"Thank you fans who like me for maintaining me this time. The only thing I can do is to draw more and better comics in the future to repay everyone's love for me. In addition, I also request that you all Vote for me. Didn’t someone on the Internet say that I was swiping the votes this time? We have to let him see that with the strength of all of us, we still need to do something like swiping the votes?"

Chen Ze's meagerness appeared on countless fanciful meagerness.

Chen Ze later understood the incident on the Internet relatively clearly, and it was the posts on the Internet that caused the incident in the first place. And those posts accused Chen Ze of the core content, that is, he swiped votes in the online selection held by the Ministry of Culture.

In fact, Chen Ze didn't care too much about the results of this selection. This kind of ranking means getting first or being ranked last, so what can he do. Apart from being able to promote myself more, it has no particular effect at all.

Therefore, Chen Ze had already surpassed the combination of Wu Jiahao and Li Shenghao in both "My Favorite Cartoonist" and "Rank of China Cartoonist", ranking second and seventh respectively.

Later, the number of votes they got increased significantly, and they were overtaken by them again, and the number of votes they dropped was quite large. but

I didn't think there was much difference between the third and the second. Although I was overtaken, I didn't call my fans to vote for myself.

Even so, the gangsters accuse themselves of squandering votes. If you really want to compete for this list, you still need to swipe your votes?

Chen Ze knew that the man behind the scenes must be related to this vote, so although he had no interest in this voting ranking. But in order not to make those gangsters happy, they had to fight for it.

Therefore, this time Chen Ze's re-canvassing was meager.

The fans of Chen Ze gathered together this time because of the network navy. They wanted to deal with the navy, but who knew that the navy's ability was so bad that they were overthrown by their own side.

Hold a powerful force, and don't know where to vent. Chen Ze's fanfare is being troubled by this problem. Suddenly I saw that Chen Zefa's canvassing was meager.

"There are still a few days before the voting deadline, we must make Chen Ze great progress." This is the common idea of ​​all Chen Ze's fans.

In fact, with Chen Ze's current votes, the gap between Wu Jiahao and Li Shenghao's second and seventh places ahead of him is still quite large. I'm afraid I just gave up when I changed to another cartoonist.

But with Chen Ze's current popularity, it is still unclear who will die.


"Boss, Chen Ze has canvassed over there."

BJ comics studio. A manga assistant sat in front of the computer. After listening to him, everyone, including the boss in his mouth, hurriedly gathered in front of the computer to see what happened.

They are the comic assistants of Wu Jiahao and Li Shenghao, and they are also the initiators of the cyber navy against Chen Ze. Originally, they thought that the trend of black Chen Ze on the Internet had been determined, no matter how Chen Ze recovered it. His popularity on the Internet must drop sharply.

That's why they diverted their attention and started to scoop up votes for the ranking of their teachers. Who knows that after they finally surpassed Chen Ze in the ranking of their teachers, things on the Internet turned around.

Chen Ze hadn't responded yet, and his gang of fans began to counterattack automatically. The great momentum also made them feel frightened. They originally wanted to maintain this hard-won online public opinion, and began to post a counterattack.

Who thinks. Their counterattack is like hitting a stone with a pebble, and it has no effect at all. Chen Ze's fanfare easily regained the initiative.

"What's going on, what did Chen Ze eat for this group of fans, and he actually supported him so hard."

All the comic assistants had this idea in their hearts. Under their puzzlement, Chen Ze's fans successfully regained the dominance of online public opinion.

Under some doubts, they were even more shocked. They found that they seemed to underestimate Chen Ze's influence. They seem. Provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked.

"What are you afraid of? After all, Chen Ze is just like himself, a manga rookie in his twenties." The group cheered themselves up in their hearts.

But at this moment, they saw Chen Ze's canvassing declaration on the Internet. In addition to regaining online public opinion, Chen Ze has to compete for this ranking.

"This Chen Ze is really unpopular. Does he think he can surpass our teacher? He is still asking for votes here. I really don't know the sky is high and the earth is rich."

A manga assistant spoke, forgetting that Chen Ze had actually surpassed their teacher, but later they swiped the ticket. Then let their teacher super come back.

Seeing his angry look, I don't know if he is really angry for their teacher, or because Chen Ze has pulled back a city without even moving this time.

"That's right, he made it clear that he came for our teacher. A junior actually wants to compete with his predecessors so much." The other nodded, and he was also very uncomfortable with the failure on the Internet.

It was already something that was completely certain, but it was finally turned over. Moreover, Chen Ze didn't move, he made himself like a clown.

"Don't quarrel, everyone. Our goal this time is to keep the teacher in the lead. The past is over, so don't mention it. Now everyone thinks about what is in front of you."

At this moment, the person who was called the boss at the beginning said. He is about 30 years old. Obviously he is the person with the highest prestige among these comic assistants: "Since Chen Ze is fighting, then we will play with him. Everyone is ready, and we will continue to swipe the tickets. I want to watch it. Look, how powerful Chen Ze and his fanfare can be, is it possible that it can surpass our failure to swipe tickets."

Following his words, everyone nodded. Obviously, everyone was convinced by his words.

In the next few days, the votes of Chen Ze, Wu Jiahao, and Li Shenghao have been soaring. However, overall, Chen Ze got more votes, because while the number of votes he and Wu Jiahao and Li Shenghao are increasing, they are still getting closer to him.

And, gradually there is a momentum of transcendence.

"What should I do? Boss, Chen Ze's votes are too strong. If you look at it this way, you will be able to pass the teacher tomorrow. And there are still a few days before the voting deadline. Now depending on the situation, we are probably going to lose." Wu Jiahao and Li Shenghao's comic assistant spoke.

Not just him, everyone in the studio looked panicked. They thought that Chen Ze simply had no hope of surpassing them based on their votes.

Even they were ready to watch the show. If Chen Ze let out his words and argued, he would end up in defeat. That's it, it's really fun.

Who knows that the combat power of Chen Ze Fanfan fans is so strong, the money spent this time is very low, and they can't keep up with their votes. This is too exaggerated. How many fans are they voting?

In the working room, the person who was called the boss also gritted his teeth. He thought it was very simple this time, but who knew it turned out to be like this in the end.

"Xiaochen, who of you can still get the money?" the boss said~www.readwn.com~ It must cost money to swipe the ticket. In general, even if you spend money, you can’t spend much. Achieve the effect you want.

Who knew it was so different this time, they almost emptied all of their pockets, but they still couldn't. The combat effectiveness of Chen Ze fans is a bit too strong.

"No, we all have no money."

After hearing the boss's words, everyone shook their heads. They are indeed out of money. In the process of swiping the tickets, they all ran out of money.

"Damn it, is there no way at all?" The boss thought very unwillingly that his own money was actually almost spent.

In fact, it is necessary to talk about who is the most jealous of Chen Ze in this comics studio. That must be the boss. He is nearly 30 years old, but still does not have the ability to be a cartoonist by himself, so he has to continue to be an assistant here. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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