Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 123 The seesaw market returns!

“The GEM is going so strong!”

When the GEM index broke through 1030 points and almost all GEM constituent stocks rose sharply, someone in Su Yu’s main hot money group lamented: “It seems that after a round of slump, the GEM will be the future. The consensus on the main line of the market has actually strengthened in the market, and the seesaw effect with the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has become bigger and bigger."

"This is normal. With the explosive growth of the smartphone and mobile Internet industries, most of the funds in the market would be stupid if they are not aware of this."

"Based on this situation, the market speculation path in the first half of the year will intensify!"

"Moreover, I don't know if you have noticed...the funds entering the GEM today, the intensity and method of buying, are not very similar to retail funds and hot money."

"Indeed, everyone should know each other best. Looking at the stocks of Wangsu Technology, LeTV, and Oriental Fortune, which have relatively large market capitalization and circulation, the amount of capital inflows and buying styles are obviously not the same. It’s the work of hot money, it looks like... an institution has entered the market!”

"Is it the weighting agency of the main board? No way!"

"What can't they do? The situation of Shanghai being weak and deep being strong has been going on for half a year. It's time for these guys to react."

"Don't they look down on the concept stocks on the GEM? Moreover, the positions of Internet Speed ​​Technology and LeTV are not low, so Oriental Fortune is still hovering at the bottom and has basically not risen much."

"There are so many market institutions, and there are always some unique ones."

"Yesterday, the two cities bottomed out and rose violently. There was indeed no area where funds were focused on attacking. The indexes differentiated again in a few days, and it was finally clear. Not to mention... today the GEM index outperformed the Shanghai Index by so much, it is indeed like the main board. Many institutions are significantly adjusting their positions to enter the GEM!"

"To be honest, this is indeed a good time to adjust positions and exchange shares."

"After all, compared with the previous month, many core popular stocks, including stocks with performance support like Internet Speed ​​Technology, have indeed returned to relatively low positions."

"Haha... If institutions are really adjusting positions and exchanging shares to accelerate their entry into the GEM, that would be great."

"Okay? What's so good about this!"

"With the entry of institutions, as an anchor of valuation, and when speculation starts, more and more people will believe in the logic of the future market price of the GEM. This will strengthen the logic of speculation. What's wrong with it?"

"Yes, it seems that Brother Su's second prophecy is coming true. It's so awesome!"

"One penny is worth ten thousand gold. I'm talking about Brother Su's analysis article. I think if you can understand Brother Su's article thoroughly, it will not be a problem to make money in the market in the future."

And as discussed in the main hot money group...

At this moment, in major online forums, everyone saw that the GEM index was getting stronger and stronger, far exceeding the rebound of the Shanghai stock index. They became more and more convinced of Su Yu's prediction that "the future market will be on the GEM." More and more people began to follow the trend and poured into the GEM. They began to tout Su Yu's wealth path and recovery path seats more enthusiastically. They also began to follow suit more crazily and followed the trend of many stocks held by Su Yu's two seats.

And in this case.

At 1:26, the growth rate of the ChiNext Index broke through to 3.5%, reaching above 1040 points.

Among them, Tianyu Information hit the daily limit, and stocks such as Wangsu Technology, LeTV, Oriental Fortune, and Flush rose by about 8%.

"Isn't this... this seesaw effect too exaggerated?"

Seeing that the growth gap between the ChiNext Index and the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index had widened to about 2.7 points, Li Meng found it incredible and said regretfully: "The sentiment on the ChiNext Board has recovered and the capital inflow has been too fast. My judgment in the morning seems... …It’s really a bit immature.”

"It would be great if you could understand those factors and aspects that you have overlooked!"

Su Yu looked at the two stocks he was operating, both of which had completely sealed their daily limits. His eyes relaxed slightly and he smiled authentically.

"The Shanghai Stock Exchange Index has shrunk, but the ChiNext Index's volume is almost the same as yesterday at the same time." Li Meng observed the market and continued, "You said that in the current market, the vast majority of investors are still thinking in a bear market. Even if the central bank releases major positive news and positive feedback, to reach the stage of large-scale entry of incremental funds into the market, it will at least require sustained money-making stimulation and a long period of fermentation.”

"So, the volume of the GEM index can continue to explode..."

"The continued strong acceptance of funds basically does not come from off-site funds, but from on-site funds."

"This should be the main board's large funds. After the market was forced to reduce its positions due to the money shortage crisis, it chose the GEM direction when the crisis passed and it was time to make up for it, right?"

Seeing that Li Meng had analyzed the key changing factors in the market, Su Yu nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, it's a stock swap of large funds."

"This means that the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index is completely passively following the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext Index."

"Moreover, up to now, it can be seen that the main board market, including 'Big Finance', 'Infrastructure' and 'Real Estate', the three major weighted sectors that rebounded the most yesterday, are still seeing continued outflows of funds."

"As for why the GEM has soared, it is still a game on the market."

"The seesaw effect of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the ChiNext has explained everything."

"The reason why the index rises and falls out of synchrony is because fundamentally, there are not so many continuous incremental funds that can support the market to achieve a general rise."

"And before the market has a sustained money-making effect, that is, the incremental funds that continue to enter from the sidelines have not yet undergone a qualitative change, this kind of seesaw market will be the norm in the future."

"Just looking at the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, it may not change much, but the differences between individual stocks are huge, right?" Li Meng was silent for a moment and expressed his opinion during Su Yu's answer, "What you said before is 'light. The operation strategy of "big market and heavy individual stocks" turns out to be this."

Su Yu smiled and nodded: "Yes, this is the origin of the basic logic of 'ignoring the market and focusing on individual stocks'."

In transactions and operations.

Only when you understand the basic logic and have this basic logic as the basis for trading support, will you not be afraid or confused when executing your trading strategy.

"What, I...I feel like I can't quite understand."

There was obviously a big gap between Wang Can's thinking and trading understanding and Li Meng's. For a moment, I was completely confused when I heard the two talking.

Seeing his confused eyes, Su Yu chuckled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. You first carefully review the market step by step, watch the market attentively, and understand the abnormal changes in market volume, funds, time-sharing trends, etc., and then Record these abnormal changes, think about the reasons first, and then if you don’t understand, ask me again, or you can ask Li Meng.”


Su Yu's expectations for the two of them were essentially different.

He hoped that Li Meng could eventually follow in his footsteps and grow into an outstanding fund manager, able to fight side by side with him in the future, enter the international financial market, and even be able to take charge of the trading department and be independent when he is not in the company. Make some important investment decisions.

And for Wang Can.

Su Yu's expectation is that he hopes that the other party can really learn something and become a backbone trader of the company in the future, helping him keep an eye on some of the trading teams below.

Of course, there is also the hope of teaching people how to fish.

If the other party can grow beyond expectations, he will naturally give him a heavy responsibility.

After all, no matter from what aspect, Li Meng and Wang Can were the few people in his heart who deserved complete trust.

"Oh!" Wang Can responded without showing any discouragement.

In the past two days, after experiencing the market's epic plunge, and with Su Yu's almost hand-in-hand guidance, he felt that he was growing rapidly.

That kind of growth, whether it is trading mentality, trading technology, or vision.

They all made him feel excited and excited.

Moreover, he also truly felt that his insights and techniques in trading were far away from those of Su Yu and Li Meng, so naturally he had no enthusiasm and just planned to learn quietly, like a beginner. Just like traders, they follow Su Yu's instructions.

"Both of you, please write a detailed review report to me after the market closes!" Su Yu thought for a while and ordered, "At the same time, you should also write down the trading logic for today's intraday operations clearly."

The two of them responded together, and then...

Everyone once again turned their attention back to the stock market being traded.

I saw that the ChiNext Index broke through the 3.5% increase, and the time-sharing rising slope became steeper and steeper. When it quickly broke through from around 1040 points to 1045 points, a large volume began to appear.

"With funds advancing to this point, we are beginning to encounter strong selling." Su Yu stared at the trend of the GEM. With no further operations, he analyzed the market while analyzing it for the two of them, "Generally at this time, If the price rises too much in a short period of time, and at the same time it begins to increase volume and increase selling, it is the high point in the time-sharing trend, which is also the selling point in intraday trading.”

And with Su Yu's voice.

Next, in just two or three minutes, the GEM index began to turn around and retrace. At the same time, after the time-sharing energy was enlarged, it began to gradually decline during the index retracement.


Li Meng saw the changes in the index, paid attention to various indicators and energy, and responded.

"At the same time, when the GEM index encounters huge pressure from the front in a weak market, and the gap between the growth rate of the GEM index and the Shanghai stock index is too large, the speculative funds on the market will selectively and temporarily stop profits on the GEM index, and speculate on the supplement of the Shanghai stock index. rise." Su Yu continued while the index was changing, "Therefore, under the seesaw effect market, once the main funds on the market find the upward pressure on the index during the short-term rise, they will not attack arbitrarily. They will let it go. It will be adjusted by the retracement of the index, and then the floating chips will be further digested and the chip structure will be consolidated, which means there is no need to worry too much about selling out the chips.”

As the trading time progressed, Su Yu explained in detail the changes in the index.

Finally, when 3 o'clock came, the ChiNext Index retreated from the time-sharing high of 1046.11 points to 1035.31 points, an increase of 2.88%. While the ChiNext Index retreated, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index went up for a while, and finally It closed at 2033.64 points, an increase of 1.01%, and the scissor difference between the gains of the two major indexes narrowed to less than 2 points.

In terms of individual stocks, Shanghai Steel Union's daily limit, Tianyu Information's daily limit, and Huaqingbao's daily limit increased.

Oriental Fortune, LeTV, Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, Flush and other stocks have increased by 6% to 8%. Although they have not reached the daily limit, they are still strong, and funds have also shown a large inflow.

Moreover, after the index plummeted, it rebounded in the past two days.

The 'Yuhang No. 1' fund, which has completed its initial position building, has a net worth of over 1.1 and an overall profit of over 10%, making a good start.

After the market closed, Su Yu continued to give guidance to Li Meng and Wang Can during their review records.

And during this period, he received a call from his sister from Yuzhou and injected the remaining 6 million idle funds in his bank account into his sister's newly opened securities account through his sister's bank card, intending to use the 6 million Wan, through his sister's securities account, opened a position in Cai Cai Paper Co., Ltd. and planned the Kumho Group's backdoor case.

Then, when the time advanced to 5:30 pm, the new dragon and tiger list was announced.

Everyone was eagerly waiting to find Yuhang Fortune Road and Yuhang Fusheng Road again on the Dragon and Tiger List, but they saw that these two major seats were completely silent today. Instead, the institutional seats shone brightly and appeared in many branches. The GEM component stocks on the list surprised everyone.

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