soon as he said this, Bao Ziruo's face immediately sank, and at the same time he took a step forward.

  Looking at her cruel expression, Xie Shiling almost couldn't help taking a step back.

  This is too fierce!

  She is going to eat people!

   Bao Ziruo said with a cold face, "If you can't speak, I can teach you!"

  This is the time, and she dare to say these things, so she is not afraid that she will kill her!

The man next to Xie Shiling was also taken aback by Bao Ziruo's reaction and almost jumped up.

  However, Xie Shiling still did not give up, but changed her tone, "Oh, am I not worried about you?"


   Bao Ziruo's eyes were cold.

  【End of update】

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