Bao Ziruo has no thoughts about Xie Shiling and Xu Xuhui.

  She has not contacted the Xie family since she broke up last time.

  However, the Xie family took the initiative to contact her, but unfortunately, they did not dare to do too much.

  Xie Quanshen thinks that she is her father, so she wants to point fingers at her marriage, but unfortunately, this kind of thinking is completely useless in front of Bao Rutong.

  If he dares to mess around, Bao Rutong will teach him how to be a man every minute.

  They ignored Xie Quanshen, let alone the rest of the Xie family.

  Especially Xie Shiling, if it were not for the last bit of face, Bao Ziruo would have beaten her!

  It may be that Qin Shaoyu is too impressed, so she feels that she has become more violent, and she wants to use violence to solve problems, especially those mentally retarded who can’t understand people.

  But Xie Shiling obviously did not see her patience of anger. In other words, she saw it, but didn't give up.

  Xie Shiling smiled, "I heard that Qin Shaoyu is the boss of your company?"

   Bao Ziruo looked at her indifferently with cold eyes.

  Xie Shiling shrank slightly, but continued to laugh, "Don’t be nervous, I just care about you."

   If Bao Zi doesn't speak, she just looks at her like this.

  Xie Shiling feels that her back is sweating, but at this time, she absolutely can’t admit it!

  In fact, if Bao Zi didn't know that Xie Shiling would meet her by chance, it was actually premeditated.

  After all, the two people live so far apart, if you want to meet by chance, it's not really that fate.

  So, the encounter between the two was planned by her.

  The reason why Xie Shiling came to the door, of course, was to give a sigh of relief.

  Those things that were made at the wedding banquet made her a joke for everyone.

  Others are asking whether she cares too much about the affairs of her elders.

  When a junior intervenes in the affairs of an elder like this, others have nothing to say.

  Every time she heard someone say this, her face went dark.

  In Xie Shiling's view, Bao Ziruozhi can be so arrogant because of Qin Shaoyu's backing.

  Bao Ziruo entered Qin Shaoyu’s company, and Bao Rutong was Qin Shaoyu’s agent. Even Ye Zizheng's current brilliance was due to Qin Shaoyu's fortune tree.

  If Xie Shiling didn't dare to do anything before, after all, Qin Shaoyu was too powerful, and she would only be humiliated if she shot.

  But this time, Qin Shaoyu was kidnapped by terrorists!

  When he heard the news, Xie Shiling almost laughed on the spot.

Very good!

  If something happens to Qin Shaoyu, what can the package of Ziruo have to rely on?

  Everyone knows that the reason why Yuanguang Entertainment has its current glory is because of such a big star Qin Shaoyu.

  Without Qin Shaoyu, Yuanguang Entertainment would not have its current glory.

   Didn’t you see how downright Yuanguang Entertainment was two years ago?

  Although Xie Shiling was very upset, she still had to admit that Qin Shaoyu was not an ordinary person, and the energy he possessed was not comparable to others.

  Without Qin Shaoyu, Yuanguang Entertainment will decline, and others will naturally compete for the market. At that time, Yuanguang Entertainment will not be able to get up.

  Yuanguang Entertainment can’t get up, and Bao Rutong’s agent has no food to eat.

  Bao Rutong has no money and no backing, where is the confidence?

  In this case, Bao Ziruo would naturally not dare to be so arrogant.

  Thinking of this, Xie Shiling almost laughed again.

  She waited so long, but finally saw the joke!

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