Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 319: Response (below)

"Tiga Ultraman became popular, with a rating of over 10, which is the highest in a special drama in recent years"

"Tiga saves the special drama? The ratings hit a record high, and netizens regarded it as the second in "The Masked Warrior""

"The special drama has its second spring, and the dual-line TV of Ultraman Tiga became popular, which was a big dark horse for TV dramas at the beginning of this year."

When the ratings and Internet word-of-mouth of "Ultraman Tiga" were very good, all the media reporters reported the news one after another.

In recent years, the ratings of special dramas have continued to decline, and some people have even shouted the slogan "Special dramas are dead".

But at this time, "Ultraman Tiga" turned out, and achieved such brilliant results, it really blinded everyone's eyes.

In particular, his screenwriter and investor are Chen Ze. This point of view and news is too much, and all the media reporters have reported on this matter.

And everyone unanimously declared "Ultraman Tiga" as the turning point of Huaxia special film, and Chen Ze was the savior of Huaxia special film.

These reports made the already popular "Ultraman Tiga" even more popular. No matter where you are on the Internet, you can see posts from netizens discussing "Ultraman Tiga".

Even some netizens have begun to compare the "Ultra Tiga" and "Masked Warrior" series on the same level as one of China's two major special dramas.

Over time, "Ultraman Tiga" has been broadcasted more and more, and its ratings have also increased, and even the highest issue has broken the 13% figure.

Compared to Chen Ze's expectations at the press conference beforehand, it was much higher. It can be said that the special drama "Ultra Tiga" is really popular. He exceeded everyone's expectations and became the biggest dark horse in the TV circle at the beginning of this year.

Everyone is in a very happy mood, except for one person, who is the deputy director of CCTV Zhao Qian.

Zhao Qian sat blankly in his own office, this time he and Wang Changshen made a bet. He was completely lost.

He never thought that in China, there is no market for special dramas. This time his bet should be tenable, and there is even no possibility of losing at all.

But who knows, under this circumstance, the ratings of this "Ultraman Tiga" actually exceeded 10%. And looking at this momentum, the ratings are far more than this.

How could this happen? Zhao Qian knew that since this result came out, he had become the laughing stock of the entire TV station. Initiated a gambling contract with Wang Changshen, but it turned out to be like this, and he was asking for trouble. I turned myself into a joke.

Zhao Qian gritted his teeth viciously and said, "Wang Changshen, you old fox."

He thought of Wang Changshen, who had bet with himself without hesitation. At the time, he was still very proud, thinking that he had won his own memory, and he actually made a bet like that with himself.

After doing it for a long time, it turns out that he was sure that he could beat himself a long time ago, and he was truly caught in his trap.

"No, it's just Wang Changshen. It's definitely impossible to do this. If he could make the special drama full of such vitality, he would have started doing it long ago, so why wait until today."

Zhao Qian thought of another person again: "It's Chen Ze. By the way, it's him. He wrote and waited for the script to rejuvenate the special drama. Damn, I knew I should pay attention to him earlier."

Before challenging Wang Changshen. He also knew that Chen Ze would also participate in the production of "Ultraman Tiga". He knew that Chen Ze was a genius cartoonist, and the cartoons he drew had repeatedly created miracles, making everyone stunned.

However, Zhao Qian always felt that Chen Ze was nothing more than a cartoonist, no matter how good he was. Now that the market for special dramas in China is sluggish, no matter how talented he is, what he can do, who knows... ..

Zhao Qian regrets it very much now. If he knew that Chen Ze actually had the power to turn decay into a miracle, and could do things that ordinary people couldn't do or even couldn't understand, then he would never make this bet.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Inside another office in the CCTV Building. Unlike Zhao Qian, the people inside are in a very good mood.

"Chen Ze, thanks to you this time. Without you, our special drama would never achieve this kind of result."

The person sitting in this office said, listening to his brisk tone, he knew that he was in a very good mood now.

This person is Wang Changshen from CCTV. Of course he is in a good mood now. He withstood all pressures, eliminated all difficulties, and the TV series "Ultraman Tiga", which he forced to launch, achieved unprecedented success, which made him unhappy.

The significance of the success of this "Ultraman Tiga" is extraordinary to him.

First of all, his prestige has greatly increased throughout CCTV. Under the circumstances that everyone is not optimistic, the launch of "Ultraman Tiga", does this mean that he is a director of extraordinary vision?

The second is the question of Deputy Director Zhao Qian. In the past few years, no matter what he did, Zhao Qian always had to come to oppose him. This made him unable to let go of whatever he did. Now it’s fine. He lost his bet. Up.

He has become a laughing stock on CCTV, and it is impossible to stay on CCTV anymore. Without him, he can finally show off his ambition.

In the end, the most important thing is that this time I showed a big face in front of the leaders of the Ministry of Culture. At that time, Zhao Qian invited the minister. Although he was caught by him, he also left a deep impression on the leadership.

Now "Ultraman Tiga" has achieved unprecedented success, and the leader has called to personally praise himself. In China, I believe everyone knows how important it is to leave a good impression in the hearts of leaders.

Therefore, Wang Changshen's mood is quite good now.

However, he also knew that the credit for this time was actually Chen Ze's. Without Chen Ze's script and investment, it would be impossible for him to come up with a special drama like "Ultra Tiga".

Therefore, Wang Changshen was very grateful to Chen Ze. After receiving the call from the outside leader, he immediately called Chen Ze to tell him the good news.

"Director, what are you talking about. Without your full support and all the resources of CCTV, the filming and promotion of "Ultra Tiga" would not be so successful. Naturally, it would be impossible to achieve this result. ."

On the other end of the phone, Chen Ze smiled and said. "Ultraman Tiga" actually achieved much greater success than the previous life. As the person who designed "Ultraman Tiga" in this life, Chen Ze was naturally in a very good mood.

"Haha, in any case, the first work is still yours. This time I really want to thank you." Wang Changshen said. Although Chen Ze complimented him, he still knew very well in his heart that without himself, "Digaot "Man" can still achieve such brilliance.

And without Chen Ze, it would be impossible to have a special drama like Ultraman Tiga.

"In this way, when you come to BJ Chen Ze, I will definitely invite you to dinner to show my personal gratitude."

Wang Changshen said He really admired Chen Ze completely this time, and wanted to make good friends with him. For such a man who even creates miracles, Wang Changshen doesn't know how far he will develop in the future.

But Wang Changshen knew that no matter how to make friends with such a character, there was absolutely no harm to him.

"Okay director, I will definitely go to BJ again when I have time. I will invite you to dinner when I have time." Chen Ze said.

Maybe he still has time and opportunity to go to BJ in the future, but recently he has really run out of time. Not to mention that he still has three comics to serialize on hand, but that he has a business to do because of the recent hit of "Ultraman Tiga".

Chen Ze believes that business will bring him a lot of income.

"Okay, then I'll wait in BJ, you can call me when you come over if you have time." Wang Changshen finally smiled, he also knew that Chen Ze was very busy.

"Good director." Chen Ze agreed. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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