XuanRong tried to break free from the man's embrace but his arms were very strong. She could only stay put and allow him to hug her tightly. Happiness, doubt, fear and anger… all those emotions were currently swirling inside her heart, confusing herself.

"Mmm.." The man placed his masked face on XuanRong's neck, inhaling her scent. The coldness of the metal made XuanRong snap out of daze. Her eyes that were full of doubt and uncertainty slowly cleared. Assessing the situation, she found out that he was starting to give her neck little kisses, teasing her. XuanRong felt like her soul wanted to escape out of her body.

"Don't!" XuanRong exclaimed in horror.

What was she doing?

Why was she allowing this man to feel her body like this?

They only meet each other for a couple of times in the past few years. Basically, both of them were only strangers and did not have any deep relationship with each other.

Even if he was her benefactor, she should not allow him to treat her like… a prostitute…

She was an unmarried woman. How could she allow a man to take advantage of her?

XuanRong's eyes dimmed. She started struggling, wanting to escape from his embrace. She suddenly realized that all men were the same. They only treated women as a tool for their desire and did not care for their feelings. Even this man, her benefactor, was the same.

XuanRong bit her lower lip and suppressed the yearning coming from her body. She placed her hands on his arms and forcefully pulled it away, but no matter what she did, the man's arms were very sturdy, and she could not move it away from her waist. The man continued expressing his desire without any plan to stop as if he did not notice XuanRong's struggling inside his embrace.

XuanRong started panicking. Feeling the forceful grip on her waist, she could not help but recall the night when she was tortured and raped in her previous lifetime. She could see herself being pressed on the ground while someone was groping her body. Suddenly, XuanRong felt that something snapped inside her head. She started screaming. Her eyes already lost its focus as she stared at the distance like she was having hallucinations.


XuanRong's movement was starting to become fierce. She was still screaming while trying to bite the man's arms, wanting to escape. Tears started pouring out of her eyes, making her look pitiful and weak. She kept struggling as if her life depends on it.

Looking at XuanRong who suddenly started screaming, the man, Xu Fei Yi could not help but be startled. Sensing her distress, Xu Fei Yi immediately released her out of his embraced. Although one could not see his face because it was hidden beneath the golden mask, one could clearly see the anxiousness on his eyes. His heart was pounding very hard not because he was ecstatic but because he was worried for her. After releasing her on his embrace, Xu Fei Yi nervously stared at XuanRong and found out that she was not on her right mind. Her eyes were unfocused as if her soul was in a distant place. She kept on screaming as if she was being forced. Looking at the frightened XuanRong, Xu Fei Yi did not know what to do. Without any other choice, he could only pull her closer and grab both of her wrists to stop her from hurting herself. He placed his left hand on her head and let her bury her head on his chest as he tried his best to calm her.

Was he really that despicable?

In the past few days that he had not seen XuanRong, all that was on his mind was her. He was filled with unexplainable longing that almost made him insane. Do not ask him why. He, himself, also wanted to know the reason of his inexhaustible desire to monopolize her.

When he was finally able to move after being bed ridden for almost half a month, the first thing he thought was to visit her. When he saw her after being unable to even take a glimpse of her for half a month, all the pent-up frustrations and desire burst up, he could not help but tease her a little. But looking at the pitiful her who was crying, Xu Fei Yi wanted to smack himself for frightening her. Since it was the first time he interacted with a woman, Xu Fei Yi did not know how to stop XuanRong's tears, he could only repeatedly say "It's okay, it's okay." while hugging her tight.

At first, XuanRong once again started struggling but later on, her cry and screams slowly stopped. When Xu Fei Yi felt that she no longer fought back, he effortlessly carried her towards the huge bed and placed her on it. XuanRong's eyes were close as if she was already sleeping but her hands were still gripping his lapel.

'What am I going to do with you?'

Xu Fei Yi could only sigh as he slowly tore her hands away from his clothes. She cried so much that her breathing was erratic. Raising his hand, Xu Fei Yi, wiped the remaining tears on XuanRong's eyes. It was the first time he saw her crying like this… the first time he saw the weak XuanRong. Whenever they meet, whether he was the Moon Emperor or the idiotic prince, Xu Fei Yi, she was full of life. Her eyes that were blazing with hatred as if the whole world owed her mesmerized him. Recalling what happened few minutes ago, Xu Fei Yi did not want to see it again. He vowed that the next time they meet each other, he had to control himself in order to avoid frightening his poor little kitten.

"Be good." Xu Fei Yi lowered his head and kissed XuanRong's forehead before leaving the room through the window.

When Xu Fei Yi left, XuanRong's eyes snapped open and confusedly stared at the window where Xu Fei Yi felt a while ago. Her face was as bright as a tomato. The truth was, she was not really asleep. When she was having hallucinations, remembering that hateful night, she started losing her rationality and could not think properly. But when he pulled her back to his embrace while repeatedly reassuring her that everything was okay, her mind slowly cleared up. When all of her senses returned, she found out that she was gripping his clothes tightly like a small child asking for assurance. It made her feel extremely shy. She wanted to find a hole and bury herself. She pretended to have fallen asleep in order to avoid him.

Shame! truly shameful!

How could she show her weak side in front of him?

Besides, why was she acting like this? Didn't she already decided to forget him and treat those things they had shared together as wonderful memories?

XuanRong raised her arm and placed it on top of her face, hiding the faint bush on her cheeks.

'Ahhh.. what is happening to me?'


An Wei left the XiangFu for a while because he went somewhere else. When he returned to XuanRong's courtyard, he heard her voice. She was screaming. Panic suddenly arose inside his heart.

Did something bad happen to XuanRong?

Without thaving any second thought, An Wei immediately ran forward towards XuanRong's outer room that was located at the left side of the courtyard. But before he could even get closer, a silver masked man suddenly appeared out of nowhere and forcefully blocked his path.

When he saw the silver mask on the man's face, An Wei's countenance darkened. He knew him. He was the silver masked man who was the subordinate of that powerful man who once abducted their young miss. Since this man was here, it would only mean that 'he' was also here.

"What do you think you are doing? Dare to block my path?"

The silver masked man did not respond to An Wei's words. He only glared at An Wei and snorted in disdain. He also did not want to be here but since His Lordship wanted to visit Eldest Lady Xuan, he had no choice but to accompany His Lordship since he knew that His Lordship was still weak due to his illness acting up once again.

When An Wei did not receive any reply from the silver masked man, he could not help but feel annoyed. He raised his fist, preparing to fight the man, but before he could even move, the silver masked man suddenly turned and left, leaving only one sentence. "Be grateful that you are Eldest Lady Xuan's subordinate."

An Wei did not pay attention to the silver masked man's words and hurriedly went to the door. He wanted to enter but he knew that it was impossible. Although he was XuanRong's shadow guard, due to the difference of their gender, he was not allowed to enter XuanRong's room unless she calls him.

In the end, An Wei only stood at the front of the threshold without entering the room.

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[Unedited Chapter]

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