Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 127: An invitation to cooperate from an opponent!

In his continued buying and observing.

Until the afternoon closing, the main funds hidden in the ST Ancai disk did not show any movement, as if they had suddenly become invisible.

This made Su Yu feel confused.

"It's strange. I lost my chips yesterday and grabbed them so hard, but I gave up completely today." Su Yu secretly said, "This guy doesn't seem to care that much about ST Ancai's stock chips."

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but carefully recall the process of yesterday's confrontation with this main force of funds.

Then he pondered for a while and then continued: "It seems...the purpose of this main force of funds is not to make money on this stock, nor for the chips of this stock, but more like with some kind of goal. We are trading, is it... to suppress the stock price?"

The other party doesn't care so much about the chips and has no strong willingness to make up for it.

Then, it means that the other party did not enter the market to obtain more ST Ancai stocks. There is a high probability that it was not to lurk inside and wait for the reorganization of ST Ancai and Kumho Group to be completed, but for some kind of purpose. The reason is to suppress the stock price at a certain constant position.

"Could it be said that at this time, Kumho Group has already contacted Shang'an Color Paper Company?"

Guessing the reason why the other party suppressed the stock price, Su Yu secretly said: "Logically speaking, it shouldn't be so fast, right? Otherwise, there shouldn't be no news at all from Yang Hao."


Su Yu paused and then said: "Whether it is or not, we have to speed up our plan."

If he couldn't attack Kumho Group's plan to backdoor Ancai Paper, everything would be meaningless if he couldn't get ahead of Kumho Group's plan to backdoor Ancai Paper.

After all, if the two families have already made substantial contact.

If he wants to seize the land from the tiger's mouth and seize the Ancai Paper Group's land, his hope becomes quite slim.

"Mr. Su..." Just as Su Yu was deep in thought, his office assistant Li Xiaoling suddenly knocked on the door of the trading room, walked in and reported, "General Manager Xu of Minghui Capital would like to invite you to have dinner with us tonight. Look. …”

When Su Yu heard Li Xiaoling's voice, he came back to his senses and said with some surprise: "General Manager Xu of Minghui Capital?"

He hadn't even found the other party yet, but the other party actually came to him, which surprised him.

"Yes!" the assistant responded hurriedly.

"Okay, please reply to Mr. Xu and say that I will go as requested." Su Yu replied, paused, and then said, "By the way, please help me put that record on my office desk." Make a copy of the capital’s materials so I can use them later.”

"Okay, Mr. Su." Li Xiaoling responded and then exited the trading room.

"Mr. Xu from Minghui Capital?" After Li Xiaoling left, Li Meng, who had just heard Li Xiaoling's report, said in confusion, "He is a very famous asset management manager in our Yuhang private equity circle. Logically speaking... …At this time, we and Minghui Capital should be considered competitors. What does he want to do with you?”

Su Yu thought for a while and said, "I don't know, but it doesn't hurt to meet him. I just happen to have some questions that I want to ask the famous General Manager Xu."

"Oh, by the way... you can accompany me later!"

"In case you drink some wine by then, it's convenient for you to send me off, so I won't bother Assistant Li, lest she send me off and have to take a taxi back."

"Okay!" Li Meng chuckled, "Anyway, I just get a salary and do a few jobs."

Su Yu smiled and said: "Don't forget, you are also a partner and shareholder of the company. The two of us... can only be said to be mutual achievements and mutual convenience."

With that said, Su Yu briefly chatted for a few words and stopped mentioning this topic.

She then turned her attention to the review records of her and Wang Can, pointing out some of the small details that were not in place, and also explained to them some things they didn't understand.

Then, around 5:30 p.m.

Just as the one-day dragon and tiger list was being refreshed, Su Yu and Li Mengcai left the company and went to the place where Xu Zhongji, general manager of Minghui Capital, invited them to have dinner.

Arriving at the private room...

Su Yu glanced around and saw that in addition to Xu Zhongji and a female assistant, there was also Manager Wang, whom he had met at the dinner hosted by Mr. Qian last time.

"Mr. Su..." Seeing Su Yu's arrival, Xu Zhongji stood up with a smile and hurriedly shook hands with Su Yu, "It's better to meet you than to be famous. I originally wanted to invite you for a long time, but I never had the chance. I didn't expect it to happen. It took me so long to have the honor of meeting Mr. Su.”

Su Yu knew that what he was referring to was when Minghui Capital invited him to join Minghui Capital through Qin Haowen. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Mr. Xu is too generous. Compared with Mr. Xu, I am just a nobody. Mr. Xu has been thinking about me for so long, so I am flattered."

"Ha ha……"

Xu Zhongji repeatedly asked Su Yu to sit down and continued with a smile: "If you are a nobody, then there will be no one in our private equity financial circle in Yuhang."

"Oh, this is Manager Wang of our company..."

Xu Zhongji said and hurriedly introduced him to Su Yu.

Su Yu nodded slightly to Manager Wang and said, "I have met Manager Wang. Last time at Mr. Qian's cocktail party... I was quite impressed by Manager Wang."

When Manager Wang heard Su Yu's words, the flesh on his face trembled, and he said with a slight embarrassment: "It is an honor for me to be remembered by Mr. Su."

"This great beauty..."

While Su Yu was greeting Manager Wang, Xu Zhongji looked at Li Meng again, with a look of surprise in his eyes. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, "I guess she is... Miss Li!"

"I didn't expect Mr. Xu to still remember my name." Li Meng was a little surprised. He gently shook Xu Zhongji's hand and said with a smile, "I am the fund manager of 'Yuhang No. 1'. He is considered a member of our Yuhang private equity circle, and I am honored to meet Mr. Xu."

Xu Zhongji smiled and said: "No wonder, it seems that we will have another 'beautiful fund manager' in the Yuhang private equity circle in the future. Manager Li, please sit down!"

"Mr. Xu has given me the award."

Li Meng nodded, sat down next to Su Yu, and responded with a smile.

"Mr. Xu..." After the two parties briefly introduced each other and got to know each other, Su Yu looked at Xu Zhongji and brought the topic onto the right track, "Tonight's meal..."

"Oh!" Seeing Su Yu's question, Xu Zhongji hurriedly responded, "I know that Mr. Su is impatient and a neat and cheerful person. In this case, I won't hide it anymore. I don't like these twists and turns either. There are so many twists and turns, I think those of us who are engaged in trading should be simpler."

Su Yu nodded slightly and said nothing, waiting for him to continue.

Xu Zhongji paused and continued: I rashly invited Mr. Su to come this time, mainly because I wanted to talk to Mr. Su about the possible cooperation between our two countries. "

"Cooperation?" Su Yu stared at Xu Zhongji in slight surprise.

In Su Yu's heart, he felt that since he established 'Yuhang Investment', he would be a direct competitor with private equity institutions like Minghui Capital. He didn't think the two parties had anything to cooperate with, and ... Just from the fact that the other party secretly reported him to the local Securities Regulatory Bureau, it was difficult for him to believe that the other party would have any sincere intention to cooperate. Of course... now that he is here, he is sitting here.

In addition to asking what happened to the reporting material.

Before everyone's words were fully spoken, it was hard for him to break his face at this moment.

"Yes, cooperation!" Xu Zhongji emphasized, "Mr. Su has become famous in our Yuhang and even the domestic financial market recently. Especially the analysis article you posted on the Internet not only inspired me , and also inspired many well-known investors in the market!”

"Mr. Xu, it's better to talk about the specific cooperation you want!"

Su Yu heard him keep putting on his hat, coughed slightly, and asked directly.

"Okay!" Xu Zhongji nodded with a smile and continued, "We at Minghui Capital want to reach a strategic cooperative relationship with Mr. Su's 'Yuhang Investment'. We hope that both of us can deepen our understanding of some investment strategies in the future. Some exchanges and resources can also be shared accordingly. Of course, we also hope that Mr. Su can serve as our non-staff investment consultant at Minghui Capital. After all, I think... private equity institutions are not isolated islands. There is still a consistent need for common interests and a basis for win-win cooperation."


Su Yu didn't expect Xu Zhongji to say these words.

In his view, private equity institutions are really isolated islands with mutually exclusive interests.

The so-called strategic cooperation is nothing more than holding together to keep warm when everyone is weak. When encountering industry-specific investment opportunities, we can jointly attack and control the market to obtain maximum benefits.

But with the ‘golden finger of rebirth’, does he need these? No need at all!

With the extra ten years of experience and the familiar historical development trajectory of the financial market in his mind, he can develop "Yuhang Investment" step by step without resorting to any external force.


He was not at all interested in the so-called cooperation intention proposed by Xu Zhongji.

Moreover, he guessed that the other party was just taking a fancy to his short-term influence on the domestic financial market at this moment, and wanted to use his operational capabilities and seat premium effect to increase the net value of each fund under Minghui Capital. performance and regain investors’ confidence in them.

In other words...

According to Xu Zhongji, this is not a fair cooperation at all.

After all, the benefits that he and the 'Yuhang Investment' company can obtain from the other party's so-called cooperation can be said to be very limited.

On the contrary, the other party can benefit a lot and get rid of some current difficulties.

"Mr. Xu thinks too highly of our 'Yuhang Investment'." Su Yu refused with a smile, "He also thinks too highly of my investment ability, Su Yu."

"There is no god in the A-share market."

"In the past two months, my investment has been smooth."

"But in fact, investment is a long-distance race, and performance is ultimately measured in years. Our 'Yuhang Investment' is too weak, like a newborn baby that has not yet experienced The market has been tested for a long time and the risk is very high."

"I think... we have reached a strategic cooperation with your Minghui Capital."

"It's not fair to you, Minghui Capital."

"Of course, I am very grateful to Mr. Xu for his appreciation of our 'Yuhang Investment' and me, but this method of cooperation is not suitable."

"As for what Mr. Xu said..."

"I don't think it's appropriate to ask me to serve as your company's investment advisor."

"First of all, I am already a fund manager of a fund company. I should be responsible for the countless investors who invest in me and trust me, and manage the funds in my hands seriously."

"Secondly, I already know the details of all positions of the funds I hold."

"I'm really going to give you advice in turn. Let's not talk about whether you trust me or not. At least in terms of regulatory rules, this is not in compliance with the regulations."


After Su Yu rejected the other party's intention to cooperate, he changed the topic, paused, and said: "Usual exchanges on investment strategies are okay. After all, ideas and thoughts always need to be collided and exchanged before they can Create a spark that leads to something new.”

Seeing Su Yu forcefully reject his proposal.

Xu Zhongji sighed softly, and couldn't help but swallow back many of the follow-up words he had originally prepared, and said with a smile: "Mr. Su, really don't think about it anymore? After all, in the market, sometimes... it's better to fight alone... There will be times when you are full of ambition but not strong enough!”

"No need." Su Yu said with a smile, "In my opinion, this is a matter of principle."

In fact, apart from the reason why ‘Yuhang Investment’ cannot make much profit at all from this kind of cooperation.

There was another worry in his mind.

That is, he is not sure whether this is another hole dug by Xu Zhongji for him to jump into the illegal and illegal rules of manipulating stock prices.

"Hey, that's such a pity..."

When Xu Zhongji heard Su Yu's answer, he continued to sigh and said, "I originally wanted to invite Mr. Su to join us in reorganizing the market."

"What's the restructuring?"

Su Yu asked subconsciously, flashing through his mind the hidden main funds on ST Ancai.

At this time, the first restructuring incident that came to his mind was Kumho Group's backdoor purchase of Ancai Paper.

Of course, after he asked this question, he immediately reacted and knew that what Xu Zhongji said was definitely not a backdoor transaction by Kumho Group. After all, it would take at least half a year for this matter to be settled. , now... the time is too early.

"If Mr. Su is interested..."

Seeing that Su Yu's eyes had obviously changed, Xu Zhongji couldn't help but smile and said, "How about we continue to talk based on the conditions we just met?"

Su Yu was silent for a while, staring into Xu Zhongji's eyes, trying to think of his true purpose.

All the words the other person said before...

Su Yu thought about it carefully and felt that it was just a test. The real purpose...should really be to cooperate with him. It was just about cooperation, not what he just said.

"If there is any definite restructuring market, I believe Mr. Xu will not be willing to part with such a piece of fat." Su Yu thought for a while and said, "Mr. Xu has taken such a big detour, so he might as well say something You have to understand something, I still say the same thing, if there is truly win-win cooperation, then the first foundation is mutual trust."

"What I just said is the true truth." Xu Zhongji looked at Su Yu helplessly, "Mr. Su doesn't believe us in his heart."

"Really?" Su Yu responded.

Then, with a smile, he took the report document issued by Minghui Capital from Li Meng, pushed it in front of Xu Zhongji, and said, " can we explain this?"

A trace of confusion flashed across Xu Zhongji's face, not knowing what Su Yu was referring to.

Then, his eyes fell on the document in front of him, he picked it up and browsed it quickly. His face instantly darkened, and he threw the document in his hand on Manager Wang next to him without any grace.

Manager Wang rarely saw Xu Zhongji's face look so ugly in public, and he felt panicked.

He hurriedly picked up the document and browsed through it. His heart suddenly hit the bottom, and he said tremblingly: "Xu...Mr. Xu, this...I don't know about this at all. This kid Lu Jinjiang is...simply crazy." Don’t worry, I’ll let him go tomorrow.”

This kind of secretly reporting and attacking opponents by unfair means.

Very disgraceful.

What's more, someone got caught doing it.

This is simply like being slapped in the face by a competitor. If word spread that Minghui Capital dealt with rival companies in this way, I am afraid that the reputation Minghui Capital has accumulated for nearly five or six years will be completely destroyed.

"Don't wait for tomorrow, let him get out tonight." Xu Zhongji was furious.

At this moment, I finally understood why Su Yu refused so firmly and didn't trust him so much.

"Sorry, Mr. Su..." After Xu Zhongji became angry, he hurriedly suppressed his emotions and apologized to Su Yu, "This is poor management within our company, not our original intention."

Seeing that Xu Zhongji didn't look like he was faking it, Su Yu nodded slightly and said, "I also know that it was not your intention, Mr. Xu. Otherwise, I would have exposed this report material."

"Thank you, Mr. Su, for your understanding." Xu Zhongji's posture instantly dropped.

"Mr. Xu, let's talk about the specific things about cooperation!" Su Yu saw that this tone was out, so he no longer cared about it too much, and said with a smile, "Suddenly, I feel...I am a little interested."

Xu Zhongji saw that the whole thing had taken a turn for the worst and then turned around. He couldn't help but hurriedly smiled and said: "What I just said is indeed true. We at Minghui Capital really want to cooperate with Mr. Su in your 'Yuhang Investment' Establish some cooperative relationships so that the two of us can work together on some investment opportunities and advance and retreat together."


"Although the restructuring market I just mentioned is not 100% certain."

"But it is true that there are rumors, and there is indeed a lot of room for gaming."

"After all, the current IPO market is stagnant. If many domestic companies want to be listed on A-shares, the only way to go is restructuring and backdooring."

"Of course, what Mr. Su just said makes sense."

"There is no reason to share such a deterministic opportunity with others."

"The reason why we are willing to share with Mr. Su and everyone to participate together is because our current main fund of 'Minghui Capital' is already very close to the stop loss line, the error tolerance rate has become extremely low, and it is limited by fund investment rules. It is impossible to continue to increase positions and increase positions at the bottom area of ​​the stop loss line.”

"So... I can only share the opportunity with President Su, and hope that everyone can work together."

"Isn't that what it is?" Su Yu stared at Xu Zhongji, roughly guessing his thoughts and real purpose, and said with a smile: "It should be said that you made a big bet on restructuring, and fell into a trap on some stocks with the concept of restructuring. Too deep, with heavy losses, but now it is subject to lack of liquidity, and the net value of the fund is approaching the stop-loss line. Under the strong pressure caused by the collapse of investor confidence, it is no longer possible to use funds to cover positions on a large scale, let alone to continuously stabilize the stock price. , to ensure that the net value of the fund will no longer decline, and it has really touched the liquidation line, so in desperation...he found us, how to use the market game of restructuring and backdooring, and fooled us into entering the market to help you carry the sedan chair, help you stabilize the stock price, and even do Your takeover party.”

"Of course, I guess Mr. Xu doesn't just want to use us."

"But I want to use my influence from the two major seats to attract more retail investors to follow suit and help you gather popularity so that you can get out of the quagmire you are trapped in."

"If my guess is correct..."

"Once we intervene, Mr. Xu's so-called backdoor restructuring target will become a bright card, and the news of our purchase will spread like wildfire."

"Mr. Su, you are really worrying too much." Xu Zhongji chuckled and said, "Not everything in the world is so dangerous. Of course... To be honest, I have also thought about the method you just mentioned. I borrowed it from Mr. Su. With the influence of seats, we can turn the dark cards into bright cards, but this is really not worth the gain for our long-term layout, and... as far as I know, the restructuring event we are betting on has indeed already happened. The new progress is just that our fund may not be able to survive the dawn, so we need to rely on the power of Mr. Su and your "Yuhang Investment" to help us stabilize the stock price, and at the same time give this opportunity to you, so that everyone can share it. The fruits of victory.”

"Oh?" Su Yu was noncommittal, silent for a while, and then asked, "What is the core target of your gamble?"

Xu Zhongji stared at Su Yu and was silent for a while before saying, "Huachuang Trust Test!"

"Huachuang letter test!"

When Su Yu heard the name of this stock, his eyes lit up and he began to believe Xu Zhongji's words.

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