Rebirth of the Financial Overlord

Vol 5 Chapter 88: Step into the second sequence

Unexpected, very unexpected.

Shen Jiannan didn't expect that he would meet reporters here.

However, in an instant, he also understood Schlesinger's intentions.

It seems that the central bank governor really does not want the German Central Bank to become the European Central Bank, nor does he want the Deutsche Mark to disappear from the world, but wants to take the opportunity to give the British a stick.

Appearing here in his capacity, even without saying anything, is enough to express various problems.

Taking into account various issues, Shen Jiannan walked into the elevator without stopping with a slight smile. At this time, without saying anything, the speculation given to the market might bring unexpected pressure.

"Mr. Shen, please stay."

"Mr. Shen..."


In the flash of Ka Ka Ka, Shen Jiannan and his party got on the independent special elevator under the arrangement of the hotel. The reporters present regretted repeatedly and hated not being able to kiss the soles of his feet for this interview opportunity. But at this moment, a car stopped at the entrance of the hotel lobby, and Helmut Schlesinger arrived.

It's a coincidence.

Coincidentally, the reporters present couldn't even think about it.

An international bearer just got on the elevator, and the governor of the German Central Bank appeared here. Who would dare to say that there is nothing tricky in it.

All the reporters on the scene suddenly beamed their eyes, and trotted around Schlesinger and his assistant at the entrance of the hall.

"President Schlesinger, the pound has fallen by 5% so far. Will the German Central Bank consider implementing a new monetary policy out of the European exchange rate mechanism?"

"President Schlesinger, following the plunge in the Italian lira and the Spanish peseta, the pound has plummeted by 5% today. What is your opinion on this."



Helmut Schlesinger stopped during the encirclement and suppression of spears.

"I think. With the current ERM problems, it is better to adjust some currencies extensively than to adjust the lira and peseta separately."


For an instant, the reporters present were stunned, and all of them blushed and breathed quickly.

But those who can be prostitutes have experienced strong winds and waves. Some people suppressed the excitement that their heart would explode, and quickly took over the topic just now.

"Your Excellency Schlesinger. Do you think the pound also needs to be devalued?"

"I don't mean anything against the pound."


"His Excellency Schlesinger, before your arrival, we also met Mr. Shen Jiannan. I don't know if the two agreed to meet here."

"No comment."

"His Excellency Schlesinger, don't you know that the two are meeting here to discuss the problems of the European exchange rate mechanism?"

"No comment, I can only tell you that I am here because I have worked overtime and haven't eaten yet."


In the chase of many journalists, Helmut Schlesinger stepped into the public elevator with help, but interestingly, he did not stop the journalists from entering the elevator.

This was a very subtle reaction, and the reporters at the scene did not break it, and stepped into the elevator with all their faces excited.

"Your Excellency Schlesinger....."



In the same topic, the elevator stopped at the top-floor restaurant. Helmut Schlesinger took a big step and stepped out of the elevator room. A group of reporters hurriedly chased and intercepted him, wanting to obtain more information.

But unfortunately, several guys with black hair, black suits and black ties were very rude and blocked their way.

"Sorry. This is a private space now, please leave immediately. Thank you!"

At such an important juncture, the way was blocked, and several reporters immediately became anxious. Someone yelled at Schlesinger.

"Your Excellency Schlesinger, please stay, I only have one last question."

Hearing the reporter yelling, Helmut Schlesinger stopped, turned her neck and glanced at the female reporter who stopped him.


No problem, only a frantic flash of flash. A cold-faced Tang Dunhou and his party, and a frontal photo of Schlesinger in a suit and leather shoes appeared in the film.

London, HMTreasury.

Norman Lamont rubbed his face and looked at the advisor and central bank governor Pemberton with some excitement.

Nowadays, the capital outflow of pound sterling mainly flows into Germany to replace mark assets. If Deutsche Bank lowers interest rates again, the pressure on pound sterling will be greatly reduced.

Probably to encourage everyone, or to find a reason to convince himself, Lamont leaned forward and said all possible logic.

"The lira has collapsed and the peseta has collapsed. Now it is our turn. I believe this is not in the interests of the Germans. They want to unify the European currency unit and will never watch us leave the EMR. No one knows Germans better than me."

"I agree with the judgment of the Minister of Finance."

"I also agree with Mr. Finance's analysis that Britain is not comparable to second-tier countries like Italy and Spain. They need us to support the improvement of the European exchange rate mechanism and the development of the community."


Robin Leigh Pemberton feels that Lamont’s analysis is somewhat optimistic. Since the beginning of privatization, Britain’s imports from Germany have increased at a rate of 19% each year. As Germany’s largest importer of goods, In some respects, the depreciation of the pound is more in line with the interests of the Germans.

In that way, the British would need to spend more wealth to buy goods from Germany.

But the consultants all thought so, what can he say, looking at the eyes looking over, he nodded in agreement.

no disagreement.

Norman Lamont stood up excitedly and shook his fist, giving everyone the most sincere encouragement.

"I suggest that I call Schlesinger early tomorrow morning. I believe that he will make the right choice under our pressure. Oh Karma, I'm such a genius, this attention is really great."


Robin Leigh Pemberton hesitated, but out of his duty, he asked the hidden worries in his heart. Fifteen minutes caused the central bank to consume 7 billion foreign exchange, and he was very frightened.

"If, I mean if. What if the Germans disagree to cut interest rates?"

"It's absolutely impossible, no..."


The door of the conference room was violently pushed open from the outside, and the unexpected sound made Lamont stop.

It was Rowan from the News Office. Norman Lamont felt terrible when he saw him panicking.

Oh, God.

Don't be bad news!

"My lord, it's okay. Just now there was news from the news accepted an interview with the Wall Street Journal and the Commercial Daily. He said..."

Seeing Lamont's cannibalistic eyes, Rowan was frightened and wondered whether to continue.

"Asshole. What did he say."

"He said... he said that extensive adjustments to European currencies would be better than separate adjustments to lira and pesetas."


Lamont was stunned by the words.

As the Chancellor of the Exchequer, he did not understand what this sentence meant.

In other words, it is an individual who does not understand what this sentence means.

Not long ago, Schlesinger said something similar. At that time, he pointed out the weak foundation of the lira.

And now, Schlesinger’s speech is tantamount to calling for the devaluation of the pound. His previous public statement after the Bath meeting has triggered an attack on the lira, and now he is attacking the United Kingdom...

In an instant, Norman Lamont's face was covered with red light.

"Damn it. What does this **** want to do?"

"and also......"

Rowan kept his promise, not knowing whether to talk about other things, Lamont's anger made him wonder if he would be beaten to death by saying it.

"Asshole. What else did he say, can you finish it all at once."

"Schlesinger did not say anything else, but a reporter photographed that Shen Jiannan arrived at the Le Méridien Hotel before Schlesinger arrived at the Le Méridien Hotel."

Shen Jiannan, Schlesinger?

Norman Lamont was surprised and grabbed Rowan by the neckline.

"What are you talking about? That Oriental? Damn, how can they be together, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

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