Rebirth of the Genius Charlatan

Vol 5 Chapter 49: Beijing change

  The news of Xia Shao’s accident came back to the capital the next day.

  The Jiang family was the first to get this news. Xu Kangguo personally called the local department, and the rescue work was carried out very quickly. However, there were not many people buried in the avalanche of Kunlun Mountain, and it was not considered a major accident, and Xu Kangguo did not need to call the local authorities himself. Anyone who understands Xu Kangguo's behavior can smell something unusual in this incident.

  Since the Jiang family knew that something was wrong with the Xu family, they had been sending people to stare at it and inquire about it. Seeing the movements of the old man in the Xu family, I knew that something must have happened again.

  And just as they were making this guess, they received a call from Xiao Yi.

  Xia Shao really had an accident in Kunlun Mountain! The avalanche occurred at night, causing two deaths, two injuries, and three missing. Xia Shao was among the missing person.

Rescuers received a call in the middle of the night and arrived at the scene early in the morning. They waited for the avalanche to completely stop before going up the mountain to search. However, in addition to two seriously injured people, two people were found dead under the broken rock. People. All four of them were foreigners, and rescuers tried to send them to the hospital and clean up the remains of the other two. However, it is very difficult to work on the mountainside, the broken boulders are difficult to excavate, and the cleanup work progresses slowly. In addition, a large number of rescuers searched the mountains, but no buried people were found on the surface of the avalanche.

  In other words, people are completely buried in the snow.

Of the people who are completely buried in an avalanche, only 20% can live more than half an hour, and less than 5% of people who can live more than three hours. Most of the deaths are due to suffocation, collision, loss of temperature or shock. And last night, since the avalanche occurred to the arrival of the rescue team, more than three hours passed?

  Although rescuers have been searching, no one thinks that the buried people have any hope of surviving. [

  The shopping mall, the girl who has created business legends one after another over the years, what will her ending be like?

  When the news spread in the capital, many people did not believe it. The members of Huayuan Private Club are not only politicians, but also many business people. They called Huaxia Group one after another, and the senior officials of Huaxia Group are holding an emergency meeting.

  Sun Changde, Chen Manguan, Ma Xianrong, Liu Banwang and Emily, five veterans gathered. Liu Banwang and Emily received a call from Sun Changde and flew to Qingshi urgently from Hong Kong. The five people were sitting in the office with a solemn atmosphere.

   "I don't believe that the chairman will have an accident." Chen Manguan spoke first. In terms of qualifications, he was the first person to follow Xia Shao, and he also watched her start from antiques and build contacts with Feng Shui as the company, step by step to where she is today. He believed that others had an accident, but he didn't believe that Xia Dong had an accident! She has long been admired by too many people for her metaphysical and easy-to-reason attainments. She usually helps others to resolve disasters. Now that she has an accident, who believes it?

   "The chairman's phone has been unable to get through." Sun Changde frowned and looked at Chen Manguan.

  Chen Manguan became hot when he heard it, and the table slapped, "It's not just that her phone can't get through today!"

  Chen Manguan is the oldest of the five and the most calm temperament. After experiencing the changes of the year, although he has been working hard with Xia Shao in the mall these years, he has a mentality of self-cultivation. Especially in the past two years, I laughed when I saw people, and it has been a long time since he got angry.

   "Brother Chen, I understand your mood." Sun Changde patted Chen Manguan on the shoulder. He followed Xia Shao as Chen Manguan, and the friendship between the two was closer than with others. He is the second veteran to join the Huaxia Group, and his appreciation for Xia Shao's admiration and understanding is no less than that of Chen Manguan. Because of this, he understands what he is doing now, "I don't believe that the chairman will have an accident, but whether we believe it or not is not the most important thing. The important thing is whether the outside world believes it or not, the company employees believe it or not! The chairman's personal phone number It’s not just us. If something goes out that she can’t get through on the phone, the rumors will become more and more intense. The most urgent thing is that we have to find a way to stabilize public opinion and stabilize the company’s employees!”

"Mr. Sun makes sense." At this time, Liu Banwang spoke up, "This incident was only reported in Beijing today, but it will be spread soon. Before I came here, I strictly controlled our group. Reporting. But if we do not report it, we can’t prevent others from reporting it. This matter has not been spread in Hong Kong, but I’m afraid there will be news tomorrow. We can’t let the outside world guess and spread this news. The chairman is too young. Now, our group is too young, with huge assets in five years and no heirs yet! Think about it, what will our competitors do if the news of the accidental death of the chairman goes out?"

  The office is silent.

How to do it? As long as the rumors of the China Group’s internal fighting, the group’s possible change of ownership or disintegration are spread, the group’s customers will suffer serious losses. If panic is triggered, the stock price will also be unstable. If there are strong international opponents behind the control, the group will face It is a disaster!

  Huaxia Group is no longer just a domestic business giant. It has shown such a big show at the World Auction Summit in the UK. I don't know how many international giants are staring at this new star, nor are they staring at the huge domestic market. When Xia Shao was there, she was a well-known feng shui master in the country. Naturally, some people respect her and fear her and dare not provoke the Huaxia Group. But what if she is gone?

   "No, just let the rumors spread!" At this time, Chen Manguan said. He took a few breaths, obviously suppressed his emotions, and squinted, as if the old mall veteran was back.

Sun Changde and others looked at him together, while Chen Manguan said to Liu Banwang: “It’s of course the best to prevent the rumors from spreading. The problem is that you can’t. The domestic media is not the only one of our family, and there is no way to keep things from getting through. You can only let the news spread and make a big noise! ​​When the trouble gets big, you will come forward to clarify on behalf of the group, saying that the chairman is engaged to General Xu and is on vacation abroad. We will find out the rumors and solve them through legal means! Believe it or not. , We have a tougher attitude. I think even if there are rumors, there are still many fears on the identity of the chairman in the market. I don’t believe it. Before the matter is confirmed, someone really dare to take the risk of China Group! Unless he is not afraid that the chairman will come back someday Trouble him."

  When a few people heard it, their eyes lit up. Liu Banwang even smiled, Chen Manguan, the old fox! [

  However, he couldn’t laugh right away, “Although it’s a way, but...Before the chairman left, she said that she would return three months later. If it’s the return date, she hasn’t come back yet...”

  Liu Banwang becomes more worried as he speaks. After all, if there is nothing wrong with Xia Dong, everything in front of him will be nothing. But if something happens to her, what will the group do? Public relations with the outside world can only be used for a period of time. If she does not return for a long time, she can say nothing.

   At the mention of this, the atmosphere that had just been relaxed has sinked again.

"I believe her, she is not a person who breaks her promise." Emily's words made the four men in the conference room smile wryly. She is the most capable and pragmatic person. Not her style. But because of this, even Emily started to comfort them, and they could only cheer up.

  Now they have no other choice but to believe in the chairman. All they can do is to do what they should do and do their best to protect the company for her, which is to repay her for the kindness.

  The situation is tight at the moment, and the five people did not lose much time. Once they discussed a good countermeasure, they quickly went back to each place, took the company, and responded to the changes. Liu Banwang and Emily took a step forward, and after Ma Xianrong also left, only Sun Changde and Chen Manguan remained in the conference room.

  The two wanted to discuss some emergency measures about this matter, and Sun Changde's phone rang.

  The call was made by Fang Li, the general manager of the auction company in Beijing. The rumors in Beijing were Sun Changde who had been notified by him and Zhu Yanlan. Sun Changde answered the phone, and before speaking, Fang Li said at the other end: "Mr. Sun, an account that the chairman asked me to pay attention to is trending!"

  "What account?" Sun Changde didn't know about it yet.

  "It was an account that the chairman of the board of directors brought me to pay attention to last year. There had been two movements, but none of the problems were serious. I just discovered that the funds flowed to Japan. Who do you think the recipient is?" Fang Li snorted.


  "Yamato Club!"

   "What?" Sun Changde was taken aback, almost thinking that he had heard it wrong.

   "What's the matter?" Chen Manguan asked when Sun Changde hung up.

  Sun Changde said with a sullen face, “I haven’t received any news from the Yamato Club, but they have just received a sum of 5 billion in funds, except that they want to liquidate the company. I can’t think of any other reason.”

   "What?" Chen Manguan was also stunned, without speaking for a long time. Before Xia Shao left, she promised that she would have a way to keep the Yamato Club still, but now the other party heard that something happened to her, so he moved boldly? However, the news of Xia Shao’s accident is still in the capital.

  "Don't you think, the most amazing thing is that as soon as Yamato Club got the news of the chairman's accident, did it immediately receive the funds?" Sun Changde looked at Chen Manguan. This shows what? It explained that the Yamato Club and the person who wanted to acquire the Yamato Club had been in contact for a long time, and the two sides had negotiated, only waiting for the chairman of the board to have an accident! That's why they can be so fast. Whenever something happens to the chairman, they will act.

  Chen Manguan obviously thought of this too, he did not speak, but Sun Changde became worried.

"Brother Chen, I have never believed that the chairman of the board will have an accident, but if it is our judgment, I am really afraid now. This shows that this rumor is likely to be true..." Sun Changde's heart sinks as he speaks, "You said, If the chairman really had an accident, then what happened to her... was it accidental?"

   Asked this question, Sun Changde was startled in a cold sweat. This kind of thing is actually uncommon in shopping malls, but he never thought it would happen to Xia Shao.

"Don't scare yourself, have you forgotten the chairman's skill? We have seen it before. She will have trouble so easily? I don't believe it! It's less than three months now. Wait for the chairman's news first. If the chairman is at that time If you don’t come back, we must check the truth of this matter! You first stabilize the company, let’s proceed as planned, I won’t go back to Qinghai today, I’ll go to Hong Kong. I’ll go to Don’t talk about it, let’s talk about it. , And the Xu family is here. They will not just ignore the chairman's affairs!" Chen Manguan's heart sank, but he still comforted Sun Changde and immediately figured out a way to inquire about the news.

  Sun Changde nodded, and it was right to find Elder Tang. Elder Tang might know more.

  But neither of them knew that at this time, both Hong Kong and Xu's family had something wrong.

  ------Off topic------

   嗷 嗷, don’t say I’m so sad, I’ll leave it for the finale if there are four or five chapters left, so I’ll continue to update it if nothing happens in the past two days.

  ∷fast update∷∷plain text∷

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