Click, click, click!

In the grass, the shutter of the camera sounded several times, capturing all the farewell scenes of Chen Ze and Alan.

"Hey, it's not a waste of time. We waited for a day and finally took the photo. The front page headline tomorrow is mine." The person holding the camera said, "Chen Ze's alertness is high enough. I didn’t leave the hotel until now. Fortunately, I asked you to drive the car away early, making them mistakenly think that we are all gone."

"Yes." There was a person squatting beside the person who took the picture. This person looks a few years younger than the person who took the photo, "But I really didn't expect Chen Ze to stay in the hotel all day, Old Chen, what did you say he was doing inside?"

It turns out that these two people were the reporters who photographed Chen Ze entering this hotel during the day. They waited outside until the evening, and finally took the photos of Chen Ze.

"What else can you do, lonely man and widow, think and know with the soles of your feet. This time is really an explosive big news. If we publish this photo, fans of Chen Ze and Alan will probably explode."

The old Chen laughed: "Especially Chen Ze. He already has a girlfriend. Now we have caught a tryst with Alan. Now I think his image among his fans is going to fade away. Go, let’s report back to the agency now, and try to get the headlines tomorrow for the photos we took today."

After bidding farewell to Alan, Chen Ze went straight back home and worked at home until the early hours of the morning before going to bed. What he didn't know was that a big storm was hitting him.

Ding Ding Ding!

At seven o'clock in the morning, his cell phone alarm woke him up on time. Chen Ze rubbed his eyes. Sleepy eyes picked up the phone and turned off the alarm. suddenly. The several news that popped out on the phone drove away Chen Ze's sleepiness.

"Yesterday Chen Zemi met with Alan, and he suspected to spend a day with Alan at the hotel."

"Chen Ze cheated? Yesterday he was photographed to spend the day at the Alan Hotel."

"Chen Ze's image collapsed. Yesterday, I spent a day in the hotel with the popular actress Alan."

"how come."

Looking at the consecutive pieces of news on the screen, Chen Ze was stunned. His mobile phone is loaded with software from major portal websites, which he uses to read the news when he is bored.

Who knows that today, I actually saw my own news on my mobile phone, or this kind of news.

Chen Ze hurriedly clicked on a news item. I want to see how it is written. It turned out that there were a lot of photos of myself in it. There are photos of myself entering the hotel in the morning, and photos of Alan sending myself away in the evening.

Along with the photos, there are some explanatory texts below. If you just look at these, if you are not the person involved, you will definitely have misunderstood it.

At the end of this news. It indicated that it was reprinted from a newspaper in G city.

After Chen Ze clicked on the news of several other portal websites, almost every one had the same news content. And they all indicate that they are reprinted from the same newspaper in G city.

After reading the news, Chen Ze remembered what her agent Yuejie said at Alan’s hotel yesterday, and appeared to be lying in ambush downstairs. And the group of reporters who took their photos are reporters from this newspaper.

"It's a mistake, it's a mistake."

Chen Ze thought in his heart that he still underestimated the reporters, if he only took pictures of himself entering the hotel. That's okay to explain. Now I have even taken photos of myself going out, and Alan has also left the country.

And this group of reporters from another angle. Make yourself and Alan look very close. When these photos come out, anyone would want to get them crooked.

It seemed that yesterday I thought the reporters had left, but in fact they were still hiding elsewhere. Speaking of which, I was a little too careless.

Chen Ze knows that these news will definitely have a very negative impact on him. He didn't worry about Lin Lan. Chen Ze told Lin Lan before going to the Alan Hotel yesterday. After returning home, I told her carefully what happened during the day.

Chen Ze believed that Lin Lan would definitely not misunderstand herself.

But what the public and their fans will think of themselves is not necessarily true. In particular, the Chinese public still regards morality more seriously, especially for celebrities like themselves.

One or two months ago, I only confessed to Lin Lan, and there was a lot of trouble. Now that this kind of news suddenly spreads, the public will definitely look at themselves in a negative light. Then, it will be too unfavorable for their cartoons.

Besides, if you say that you have really done this kind of thing, then it's fine. A man dare to do it. But the problem is that I didn't do anything at all. This news is really wronging me.

"No, I must think of a way."

Just when Chen Ze was thinking about it, his phone rang suddenly. He saw that Alan was calling.

"Hey Chen Ze, have you seen the morning news?"

As soon as Chen Ze answered the phone, Alan's anxious voice came from there.

"I see, I was so careless yesterday that I let these reporters take the photos, and it doesn't matter if they took the photos, they actually started to write nonsense." Chen Ze said.

"Yeah, what should I do? Your girlfriend didn't misunderstand you, right? If it affects the relationship between you and your girlfriend, that would be too bad." Alan said.

"Don't worry, I am not worried about this, she will not misunderstand me." Chen Ze said.

"That's good, it won't affect you." Alan said, but he didn't listen to his tone.

Chen Ze thought for a while. It is estimated that she is still worried that this news will definitely affect her public image. After all, she already has a girlfriend, so she said: "Don't worry, I will find a way to resolve this matter, and I won't let you. ’S image is damaged."

When Chen Ze and Alan were talking on the phone, this news also caused an uproar on the Internet.

Both Chen Ze and Alan have considerable popularity on the Internet. Not to mention Chen Ze, but Alan. As the theme songs of several animations she sang became popular, she also became popular.

Later, her company made her look like a fairy and refused all scandals. Therefore, it is also deeply liked by a group of netizens on the Internet.

Now, this kind of scandal broke out suddenly. Moreover, the scandal that broke out with someone like Chen Ze who has a girlfriend will naturally attract a lot of people's attention.

"I'll go, Chen Ze and Alan, no, my male **** and goddess, it's not that this report has a problem."

"It seems that something is wrong between them. Chen Ze asked Alan to sing each of Chen Ze’s theme songs. There is a problem with it. It’s just that I didn’t expect that when Chen Ze already had a girlfriend, he would still This kind of thing happened."

"Actually, I think the two of them are a good match, one is a golden boy in the comics world, and the other is a jade girl in the singing circle. Before Chen Ze had a girlfriend, I actually hoped that they could go together."

"Tsk tusk, Chen Ze actually stayed in Alan's room all day, this kidney is really good."

After this news appeared on major portal websites, netizens commented one after another.

It is not just these portals that the news spread across the entire network, and all netizens were stunned. Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe what was reported in the news.

Especially those fans of Chen Ze and Alan, when they didn't see the news, they all insisted that the news must be fake. But after seeing the photos in the news, some have to admit it.

If it is only the revelations of Momozhi " " people, they can also be regarded as false reports by media reporters. But now there are even photos. In the photos, Chen Ze and Alanxian are very close, which makes them dare not believe it.

Could it be that Chen Ze and Alan really have that relationship?

Just after everyone on the Internet focused the matter on Chen Ze and Alan, Chen Ze also posted a meager explanation of the matter for the first time.

"Regarding the report on the Internet today, I think everyone is very concerned. At 3 this afternoon, I will hold a press conference in my company to explain this matter." (To be continued. If you like This work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation. Please go to read it for mobile phone users.

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