A life-saving grace?

  Everyone looked dazed.

  These news are too sudden, and one by one, everyone is a little dizzy.

  Thanks to Qin Shaoyu for his life-saving grace? What did she do? Could it be that she saved everyone?

  Looking at the comments made by the experts, the netizens were dumbfounded.

  I always feel that things related to Qin Shaoyu are not ordinary things!

  However, someone immediately jumped out, saying that it was someone else who was creating momentum for Qin Shaoyu.

  Where did Qin Shaoyu come from to become everyone's savior? Isn't this fooling everyone like a fool?

  That is a terrorist organization, how can Qin Shaoyu alone deal with it?

  However, these remarks were quickly turned back.

  【Do you think that others are as mentally retarded and incompetent like you? ! 】

  【The power of the emperor is beyond your imagination! Have you all forgotten that Lord Yuhuang was previously tough? 】

  【The Emperor is so awesome! She must have saved everyone! 】

  【Hehe, this is really funny, how many people can one person save? And those are extremely violent elements! How many people can Qin Shaoyu fight against? People have guns! 】

  【It wasn't that Qin Shaoyu saved everyone, is it possible that others would sacrifice themselves to set off her? Is her identity so hard? Can the great gods of so many countries accept her kindness? 】

  As a result, everyone is arguing.

  Qin Shaoyu’s encirclement of the blog quickly became quiet.

  【If you have any questions, I will see you live tomorrow. 】

live streaming!

  Everyone is pleasantly surprised, Qin Shaoyu’s live broadcast!

  They have not seen Qin Shaoyu live broadcast for a long time, but every time they broadcast live, they can eat very delicious melons.

  Every time when Qin Shaoyu’s live broadcast is stunned, every time he watched him stunned, everyone can eat a few more bowls of rice!

  In the expectation of everyone, the live broadcast of the next day began.

  Before the live broadcast started, everyone had flocked into the live broadcast room.

  Not only netizens from China, but also netizens from other countries are equally curious.

  Although they don’t understand what Qin Shaoyu said, how could they miss such a thing?

  The kidnapped people were all rescued, but apart from sending a message to report that they are safe, everyone did nothing, and no one made the matter clear. Of course, everyone was too curious.

  So, Qin Shaoyu’s live broadcast just happened to be in time.

The live broadcast platform was also shocked by the number of viewers.

  Almost 500 million viewers entered the live broadcast room! This is the rhythm of a crash!

  They don’t have so many viewers in a month! Is this the netizens from all over the world are coming?

  The live broadcast platform was shocked by the data, and also urged the technicians to do a good job of maintenance work, so as not to crash halfway, if this is true, it would be a pity!

  After all the technicians tried their best to maintain, Qin Shaoyu's live broadcast finally officially started smoothly.

  Qin Shaoyu is now in country B, because the terrorists have been brought here for trial.

  She could have left like everyone else, but she still stayed and waited for the result.

  If she leaves, things will be a little troublesome.

  Fortunately, her identity is different, so the matter was quickly dealt with. No, she can also open a live broadcast to clarify the matter.

  Turning on the live broadcast, everyone saw her beautiful face at first glance. She was amazing and relieved at the same time. Fortunately, nothing happened.

  And Qin Shaoyu’s first sentence shocked everyone.

   "Some people say that the kidnapping was caused by me? That's right."

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