Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 318: Response (Part 1)

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"It's a giant, the giant has recovered! Why, how did it recover?"

On TV, the members of the winning team looked at the giant who suddenly recovered, all of them were very surprised. They didn't expect that the giant would recover like this for no reason.

The giant of light pushed Goerzan away with both hands and stood up. His whole body was shining with light, coupled with exciting dubbing, which made Cao Yuhu's blood surging.

"Recovered, finally recovered. It turns out that this is Tiga Ultraman."

Cao Yuhu thought with excitement, he wanted to know how Ultraman Tiga would deal with the monsters Gorzan and Melba.

Perhaps knowing this idea of ​​Cao Yuhu, the giant rushed towards Goerzan, holding its head with both hands, and hitting Goerzan with his legs severely on his abdomen.

Golzan, who had been very ferocious before, was not Tiga Ultraman's opponent at all.

Melba saw a bad sight at this moment, and rushed over. It was not a problem for Tiga to fight a monster, but under the attack of two monsters, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

It kept dodging the lasers fired by the two monsters, but was still hit in the end. Looking at Diga's appearance, it doesn't seem to be the opponent of these two monsters.

"Come on, come on giant!"

Seeing this situation, the members of the winning team spoke loudly.

The same is true for Cao Yuhu outside the TV. Although he didn't say anything, he still kept cheering for Ultraman Tiga.

Maybe it was because I felt everyone's heart to cheer. On TV, Diga Altman put his hands on his forehead, and his whole body turned red.

At this time, its power seems to have increased a lot, and he can block the lasers emitted by the two monsters at the same time. Moreover, he rushed over and knocked Gorzan to the ground.

Gorzan seemed to have a foreboding feeling, and digging to escape. And Melba also flew into the sky and attacked Tiga from the air.

Just at this time. The red light on Tiga Ultraman's chest suddenly flashed.

"This red light?"

Although Cao Yuhu didn't know the exact meaning of the red light flashing, but faintly, he felt that it seemed to have something to do with Diga Ultraman's life.

Facing Melba's flexible attack, Diga Ultraman turned his entire body into purple again. Then at an extremely fast speed. Shoot Melba to the ground.

"It seems that red represents power and purple represents speed. The usual state is balance."

Seeing this, Cao Yuhu also inferred the characteristics of Diga Ultraman's three transformations.

Just as Cao Yuhu thought about it, Ultraman Diga put his hands together, and a laser shot from his hand, hitting Melba and smashing it to pieces.

Then Tiga flew into the sky. This battle. Ended with Diga’s victory.

"What a handsome gesture."

Cao Yuhu thought in his heart, seeing this, he has been completely attracted by Ultraman Tiga. And he also has to admit that, no matter from any aspect, "Tiga Ultraman" is very good.

If "The Masked Warrior" is the pinnacle of the special drama of the last era. That "Ultraman Tiga" is the most outstanding representative of the special drama of this era.

"There is only one way to revive the giant, and that is to turn Dagu into light. The name of the giant is Tiga Ultraman."

At the end of this episode of TV, the silhouette of the woman in the time machine spoke.

"Tiga Ultraman."

Cao Yuhu muttered to himself. He has been completely conquered by the latest episode of Ultraman Tiga.

"Yes, it's pretty good-looking. Even if it's compared to "The Masked Warrior", it doesn't lose the wind at all." This is after Cao Yuhu watched the entire play. Thoughts in mind.

Not only Cao Yuhu alone, but all viewers and netizens who have watched this show think that this show is very good in their hearts.

"It's wonderful. The confrontation between huge monsters and luminous giants is brilliant, both in plot design and special effects. It's really beautiful, Tiga Ultraman. This name sounds pretty good."

"It's pretty good-looking. I gave Chen Ze and CCTV 32 likes. I thought that the special drama would be like that. It's out of date and there can be no more beautiful ones. Now I have finished watching "Ultraman Tiga". I found out that my previous ideas were really wrong."

"Applause, applause, this show is really good. At least after watching the first episode, I still have the desire to pursue it. Especially when Tiga Ultraman is recovering, that section reminds me of the same in "The Masked Warrior" The scene. Although it has been twenty or thirty years apart, the touch is still the same."

"After watching Ultraman Tiga, I have a feeling that time has changed. It seems that I am still at the age of **, and I was so fond of "The Masked Warrior" back then."

After watching the first episode of Ultraman Tiga, netizens sighed on the Internet. They not only think "Ultra Tiga" is very good-looking, but also feel that "Ultra Tiga" is different from the special dramas they have seen in the past.

"Tiga Ultraman" is different from the routine "Masked Warrior" and other special dramas in recent years, which gives netizens a sense of freshness.

When netizens saw this "Ultraman Tiga", they recalled how they felt when they watched the first part of "The Masked Warrior", and they were all very emotional.

Watched by countless netizens and child audiences, the ratings of the premiere of "Ultraman Tiga" also set a record for a special drama, reaching 6.8%.

Although the ratings are not particularly high, it is already much higher than those of other special dramas in recent years. And the reason why there is only this rating is also because the special drama has been dragged down by the downturn in these years.

Chen Ze looked at the comments and popularity on the Internet, and he believed that as long as there is time, the later ratings will definitely rise.

And the next day, the second episode of "Ultraman Tiga" was also broadcast at the same time. This time it’s the same. We will broadcast four episodes first, and then start one episode a week.

It took four days to finish all four episodes. The ratings of the next three episodes, as expected by Chen Ze, rose step by step. The second episode reached 8.9%, the third episode 9.9%, and the fourth episode has exceeded 10%.

Although it is only four short episodes, it can be seen from the rising trend of ratings that the average ratings can definitely exceed 10%. As for how high it can be, we can only see the future trend of the plot.

Chen Ze was somewhat surprised by such a high ratings. Because after all, this "Diga Ultraman" is only a TV series filmed for children. Unlike Chen Ze's previous cartoons adapted from animations, the audience for this TV series is only targeted at children.

As for this viewing position, Chen Ze knows that "Ultraman Tiga" is indeed very exciting, but only relying on children's viewing, and in such a fierce Chinese TV circle today, it is impossible to have such a high viewing rate in any case. .

In fact, Chen Ze didn't think about it. If it was just a child, it would naturally not be so high. But "Ultraman Tiga" is not only for children, but also has a great response on the Internet.

Many netizens have also been following this special drama, so that the overall ratings of "Ultra Tiga" have risen.

China's economic development has been very fast in recent But with this great development, people's life rhythm is getting faster and faster, and the pressure on young people's life is also increasing.

Therefore, a wave of nostalgia was born at the level of society as a whole. Some young people in their twenties and thirties, who are very upright, miss their carefree childhood and miss everything in their childhood.

And the most important thing in this is the special drama "The Masked Warrior" that left countless people in their childhood. In the past, "Masked Warrior" lost its vitality because it fell into a routine, but "Ultraman Tiga", which replaced it, attracted everyone's attention with a brand-new approach and story.

Therefore, although "Ultraman Tiga" belongs to a children's TV series, it has attracted countless netizens to watch and discuss their childhood and youth.

Therefore, although "Ultraman Tiga" is only a children's drama, it has become popular on the Internet. It's no surprise to have this ratings.


Two shifts today, three shifts tomorrow. In addition, I will tell you that this book will be closed at the end of the month, and there will be ten updates a day.

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