Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 249: Xiao Ai debut (part 2)

"Those idiots, they will definitely be in danger."

In the comic, Conan thought of it in his heart, and ran towards the newspaper office.

Just when Ye Zimin was worried about Bumei Xiaoai and the others, the lens of the comic turned and turned to the newspaper.

"Big, big sister, you can spare me." In the newspaper, the man in the hat that Conan tracked shivered. He was slapped on the ground by the eldest sister in his mouth, with a look of fear on his face.

"I told you that those are all trial works without watermarks, and they are not usable yet. How dare you not listen to me?" In the comics, a man with a black hat appeared and he was covered in black all over. Woman.

She spoke in a low voice, looking quite aura.

"This woman, she is the woman mentioned above." Seeing this, Ye Zimin immediately reacted, "The aura is really good, it seems that she is indeed an accomplice of the black organization."

"Sorry, eldest sister, I won't dare again next time." In the comic, the man who was slapped down by the woman in the manga was even more nervous after hearing what she said.

Judging from his appearance, he was indeed terrified of this woman.

"Idiot, this kind of trial work is easy to find. The real valuable banknotes are still in that guy's pen." The comic lens turned to the side following the woman's words. A classmate who asked Conan and the others A very similar big boy appeared on the sketch.

"It's him, he is the older brother Conan and the others are looking for." Seeing this, Ye Zimin was finally able to determine the direction Conan and the others were looking for, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"Well, five little devil heads broke into the newspaper." At this moment, the man sitting in front of the monitor suddenly spoke.

"What's the panic. It's just five little mice that broke in. Just get rid of them." The black-clothed woman said, and she actually took out a pistol at the same time.

"Have a gun?"

Seeing this, Ye Zimin became even more worried for Bu Mei Xiaoai and the others.

At this time, the comic lens turned again, and Bu Mei and the others began to search the newspaper. And finally found evidence of the counterfeit banknotes made by this newspaper.

"Hello, little mice, I didn't expect you to find your brother and found here."

At this moment, the door of the inner room was opened, and the woman in black and several other people all walked out. They formed a semi-encircled circle, faintly surrounding Bu Mei Xiaoai and the others.

"No, you have to tell Conan as soon as possible." Bumei thought to herself. She hurriedly ran outside. In the end, he was caught by the people of the counterfeit banknote production group and pulled back.

"You don't seem to know what the situation is right now. Bring me this little girl and start with her."

Bumei and the others fought fiercely in the hall. The black-clothed woman said so, waiting for him to bring Bu Mei over. Raising the gun in his hand, aiming at Bu Mei's forehead.

When he saw this, Ye Zimin swallowed. Although he had long guessed that Bu Mei Xiao'ai and the others would be in danger, when he saw the black-clothed woman aiming her gun at Bu Mei, his whole heart was still agitated.

"Conan, come and save me." Bu Mei said loudly at this time.

"Conan? If you mean the sneaky kid with glasses, I can tell you. He is dead." The black-clothed woman smiled, "We can see everything you are outside on the monitor. Chu, I sent someone to deal with that kid long ago."

"How is it, how is it possible!" Hearing this news, everyone in the comic was shocked. How could Conan, the most reliable one in their hearts, be killed.

"There is definitely nothing wrong with the protagonist. How could the protagonist die." Ye Zimin has seen many comics, and of course he knows that a protagonist like Conan will definitely not be killed here.

"Okay, little girl, you can go to **** to find the little devil wearing glasses." The black-clothed woman said. At the same time the pistol is ready.

At this critical moment, Ye Zimin only saw a small iron barrel flying by in the air on the drawing, and then the black woman's pistol was knocked off.

"You said to kill me, rely on this guy?" At the same time Conan also walked in, his hands. He also dragged the man who was sent by the woman in black to kill Conan, "If it were him, I would be really embarrassed, because I used an anesthesia gun to anesthetize him."

After speaking, Conan officially walked into the room with a smile on his face, appearing quite confident.

"This is Detective Conan, this is what he really is."

Seeing this, Ye Zimin thought to himself. Although he knew that according to the protagonist's law of immortality, Conan must be fine. But when I saw that Conan was not only okay, but also solved an accomplice of a woman in black, my heart immediately became excited.

"Anesthesia gun? Who are you, who are you?" The woman in black couldn't believe what she saw, and asked loudly.

"My name is Conan Jiang and I am a detective." The answer to this woman was still Conan's famous saying.

At the same time, Conan took the two metal buckets next to him and used his power-enhanced sneakers to kill the two accomplices of the woman in black. In this way, only the woman in black is left.

"Damn it." The woman in black realized that something was wrong, and she ran over quickly, planning to pick up the pistol that was kicked off by Conan.

At this moment, the scene that shocked the audience and Ye Zimin appeared. Just now, a little sorrow that had little sense of existence, she actually picked up the pistol one step ahead, aimed at the black-clothed woman, and fired without hesitation.

And her movements are so professional.

"This little girl is so powerful? This, this is a bit unscientific."

Seeing this, Ye Zimin thought to himself. He felt more and more that Xiao Ai, the new transfer student, was too mysterious. Not only did he not behave like a child at all, but even the shooting technique and decisiveness were beyond the reach of a little girl.

Of course, the cartoon character did not answer Ye Zimin's doubts. After Xiao Ai shot, the police next to him were alarmed. In addition, the police that Conan started calling were also at the end of this time, and all the counterfeit banknote production groups were arrested.

Only then did Conan know from the police that this woman in black had nothing to do with that organization at all. She was just a habitual criminal doing counterfeit money, and everything was misunderstood by herself.

"Why is that? What I was busy doing today." Conan thought silently when he heard what the police said.

Ye Zimin was also a little disappointed. He really thought that this incident would have something to do with the Black Organization. He didn't expect everything to be oolong in the end.

Finally, the whole incident ended, and Conan sent home Xiao Ai, who was told to cry by the police for shooting casually. Conan can't stand girls crying the most, especially this kind of little girl, so after sending her to a similar place, he plans to go back.

"Then Xiaoai I will send you here, we will see you tomorrow." Looking at Xiao Ai who was still crying, Conan said. He turned around after speaking, ready to get rid of this trouble.

Seeing this, Ye Zimin felt that Conan’s emotional intelligence was really too low. Although this little sorrow looks mysterious, she is also a super cute little loli. If she replaces herself, she must accompany her all the way. Yes, I didn't expect Conan to be troublesome.

"APTX4869, do you know what this is?"

When Ye Zimin was worried about Conan's emotional intelligence, Xiao Ai suddenly stopped crying, revealing a mysterious look.

"This is the name of the medicine you are taking. This medicine is a poison that the organization ordered me to develop."

"Organization, won't it, can it be!"

Seeing this, Ye Zimin swallowed. He thought that this issue was over like this, but he didn't expect that such an anecdote appeared at the end.

In the comics, Conan also had an expression with Ye Zimin: "Xiao Ai, you are a primary school student, what can you do?"

"Because I also took this medicine." Xiao Ai continued to show this mysterious smile, said: "Don't you feel familiar? The home address I reported, yes, it is next to your house, Dr. A Li's Home. I didn’t expect it, Conan, no, I should call you Gong Xinyi."

"What? So you are the partner of those people in black." Conan showed a shocked expression after hearing Xiao Ai's words.

"Do you still have time to ask about this now? Now that our organization knows where you are, what do you think of Dr. A Li now? Is he still alive in this world?" Xiao Wei smiled.

After listening to Xiao Ai, Conan remembered that the guys in the Black Organization were all murderous, he quickly dialed Dr. A Li's home, but no one answered the phone.

"Doctor, pick it up!" Conan said anxiously.

"It's useless, the result is the same after you call it several times. How could the dead person answer the phone." At the side of Conan, Xiao Ai chuckled lightly.

Seeing her now, she really has the demeanor of organizing demons.

"No, is there really something wrong with the doctor?"

Seeing this Ye Zimin became anxious. He never expected that at the end of this issue, the plot would have a big reversal. Such a little girl would actually be a member of the black organization.

And from her words, the black organization had clearly focused on Conan and Dr. Ari. And now that Conan can't get through to Dr. Ari's phone, is it possible that something really happened?

Thinking of this, Ye Zimin turned to the next page anxiously, only to find that this issue was gone.

"I'll go, no, it's gone at this critical moment, it's too painful."

The plot is about to reach " ", but there is no such thing. Although Ye Zimin has experienced this kind of thing many times. But every time, he still felt helpless.

This time, it was the same. But he can't help it, he can only look forward to the next issue of the new comic now. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

PS: I'm asking for a monthly pass. Do you still have a monthly pass? Lao Qiao thanked me on behalf of Xiao Ai.

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