Rebirth of the Chief Male God: Inverse Young, Addicted To Pets

Chapter 1464: Don't save people with no conscience

  The old doctor said, he can’t save people who have no conscience!

  Is this serious?

  The person suffering from cancer was a manager of a company before. He is fifty years old this year, in his prime of life. He admits that he has never done anything bad, and he can't lose his conscience, nor can he offend this old doctor!

  Then why does the doctor say such things?

  After understanding the specific situation, the family almost did not collapse.

  It turned out that all of this was caused by their son!

  Their son is in his twenties this year. He has just graduated a few years ago. He has a pretty good job and started his own company.

  And it's pretty good.

  But I didn’t expect that it was this proud son who caused them trouble!

  They only now know that their son runs a network marketing company, which is commonly known as a navy company!

  And this son had collected money before, jumping up and down in Qin Shaoyu's affairs!

  It is precisely because he took the money to slander Qin Shaoyu so, this old doctor would refuse to treat them!

  They were enjoying the medicine Qin Shaoyu brought to them, but they attacked Qin Shaoyu on the Internet. This is too shameless!

  You can't be so unconscionable!

  After understanding the situation, the netizen’s parents almost beat him to death!

  They always thought that their son earned a lot and was decent, but they didn't expect that he would do this kind of thing secretly! All he makes is money that has lost his conscience!

  And this netizen is about to cry.

  How did he know that these things he did could still affect his parents!

  I don’t know where the old doctor learned of his identity, but the old doctor refused to treat his father because of this incident. This incident is true!

  They wanted to lodge a complaint with the hospital and let the hospital put pressure on the old doctor, but it was useless at all!

  The old doctor said, if he feels that he is not doing well, he can go home and forget it.

  Even if the hospital threatens him with a pension or something, it’s useless!

  Anyway, his children are doing well now and can support him, he is so capricious!

  Of course, it is impossible for the hospital to do this. After all, he is an old expert with extremely rich experience, and he is the treasure of the hospital!

After figuring out the cause of this incident, the hospital was also a little angry.

  Although they are not familiar with Qin Shaoyu, everyone can still see Qin Shaoyu’s contribution.

  Such a genius, but also so enthusiastically for the sake of everyone! However, it is too much for such a good person to be slandered in this way!

   Therefore, the hospital also supports the practice of this old doctor.

After   , this netizen learned that this old doctor and Qin Shaoyu had a very good relationship, and they were kidnapped together before, and it was Qin Shaoyu who rescued them!

  After knowing the specific reason, this netizen cried.

  Who knew there was such a source here!

  What he didn't expect was that he really had the day to beg Qin Shaoyu!

  In other words, he is also his own father. It is impossible to give up treatment for the sake of face problems!

  In this case, he really has no conscience!

  So, they can only ask the old doctor, hoping that he can forgive them a lot and help with treatment.

  In fact, the old doctor is not such a merciless person, he really watched the patient suffering. However, the things that those people made can't just pass away.

   Therefore, this person can only apologize online.

  After this person explained the ins and outs, everyone was shocked.

  Fuck! Qin Shaoyu is really not bragging!

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