Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 269: The inside story of Chen Ze Manmi

A group of people gathered together in a comics studio in BJ City. They all looked quite triumphant. It seemed that something went well. In front of them, there was a computer. In the computer, there are really posts related to Chen Ze.

"It's really unexpected, besides us, there are so many black Chen Ze on the Internet." A person said while looking at the post on the computer. This post, just like the ones they posted, is to discredit Chen Ze.

This group of comic assistants are the comic assistants of Wu Jiahao and Li Shenghao. They originally wanted to post black Chen Ze on the Internet, but they didn't particularly expect any response. After all, they also knew Chen Ze's fame, and they couldn't be shaken by a few posts at all.

Unexpectedly, through their posts, a lot of people who have black Chen Ze appeared on the Internet. They formed a joint force, and unexpectedly turned the public opinion to their side. Now on the Internet, Chen Ze's image has been discredited a lot.

"Hey, that only shows that Chen Ze is too innocent and offends too many people. So this time we started with so many people hacking him together."

The other person laughed, his face gloating. Obviously, he is a little pleased with the status quo on the Internet.

"That's it, I didn't expect it to be like this this time. Chen Ze's image is almost destroyed on the Internet. Isn't he Chen Ze very good? Isn't he a comic genius once in a hundred years? How do I see him this time? do."

An assistant who was about the same grade as Chen Ze laughed, and he also gloated at Chen Ze being hacked like this on the Internet. In his heart. But he has always been particularly jealous of Chen Ze's achievements.

"Why, my manga is not worse than him. I am about the same age as him. Why is he now a super popular manga artist, and he can even be compared with his teacher in this ranking. And myself, now But still a little manga assistant."

In fact, this is not only his thoughts, but also the thoughts of all comic assistants about the same size as Chen Ze.

"Okay, I think Chen Ze must have no way to do it on the Internet this time. We are going to carry out our next plan, and we must make our teacher's ranking surpass Chen Ze. How can our teacher's ranking be better than his Chen Ze Ze is still low?"

Another person in this group of comics assistants said that they posted the reasons for those posts on the Internet. But it was to help their teacher overwhelm Chen Ze in voting. Now that the first stage is successful, they will naturally start the second stage.

After hearing this man's words, the remaining manga assistants nodded. Their plan for the second stage is naturally to hire navy soldiers to vote for their teachers, which has surpassed Chen Ze.

When they did this, they completely forgot when they listed Chen Ze's "guilt" in a post on the Internet. But this time the vote swiped the votes.

Just when they were busy with the mercenary navy for their teacher's vote, something unexpected happened to them.


"The fans of "Slam Dunk" came to support the Great God Chen Ze, God, you are an eternal cartoonist in our hearts."

"The "Soul of the Game" Post Bar friends come to support the great **** Chen Ze, the blacks on the Internet are careful, we Chen Ze fans have to show our fighting power."

"The "Initial D" comic group has supported the Great God Chen Ze. The Great God is definitely not such a person. We all believe in the character of the Great God."

"The fans of "Detective Conan" support the Great God. The Great God will always be the Great God in our hearts. You are definitely not the kind of person Heizi said."

"The "Naruto" Post Bar supports the Great God. "Naruto" is the best comic we have ever seen. Chen Ze Great God is also the most talented cartoonist in our hearts."

Such posts have appeared uniformly in the major online forums and meager posts. Fans of Chen Ze. Because of this incident on the Internet, they finally came together and started to support their favorite cartoonists.

In the three years since Chen Ze debuted, the classic super-popular comics from his previous life have accumulated a lot of popularity and attracted countless comic fans. Many of these fans are usually scattered and gathered in major online forums and post bars.

Only a few of them will interact with Chen Ze's meager. Even so, Chen Ze's meager interaction rate is already the highest among all meager big V users.

And now because of the black Chen Ze on the Internet, this group of comic fans have gathered together. For the sake of the reputation of the cartoonist they like, they moved forward and retreated together.

The Internet was originally the main battlefield for Chen Ze after he became famous. His appeal on the Internet is not comparable to that of ordinary cartoonists. This time, the Internet blacks were just taking advantage of the voting incident to make a sneak attack. When all the fanfare of Chen Ze gathered together, how could the power formed by this group of Internet naval forces be comparable to that of the blacks.

In just half a day, Chen Zeman was a fan in all the major forums, post bars, meager and other public places on the Internet.

Thousands of degrees, meager hot topics, etc., they also made the headlines on topics like #Support陈泽# and #永信陈泽大神#, and they are quite far away from the second lead.

Although the speed is not very fast, Chen Ze's congregation of fanfare has regained the dominance of online public opinion with an overwhelming advantage.

The sunspots on the Internet who were jealous of Chen Ze thought that the incident had been settled, but they did not expect such a turning point to happen suddenly. They quickly called on people to increase the number of posts, hoping to fight against Chen Ze's fans.

But there was almost no fight back, just like a wave, and he was submerged in the fascinating sea of ​​Chen Ze.

In just one or two days of events, Chen Ze's public opinion, which was originally black, was swept away on the Internet. Instead, it is the love of his comics by his fans.

Chen Ze is not hacked once or twice on the Internet. In the past, he always had to go to battle himself in order to finally gain an advantage in public opinion.

And this time, in the face of the total outburst of sunspots who are jealous of Chen Ze's achievements, the momentum far exceeds the previous experience of Chen Ze being hacked.

But just like this, Chen Ze completely defeated the coalition of the black guys by relying solely on the spontaneous organization of Fanfan without a response at all. Chen Ze's popularity on the Internet can be seen.

After this incident, many people in addition to secretly smack Chen Ze's popularity. I also know that from now on, Chen Ze is officially entrusted to the gods on the Internet. No one can hack him easily on the Internet anymore.

Chen Ze himself did not expect things to develop like this, and he also knew that many people are indeed jealous of his achievements. So when those hacking remarks appeared on the Internet, he didn't think there was anything. After all, there was no such precedent before.

Who knows the rapid development of this time, he thought that the ordinary pink eye incident quickly developed into the largest incident of hacking him against him, and even the Internet public opinion has taken a turn for it.

Chen Ze also knows the importance of online public opinion. That would definitely affect the comics and animations he will launch in the future But before Chen Ze had time to respond to this incident, his fanfare actually united on a large scale. For his reputation, go to war with the gangsters on the Internet. And with a destructive posture, he regained the mainstream public opinion on the Internet.

Not only was others surprised, Chen Ze himself was also quite surprised. He knew that the popularity of his network was very high, but he didn't expect it to be so high.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, it is normal for Chen Ze to have the current popularity. In Chen Ze's previous life, which of "Slam Dunk", "Detective Conan", "Gossman", and "Naruto" was not extremely popular.

In this world, so many comics have become painted by a single person. With the superimposition of the popularity of so many comics, it is conceivable how terrifying this accumulated popularity should be.

Since this time, the deification of Chen Ze on the Internet has officially begun. His path to becoming the **** of comics was officially opened. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

PS: I'm asking for a monthly pass

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