Although the live broadcast is over, it does not mean that the matter is over.

  On the contrary, after this live broadcast, there was still a shocking aftertaste.

  Everyone started a new and intense discussion on this matter.

  【Fuck! Qin Shaoyu is too awesome! She actually developed a new drug? And is it a drug to treat HIV? This is too enchanting! How old is she? ! 】

  【Have a face, a figure, and a handsome and perfect boyfriend...Damn, this is a proper winner in life! In such a comparison, I don't think I have any reason to continue living! 】

  【The Emperor is so awesome! I just like her arrogant tone! That's how you should deal with those bitches! 】

  [I don’t know how the brains of those people grow up. It’s obviously a shit, but some people believe it! This kind of IQ basically bid farewell to the hospital, right? 】

  【It was our Royal Emperor who rescued everyone! How awesome! 】

  【Who does Qin Shaoyu think she is? Dare to speak so loudly! Who gave her face? 】

【that is! This is the first time I have seen such an arrogant person! Do you really think you are the number one boss in the world? Can you control the life and death of others? I bother! 】

  【Hehe, our Royal Emperor is No. 1 in the world, what can you do? Don't accept it! 】

  【Even the national ZX dare not say these things, you are so awesome! My old lady will persuade you without help! 】

  Everyone quarreled vigorously. There are more people who like Qin Shaoyu, but more people hate her.

  Many passers-by who were originally neutral were stunned by this incident and had their own choices.

  However, there are more people who like Qin Shaoyu than they hate her.

  I thought that the matter was over like this, but I did not expect that a message a few days later pushed the matter to a more intense climax..

  A person posted a post on the Internet saying that his family had cancer, but when they wanted to be treated, they were rejected by the doctor.

  In fact, it’s not that the doctor refused to treat it, but that the doctor who can treat cancer went out.

  Moreover, the doctor does not know when he will be back.

  Netizens were very anxious and found a few more hospitals, but the answers from those hospitals were the same-they had no choice but to ask them to go back to the previous doctor. They were experienced and outstanding.

  When a netizen’s family was in a hurry, they found that the doctor they were looking for was helping other people with treatment, and they didn’t leave the hospital at all!

  After they found the old doctor, they realized that they were blacklisted!

  Yes, blacklist!

  The whole family is confused. When did they get the blacklist? They haven't done anything bad! Why should they be brought to the blacklist? !

  Is this a joke?

  But then they knew that it was true! No doctor is willing to treat it!

   Isn’t this crazy? Today's doctors can still have this kind of operation, can they choose to treat or not to treat?

  A family of netizens filed a complaint with the hospital and was told that this was an old doctor, and he was also an old expert who was re-hired. He has rich experience! The hospital was holding him, so he didn't dare to show any expression to him!

  Therefore, the hospital simply cannot ask this old doctor to do what he does not want to do, and can only listen to his own opinions!

  This family is a bit at a loss. When did they offend this doctor? Why is he unwilling to make a move?

  After they knew the reason, they were suddenly crazy.

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