Rebirth of the God of Comics

Chapter 332: Press conference

"Regarding the report on the Internet today, I think everyone is very concerned. At 3 this afternoon, I will hold a press conference in my company to explain this matter."

In Chen Ze's own office of Ze Culture Company, Chen Ze looked at his meager piece, and then sent it out.

Now the news of Alan and himself are going viral, and almost all places on the Internet are discussing this matter fiercely.

Because of these photos, everyone has no doubts about the authenticity of the news. Everyone put the focus of the discussion on Chen Ze morality. After all, Chen Ze already has a girlfriend. If this happens, it will be two boats.

In this way, it is obviously immoral in China.

But in fact, the whole thing was a misunderstanding, and it would be fine if you said it. Chen Ze feels that instead of letting netizens guess there, it is better to put yesterday's events on the table and tell them clearly.

Thinking this way, Chen Ze sent such a meager one.

This news of Chen Ze has been uploaded on the Internet a long time ago, and everyone wants to see what Chen Ze will explain. Therefore, Chen Ze’s meager post came out and immediately spread throughout the network.

Countless netizens have set their sights on the press conference at 3 in the afternoon, and reporters from major media across the country have also sent reporters to participate in the press conference of Chen Ze Company at 3 in the afternoon.

They thought that there would be heavy news at this press conference, and it is very likely that Chen Ze would admit that he and Alan did have any relationship, after all, there was hard evidence like a photo. Chen Ze wants to deny, I am afraid he can't deny it.

Such an important press conference. How can I not participate anymore.

In this way, after Chen Ze issued this news, a spectacular scene appeared in the major media and magazines across the country. Almost all important media and magazines sent their own reporters to participate in Chen Ze's press conference.

Not only some entertainment gossip magazines sent reporters, but also some influential financial and news magazines, such as "Hua Xia People" that Chen Ze once appeared in the past. A reporter was also sent here.

Chen Ze is now more than just a well-known cartoonist. After he was named the outstanding representative of Chinese youth by the country, he can be said to be a business card of today's Chinese youth, representing the image of the entire Chinese youth.

Many parents always like to use Chen Ze as an example when teaching their children. Because Chen Ze is the cartoonist of the comics that children like most, parents always like to teach them in front of the children and let them study hard. Only when he grows up can he become a promising person like Chen Ze.

It can be said that Chen Ze has a very good image in the minds of ordinary people.

Therefore, after the scandal between him and Alan broke out this time, the nature of the entire incident has far exceeded the Internet and entertainment circles. It has risen to the image of the entire Chinese youth generation.

If Chen Ze really had a relationship with Alan when he had a girlfriend, then the positive image of the Chinese youth he represented would be ruined.

Therefore, after Chen Ze issued this meager article, countless important magazines that did not belong to the gossip magazine. They also sent people to participate in the press conference held by Chen Ze.

It's half past two in the afternoon. There is still half an hour before the press conference held by Chen Ze.

"Chen Ze, the site of the press conference has been prepared, and reporters from major media and magazines have also been waiting outside. This is the list of journalists from the magazine that I just registered to attend our press conference in the afternoon. "

In Chen Ze's office, Bao Ren stood by Chen Ze's desk and said. With that said, he handed the list to Chen Ze.

"Good job." Chen Ze nodded while sitting on the office chair. He took the list and began to read it, "Southern Weekend, Chinese Characters, Financial Pioneers, Focus on Hot Spots, etc. Ren, judging from this list, my press conference is about to catch up with the scale when the State Council issued the white paper."

After reading the names on the list, Chen Ze smiled and said.

No matter how famous Chen Ze is, the press conference he held cannot be on the same scale as the State Council. His remarks are naturally a joke in it. However, Chen Ze did not expect that he said that he would hold a press conference. He originally planned to come to some gossip magazine reporters. Who knew that such a multimedia tycoon would have been attracted.

When was my influence so great? This scale is not enough for a simple press conference like myself.

"This shows that Mr. Chen, your current influence is indeed too great." Bao Ren said. In fact, he was taken aback when he just registered. They were reporters from such big-name magazines.

But Bao Ren changed his mind and changed to someone else. This scale is indeed a bit too exaggerated. But Chen Ze, then understandable. In Bao Ren's mind, Chen Ze is a person who creates any miracle.

"Well, then Bao Ren, you can let them come into the venue and do it as soon as possible. When the reporters are all seated, I will come over immediately." Chen Ze said.

"Yeah!" Bao Ren nodded, turned around and went out to arrange the news conference.

It took more than 20 minutes to let all the reporters who were outside walk in and sit down according to their positions. Then, this press conference officially began.

"Now I announce the official start of this press conference. First of all, on behalf of Ze Wenhua Company, I welcome friends from journalists from afar to participate in the press conference held by our company."

Standing on the top of the stage, Bao Ren smiled into the microphone and said, "Below, let us have the president of Wenze Culture Company, Mr. Chen Ze."

As soon as Bao Ren's voice fell, Chen Ze stepped onto the stage amidst applause.

"Welcome everyone to come and participate in this press conference held by me. This press conference is aimed at the news related to me in the morning. Here, I want to explain the news in that news."

As soon as Chen Zegang spoke, all the reporters had their ears erected inside, and the pens in their hands started to make notes in their notebooks.

"Regarding what was said in the news, part of what was said is indeed true. The person in the photo is indeed me. Yesterday, I met Miss Alan, and she stayed in her hotel until 8pm." Chen Ze said into the microphone.

As soon as his words came out, it immediately caused an uproar among the reporters below. Everyone felt that Chen Ze should explain something to the news. Who knew he had admitted so generously.

Could it be said that he and Alan are indeed related to each other?

"But, but I want to say that the reason why I went to Alan is completely different from what is said in this report. Miss Alan and I are not in the same way as in this report. We are just ordinary friends. Relationship, and I went to her only because of work."

"I know that Miss Alan came to G city two days ago because of a program to be recorded. I just want to ask Alan for work, so I went to see her yesterday. Me and her are just ordinary friends, totally There is no relationship mentioned in the news report. This is my explanation of the news."

Chen Ze slowly explained his explanation.

As soon as Chen Ze said this, the reporters below became even more uproarious. Everyone began to think that Chen Ze was about to admit his relationship with Alan. Who knew he had made this explanation again.

This explanation is really a lie. Alan, who came to see her because of work, does it need to spend a whole day in her hotel? What kind of job is that, it takes a whole day to talk about it, it's too ridiculous.

The reporters thought in their hearts that after listening to Chen Ze's answer, their thinking was that they didn't believe a word of what Chen Ze said, no, they didn't believe a punctuation mark.

"Now, if you have anything you want to ask, you can ask me."

Chen Ze looked at the reaction of the people below, and knew that they did not believe what he said, so he said. Chen Ze feels that although what he said is not entirely true, it can also be said that he was looking for Alan for work.

After all, he has already planned to launch "Game King" and game cards. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote recommended votes, monthly tickets, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to read.)

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