Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 106: Psychological Confrontation

"Mr. Su..."

As soon as Su Yu entered the private room, Li Huiyuan stood up and took the initiative to say hello.

Su Yu glanced at him, then gently shook his hand, sat down and said, "Mr. Li, you don't have to be polite. Speaking of which... we are old friends. If you have anything to do, you might as well just tell me."

At this time, the other party took the initiative to ask him out.

Su Yu didn't need to guess, he knew it must be a 'bridge loan'.

"I'm honored that Mr. Su can treat me as an old friend." Li Huiyuan responded with a smile, then paused for a while before continuing: "Actually, I would rather not bother Mr. Su, but I would like to have a chat with him. Let’s talk about the money borrowed by our company, Yi Chuang Planning, from the General Loan Company’s ‘bridge loan’, as well as issues related to the agreement we signed when we discussed with Mr. Su last time…”

"Oh!" Su Yu said with a smile, "Mr. Li wants to redeem the share equity conditional transfer agreement that he asked me to guarantee your repayment on time as a mortgage, right?"

With that said, Su Yu took out the document that Li Huiyuan had stamped with his fingerprint from his bag.

He continued to smile and said: "If you have repaid the loan in advance, then this document will naturally be invalid. I can tear it up immediately, or return it to Mr. Li."

"Mr. Su misunderstood, that's not what I meant..."

Li Huiyuan showed a hint of embarrassment on his face and hurriedly explained: "As for the method of repaying the loan, we would like to... have a discussion with you, Mr. Su."

"Let's talk?" Su Yu wondered, "Didn't we already agree at that time?"

"Could it be..."

Su Yu looked at Li Huiyuan with a smile and continued: "Mr. Li wants me to apply to Mr. Qian for an extension again? Or is it that you still can't pay and want me to pay it back for you?"

"That's okay."

"If you really can't pay it back, follow the principles of the agreement."

"I can pay back the 11 million and all the interest on the loan for you."

"It's just that the share transfer conditions agreement that Mr. Li signed and fingerprinted has to come into effect after I repay the loan for you."

"Actually, that's okay. Just think of it as if I used 11 million, oh... including interest, it should be about 12.5 million, to buy a stake in your 'Yi Chuang Planning' company."

"This way, you don't have to pay back the money, and the company also has one less liability."

“We can continue to develop with ease.”

"Oh, that's not right. I remember that the money was originally borrowed in Mr. Li's personal name, and then Mr. Li lent the money to the company. If you calculate it like this... it is equivalent to 50% of the shares in Mr. Li's hands. About 12.5 million yuan was raised, but the money was used by the company, and the company should still owe Mr. Li 12.5 million yuan."

"But I believe this money will be used after the company develops and makes profits in the future, or after applying for new bank loans."

"I will definitely return it to Mr. Li."

Li Huiyuan saw that Su Yu had already pointed out the topic. After being silent for a while, he could only bite the bullet and said: "It is really difficult for banks to lend money recently. All the loans we have applied for are currently stuck in the lending step. According to the bank's internal According to the staff, it is estimated that the funds will be released in July.”

"But even though banks have difficulty lending money..."

“Our ‘Yi Chuang Planning’ company, including me, Li Huiyuan, has never thought about breaching the contract, let alone asking Mr. Su to ask Mr. Qian for another extension.”

"After all, there is no other funding channel except bank loans."

“Other social financing channels have not been closed at this time, and many financing institutions have expressed goodwill and investment intentions towards our ‘Yi Chuang Planning’.”

"And the company has also received a large amount of repayment during this period, and the funding gap is not large."

"We are confident that we will complete the repayment of the loan and redeem the conditional transfer agreement of equity interests in Mr. Su's hands within the agreed period."

"Oh?" Su Yu was not surprised when he heard Li Huiyuan's words and asked, "Mr. Li has the willingness and confidence to repay the loan on time, so why did he just say that he wanted to talk to me about how to repay the loan? "

"We are confident that we can raise such a sum of money." Li Huiyuan said, "But in a sense, without the support of bank loans, we have raised this sum of money, and after repaying the loan, we will also withdraw money accordingly. It interferes with the company's cash flow and leaves the company with huge operational risks."

"And through our previous communication with Mr. Su..."

"I know that Mr. Su is very interested in our company, Yichuang Planning, and is very optimistic about the future development of our company."

"So, I was thinking..."

"Since we always have to selectively raise funds and introduce new institutions to join, it is better to deepen our cooperation with Mr. Su."

"After all, you have done us a great favor by extending our loan with your personal credit guarantee, and we should reciprocate."

After Su Yu heard Li Huiyuan's plan, he remained silent for a while.

He was pondering how much of what the other person said was true and how much was false.

According to the current market capital environment, it is indeed unrealistic for ‘Yichuang Planning’ to obtain a large amount of new loans from banks.

And what the other party said was contact with new investment institutions, and even Li Huiyuan raised funds from other channels.

Su Yu believed that the other party must have done this during this period of time.

But there is definitely a gap between the funds that can be raised in the end, compared to a huge sum of money such as 11 million principal and more than 1.5 million in interest.

That is to say...

The other party definitely has funds in hand, but it is not enough to repay the principal and interest, and there is a certain funding gap.

Otherwise, we would not have negotiated with him in advance.

As for what the other party said, in order to reciprocate the favor and give him priority to become a shareholder in order to express his gratitude for his help to "Yichuang Planning", he thought... it must be a pure lie.

After all, nothing is more important than substantial, tangible benefits.

If within the time period of 'Yichuang Planning', an investment institution can be found that is willing to invest and can provide a substantial value higher than the corresponding shares in Su Yu's hands, that is to say, if the other institution is willing to invest Next, we can also give an overall valuation of more than 25 million to 'Yi Chuang Planning'.

Then, under the condition that the financing funds remain unchanged.

Whether it was the 'Yi Chuang Planning' company or Li Huiyuan, they would definitely not choose him, Su Yu.

After thinking about this, Su Yu smiled and said: "My sister is in your company, and she has always relied on Mr. Li's care. I use my own credit guarantee to help, and it is right. Mr. Li doesn't have to be too nervous." There is no such thing as "reciprocating a favor"."

"But, to be honest..."

"Mr. Li is right when he says something. I am indeed very optimistic about the future of your 'One Creation Planning'."

"I also very much hope to invest in the 'Yi Chuang Planning' company under Mr. Li's invitation."

"But at the same time, I also hope..." Su Yu paused and stared seriously into Li Huiyuan's eyes, "We can be more honest with each other."

"Mr. Li just mentioned that you have been looking for investment institutions during this period."

"And investment institutions are also willing to help you in times of difficulty."

"I believe this! But I think... any investment institution is not a charity. In the current market investment environment is quite pessimistic, and you are in urgent need of money, even if the investment institution will accept your financing application, I’m afraid I won’t give an overly high valuation.”

"Moreover, the institutional investment projects..."

“It doesn’t take a short time to complete the various processes.”

"As Mr. Li said, it's not that you can't repay the money, but once you repay the loan in full and perform the contract on time, it will drain the entire 'Yi Chuang Planning' company's liquidity and put the company's operations at huge risks."

Valley food

"In this case... then the financing of the institution will naturally be a secondary condition for your consideration."

“Seeing that institutional financing does not provide too high valuation conditions, and the time span for time to arrive is still relatively long, and after you repay the loan in full, the risks faced by the company are extremely high, and it is difficult to afford the gamble. , so...then we weigh the left and right and find the one on my head, right?"

Su Yu saw Li Huiyuan's eyes changing slightly.

Without waiting for his retort, he continued: "Mr. Li, in Shangyanshang, it has been almost six years since you founded 'One Creation Planning'. There are some truths that you understand without me having to explain."

"Friendship is friendship."

"But in the end, it is trust and interests that determine the basis of cooperation between the two parties."

"I know that I originally asked Mr. Li to use 50% of the equity interests in Yichuang Planning as a guarantee."

"Mr. Li feels a little uncomfortable."

"I feel like I'm taking advantage of the situation. I feel like I'm forcing others to make things difficult for you."

"But in fact, from a substantive point of view, the conditions in this share transfer agreement are not very difficult for you to complete."

"Through this share transfer condition agreement..."

"What I want to see more is Mr. Li's determination and courage, rather than trying to gain control of the 'Yi Chuang Planning' company from Mr. Li."

"After all, at the end of the day, I'm an investor."

"What I want most is not the internal power of the company, but the benefits that the company can ultimately create, and the value that the shares in my hand will add in the future."

Li Huiyuan was shocked as he watched Su Yu speak calmly.

As Su Yu said, he has approached several investment institutions during this period. However, after learning about the financial difficulties faced by 'Yi Chuang Planning', the other parties not only failed to provide timely financing discounts, but after a brief investigation, they , crazily lowering the valuation of 'Yi Chuang Planning'.

Shopping mall, shopping mall...

As long as it is related to their own interests, no one will "help others when they need it", but there will be many people who will "add insult to injury".

When Li Huiyuan saw that an organization he had negotiated so hard with finally only gave a valuation of RMB 27 million for "One Creation Planning", he was so angry that he threw the document on the spot.

Of course, in addition to institutional financing channels.

With bank financing channels almost completely cut off, some people still gave him more or less support in terms of other partners he sought.

This allowed him to collect a total of more than 7 million in cash.

It's just more than 7 million yuan in cash. Compared with the total loan principal and interest of more than 12.5 million yuan, there is still a big difference.

Seeing that the agreed deadline was approaching and he really had no money to borrow, he thought of taking another gamble and made an appointment with Su Yu, hoping to open another hole from Su Yu.

"Mr. Su has a keen eye."

After Su Yu fully stated the topic, Li Huiyuan said with a smile: "The situation we are currently facing at 'One Creation Planning' is exactly what Mr. Su said."

"We are able to repay the loan in full."

"But at the same time, after the full repayment, the company will be unable to pay wages and cannot operate."

Of course, in essence, even if they drained the cash flow of "One Chuang Planning", they would not be able to raise more than 12.5 million yuan. However, in this actual situation, with Su Yu holding the mortgage documents for 50% of the shares, Li Huiyuan Even if he is in a desperate situation and fights to the end, he will not reveal the truth to Su Yu.

After all, he can only repay the loan in full if he bites the bullet.

Only by relying on Su Yu's intention to invest in the company "Yi Chuang Planning" can we be optimistic about the future development foundation of "Yi Chuang Planning" and continue the negotiation.

Otherwise, the truth will be revealed.

He completely lost all his bargaining chips and could only let Su Yu slaughter him.

"So, we also sincerely hope that Mr. Su can help us tide over the difficulties at this time, which we will be grateful for."

"What is your capital shortfall?" Su Yu pondered for a while, thinking that if he insisted on holding on to 50% of the shares and forced the other party to collect money to pay off the debt, he would still get nothing in the end. So... it's better to follow the other person's wishes, be a favor, and give him a little help in times of need.

Li Huiyuan saw Su Yu relent, knowing that the negotiations were going to be successful, so he couldn't help but calm down and said: "Some time ago, the company invested a lot of money in several operating projects. According to the current market financing environment, we need to obtain bank loans." Previously, to ensure that the company did not have any operational problems, I am afraid it would have required approximately five to six million in funds."

"Five to six million." Su Yu whispered.

Considering the funding gap of this amount, it is really quite a lot considering the scale of business of ‘One Creation Planning’.

Therefore, I couldn't help but wonder whether the other party was telling the truth.

Li Huiyuan looked at Su Yu while he was pondering, seeming to hesitate, and hurriedly added: "We can give Mr. Su a preferential capital investment based on the entire company's valuation level of 25 million. In fact... if we choose over-the-counter institutional financing, the company will It can get a market valuation of at least 35 million."


"As Mr. Su said, the agency's review process takes time, and we are currently short of time. It is difficult to choose this path unless necessary."

"The market valuation is 25 million." Su Yu thought about it secretly.

When he initially chose to seize 50% of the shares held by Li Huiyuan, he estimated the value of Yichuang Planning to be around 23 million.

Calculated in this way, the conditions offered by the other party are not much different.

But if he invested 5 million yuan in shares, it would still be a lot worse than his original plan to occupy 50% of the shares.

But this is not entirely without benefits.

At least with this choice, he is a savior and a white knight for Li Huiyuan and the 'Yi Chuang Planning' company, not a robber.

The founding team will not resent his intervention.

At the same time, Li Huiyuan still has control and still occupies the largest share of the company's "development cake".

This will help the founding team continue to forge ahead, and will also help the healthy development of ‘Yi Chuang Planning’ in the future.

And, if you don’t do this…

He believes that once the other party is forced into a desperate situation and the other party sells everything to pay off the debt, in the end, the agreement on the equity and equity conditions in his hand will become useless paper, and he will get nothing. .

So, weigh the left and right...

Su Yu didn't guess that the other party was in a desperate situation at the moment and was already thinking of taking a big gamble. When negotiating with him, thinking that each side would take a step back and share the benefits evenly, which would be better than a dead end, he nodded and agreed to Li Huiyuan's proposal. , said: "Okay, according to the market valuation of 25 million you mentioned, I will invest 5 million in funds for you."

Hear Su Yu's final decision.

The tense string in Li Huiyuan's heart finally relaxed. He picked up the wine glass in front of him a little too excitedly and saluted Su Yu: "Thank you Mr. Su for your support of our 'One Creation Planning'. I also hope that we can work together in the future." I hope that 'Yi Chuang Planning' can bring more financial returns to Mr. Su in the future."

During the ten seconds of contemplation before Su Yu nodded in agreement.

Li Huiyuan was really nervous and panicked, fearing that Su Yu would see through his lack of confidence and push him and the company to death and forcefully seize control of the company.


When he tried his best to hold on to the bottom line and make full concessions.

Su Yu did not see through his bluff and agreed to invest capital in order to solve the financial dilemma currently faced by "One Creation Planning".

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