
correct? !

  Everyone was taken aback first, then suddenly, and finally exploded.

  Fuck! Is it really because of Qin Shaoyu that everyone was arrested? !

  Fuck, fuck! This news is too great!

  Before someone said that this was caused by Qin Shaoyu, everyone still didn't believe it.

  Qin Shaoyu is indeed very beautiful, but no matter how beautiful it is, it will not make people so crazy, right?

  Do you really think she is the number one beauty in the world?

  ——Although it is indeed very beautiful.

  However, those people are not so crazy, they are only crazy because of money and power, because a woman offends so many countries, that is what a fool would do.

  But now, Qin Shaoyu actually admitted it? !

  At this moment, everyone gasped.

  Heavenly soldiers and generals couldn’t help but worry, is Qin Shaoyu crazy? She said these things, didn't she let everyone scold her?

  This is a proper beauty!

  But soon, their worries quickly disappeared.

  Qin Shaoyu hooked the corner of his mouth to the camera and continued: “This matter does have my responsibility. Of course, it’s not because of the beauty that you think, but because of the new drug I developed.”

  Oh, this is not the reason!

  Everyone breathed a sigh of relief first, then took a sigh of relief.

  New medicine?

  Did they make a mistake? What new medicine? ! Cold medicine?

  The new medicine that allows those people to take them away must be very important!

  Qin Shaoyu smiled faintly, as if he didn't notice everyone's shock, he continued to explain.

  "They will do it on us, one of the reasons is because of the HIV treatment drugs on my hand..."

  Qin Shaoyu hadn’t finished speaking, and there was dead silence in the live broadcast room.

  If it were not for the number of viewers, it would really make people think that everyone is offline.

  After everyone responded, the live broadcast room was quickly swiped.

  【Fuck, fuck! HIV? ! Isn't it the one I thought? ! 】

  【HIV? Ai...Zi? ! Damn it! 】

  【WTF? ! Are you right? ! Did I hear it wrong or did you say it wrong? 】

  Everyone is agitated.

  Who has never heard of these three letters? When these three letters are combined, it makes people feel chills.

  But now, Qin Shaoyu actually developed a drug to treat this disease? ! Just kidding? !

  This disease is one of several terminal illnesses!

  There are so many doctors and experts who have worked hard for many years, and there is no way to overcome this problem, but now, Qin Shaoyu has succeeded? !

  Qin Shaoyu continued: "...The cure probability of this drug is 8.50%. Although it is not 100% possible, it is not bad..."

  Fuck! 8.50%? !

  This possibility is already terrifying!

  Even if it is a cold medicine, there is no guarantee that it can cure the patient's condition 100%!

  The medicine Qin Shaoyu took out has such a high possibility, this is going to scare people to death!

  Except for some ordinary people who are excited just because of this drug, the more excited are the executives of major pharmaceutical companies.

  They saw the scary profits in this drug!

  Everyone finally knows why those extremists would act on them, and the feelings are for this reason!

  This is amazing too!

  However, in the shock of everyone, some people couldn't help but raise questions.

  【So, everyone is hurt like this, it's really because of you! 】

  When he saw this kind of comment, Qin Shaoyu wore a weird smile on the corner of his mouth, and then continued to speak.

  【End of update】

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