"Congratulations! Congratulation!"

"Prime Minister Xuan is very lucky to have outstanding daughters!"

"That's right! Especially his eldest daughter. This old man could still remember her performance last time."

"So true! The rumors about Young Lady XuanRong gave her no justice. How could she be an arrogant person?"

"Ai. Arrogance is common for the young ones. She was still a child that time but look at her now, she grew up magnificently."

Hearing those people praise XuanRong, XuanLi was very satisfied but he did not let it show on his face. He humbly shook his head and responded modestly.

"Ai. This Prime Minister knows that my eldest child, Rong'er was very mischievous when she was young. When she was sick, This Prime Minister did not want to send her away but since the physician insisted that she should recuperate far away in the capital to avoid stressing out her health, This Prime Minister could only agree and send her to Lu Shan. This Prime Minister feared that since she was all alone in the suburbs for five long years, there would be no one to guide her properly. It was good that she grew up sensible."

XuanLi's face was full of remorse. If one did not know the truth, one would think that he was an outstanding father. But who was he lying to? Those people already knew the real reason why XuanRong was sent to Lu Shan, but they had chosen to remain silent and let him continue his farce. One should not strike the face of a smiling person. Besides, they were here because they wanted to attend XuanRong's coming of age ceremony and not to fight with XuanLi.

The entire hall was full of guests coming from those noble families in the capital. XuanLi was laughing heartily while talking with his friends and colleagues. Although he did not like XuanRong, it would not mean that he also did not like hearing praises for her. She was still a child of the Xuan family and hearing people praise his daughter was akin to hearing people praise his family name.

XuanLi was busy entertaining the guests when a male servant whispered on his ears and told him that the Crown Prince had arrived and was now walking towards the residence's hall. After hearing the servant'd words, XuanLi excused himself and walked out of the hall, planning to meet Xu Ji An on the way, but before he could even leave the hall, XuanFei called him.

"Father.. Where are you going?"

When XuanLi stopped his tracks and turned his head, XuanFei curtsied.

"Greetings, father."

Looking at his beloved daughter who was wearing a light pink hanfu with artificial blue roses as her hair ornament, he could not help but nod in satisfaction. His daughter, XuanFei was really beautiful. She looked exactly like Xiao Lou when she was young. When he first saw Xiao Lou, he vowed that he would not let other people take her and decided that he would have her as his woman. Although he married Chen Yi, he was still able to successfully have Xiao Lou as his woman. Xiao Lou was not only exemplary in terms of looks but she was also a first rate woman on the bed, making him treasure her more.

"Come, follow father. The Imperial Family sent His Highness the Crown Prince to attend your older sister's coming of age ceremony."

Since the Emperor already sent an imperial decree, stating that XuanRong would be marrying into the royal family, it was understandable that the emperor would send someone from the imperial family to attend the celebration but XuanLi did not expect that the person whom the emperor ordered would be the Imperial Crown Prince, Xu Ji An. He recalled the preparations he did in order to lure the Crown Prince and make him attend XuanFei's birthday banquet last time. He could not help but feel sour. He knew that the Emperor sent the Crown Prince not because the Emperor was giving him face, but rather, he was giving face to XuanRong's maternal grandfather, Chen Zi Tao. Although XuanLi was not happy about it, he had no choice but to accept the fact that no matter what he did, whether it was few years ago when he was not yet the Left Prime Minister or right now where he was only below one person and above others[1], he was still unable to contend to his previous father in law. Even if few years had already passed, XuanLi could still not raise his head in front of Chen Zi Tao.


XuanLi was snapped awake by XuanFei's voice.

That's right!

How could he forget his beloved daughter XuanFei?

Once XuanFei marries His Highness, Xu Ji An, he would become the father of the Empress. Once Xu Ji An ascends to the throne, he would be able to arrogantly raise his head in front of that old fool. If he was not happy, he could just ask his future son in law to kill Chen Zi Tao and the Chen family.

'Nevermind. Those humiliations I experience in the hand of that old bastard, I, XuanLi will make sure to return it back with interest.' XuanLi vowed.

"Nothing. Come, let us hurry. His Highness must be on his way."


"Your Highness, please come this way."

A male servant ushered Xu Ji An towards the small pathway. Against to his imperial mother's wishes, he pulled some strings in order to attend XuanRong's coming of age ceremony. He wanted to see her.

In the past few days, Xu Ji An formed countless of plans in order to entice XuanRong. As Long as he could capture her heart and make her support him in the shadows, he would not mind making her his woman. Even if she marries his stupid uncle, he could just meet her discreetly. He would not mind making that idiotic uncle of him wear a green hat. Recalling XuanRong's arrogant gaze as she stared back at him, Xu Ji An felt that his lower part started swelling. He wanted to know what face she would make once she was pressed beneath him. Would she still glare at him or would she show her lewd face? Every time he was having sex with his concubines and tongfangs[2], he would imagine XuanRong's face, making him unsatisfied with his partner.

"Your Highness! This humble official greets His Highness the Crown Prince. This Humble official is very glad to see you attend the celebration."

Xu Ji An saw that XuanLi and his daughter, XuanFei were walking towards him.

"Fei'er, go greet His Highness." XuanLi immediately ordered XuanFei to move forward and show curtsy. Blushing, XuanFei nodded and lowered her head. Like a shy maiden, her eyes only took a glimpse of Xu Ji An before lowering it. She bent her knees and curtsied.

"Greetings, Your Highness. This official's daughter hopes that you will have a wonderful night."

Looking at his beloved daughter acting shy, XuanLi could not help but chuckle. "Your Highness, do you remember my third daughter, XuanFei?"

Xu Ji An lowered his eyes and saw that XuanFei was secretly looking at him. When their eyes met, she hastily removed her gaze away from him. If it was before, when his mind was not filled with XuanRong's face, he would have appreciated such a fine young flower. Unfortunately, Xu Ji An remain unmoved.

"En. This Prince remembers." He lazily replied.

Hearing Xu Ji An's words, both XuanLi and XuanFei exhaled in relief. Seemed like XuanFei was able to get His Highness' attention since he was able to remember her.

"Your Highness, please follow this official. The ceremony has not started yet but I already called my eldest daughter."

"Mmm.. Then lead the way."


"Your Highness!! Where have you been?!"

Mu Qing pulled Xu Fei Yi closer and saw that he was full of dirt. There were some leaves stuck on his hair and clothes, making him look like a poor beggar.

"Mu Qing, I went to find a gift for my Wife Jiejie. Look what I have found. Will she like this?"

There was a plain red rose in Xu Fei Yi's hand. He held the rose with utmost care, as if he was afraid that he would hurt it.

Looking at Xu Fei Yi's face that was full of smiles, mu Qing could not bear to continue reprimanding him. He could only sigh and nod in agreement.

"Eldest Lady Xuan will definitely like this, Your Highness."

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[1]. A prime minister is a rank one official which is the highest among the ranks and only one rank lower than the emperor in court duties.

[2]. Maids whose sole work is to please their master in bed.

[Unedited Chapter]

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