XuanRong was walking along the small path within her courtyard. In her previous lifetime, she was a 'prisoner' within the manor. She could not go out whenever she desired, and the servants would bully her every time she would stroll around the manor. Being an arrogant person in her previous lifetime who viewed people as dirt, she would rather choose to be alone than suffer being bullied by those people she called 'the lowest of the low.' She became accustomed to walking endlessly around her courtyard to waste time, especially when she was bored. Later on, whenever she wanted to unwind and think deeply, she would walk around her courtyard and stare at the flowers the whole day.

When she returned to the capital, she requested her 'beloved' Er Niang[1] to destroy the entire manor in Lu Shan. She hated Housekeeper Wang and she wanted to let him know the consequences of bullying her for years. Unfortunately, XuanFei came crying in front of her, saying she pitied those people who were innocent and did not have any choice but to 'follow' Housekeeper Wang's orders. XuanRong loved her younger sister dearly, whatever XuanFei say, she would follow. Whatever XuanFei want, she would get it for her. She loved Xiao Lou and XuanFei the most. So, she agreed to give the manor in Lu Shan to XuanFei and let her 'punish' Housekeeper Wang. It was already too late before she found out that Housekeeper Wang life was still as blissful as it was before. The 'punishment' XuanRong thought was very different from the 'punishment' XuanFei did.

XuanRong was busy thinking about her past that she did not notice the path she was taking. When she raised her head, she realized that she was already at the back side of the courtyard. The courtyard was connected to a tiny forest at the base of a small mountain and only a tall wall separated the two sides. At the eastern part of the wall, there was a tiny dog hole that XuanRong often use as her 'personal gate' whenever she wanted to go outside the manor without alerting Housekeeper Wang. There were times in her previous lifetime when small animals and different kinds of birds would stumble blindly and enter her courtyard, making XuanRong feel happy when she was alone and lonely. She could not help but smile widely when she remembered her happy moments together with those small animals[2].


XuanRong noticed the sudden movement inside the thick bushes at her right side. Thinking that it must have been a small animal which mistakenly entered her courtyard because of that dog hole, XuanRong slowly moved towards the bushes.

"Don't be afraid."

XuanRong spoke in a tender voice, fearing that she would scare the small animal. She was not afraid that the thing hiding inside the bushes would be a vicious animal like a tiger since the small forest behind her courtyard only had dwellers like racoons, foxes and other small animals.




She slowly made her way into the bushes. The rustling intensified as if the 'animal' hiding was scared of her. XuanRong extended her hand, trying to slowly catch the small 'animal' when she saw a person's back inside the bushes.


XuanRong inhaled sharply and immediately retracted her feet a couple of steps.

"Who are you?!'

She suddenly became alerted and wary. She was inside her courtyard and since An Wei was a man, he was not allowed to enter and could only stay and guard outside. But even so, he should have notice someone snuck inside her place, unless the man was a hidden master himself.

'How high is this person's qinggong[3]?!'

XuanRong wanted to scream and call An Wei for help. Although she had been practicing qinggong during the past two months, she knew that she was still inexperienced and could only hold for a couple of blows against a person who was bigger and had higher qinggong level than her.

She was preparing herself to scream when she realized that if she would yell for help, her reputation that she was painstakingly trying to repair would once again be affected. Being with a man, not to mention a complete stranger, in the middle of the night would definitely destroy her reputation and innocence.

XuanRong forcefully calmed herself and opened her mouth to speak. If he was an assassin sent to harm her, she had to turn the tables and pull him on her side.

"…This esteemed guest, may This Lady ask why you are inside my courtyard? Is there something that you need? This Lady is the Eldest Di daughter of the Xuan family in the capital. If you need anything, be it money or assistance, This Lady will definitely help you."

The person who was facing his back towards her did not answer, instead, he turned his head to look at her.

"Wife JieJie!"

When the man saw XuanRong, he yelled and suddenly lunged himself at her. XuanRong reflexively dodged his sudden assault and was preparing to retaliate viciously when the man fell on the ground and rolled a couple of times before stopping.

XuanRong went speechless and could only stare at the man who was trying his best to stand up while rubbing his eyes, like a child that was trying to gain sympathy by wiping the imaginary tears on its face.

'Is…is he stupid?'

She was taken aback on the sudden turn of events. The man who kept on smiling at her every time their eyes met, was the one who was hiding inside the bushes. She also did not expect that the person whom she thought had a high level qinggong was very clumsy and dumb. She suddenly thought of the reason why the man kept on smiling at her every time their path cross with each other. It was maybe because the man was similar to a stupid little dog who always smile at people with no rhymes nor reason.

'Did An Wei turn a blind eye on this because he knew that this man was very stupid and harmless?'

"Wuwuwu… Wife JieJie, it hurts! Yi'er's knees hurt."

Due to being startled greatly, XuanRong was not able to hear his words clearly when he pounced at her, but now that she already lowered her vigilance, the 'Wife JieJie' loudly rang inside her ears like firecrackers on New Year's celebration.

"….Wife JieJie?"

Once again, XuanRong was rendered speechless. She did not know if the man was really a foolish person for calling her 'JieJie' when in fact, he was way older than her, or if he was just a shameless man who kept calling a 'young child' like her, who had not even reached the marriageable age, his 'Wife'…. or maybe he was both--- a shameless retard who knows nothing but harass females, calling every woman he sees as his'Wife JieJie.'

Sensing XuanRong's disagreement to his address towards her, Xu Fei Yi panicked. He moved closer and grabbed the hem of XuanRong's left sleeve. Remembering that men and women should not have any physical contact with each other, Xu Fei Yi released her sleeve immediately. His face turned red but at the same time, there was a great resolve reflected in his eyes.

"Wife JieJie, please don't get angry at Yi'er. Yi'er will take responsibility! Imperial brother said that a man should always be righteous and fair! Yi'er will take responsibility and marry Wife JieJie!"

"..." XuanRong stared at the sleeve the man grabbed a while ago.

'Why do I feel like I am being cheated?'

XuanRong could only close her eyes, trying to stop the urge to smack the man on his face for being shameless.

Aside from discovering that the man was a shameless human being, two words caught XuanRong's attention--- 'Imperial Brother'.

'Is he Qin Wangye? The dumb prince, Xu Fei Yi?'

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[1]. Second Mother

[2]. A/N: Who are you? Snow White or Ella the Enchanted? XD

[3]. Chinese Martial Arts

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