Rebirth of the Financial Overlord

Vol 5 Chapter 87: Giant pit

Norman Lamont’s tone was indescribably shocked and apprehensive. He never thought that the Bank of England, recognized by the world as the world’s most powerful central bank, could not stand it for 15 minutes.


   Thousands of transactions are sold in one minute. How is this done?


   Could it be that speculators all over the world are short selling British pounds?


   Or, does the pound really have to depreciate?


Do not!


   must not depreciate.


   Thinking of what he had said before, Lamont quickly found enough reasons to reject this **** idea. If Britain were to withdraw from ERM at this time, he would definitely be nailed to the historical shame.


   Hanging up the phone with Solchaga, Lamont immediately convened a meeting with financial officials and the Governor of the Bank of England Robin Leigh Pemberton.


   "We have consumed seven billion foreign exchange reserves."


   "If the seller continues to borrow pounds from us to sell, we may not be able to last next week."


   "I have contacted Michel Condeso, the President of the IMF, and he has agreed to our loan application..."




   "If it still doesn't work, we can consider doing something else, such as raising interest rates."




  The consultation between the consultant and the Bank of England made Lamont very upset. He was a little uncertain whether these darings would have any effect on the market. As the Chancellor of the Exchequer, he knew very well that the root of the problem lies in Germany. If the Germans can lower interest rates again, the pressure on the pound will be infinitely weakened.


   "If the Germans can lower interest rates at this time, it will be of great help to us."




   At the same time, Frankfurt International Airport.


An over 100 plane with flashing lights landed on the airport runway with a roar. When the plane stopped, Shen Jiannan strode out of the cabin. The night breeze came, and a chill came, making people feel the autumn. Bleak.


   Putting on the coat Tang Dunhou handed over, he stood at the door of the cabin and looked around. A stone pressed against Shen Jiannan's heart was removed.


   He has always worried that the emergence of programmatic transactions that shouldn't appear in this era may cause some off-track effects, but now, everything is still on the original track.


   Otherwise, Schlesinger would not agree to eat with him at this time.


  The Frankfurt Financial Center is located in the small town of Eschborn in Hessen. There is the ancient Frankfurt Bishop’s Cathedral and the World Museum. In the slow flow of the Rhine, the German Central Bank is also located here.


   Upon receiving the news from the airport, Helmut Schlesinger glanced at the pound-to-mark exchange rate on the computer, and a sneered smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.


Although the Financial Investigation Department did not find out that the United Kingdom was involved in the previous attack on Lira, he believed that this kind of thing would surely be seen by the British scumbags. Now, it’s time for the **** to take a look. In Europe. On the mainland, who should be the real master?


   bang bang!


   There was a knock on the door of the office, and as Schlesinger looked over, the assistant walked into the office.


   "Mr. Shen has arrived."


   "Tell those reporters that I will be interviewed by them at Le Méridien."


   was shocked, the place where Schlesinger was going to have dinner with Shen Jiannan was the Le Méridien Hotel, where he was interviewed by the media.






"What is the problem?"


   "I was told by those big mouths in the media that it was not so good, right?"


   I just want them to cheer up and say it, otherwise, why should I accept their interview there.


   Of course, such words can never be said.


   Schlesinger adjusted his suit and made sure that the appearance did not damage his image, and gave help to an answer that can be explained.


   "I don't think there is any problem with this? There are multinational giants who want to invest in Germany. Shouldn't you, as the governor of the central bank, do some entertainment for this?"


   "But... he is the biggest short in the pound. I am worried that this will send the media another signal."


   "What does this have to do with us? If you have a headache, it is also the headache of the **** sticks."


  Understanding Schlesinger's will, she naturally couldn't say anything, she shrugged her shoulders and expressed her dissatisfaction.


   "Schlesinger, I don't agree with the term **** stick. That makes me think I am a shit, which is really disgusting."




   Schlesinger discovered that he was speechless.


   Le Méridien Frankfurt.


   A reporter from the "Wall Street Journal" and a reporter from the German Financial Times "Commercial Daily" were standing in the lobby of the hotel with interview equipment and talking.


   They didn't expect that Schlesinger would accept their interview, and it seemed that it was still scheduled for a dinner.


   This is big news.


   The pound exchange rate has plummeted, and the global investment industry has focused its attention on Europe. Almost everyone is watching what Deutsche Bank will do.


   Whatever Schlesinger said, the impact will be huge.


   Suddenly, a group of able-bodied, violent temperaments, dressed in black suits and black ties, walked into the hotel lobby.


   Could it be that Schlesinger is here?


  The reporters present were a bit confused. The financial district is very safe. Schlesinger has never been so fanatical when he travels. But at this time, it seems that the big man at the Le Méridien Hotel can only be this gentleman.


   Doubts turned to doubts, the reporters stood up with the equipment clumps and surrounded the group of people.


"Step aside!"


   "Please keep your distance."


   "Come here again, don't blame me for being rude."




   The rough push and cold pistol made a group of reporters dumbfounded. How do these guys look like mafia and not like bodyguards.




   I have to say that those who can be reporters have vicious eyes.


   only repaid 200 million, and still owed 800 million. Katina arranged for a dozen people to follow Shen Jiannan to avoid this guy running away, so when he came to Germany, these people came with him.




   The reporters saw Shen Jiannan surrounded by a wall.


   " is that oriental devil..."


   "Why did he appear here?"


   "Schlesinger will come later."


   "God. Did they make an appointment to meet here?"


   "My God, this will definitely be super big news."




  The name of the person, the shadow of the tree.


  As the biggest villain in Europe...No, as the biggest bearer in the European currency market today, there is no reason why major media organizations do not recognize him.


   A bunch of reporters were flushed, and immediately associated Schlesinger's presence here.


   Even many people have a wonderful idea. Even if Schlesinger and Shen Jiannan will not have any intersection, as long as they are reported here, it will be as scary as a bomb.


   The governor of a German central bank, and a big bear on the European exchange rate mechanism, this combination is too easy to imagine.


   "Honorable Mr. Shen, hello. This is Wall Street Journal reporter Jordan Curry. Did you come here to meet Mr. Schlesinger?"


   "The beauty is very heavy, hello. I am Daniel Gundogan, a reporter from the Chinese Commercial Daily. I don't know why you came to Germany at this time?"





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