Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 125: Opponent emerges, sniper plan!

After Su Yu placed a buy order of 7488 lots, there was no movement on ST Ancai's market.

But at this moment...

The main force who secretly traded ST Ancai stock saw Su Yu's provocation on the market, but he sighed secretly, looking very remorseful and angry: "What the hell... the guy who ran away from here, ate it." Not only did I have almost 1,000 hands of chips, but I still openly mocked him, it’s simply intolerable, and what can’t be tolerated!”

"What's wrong?" Hearing his colleague's complaints, another trader next to him tilted his head and asked.

"It was sniped." The trader who was trading ST Ancai said helplessly, "We still don't know the details of this fund, so we can't throw it back."

"No, this stock can also encounter short-term main funds rushing to raise money on the market?"

The trader who had tilted his head to ask was very surprised: "It is an asset-heavy traditional business stock with no concept, no performance, and no room for imagination, and with such a lack of liquidity, what is the purpose of raising funds?"

"How did I know!" The trader who was trading ST Ancai was speechless. He paused and continued, "It's just like the client entrusted our company to trade this stock, and try to sell this stock within three months. The market value of the stock is the same as the goal of keeping it below 900 million. Who knows what these people are planning?"

"Don't tell me yet..."

The trader next to him chuckled and continued: "When we received this order, the manager and boss almost burst out laughing."

"No!" recalled the trader who operated ST Ancai, "We do not need to provide trading funds, and as long as the trading tasks are completed, the capital losses incurred during the trading period do not need to be managed by us. On the contrary, our company I can still get more than 3 million yuan in remuneration, which is almost like pie in the sky."

"Indeed!" The trader next to him nodded, "3 million is equivalent to half a year's management fee income of several private equity funds in our company. Can the manager and boss be unhappy? Moreover... this task seems... It’s really simple. The market is not going well. Isn’t it easy to suppress the stock price of ST, which has been experiencing frequent bad news and has no room for conceptual speculation?”

"I thought it was very simple." The trader operating ST Ancai muttered, "otherwise, can I take the initiative to transfer from Group A to do this job?"

"Originally everything was going smoothly in the past, but who would have thought..."

Having said this, he looked at the stock market of ST Ancai again, and saw that the 7,488 buy orders at the price of 3.77 yuan had also been withdrawn, but he knew that the stock market of ST Ancai, which seemed to have temporarily restored calm, After the other party entered, it was like an undercurrent of water, and it was impossible to return to the previous situation where he was allowed to operate the transaction.

"Don't think about it, it might just be a speculative fund." The colleague beside him comforted, "Didn't the client reserve 20 million in the stock's operating account? Does the other party really dare to go there? If the market value is over 900 million, you can just use your chips to kill the other party."

"For small tickets like ST Ancai, which have extremely poor liquidity..."

"Twenty million funds is enough to control the market."

"It's easy to say, you still need chips to smash the market!" The trader operating ST Ancai continued to sigh, "I have been busy for half a month, and I have only collected less than 25,000 chips from the market. Now …In just this moment, half of the chips were lost.”

"Looking at this situation, if I dare to continue betting, I might lose all my funds."

"in this way……"

"I have no funds and no chips, so what can I do to suppress the stock price!"

"It's incredible. I don't know where this guy came from, but he fell in love with such a junk stock."

"Then you need to report to the manager." The colleague next to him heard what he said and realized something was unusual. "If you really can't help it, you'd better report it as soon as possible!"

"Let's take a look again!" The trader operating ST Ancai was silent for a while and exhaled a long breath.

Three months is still a long time, and currently ST Ancai is still 20 to 30% away from the market value of 900 million. Although the chips in his hand are not enough to control the market, it is still 20% away from the trading target. The risk, both in terms of time and space, is still very low, but there is no need to worry too much.


The most important thing was that he couldn't bear this tone.

It was really embarrassing to be ridiculed on the market, and to be scared off like this when there was no profit pressure and sufficient funds.

"Okay!" Seeing his insistence, his colleagues didn't say much.

He complained a few words and then turned his attention back to ST Ancai's market. He saw that the stock price of this check had returned to below 3.75 yuan after the other party canceled the order in large amounts.

"Isn't this guy trying to raise prices?"

He observed it for a while and couldn't help but wonder when he saw that there was still no movement on the board.

Immediately afterwards, he thought about testing his opponent's motives again, so he couldn't help but place a buy order of 500 lots in the form of a stall order at the position of 3.75 yuan.

But see...

After his order was placed, the other party actually placed a buy order for 500 lots at 3.76 yuan.

In short... it's obvious that he is not allowed to take the chips on the plate.


Seeing that the other party's real purpose was to seize the circulating chips on the market, he was completely shocked. Knowing that the motivation of this main force of funds was not simple, he did not dare to continue to confront the other party, nor did he dare to continue to let the other party take advantage of the market. He moved freely without caring about face, so he stood up in a hurry, walked to the manager's office, and made a report in a hurry.

And this moment...

Su Yu looked at the opponent's motives on the board and changed pressure to buy. However, he also guessed that his opponent probably didn't have many chips in his hand. He couldn't help but smile. He already had an idea in his mind on how to continue to force the opponent to hand over his chips. plan of.

Without hesitation, he continued to place orders to buy upward little by little.

3.76 yuan, 3.77 yuan, 3.78 yuan...

After gradually eating up all the bargaining chips, Su Yu forced the stock price to the 5% daily limit of ST Ancai, which was 3.84 yuan.

After the stock price reached 3.84 yuan.

He did not intend to close the market, but divided the remaining funds in his account into parts and divided them into 200 and 500 lots for buying. Whenever the sell orders at the upper limit price were consumed, he would temporarily stop buying. , let the selling orders on the market continue to pour out, and then wait until the selling orders accumulate to 200 lots, or even more than 500 lots, before continuing to buy.

Under his buying method.

ST Ancai has been swinging at the daily limit price, constantly closing and opening the market.

However, this situation did not last long. About 10 minutes later, a main purchase order of 5,000 lots was placed directly on the daily limit price, blocking ST Ancai's daily limit without withdrawing the order.

Su Yu saw that his opponent in the field had blocked the buying channel and no longer gave him the chance to buy.

He smiled and didn't pay too much attention.

In just over 20 minutes, he had taken in almost 3,000 more hands of chips by using the method of buying in step by step without blocking. The overall number of positions opened had reached more than 13,000, and he had consumed nearly 5 million in funds. It can be considered a fruitful harvest.

"The market has plummeted again!"

During the battle between Su Yu and ST Ancai, Li Meng looked at the three major indexes that had plummeted and complained speechlessly: "Is the Shanghai Stock Exchange going to go back to the 2000-point position again?"

"There is a high probability that it is." Su Yu heard Li Meng's words, glanced at the time-sharing trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, and said with a smile, "There is no harm in consolidating the support effect of 2000 points. The so-called horizontal direction is as long as the vertical direction is as high as it is. The more solid the chip structure here is, the longer the upward trend of the index will be in the future.”

With that said, Su Yu wanted to continue to analyze some board phenomena and techniques for the two of them.

At this time, Qin Haowen suddenly sent him a message saying that two new people were applying for the company's trader positions and he needed to interview them in person.

Su Yu responded and told Li Meng and Wang Can.

Then he stood up, walked out of the trading room, and came to the office area of ​​the human resources department.

"Sit down, don't be restrained." Su Yu looked at the two young men and women in front of him and said with a smile, "Director Qin should have told you about the salary and requirements, right? He should be able to ask you to come to the company for an interview. I’m very satisfied with your resume. I won’t say much more about these aspects. I’ll come over and just ask a few questions.”

With that said, Su Yu first named one of the girls and then walked into the office.

Immediately afterwards, the girl followed in tremblingly.

"Liu Yuan, right!" Su Yu stared at the girl and said with a smile, "How much do you know about the domestic and international financial markets? Are the rules clear? Have you had any trading experience before? What is your understanding of the financial market? What if you enter the company? Later, the company needs to transfer you to other departments, are you willing?"

Facing Su Yu's sharp gaze, Liu Yuan felt even more uneasy, and her mind went blank.

Some stuttering answers to question after question.

Su Yu listened to her answer without interrupting. It was not until she finished speaking that he handed her an employment application form and said with a smile: "Go to Director Qin to complete the employment procedures!"

When Liu Yuan heard what Su Yu said, her eyes widened and she felt incredible.

She actually performed very poorly just now. Not only was she stammering, but the questions she answered were also full of loopholes and lacked professionalism.


She just went to a fourth- or fifth-rate university and didn't learn professional knowledge well at all. Seeing that she was about to graduate, there was no chance of recruiting at school, so she found a newly established investment company online and submitted a thin resume.

She didn't have much hope in applying, but she didn't expect to be admitted.

"Do you think it's incredible?" Su Yu looked at the dark color on her face and said with a genuine smile, "Still wondering... is our company just a straw bag company with no requirements for recruiting people?"


Liu Yuan did not expect that her inner thoughts would be seen through by the other party at a glance, and she hurriedly explained.

"Actually, you are not as bad as you think." Su Yu said with a smile, "Although your professional knowledge seems to be very amateurish, and your understanding of the financial market is also fantastic, but at least these two advantages of honesty and obedience are still very good." What stands out, for example... your resume is really a 'resume', except for your identity and academic qualifications, the rest is completely blank, and there is no trace of lying."


Su Yu stared into her eyes and said, "This is the trader character I want."

After saying that, Su Yu waved his hand and asked her to leave, and also asked her to call in another boy who was waiting outside the door.

And this boy...

Judging from her resume alone, she is much better than Liu Yuan just now.

He graduated from Zhezhou Technology and Business University and has one year of working experience in a private equity institution. In his self-introduction and resume notes, he has recorded a lot of outstanding achievements both in school and in the private equity institution where he previously worked. And he is tall and handsome.

In other words...

On the surface, this looks like the future ‘financial elite’!

"Zhu Tianyang." Su Yu stared at the slightly younger boy in front of him and said with a smile, "Have you been a trader before?"

"No!" Zhu Tianyang answered calmly, "When I was at Shangluo Investment Company, I was doing market data analysis, but... my best ideal position is to be a trader. This is why I invested in your company."

"Can't your request be fulfilled at Shangluo Investment Company?" Su Yu stared into his eyes and continued to ask.

"I failed the initial assessment." Zhu Tianyang paused and replied.

"Oh!" Su Yu understood what he said and said with a genuine smile, "During the initial assessment of the account, the loss was below the stop loss line, right?"

"Yeah!" Zhu Tianyang nodded.

"Looking at your resume, you should have excellent basic knowledge and insights on the financial market." Su Yu said with a smile, and then asked some tricky questions about the financial market.

Zhu Tianyang thought for a moment and answered one question, then thought for a moment and answered another question.

Generally speaking, in terms of basic knowledge, he is still better than Liu Yuan by more than one rank.

"Have you ever thought about why you didn't pass the initial assessment as a trader?" After the other party answered some questions about the financial market, Su Yu didn't say whether he was good or bad, and directly asked the next question.

Zhu Tianyang was silent for a while this time, and then said: "I was very unlucky. The stock I bought happened to have a sudden negative impact. It fell to the limit three times in a row, and I was directly eliminated."

"You still think it's a matter of luck?" Su Yu narrowed his eyes slightly.

Although the boy in front of him appeared to be much more capable than Liu Yuan, whom he had just interviewed, in his heart, Su Yu rated him far lower than Liu Yuan.

The most valuable thing about people is self-knowledge.

Judging from the initial contact, Liu Yuan knew that she was poor, but she was just working hard with a glimmer of hope.

Zhu Tianyang, on the other hand, thought that he was very capable, but he was just unlucky, just like he thought he was a thousand-mile horse and never met Bole.

"Also...I was also negligent."

Under Su Yu's sharp eyes, Zhu Tianyang paused and admitted.

"If you want to become a qualified trader, your character and self-understanding are far more important than your analytical ability." Su Yu said, "Your problem is that you are too confident."

After saying that, Su Yu asked again: "If you are allowed to join the company, but you are not arranged to enter the trading department, would you like it? Of course... there will be no change in terms of remuneration."

He also asked Liu Yuan this question just now.

At that time, Liu Yuan expressed her obedience to the deployment. After all, her expectations of herself were already low.

But this question, when asked about Zhu Tianyang at this moment, may give him a different answer.

"I...I do!" Zhu Tianyang replied after hesitating and hesitating for a while.

Hearing Zhu Tianyang's answer, it was Su Yu's turn to be surprised this time. He had not planned to keep this person. As long as the other person replied that he was not willing to deploy, he could just let the other person leave. However, he did not expect that he was suddenly surpassed. expectations.

"Why?" Su Yu asked, "You just said that your ideal position is to be a trader, but now... this wish may still come true, and our 'Yuhang Investment' is now just a trader. If you are starting a small company, and based on your resume, if you want to find a better job, you should be able to find it.”

"I want to learn from you, Mr. Su."

Zhu Tianyang looked at Su Yu, without showing any stage fright, and said in a deep voice: "I know that Yuhang Fortune Road and Yuhang Fusheng Road are your seats, President Su."

Su Yu didn't expect that this was the reason why the other party chose his company, and was a little surprised.

"Haha... It seems that you are really good at market data analysis!" Seeing that he had guessed his identity, Su Yu couldn't help but praise, "Your ability is still more outstanding than I expected, but To be honest... Judging from my initial contact with you, you still have some way to go before you want to become a qualified trader."

"How about this……"

Su Yu paused and continued: "If you are willing to stay, you can first go to the market intelligence department to practice. During this period, you can use your own trading account to give it a try. It is limited to three months. If in my opinion Come on, if your trading record is qualified, I can let you enter the trading department."

"Of course, write down the logic and ideas of each transaction. I can help you read it when I have time."

"Thank you, Mr. Su!" Zhu Tianyang stood up and said.

Su Yu smiled and handed him an application form for the market intelligence department, and said, "Don't be too ambitious. In fact, you lack accumulation, so you tend to be sane in your analysis and mess up in practice."

"Yes!" Zhu Tianyang responded, holding the employment application form and preparing to go out.

But suddenly I saw a person pushing open the door and barging in.

"Mr. Su, I found it..." The person who broke in had excitement in his eyes. After saying half a sentence, he suddenly saw someone else in the office and couldn't help but stop talking hurriedly.

Su Yu looked at Lin Antu who broke in and said with a smile: "I've hired an assistant for you. If you have any simple data analysis or errands in the future, you can leave it to him."

"It just so happens that I am in urgent need of manpower here." Lin Antu looked at Zhu Tianyang and did not refuse.

When Zhu Tianyang saw his direct boss, he said hello with a smile, then opened the office door, walked out, and went to the human resources department to complete the entry procedures.

"What's the matter?" Su Yu asked when he saw that there was no one in the office.

Lin Antu smiled and said: "Didn't you ask me yesterday to investigate who reported our company to the Securities Regulatory Bureau? I have investigated clearly!"

"So fast?" Su Yu said in surprise.

Lin Antu chuckled and said: "I happen to have an acquaintance in the Securities Regulatory Bureau. I wanted to inquire about the information. I gave him some favors and he naturally told me. Anyway, this is internal, so in principle it is not a secret."

"Your connections..."

Su Yu was very surprised, but then he remembered his original secret identity and felt relieved.

I just thought that if this person could be brought into the company by himself, he would really make a profit. Otherwise, if he had to develop these contacts and information channels by himself, I don’t know how long it would take to establish them.

"This is a copy of the reporting materials." Lin Antu smiled twice and handed the document in his hand to Su Yu.

Su Yu took the document and looked at it carefully. He found that there was no substantive evidence in the report materials. It was just rumors. Of course, there were still many unconfirmed so-called violations orally reported, especially It was said in one of them that when he was working in the sales department of Huaxin Securities, he worked with clients to manipulate stock prices and engage in insider trading. It was said so clearly that it surprised him.

"Jingda Investment, Minghui Capital? Hao Jianguo, Liu Ze, Mu Yao, Lu Jinjiang..." Su Yu looked at some of the names revealed on the materials and sneered, "They are really all put together!"

"As far as I know, yesterday the China Securities Regulatory Bureau not only went to the Fortune Road Sales Department of Huashang Securities, but also to the Fusheng Road Sales Department of Huaxin Securities where Mr. Su used to work." Lin Antu said, "But similarly, there was no investigation result. Why? General Manager Gan of the Fusheng Road Sales Department of Huaxin Securities is very protective of you, Mr. Su. He said a lot of good things and said that Liu Ze and Hao Jianguo, the two people who reported the report with their real names, were tainted employees of the sales department. , are employees involved in insider trading and were directly fired from the sales department. Their views are simply not credible."

"There was nothing to investigate originally."

Su Yu kept the report document in his hand on the table, and his eyes became colder and colder: "Mr. Lin, now that we know our opponents, it's time to deal with these flies."

"Behind Jingda Investment is Pengyuan Real Estate, and Minghui Capital is a large and well-established private equity institution in Yuhang. Our 'Yuhang Investment' has just been established..." Lin Antu looked at Su Yu and reminded He said, "For now, it is better to stabilize our position first. Developing strength is the most important thing. It is not appropriate to start a direct conflict."

"Actually, with your investment ability, Mr. Su..."

"We just need to improve the performance of the current fund."

"Then use the performance of the fund to open another private equity fund and include business bosses from all walks of life in Yuhang in the fund's large network of interests. The road ahead will be much easier, and... to It's easy to deal with this kind of guy who is secretly making trouble."

Su Yu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I don't want to have a direct conflict. These days... I don't want to come directly to settle accounts."

"Then what Mr. Su means..." Lin Antu was a little confused.

"Find out the specific positions of the funds managed by Hao Jianguo and Liu Ze who entered Jingda Investment, as well as the specific positions of the funds managed by Mu Yao and Lu Jinjiang." Su Yu said, "It is best to have access to their internal transactions It’s worth it to provide some accurate information and spend a little more money.”

"Su always wants to use the stock market to snipe?" Lin Antu understood and was a little surprised, "Isn't this difficult?"

"The financial market is a natural sniper battlefield." Su Yu said with a smile, "You only need to understand their specific positions and establish information channels and intelligence networks. The rest... don't worry about it."

Lin Antu was silent for a while. Seeing that Su Yu was determined, he said no more. He nodded and said, "Okay, I will find a way. I will open this line in half a month at most."


Lin Antu paused and continued: "To accomplish this, Mr. Su must give me more authority."

"What authority?" Su Yu asked in confusion.

For the market intelligence department of the company headed by Lin Antu, manpower, funds, resources... he has already provided everything he can. It can be said that the authority has been delegated to the lowest level. What else can he give?

"President Su is now well-known in the Yuhang financial circle." Lin Antu said, "In your name, if you want to impress some transactions that are not taken seriously within Jingda Investment and Minghui Capital, they are suffering. It’s not difficult for them to do a little favor, but if you want them to help seriously, do internal things, and betray the company, you have to pay them a lot of profits and arrange a stable way out for them."

"And the best way out..."

"Naturally, we should give them a stable job, for example, recruit them into the company."

"As long as they feel in their hearts that they are already employees of our company, then psychologically, if they backstab their original company, there won't be much of a psychological burden."

"What's more, within Jingda Investment and Minghui Capital, there will definitely be traders who are frustrated and marginalized."

"Okay!" Su Yu saw that he had said so much, and the only purpose was to 'get power', so he couldn't help but said, "Whatever the conditions are, as long as they don't go against the fundamental interests of the company, you can decide on your own, and I will cooperate with you."

Lin Antu chuckled and said, "With Mr. Su's words, I feel relieved."

The two chatted for a while and discussed the next plan before Lin Antu left Su Yu's office.

Su Yu secretly pondered for a while in the office and found that he was bored staying here, so he briefly told the office assistant a few words and continued to the trading room.

At this time, the time has reached 11:19.

The three major indexes, Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Composite Index, and ChiNext Index, have turned green one after another amid continued fluctuations. However, the trading volume of the two cities has not increased, but has continued to shrink compared with yesterday.

"How?" Su Yu asked, looking at Li Meng and Wang Can who were concentrating in front of the computer.

Li Meng replied: "Funds from the two cities are still flowing slightly to GEM constituent stocks, but it is not as exaggerated as yesterday. In terms of individual stocks, in addition to Shanghai Steel Union, Huaqingbao, Tianyu Information, Wangsu Technology, LeTV... …These popular concept stocks are still trading high, while other stocks basically fluctuate near the opening price after rising high, which is relatively in sync with the trend of the market.”

"Yes!" Su Yu nodded, "It has risen sharply for two consecutive days. There must be a process of shock and consolidation."

With that said, he also sat down in front of the computer.

Then, when he opened the computer interface and was about to take a look at the ST Ancai stock that he had secretly built a position in, a piece of bombshell news about his self-selected stock suddenly popped up.

Then, in the next second, the stock price of Fenda Technology, which was originally rising, instantly turned downward and plummeted.

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