Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 107 Formulating Fund Rules

In fact, in a sense, such an ending is the best outcome for a win-win situation.

It's just that when Su Yu holds the conditional transfer agreement for 50% of the shares, Li Huiyuan will definitely not dare to hand over his trump card to gamble on Su Yu's sympathy, or explain to Su Yu rationally that this is the only way. is the perfect choice.

After all, human greed is always endless.

He didn't have the slightest confidence, and he dared to be sure that Su Yu, knowing that he could not repay the loan at all and would definitely be overdue, would not add insult to injury and directly take over the "Yi Chuang Planning" and seize the fruits of his six years of hard work.

"Mr. Li, you're welcome!" Su Yu chuckled, "Under your leadership, Yi Chuang Planning will surely be able to achieve greater glory soon after experiencing this ordeal. Of course... I also believe that today's An investment of 5 million will definitely turn into 50 million or even 500 million in the future.”

During the negotiation, the two turned their differences into consensus.

The subsequent conversation became much more harmonious.

Later, around 8:40, the two of them walked out of the hotel private room, laughing and chatting with each other after having had enough wine and food.

"Mr. Su, I'll ask my assistant to take you back first!"

After the assistant paid the bill, Li Huiyuan stood outside the hotel's private room and said to Su Yu with a smile: "You also drank a lot, so it shouldn't be convenient for you to drive."

"No, I'll just take a taxi back." Su Yu responded.

Then when he was about to leave the hotel, a young man came out of another private room and suddenly stumbled into him.

Su Yu frowned slightly when he saw this man's reckless appearance, and was about to reprimand him.

Suddenly seeing the other party's appearance, he couldn't help but be slightly startled.

And when the man saw Su Yu, he froze in surprise: "Su...Brother Su?"

"Brother Huang Yu?" Su Yu stared at him, and then looked through him and saw the private room he just came out of. He saw several middle-aged men and several young women gathered inside, and couldn't help but ask. , "Is your department gathering? drinking?"

"Business wine!" Huang Yu tried his best to smile, "Where's Brother Su?"

"I'll discuss some business with Mr. Li." Su Yu pursed his lips.

Hearing Su Yu's words, Huang Yu noticed Li Huiyuan next to Su Yu this time.

The last time Shi Yuling celebrated his birthday, Huang Yu had met Li Huiyuan and knew that this man was his girlfriend's sister's boss. He was worth a lot of money, and at worst he should be a multi-millionaire.

After a brief moment of dullness, he couldn't help but hurriedly stretched out his hand to say hello to Li Huiyuan.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I am the account manager of the financial business department of Qianjiang Bank. My name is Huang Yu. I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with Mr. Li in the future." Huang Yu said with a smile.

Li Huiyuan glanced at him and didn't want to pay attention to him.

But for Su Yu's sake, he finally hesitated and shook hands with Huang Yu.

"Xiao Huang, are you okay?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the private room in Huang Yu's business room, "Mr. Lu is still waiting for you to drink. You owe three more drinks!"

"Come right away, come right away..."

Huang Yu responded, looked at Su Yu apologetically, and said, "Brother Su, I'm so sorry. Next time... next time I'll treat you to dinner."

"It's okay." Su Yu chuckled, "Go and do your work!"

Seeing that Su Yu didn't care, Huang Yu nodded and didn't go to the toilet. He turned around and prepared to return to the private room to continue accompanying his customers.

At this time, the middle-aged man who was urging in the private room suddenly poked his head out of the private room.

He glanced outside, grabbed Huang Yu, and was about to drag Huang Yu back to the wine table. At this moment, he suddenly saw Su Yu's face, and quickly stopped, staring at Su Yu in great surprise, and quickly stretched out his hand. With some greasy hands, he happily greeted Su Yu: "Mr. Su, I really didn't expect you to be here."

"Who are you……"

Su Yu looked at the greasy middle-aged man in front of him with some disgust and asked in confusion.

"I am the director of the Financial Account Department of Qianjiang Bank. My surname is Wang..." the middle-aged man replied hurriedly, "We met at Mr. Qian's dinner."

"Oh, it turns out to be Director Wang." Su Yu pretended to be surprised and shook his hand.

In fact, I have no impression at all.

"An invitation is worse than a chance encounter." Director Wang said, "Mr. Su, can you give me a drink?"

"I don't know how to drink." Su Yu refused with a smile, "If Director Wang doesn't mind, you can treat me to tea next time."

"Then...then I'll make an appointment with Mr. Su next time." Director Wang was rejected by Su Yu and smiled awkwardly before pulling Huang Yu in again.

Su Yu couldn't help but sigh softly when he saw Huang Yu entering, smiling broadly at the middle-aged man sitting in the main seat, and then raising his head as he drank three consecutive glasses of white wine.

"The bank's financial customer department and credit department are really two different worlds!"

While Su Yu was sighing, Li Huiyuan also saw the situation in the private room and sighed: "Recently, all kinds of things in banking institutions are really abnormal."

Su Yu glanced at it and said with a smile, "Even Mr. Li feels something abnormal?"

“It has never been so difficult to get loans approved in the past years,” Li Huiyuan said. “And as far as I know, banks’ financial management and savings departments have never been so difficult in the past.”

"Current events have changed, the current situation has changed!" Su Yu said, "It's not surprising."

Su Yu predicted that at this time, the bank's money shortage crisis has just revealed its face. The central bank has been holding firm and not releasing money. I am afraid that the hard part is still to come.

However, this crisis...

For him, who holds a lot of cash, not only does it have no impact, but it is an excellent investment opportunity.

The two walked out of the hotel chatting, and then, at Li Huiyuan's insistence, his assistant finally sent Su Yu home first.

"Looking at your expression, the result of the negotiation should be very good?"

When Su Yu returned home, Li Meng saw the smile on his face and couldn't help but ask.

"Fortunately, it's a win-win result!" Su Yu said with a smile, "With 5 million, we can acquire 20% of the shares of 'Yi Chuang Planning' without suffering any losses."

"Congratulations!" Li Meng also said happily.

Su Yu nodded and asked: "Where are you, how are the company's preparations going? Can it open on the 20th?"

"No problem." Li Meng said, "Currently all office equipment and personnel arrangements are in place. All the filing work, fund custody, and operating seats for our company's new fund launch are also in place. Now, just wait. Fundraising efforts have begun.”

"Okay, I'll inform the customers." Su Yu said, "You should also try your best to publish the news."

"Me, Liang Bin, and Manager Yu... are already making distribution." Li Meng said, "I have a hunch that our company will be overcrowded on the 20th."

Gu Yan

Su Yu chuckled and said: "Don't have too high expectations. At this time, market capital is tightening, and the recent market trend is also quite ugly. Although my seat still has some influence, at this juncture, I dare not Clients who leave their funds to us will not have too much.”

"However, if you raise one to two hundred million yuan, it shouldn't be a big problem."

"Oh, by the way, also, the law firm has released the fund's subscription rules contract, right?"

Li Meng nodded and said, "It came out this afternoon. I'll show you the first version. If you want to change it, it's still too late."

With that said, Li Meng returned to the bedroom and handed a printed subscription contract to Su Yu.

The contract contains the fund's registration number, as well as important management terms formulated after everyone's discussion, such as the fund's free subscription and redemption period, the investment lock-in period, and the fund's management fee collection method, which is higher than the basic net value. How to collect profit sharing...

Except of course.

There are also the obligations and rights of both ordinary investors and institutions formulated by the law firm in accordance with the laws and regulations of the fund industry.

Su Yu read the contract all the way through.

I saw the important terms marked in bold and eye-catching fonts:

The fund's free subscription and redemption period is one week after the net value of each period is settled. During this week, investors can freely subscribe or redeem investment shares. Apart from this open period, other It is in a closed period and cannot be subscribed or redeemed, and the minimum net settlement period is one year.

Fund management fees are collected in a stepped manner based on the net value settlement results.

That is, if the annual fund net value is less than 1, that is, the fund suffers a loss, the management fee will be waived; if the annual fund net value is greater than 1 and less than 1.2, that is, the annual profit is less than 20% and there is no loss, a 2% management fee will be charged; If the annual fund net value is greater than or equal to 1.2 and less than 1.5, a 3% management fee will be charged; if the annual fund net value is greater than or equal to 1.5, a 4% management fee will be charged.

And when the annual net value of the fund is greater than 1.5.

In addition to a 4% fund management fee, a 30% profit share will also be charged after the annual net value of the fund is greater than 1.5.

And when the annual net value of the fund is greater than 2.

For fund excess profits exceeding 100% profit, the fund management company will charge 50% of the profit share.

"Do you have any opinions?" Su Yu looked at the contract prepared by the law firm and found no problems, so he turned his head and asked Li Meng.

"Regarding the fund's annual net value loss, management fees will be waived..."

Li Meng paused and said: "Can we change it slightly? Even if we charge a 1% management fee, it would be good. After all, our country's stock market is bullish and bearish. The bear market is in the majority of the time. There are countless private equity funds on the market. It is basically difficult for funds and institutions to make profits in a bear market.”

"I'm afraid I won't have the support of basic management fees."

"Once the funds managed by the company fall into a bear market and suffer losses in the future, it may be difficult for our company to survive."

"And once such a clause is formulated, it will be difficult to change later."

Su Yu looked at Li Meng with a smile and said: "Your suggestion makes some sense, but I think that a company cannot bring profits and wealth to investors, but only wants to achieve large-scale effects and make a fortune by collecting management fees. , there is no need for fund companies to deceive investors.”

"If, one day..."

"Yuhang Investment, under such rules, has become an unprofitable company."

"Then I would not hesitate to put it out of business."

"Li Meng, when investing, whether you are managing your own finances or managing your clients' finances, whether you are doing hot money or a fund manager, the structure cannot be limited to a few points of profit and fund management fees."

"The one-year closure period is not short."

"If a fund cannot keep its net value above a positive value for a year, will the fund manager or even the fund company have the nerve to charge management fees? They will lose investors' money. As a result, It also allows investors to continue to provide money to subsidize money-losing fund managers and companies.”

"Is this investor not allowed to curse his mother?"

"So... if things continue like this, as a private equity fund, who will still subscribe?"

"Okay!" Li Meng was persuaded by Su Yu's words and responded, "What you said makes sense. If you think about it carefully, using this rule can still attract many investors and leave their money to us. Yes, after all, net worth loss and no management fees are equivalent to tying the company's survival and future to the interests of investors."

"Well!" Su Yu nodded, paused for a while, and then asked, "Teacher Yao, He Qian, Wang Can... they should all be in Yuhang, right? Tomorrow, I plan to gather everyone together for a meal Let’s have a meal, let’s get to know each other, get familiar with each other, and also be a mobilizer.”

"Originally, Director Qin should have arranged this matter."

"But he is probably not familiar with the company personnel now, so I can only trouble Li Meng to arrange it."

"Okay, no problem, I'll inform you." Li Meng said with a smile, "Tomorrow at noon, the hotel will be booked at... Mr. Qian's Crown Hotel, just to increase his business. After all, I still have the favor last time. It’s not returned yet.”

"Then you are pretending to be a public servant for personal gain!" Su Yu laughed.

Li Meng chuckled lightly and replied: "Boss Su, you don't look like someone who is short of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars now. How about... you book the hotel yourself."

"Forget it!" Su Yu waved his hand, "Mr. Qian is a nice guy. Let's book at the Crown Hotel."

"Oh, by the way, our business group hasn't been established yet?" Su Yu paused and said again, "It will be much more convenient to set up a group and notify everyone later."

"I'll join the group." Li Meng said, "But from now on, Manager Zhu will have to be the administrator of the group."

With that said, Li Meng immediately turned on the computer, created a chat group, and then pulled Su Yu and He Qian into it. Then, Su Yu also pulled Wang Can, Qin Haowen, Liang Bin, Teacher Yao, and He Qian. She recruited the friend she hired from the original company, and finally Qin Haowen recruited all the company personnel recruited by him.

In the end, Su Yu totaled up and found that the company currently had a total of 23 people.

Among them, there are 5 people in the fund business department, including him, Li Meng, Wang Can, Yu Xiaobing, and a customer salesperson brought over by Yu Xiaobing.

There are three people in the venture capital department, Liang Bin, He Qian, and He Qian's friend An Xiaoya who came with him.

There are two people in the human resources department, Qin Haowen, and a young man he recruited who is responsible for recruiting basic personnel of the company.

There are five people in the company's operations department, including manager Zhu Huirong and four young people she brought over.

There is only one person in the market intelligence department, Lin Antu. Qin Haowen originally planned to recruit several grassroots personnel for Lin Antu who could run errands, but Lin Antu said that people who can collect market intelligence must be specially recruited by him, so he also He rejected Qin Haowen's kindness and waited for the company to officially open to make a selection slowly.

There are four people in the company's administrative department, two of whom were brought in by Gao Wei, the administrative director recruited by Qin Haowen, and the other two are the company's front desk and Su Yu's office assistant specially recruited by Qin Haowen.

There is only one person in the company’s finance department. Teacher Yao has just arrived in Yuhang and has just settled down. Naturally, he has not had time to recruit his own team. Qin Haowen’s recruitment of financial personnel is unknown whether it is intentional or unintentional. Anyway, it is temporary. He avoided it and didn't mention it to Su Yu.

There is only one person in the company's network technology department. Su Yu originally planned to omit this department, but Qin Haowen thought it would be better to keep one person, so as to avoid emergencies during the transaction and spoil the matter. Anyway, having such a person is not enough for him. The company's financial costs will not increase much.

There is another person, the company’s legal counsel.

Originally, Su Yu planned to set up a legal affairs department, but Qin Haowen felt that the company had just started and there would be very few affairs in this area. It would be enough to have a legal consultant and a designated law firm as a cooperative relationship. , there is no need to maintain a separate legal team at this time.

Seeing the 23 people gathered in the group, the company team was initially formed.

Although it has not yet opened, the money in the company's account has already flowed out like water, with millions flowing out, but Su Yu is still very happy in his heart and full of hope for the future.

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