Rebirth of the Devouring Emperor

Chapter 3161: Everything is negotiable

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Behind the old man, he followed a gentle and elegant middle-aged man. He looked at Zhao Yuande with some doubts.

Who is looking for yourself, why is it so intense?

The last man was an old man in a Jinyi. He stared at Zhao Yuande with hatred and bitterness in his eyes.

It seems that there is a deep hatred with Zhao Yuande.

"Who are you? Why did you kill my disciples in Mugu Realm and destroy my treasures in Mugu Realm! It would be fine if it was placed at other times, but the messenger on the street is here today. If you don't give me a statement today , You just stay here!" The old man in silver clothes first spoke.

He is the domain master of the Mugu Realm, although his strength has not reached the Daozun Realm, but he is also a strong man at the peak of the half-track Zun.

Even more upper body is the master of the wood ancient realm, naturally is majestic, and he is also full of confidence.

Although the opponent can easily kill the power of the half-walker, but it is still only the realm of the half-walker!

Although half-step Tao Zun is only half a step away from Dao Zun, but the strength is indeed quite different, the other side will not surpass Dao Zun no matter how strong, and here there is a genuine Dao Zun real power.

At this time, if he does not take advantage of it, he is a fool!

However, he said so fiercely and so powerfully, but he did not expect the other party to look at him at all.

"Ming Guang, follow me right away! Otherwise, don't blame me for the manual hand!" Zhao Yuande's eyes fell on Ming Guang, ignoring the thin-faced old man beside him, and even ignoring the domain owner of the ancient woodland.

"I... why should I go with you, what are you going to do!" Mingguang felt like he was a little mouse stared at by a poisonous snake, a chill came out of his heart, and his body could not be restrained. Shaking!

"Bold!" The old man with a thin face finally couldn't help it at this moment.

The other party was so arrogant that he dared to ignore himself, the Daoist, and respect him, as if he were air.

Behind him, a huge giant bird phantom flew out, and the giant bird spread its wings in the void.

The giant bird opened his mouth and a huge black hole appeared. Numerous practitioners around him felt their body at this moment and flew towards the black hole involuntarily.

"This... this is Kunpeng!"

Someone shouted in horror, and they all urged their strength to retreat quickly.

Of course, there are also practitioners who have lowered their cultivation level and cannot resist such terrible sucking force. They are sucked into the black hole alive and uttered a scream.

"Humph! Carving insects!"

Zhao Yuande looked at the black hole, and there was a sneer in the corner of his mouth.

Although this black hole looks extremely powerful, basically no one can resist it under Dao.

However, Zhao Yuande could see through this person's cultivation practice directly through this black hole.

This face-wrinkling old man is just a short time after he was promoted to Daozun, and he has not completely controlled the power of Daozun.

Although this black hole is as easy to cut grass as it is under Dao Zun Realm, it is not enough to look at the strong people who are also Dao Zun Realm.

Zhao Yuande's current strength is basically equivalent to a person who has reached the middle stage of Dao Zun Realm, and even the latter's powerful existence.

In front of him, this black hole can be easily broken.

"Crush me!"

The strength of Zhao Yuande's body exploded, and he punched toward the black hole with one punch.

This punch is an understatement, with no hint of prestige or terror.

All the people watching around saw this fist and were immediately disappointed. They thought that Zhao Yuande couldn't resist the black hole's devouring.

But with this punch, the old man with a thin face changed his face.

But he lives in the Alliance of Saints and has extensive knowledge and extraordinary insights.

With a glance of knowledge, he couldn't help jumping in his heart, because he felt the true meaning that the opponent's punch had basically controlled the power, and almost no power was revealed.

In the chemical industry, he had the honour to have seen such a person who mastered the true meaning of power far away!

That man is called Shenwu, and he is a unique and unparalleled strange woman!

In the entire chemical industry, God Ranked No. 1 super powerhouse.

It is rumored that she is only one step away from being able to enter the realm of the Lord, even some of the Lords are not her opponents, and the sky is powerful to an incredible level!


Just as the old man recalled Shen Wu's unparalleled charm, Zhao Yuande's punch had fallen on his black hole.

A clear voice came, and the black hole collapsed and collapsed under this fist, and the huge giant bird phantom collapsed with it!

The old man with thin face retreated and his face was flushed.

"That's is this possible! This is not true, it's an illusion, absolutely an illusion!"

"Xiaoyou, please stop, everything is easy to discuss!" The face-skinned old man knew at this time that he was by no means the opponent of this person.

This person may be disguised by a powerful Dao Zun realm, absolutely!

Zhao Yuande smashed the black hole with one punch, without stopping, grabbing towards the bright light with one hand.

The face-shrinking old man saw Zhao Yuande trying to capture the bright light, and hesitated in his eyes, but he finally gritted his teeth.

His figure had come to Mingguang in a flash, and his probe blocked the palm that Zhao Yuande had captured.

This bright light is really too important, it is related to a huge secret, and it must not fall into the hands of the other party.

"You are looking for death!" Zhao Yuande originally thought that he was shocking the other party, but he didn't expect him to dare to take action.

The next moment, his eyes were fierce, and his breath suddenly rose to the limit. The space of the gods was perfectly combined with the power of his infinite world, and the void crystal nucleus condensed by the void heaven was the core. The void is ten times stronger than before.

Even the old man with a thin face felt a stagnation in the void at this time.

Just between this stagnation, the face-shrinking old man saw that the opponent's fist had reached his own.

A strong breath of death enveloped him instantly, leaving him suddenly bloodless, his body trembling involuntarily.

It is this kind of control of power that is really terrible. The other party clearly does not exceed their own strength, but this punch can directly kill themselves!

"Stop it! This person gives you, here you are!" The face-shrinking old man knew that if he persisted, he would have to wait for death.

If a person is dead, what is the meaning of all treasure secrets?

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