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"No... Seniors don't want to do it, I don't know..." The old man's voice has not fallen, and dozens of strong men in the wood ancient realm, including him, have all turned into a cloud of blood mist.

The movement here immediately attracted the attention of countless people. I don't know how many strong people's eyes have been set here.

Seeing Zhao Yuande's disagreement, he directly killed dozens of strong men in the wood ancient realm. All eyes were shocked and excited.

The Mugu Realm is a powerful realm ranked among the top 100 among the hundreds of millions of realms. Although there is no Dao Zun strong in the realm, there are more than a dozen of half-walk Zun.

Even more, they have a huge backing in the chemical industry.

Millions of years ago, they were a strong man in the ascension of the chemical world, joined the winners alliance, and now is a deacon in the Saints Alliance!

Although this strong man has never been in the lower realm again, his prestige has spread throughout the entire hundreds of millions of realms. Even if the strong man in the chemical world comes, he must give the Mugu realm some face.

In this way, the Mugu Realm has gained many conveniences, and they have gradually risen among the hundreds of millions of realms.

Now is the time when the Mugu Realm is at its best. At this time, some people dare to touch the mold of the Mugu Realm. Can these people be excited?

They are not allowed to destroy the ancient woodland, so they can get a share of it.

Of course, even if the Mugu realm was unharmed, they should have just watched a good show!

"Who! Dare to kill me in Mugu Realm!" At this moment, several powerful breaths suddenly rose from the palace in Mugu Realm. Fierce eyes projected on the proud Zhao Yuande.

"Ming Guang? He went there?" Zhao Yuande swept through these people one by one, but did not find the shadow of Ming Guang, a gloomy expression appeared on his face.

"Boy, I don't care who you are, but you have just reached a half-walk respectable realm, and you dare to kill the people in the Mugu Realm, you don't ask about it..." One of the old men looked like a sinking face He wore a golden armor and red hair with a bit of mighty domineering.

"Where is the bright light, if it doesn't appear again, don't blame me for opening the killing here!" Zhao Yuande's eyes are cold, as if he has lost patience, the powerful world power on his body rushes out, covering the emptiness of thousands of miles in all directions. The controlled void sky and heaven combined to form an unbreakable divine space.

This is no longer an ordinary realm space, but an absolute realm that can be attacked and defended, trapped and killed.

In this field, Zhao Yuande is the master. As long as he does not exceed him, he can't resist his terrorist power.

"You... who... who are you?" The old man with red hair clearly felt a strong crisis, and he couldn't help but jump in his heart. He couldn't help but think of a rumor, and the language immediately became cautious, "Mingguang can't come out See you, he is receiving an honored guest! If you are not equal, go back!"

The old man looked cold. Although he was afraid that the legend was true, it did not mean that they were really scared of the young man in front of him. You must know that their bottom is not only from that ancestor. They secretly have a strong man stepped into the realm of Taoism.

In the eyes of the Dao Zunjing strong, all Dao Zunjing are ants.

This strong man is ready to announce the rise of Mugu Realm in a high profile, and wants to compete for the throne of hundreds of millions of realms, one of the top ten realms!

What's more, the old ancestor who has not been informed for a long time in the upper realm has even sent a messenger. This messenger is the parent and child of the old ancestor, and more importantly, he is also a strong Dao Zun.

Mingguang is now receiving this distinguished guest, then there will be time to see this person.

"Let Mingguang come out to see me, or die!" Zhao Yuande caught the old man with a big hand and grabbed it directly.

"You are arrogant..." The old man said this when he saw his own words. The other party was still unwilling, and suddenly his face became extremely ugly, and he wanted to speak out.

But at the next moment, his words came to an abrupt end. It seemed that he was squeezed by his neck, and the power of terror suddenly captured him, so that he had no power to resist!

He was a tyrannical person who walked into the half-walk for tens of thousands of years, but he didn't expect to be like a little chicken in front of the other party. Cognitive range of power.

"There is something to say, something to say..." He wanted to ask for mercy, but it was too late.


The red-haired old man hadn't spoken yet. The whole person burst like a balloon. Blood mixed with bones flew around, and a strong **** gas filled the space in an instant.


Everyone who watched the excitement all around was also stunned at this moment!

They didn't imagine that this hilarious movie would be so explosive. They didn't expect that the other party did not care about the prestige of Mugu Realm, and directly killed the red-haired old man, and it was such a decisive brutality.

At this moment, everyone's breathing became fast. They stared at Zhao Yuande without blinking, wanting to see what terrible things this terrifying existence would do next.

"Ming Guang! You come out! Otherwise everyone here in Mugu Realm will die for you!" Zhao Yuande has completely lost his patience, he points out a few fingers in the void.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Several palaces burst into pieces, leaving only an exceptionally tall palace in the center intact.

All the people in Mugu Realm seemed to have been fixed this time. He dared not move, because they felt that a force of terror had locked them firmly.

As long as the other person's heart moves, they will be easily beheaded like the red-haired old man just now.

The void all around was also silent, and the hearts of countless onlookers at this time were about to jump out.

They felt that this time it was really eye-opening, this one was bold and courageous!

What I saw today was enough for them to go out and show off countless times.

Zhao Yuande strode toward the palace, his fist raised.


Just at this time, there was an angry cry from that palace!

A powerful breath swept out of the palace at once, and the void surrounded by Zhao Yuande in the space of the **** realm shattered, and three figures walked out of the palace.

Headed by an old man with a thin face, he walked forward with his hands on his back.

The breath on his body was as strong as the ocean and the waves rumbled apart, shattering the dimensions of Zhao Yuande's divine space.

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