Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 250: The Popular Little Sorrow (Part 1)

"Let me go, the plot of this new issue is too reversed, so cute little Lori is an accomplice of the black organization."

"Yeah, I really didn't expect this turning point. Although I thought this little sorrow was a bit strange from the beginning, I really didn't expect her to be in this way. It's really unexpected."

"It was indeed an accident, but what I want to know most now is that Dr. A Li will have nothing to do. The ending of this issue is that he was touched by the black organization."

"I also care about Dr. A Li, this issue of Chen Ze has too much appetite for us. Will there be anything wrong?"

After this new issue of "Detective Conan" came out, fans of fans have discussed it on the Internet. Now the network resources are quite developed, so every time a new comic content is released, comic fans like to discuss the plot on the Internet, and this time is no exception.

Of course, the topics of this discussion are basically related to Xiao Ai. No one expected such a reversal in the last plot of this new issue. A cute loli who looked like a primary school student would actually be a member of the black organization.

And from her mouth, the fans all know that the Black Organization not only knows that Conan or Shinichi is still alive, but more importantly, they have actually begun to deal with Conan and the others. The first goal is Ah Dr. Li.

Therefore, after the fans were extremely shocked, they also began to look forward to the following plot. Although there are not many descriptions of this black organization in the comics, it can be seen from only a few scenes that they are definitely unscrupulous characters who kill people without blinking their eyes.

With such an evil and powerful organization actually carrying it head-on, the fans are naturally very concerned about the development of the next plot. Not only the safety of Dr. Ari, but also how Conan will deal with this incident.

These ones. All fans are most concerned about.

"I think that Dr. A Li should be fine. Even if the organization comes to the door, he, a big scientist, should have a way to deal with it. On the contrary, I am a little surprised. Why is Xiaowai, a member of the organization, in that place? Tell Conan."

"I also find it strange that there is not a single figure in that place. Logically speaking, the black-clothed organization should be a direct assassination. Why should Conan be specially reminded? So when he is prepared, he can start. It's harder."

"I don't know, but the following plot must be very exciting. I guess Dr. A Li may have been caught by the black organization, and then Conan went to rescue him, which led to the burning of the plot."

After sighing Chen Ze's new episode of the plot, the fans began to discuss the next plot enthusiastically.

The biggest highlight of "Detective Conan" is the duel between Conan and the Black Organization. Now it's finally possible that there will be a head-on confrontation between them, which naturally makes the fans who like "Detective Conan" excited.

While feeling so excited, Xiao Ai, like Conan, was a scientist in the black organization who became a child because of the poison, and left a deep impression on the fans.

But this impression is not a good impression, after all, she is also a member of the black organization. And judging from the setting of the new issue of comics. He is also the scientist who developed this kind of killer poison.

This kind of character, no matter how cute it is, it seems impossible to like it?

Fan fans remembered the article that Chen Ze posted before saying that the new character is a character that everyone will like. Now it seems that Xiao Ai, the new character, is definitely impossible to achieve this effect.

"Is it because Chen Ze is confused? How can such a character with a background setting be said to be a charismatic character that everyone will like?" Fan fans thought like this in their hearts.

Some netizens who don't like Chen Ze even claimed this on the Internet, saying that it was Chen Ze to attract the attention of fans and increase sales. Deliberately making false claims on the meager, this little mourning is a good proof.

Of course, the behavior of these people was immediately rebutted by fans who like to support Chen Ze. They certainly know that Chen Ze is definitely not such a person, and they do not need to rely on such so-called false propaganda to increase their comic sales.

However, they did not understand this little grief, such a person in black organization. How can people like it. Therefore, when refuting the remarks that slandered Chen Ze, there was some lack of confidence.

In this way, although the number of people who like Chen Ze is far more charming than those who don't like Chen Ze, the two sides have quarreled wildly on the Internet, but it is still difficult to distinguish the outcome.

But because of this incident, more netizens began to pay attention to "Detective Conan" and this new character Xiaowei. Conan's sales and popularity have improved, but Chen Ze is a blessing in disguise.

But Chen Ze didn't know this now. He didn't expect that the meager and mournful character in front of him would cause such a big controversy on the Internet.

You must know that in Chen Ze's previous life, Xiao Ai was indeed an anime character that many people liked, and it is no exaggeration to even call it the second female of "Detective Conan". Such a character, I say she is very attractive, and the charm is naturally right.

But that is based on the memory of Chen Ze's last life. In this world, netizens do not have the memory of Chen Ze. They judge a character based on the facts in front of them. The current fact is that Xiao Ai claims to be a member of the Black Organization and threatens Conan, which is like a villain.

Judging from the current plot, it is indeed far from what Chen Ze said meagerly. Therefore, such a big controversy on the Internet can be regarded as the result of Chen Ze's own negligence.

However, Chen Ze is not anxious about this situation. The plot behind the comic will soon be reversed, and Xiao Ai will be whitewashed and become Conan's partner.

Xiao Ai Lolita's appearance, coupled with a wise mind, and her poor life experience. Chen Ze believes that even in this world, Xiao Ai can quickly attract a large number of her fans.

After that time, the disputes that are happening on the Internet now will become meaningless. Fanfan netizens will find that they did not lie to them.

"Dear fanciers, I have also read about the opinions you made on the Internet. The character Xiao Ai is definitely not that simple. You believe me to keep reading, and you will find that there is nothing wrong with what I said later. "

Chen Ze sent a new meager explanation, although he knew that even if he didn't explain it, fans would understand it later. But watching the online disputes getting louder, Chen Ze chose to explain.

"What, Xiao Ai is actually still foreshadowing, Great God Chen Ze, what is the next plot like?"

"What will happen to the plot later, Xiao Ai, as a member of the black organization, no matter how I look at it, I don't think she will have any favorite places?"

"I think you must not make such a mistake, God. I have always felt that there is something wrong with Xiao Ai's description. She shouldn't be a villain."

"Applause, applause, how can such a cute loli be the villain!"

Chen Ze's meager post immediately attracted the attention and messages of countless netizens. Fans think that Xiao Ai shouldn't be a villain, no matter how you look at it, she doesn't look like a villain.

But at the end of the latest issue, she is undoubtedly a villain. So everyone is a bit entangled, don't know what to think of Xiao what Chen Ze said meagerly.

Now Chen Ze’s new meagre article once again shows that Xiao Ai will not be a villain, which makes the majority of fans feel curious about the next issue while relaxing. What kind of plot is the next issue that will make Xiao Ai change as Chen Ze said.

Those who had been arguing with Chen Ze’s fanfare on the Internet also stopped. They also wanted to see how Chen Ze would meet and mourn the character after reading this meager piece of Chen Ze.

In their opinion, it must be this time that Chen Ze had to change the plot because of his own quarrel, otherwise it would be impossible to justify. And changing the plot in such a hurry will only cause big loopholes in the comics.

Once such a loophole appeared in Chen Ze's "Detective Conan", they would not be polite.

In this way, netizens have their own minds and look forward to the next issue of "Detective Conan". (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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