Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 124: Confrontation

"The institution with thick eyebrows and big eyes has actually rebelled."

Seeing the data on the Dragon and Tiger List, someone in Su Yu's main hot money group said in surprise: "Sure enough, institutions are adjusting positions. seems like we can continue to take a high look at the GEM market."

"This shows that the financial power of all parties in the market and their future expectations for the new economy are gradually becoming consistent, right?"


"The large-scale entry of institutions into GEM constituent stocks is a positive signal for the current market. After all, conceptual hype is conceptual hype. If we want to really lift the GEM index, we need this group of long-term funds. It’s really not possible to rely solely on emotions.”

“Institutions have begun to abandon the blue chips of the main board and enter the GEM constituent stocks. It seems that the Su brothers’ second prediction that ‘the GEM will be the main market in the future’ is about to come true.”

"As the market's consensus expectations gradually converge towards the GEM, and as more and more large capital systems pay attention to the prospects of new economic concepts with 'mobile Internet' as the core, I believe that there will be more institutional funds in the future, abandoning the main board. Blue Chip, transfer to the GEM, right?"

"This is an opportunity for us!"

"Indeed, with institutional funds as market support, the risk of subsequent sales of concept stocks is not that great."

"At least the index will be relatively stable and there will be no extreme phenomena like the previous two days."

"Has no one analyzed the core GEM stocks that institutions entered today? Is there any value in participating? There seem to be two or three, do they overlap with the Su brothers' holdings?"

“They are all stocks with relatively large circulation and difficult to pull up. Although the fundamentals may be good, the performance will be within a year and a half, and there are huge growth expectations, these stocks... can only be used as trend investments in nature. , I think it’s not in line with everyone’s principles and ideas for building a position, right?”

"Instead of studying these institutional votes, it is better to study the concept leading votes such as Shanghai Steel Federation and Huaqingbao, which have become popular."

"By the way, Brother Su's seat today is not on the Dragon and Tiger list. It's a bit strange!"

"What's weird about this? It must be locked!"

"I thought today's Shanghai Steel Federation's back sealing board was still led by the Su brothers. Now it seems..."

"The spontaneous behavior of the market should be better. Today, the main seal of Shanghai Steel Union is Shanghai Hongqiao Road. Although the seats on this road are not the top seats in the market, there is no doubt about its financial strength."

"If today's Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation is still the chairperson of Brother Su, I am actually not optimistic about the future of this check. Just because today's Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation is not the chairperson of Brother Su, I believe that Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation can go far. Going further, there is a high probability of getting out of the second wave of market that continues to hit new highs. After all, if the second board at the bottom takes over, it requires the support and full maintenance of the Su brothers' seat premiums, which is enough to show that market funds are very interested in this stock. If our efforts to follow the trend are not good, it will naturally be difficult for us to go far.”

"It makes sense. I also think it is better for the market to take over naturally."

"Indeed, if today's Shanghai Steel Federation is still dominated by the Su brothers, the main funds in the market will be dominated by the Su brothers. Apart from retail investors and his own seat premium, it is estimated that it will be difficult to have other powerful players in the future. Funds will come in to lift the sedan, and now... it’s just the right time.”

"The main line of the market today has become more and more obvious. Whether it is a promising performance stock followed by institutions or a core concept stock followed by short-term funds, it seems that they are inseparable from the range of stocks where the Su brothers established positions."

"It's really... I can only say that Brother Su's stock picking ability and position blocking ability are really awesome."

"The ability to select stocks comes second. After all, the stocks that have rebounded strongly in the past two days and have a large net inflow of funds are all stocks that came out in the early stage. This month they suffered a tragic decline and a huge correction. The most important ones are the popular stocks Su Brother's timing ability is simply unparalleled. Every time he makes a move, he is completely stuck at the key node of market conditions and emotional changes. It is difficult for others not to support him."

"Hey, we can't compare, we can't compare..."

"We can only follow the trend obediently,'s not bad to be able to drink soup with Brother Su!"

"Depending on the situation, this wave of Shanghai Steel Union has become the leading leader in the market again. The popularity and popularity are at the top of the two cities. There is a 90% probability that it can break through the previous high. If the opening is not too high tomorrow, I plan to continue to increase It’s gone.”

"The market's expectations for this stock have been increasing. Today they are almost completely sealed. I'm afraid there won't be a buying opportunity tomorrow!"

"I also think that there is a high probability that the Shanghai Steel Federation will have a straight line tomorrow!"

"If you can't buy Shanghai Steel Federation, you can only follow the trend of the second-tier Tianyu Information. This check is obviously closely following Shanghai Steel Federation, and it also has the seat bonus of the Su brothers. As long as the market of Shanghai Steel Federation does not collapse, There is a high probability that this check will continue to rise along with Shanghai Steel Union, and the risk of relay is not great."

"Hua Qingbao is better, after all, Long Yi is the core of the 'mobile game'."

"And I heard that Changqu Technology is going to resume trading. If Changqu Technology resumes trading, Hua Qingbao, driven by Changqu Technology's continuous daily limit, will definitely be able to reach higher levels and break through the previous high, which is also a high probability."

“Isn’t there anyone who is interested in such stocks as Jinzheng Stock, Great Wisdom, Yinjie Stock, and Hang Seng Electronics? I think they have great prospects!”

"Well... there is a prospect, and it belongs to the core concept sector, but compared to Shanghai Steel Union and Tianyu Information, it is far behind in terms of popularity and follow-up effect. It can be done if it follows the trend, but if we want to achieve rapid I’m afraid it’s difficult to make quick profits by taking advantage of the recovering market sentiment due to short-term speculation, so it’s better to follow the lead of Su Brothers’ concept stocks.”

In the heated discussion in the group...

At this moment, on the Internet, the analysis article Su Yu published when the market plummeted is still continuing to ferment in various trading forums, financial website communities and other places. More and more investors are paying attention to and participating in the discussion. .

"The main forces of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road are really god-like existences. In the analysis article, every step of the market changes has been anticipated. Today, institutions have begun to increase their positions in GEM concept stocks. This should already mean that the market is moving. Have the big money makers recognized the fact that the GEM is the engine of the market?"

"Wealth Road and Recovery Road are originally the gods of the short-term market. Tianyu Information, Huaqingbao, Fenda Technology, Shanghai Steel Union... many core stocks that are strong in today's market, whether it is logic or fundamentals, the expected direction of the future, But they were all unearthed by the main forces of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road. It can be said that the institutions and various hot funds in the current market are just following the trend."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, I am following the main force of Fortune Road and Fusheng Road."

"Yes, as long as you don't see Fortune Road and Fusheng Road being sold on the Dragon Tiger List, you will have no idea to follow the checks of Shanghai Steel Union, Hua Qingbao, and Tianyu Information."

"LeTV, Oriental Fortune, Internet Speed ​​Technology, etc. can also be followed, right?"

"There are seat bonuses on Fortune Road and Fusheng Road, and now there is the stimulation of institutional entry. This shows that the main players in the market are optimistic about the future of these checks. I think there is no problem in following the trend."

"It's just these votes. They have rebounded too much in the past two days. It's not easy to intervene."

"Is this still high? Compared with the stock price peak at the end of May, it is only halfway up the mountain now. I think... as long as it is a good stock, it doesn't matter if it goes higher."

"I'm just afraid that if I buy it, I'll encounter adjustments and I won't be able to hold it!"

"There is no good product when it is cheap, and good products are not cheap. If you think these tickets are too high, you can only buy from banks with the main board."

"What are you afraid of? Don't Fortune Road and Fusheng Road say that 2,000 points is the bottom of the market? Don't they say that this is the dividing line between bulls and bears? I think it makes sense!"

"People who are afraid of heights are miserable. Anyway, I plan to chase you. You can do whatever you want."

"Only by believing in the path to wealth can you gain wealth. This theorem has been repeatedly proven in the past two months by Tianyu Information, Huaqingbao, Fenda Technology, and Shanghai Steel Federation. Those who are afraid... all deserve the loss. money."

As time went by, many topics about Su Yu's seat and the articles he published continued to spread in every corner of the Internet, affecting countless retail investors, hot money and institutional members.

And the mood is picking up.

The so-called two big Yang lines, in the lively atmosphere where thousands of troops come to meet each other.

The next day, Thursday, June 27, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index, and ChiNext Index opened higher again, and the opening range exceeded 0.5%.

Among them, the GEM index opened nearly 1% higher.

Among the constituent stocks, the core concepts of the two cities are popular stocks. Under the extremely high market attention and the strong follow-up effect of funds from all walks of life, Shanghai Steel Union has directly hit the daily limit, and has seriously shrunk. More than 100,000 orders have been closed, and the stock price It was quoted at 18.24 yuan, not far from breaking through the previous high.

"Today's market call auction has seriously shrunk compared to yesterday."

After the opening results came out, Li Meng stared at the market and said, "This should be a sign that the market's chip structure has become relatively stable after two days of sharp decline and then two days of rebound, right?"

Su Yu smiled and nodded, and replied: "You are right, it is a sign that the chip structure has stabilized."

"Under such circumstances, market fluctuations should also slow down, right?" Li Meng continued, "The space within the day will become narrower, and the difficulty of doing T will also increase."

"Yes." Su Yu said, "But at the same time, the risk has also been reduced."

The market has gone through a round of violent long-short transitions, and as new trends are gradually taking shape, the chip structure will naturally become stable again and settle down. As the chips stabilize and settle, the market's energy and fluctuations will naturally also It will gradually attenuate and slowly return to the previous normal fluctuation range.

“No matter what the room is for fluctuations.”

Su Yu paused and continued: "You can operate according to your own understanding and analysis. Understanding the intraday market is the most important thing, and profit and loss is secondary."

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded, looking at the disk that had started to beat and trade, and said no more.

Su Yu turned his eyes back to the market and saw that the Shanghai Steel Union was hitting the daily limit, and Tianyu Information was following the trend. The capital commitment was good, and he had no room for manipulation. All he could do was to continue to lock up the position, so he simply looked at the two for a while. After seeing the trading situation of this stock, I once again turned my attention to the ST Ancai stock where I planned to build a position.

At this moment, this stock is in the midst of shocks from 3.65 yuan to 3.67 yuan.

The market value has dropped to about 730 million.

As an old stock that has been on the market for many years, ST Ancai's stock is already fully circulated, but even though it has a circulating market value of 730 million, the trading volume is extremely sluggish.

Su Yu observed carefully for about five minutes.

It was found that on the entire time-sharing transaction interface, only 278 lots were traded, with a total amount of almost 100,000.

It can be said that the liquidity on the market is extremely scarce.

"No one is paying attention, but it's just right!" Su Yu said with emotion when he saw such a board.

Then, he logged into the securities account opened in the name of his sister Su Qingyu, and used the 6 million funds he transferred in advance from the account to buy ST Ancai.

He first placed a buy order of 300 lots at the market price, intending to try the market first.

But seeing more than 100,000 yuan invested, the selling orders in the first three positions were cleared, and the stock price increased by almost 1 percentage point.

Then, without him following up.

ST Ancai's stock price paused at 3.69 yuan for a while, and then gradually fell back to the price range of 3.65 yuan to 3.67 yuan.

And from beginning to end, no orders of more than 200 lots appeared.

Seeing that there was no reaction from the market, Su Yu once again increased the number of buying orders and placed another 600-lot order at the market price.

This time...

A total of more than 200,000 yuan of funds directly exceeded the 5-level selling order.

The stock price of ST Ancai has been raised above the price of 3.72 yuan, an increase of almost 1.5%.

"Still no movement."

Su Yu saw that on the entire transaction interface of ST Ancai, except for his own main purchase order, they were all sparse and small scattered orders. He thought to himself that there was no big money lurking in this stock market.

Suddenly, a sell order of 300 lots came out.

He retaliates directly and pushes ST Ancai's stock price back below 3.70 yuan.

"The big one or the main force?" Su Yu was confused.

When I saw the 300-lot order thrown by the other party, I thought for a moment, continued to increase the buying volume, and used a market price buy order of 1,000 lots to attack the stock price upward.

The purchase amount of nearly 400,000 funds is no longer considered a small amount on ST Ancai's market.

As soon as Su Yu's orders were poured onto the market, more than 8 stalls of selling orders in front of ST Ancai were cleared, raising its stock price to around 3.75 yuan, and the increase directly broke through to around 2.5%.

And just when Su Yu's list was exhausted by the market pressure.

A selling order of 1,200 lots suddenly appeared at ST Ancai's price of 3.76 yuan, preventing the stock price from moving forward further.

"Interesting." Su Yu smiled when he saw the 1,200 selling lots.

Subsequently, he placed a 2,000-lot buy order tit-for-tat at the price of 3.76 yuan, instantly eating up the other party's 1,200-lot sell order, and stabilizing ST Ancai's stock price at 3.76 yuan.

And the next second when he ate up all the opponent's chips.

Another sell order of 7,488 lots appeared above the price of 3.77 yuan, and above the 3.78 yuan and 3.79 yuan levels, large sell orders of more than 5,000 lots also appeared.

"He's actually a big guy."

Su Yu couldn't help but be secretly surprised when he saw the other party mocking him by placing a 7488 order, but he was also very excited at the same time.

He didn't expect that it would be so easy for him to lure out the main funds in the market.

Although he didn't know why the other party wanted to suppress ST Ancai's stock price, there was no doubt that... if the other party dared to place an order, it was a good time for him to whet his appetite and take full advantage.

So, think about this.

Su Yu immediately placed 8,000 orders at the market price, completely swallowing up the other party's sell orders at 3.77 yuan, which was used to mock him.

And the orders at the price of 3.77 yuan were cleared instantly.

Su Yu wanted to continue buying at the market price and engulf the other party's sell orders at 3.78 yuan and 3.79 yuan, but the other party suddenly withdrew the order.

"So heartless?"

When Su Yu saw that the other party had urgently canceled the order after losing 8,000 hands of chips, he couldn't help but sneered.

Then at the price of 3.77 yuan that had been broken through, where the other party had previously placed a sell order of 7488, a buy order of 7488 was also placed to return the favor.

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