It the next two months, XuanRong was diligently practicing her qinggong together with YuYing and the rest. After days of adjusting herself from YuShen and the other's presence, she no longer felt nauseated having any physical contacts with them. She still remembered the first time she practiced her qinggong. She fell out of balance while on top of a pole. An Wei immediately extended his hand to grab her but when she felt the unfamiliar touch on her skin, she was not able to control herself and shrieked like a crow while slapping An Wei on the face. He could have dodged her hand but if he did that, she would fall on the ground. The ice block man could only force himself to accept her physical abuse.

It could be said that An Wei was her personal shadow guard and at the same time, her master in practicing qinggong.

For the first time in forever, XuanRong felt that her face was now nonexistent. She had never been humiliated like this to the point that she wanted to find a hole and burry herself.

Because of that scene, YuYing and the rest found out her rejection towards physical contact, making them serve her with extra care. Although XuanRong struggled at first, she was now able to accept their skinship without any worries.

She alternately practiced qinggong from An Wei and learned the Art of Gu from the woman.

In the span of two months, XuanRong was able know the woman's name. The woman was named Yue Xiao Xiao. She fell in love with someone outside their clan. Not listening to her elder's teaching, Yue Xiao Xiao decided to elope with him, leaving the clan and hiding her ability to raise Gu. It was then she realized that life was not easy. The person she fell in love with was a man among men, carrying the world on his back. Although he fell in love with her, he already had countless beauties inside his place, waiting for his return, vying for his love.

Unfortunately, no matter how much she wanted to return to her clan, she could no longer do that since she was already carrying his seed. With no other choice, she changed her identity and decided to stand atop of the world with him, together with their lovely child, Xiao Yi[1].

Too bad, all happy moments always end with a heart-wrenching cry.

When XuanRong heard Yue Xiao Xiao's story, she could not help but feel pity to the woman whom she already treated as her master. They both had similarities with each other but at the same time, they were different. They were both stubborn and unyielding, and they both experienced a painful past, but Yue Xiao Xiao was luckier than XuanRong since Yue Xiao Xiao was truthfully loved by the man whom she treated as her sky.

On the contrary, XuanRong was used by the man she loved and was abused to death. Ai. What an unlucky woman she was.

"Are you done memorizing all the combinations of these poisons?"

"Yes, this disciple already memorized the combinations written on the paper."

"Good! You will have an assessment later."

XuanRong was currently inside Yue Xiao Xiao's room, studying poison. Since the sacred art of Gu was in between medicine and poison, XuanRong was required to study both areas without rest. She was already ten years old. Children from Yue clan started learning from four years old until they receive their Gu eggs at the age of fifteen. Those who were unfit to carry the Gu eggs would have to choose which area they would cultivate. Only those unfit females would have the chance to forcefully host the Gu egg inside their body by integrating poison in their system at the age of twelve. It was to prepare their body and condition their blood for hosting the Gu eggs.

Just like that, XuanRong's time was solely used for practicing qinggong and learning the art of Gu. Without even taking a single step outside the manor, XuanRong spent her time improving herself.


On a certain place, an impatient man was currently breathing fire. The shadow who was kneeling outside the closed curtain was inwardly shivering due to fear. He had not slept for almost two months. He even wondered how he was able to survive after being verbally trashed every day. At first, it was not difficult to spy at Young Lady Xuan but ever since someone arrived with a high-leveled qinggong, the shadow could only scamper like a tiny rat running away from a big cat. Although his qinggong was excellent, he was not on par with some unknown master. His main work was to gather data and disappear without leaving a trace. He was raised to be a spy, not to be a sturdy punching bag. How could he jump off a cliff knowing that he would die an ugly death once he reaches the bottom?

He was not asking for a beating ah!


The shadow wanted to bite his tongue and die on the spot rather than being glared at by His Lordship. Unfortunately, he could only grit his teeth and answer truthfully.

"This servant was incompetent."

The man behind the curtain did not say anything but the surroundings suddenly turned colder, making the shadow inwardly curse the hidden master in Young Lady Xuan's residence.

"…..Leave. Don't let me see your face."

The shadow felt hurt.

'Your Lordship ah! How can you blame everything to this servant? It was not this servant's fault! Your qinggong is also high ah, why can't you visit Young Lady Xuan on your own?' The shadow wanted to say those words, but he could only swallow his grievance.

Seconds later, the shadow inwardly slapped himself after he realized how stupid he was.

His Lordship was as high as the mountain. How could he lower himself and visit a woman's courtyard---wrong, a child's courtyard in a middle of the night like a perverted flower thief[2]?

The shadow laughed nervously. Although he was sure that His Lordship would not stoop that low, there was still a faint feeling of anxiety inside his heart. It took him a great effort to accept the fact that the high and mighty Moon Emperor liked eating unripened fruits. If he found out that he was also a man who lasciviously pick flowers[3] in the middle of the night, the shadow's heart would definitely be broken into pieces.

Unfortunately, a certain man was already at his limit.

The shadow only heard a faint 'whoosh' before the curtain opened, revealing an empty space inside, void of any life.

'Huh? Where did His Lordship go?'



[1]. Xiao: Little

[2]. A person who enter houses at night in order to **** women. aka: Rapist

[3]. A/N: (Moon Emperor: The Perverted Pedo HAHAHA!)

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