Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 128 Dancing with Lies

"This stock was listed in 2003 and has gone through the 2G and 3G eras. Although it is now in decline, its technology accumulation in the communications industry is still profound." Seeing Su Yu's move, Xu Zhongji hurriedly continued, "Of course... …The focus is not on the current fundamentals of the stock, but on the potential backdoor parties that correspond to it.”

"As far as I know, Xinwei Communications is launching plans to go public..."

"Although there is no news about it yet, I estimate that if they want to be listed on the A-share market, there are not many backdoor targets to choose from. Among them, Huachuang Information Testing has the best chance."

“After all, Huachuang Information Testing’s own business has certain complementarities with Xinwei Group.”

"Furthermore, both companies are located in Yanjing."

"Furthermore, as far as I know from Huachuang Information Testing, the actual controller of the company also plans to sell the shell and sell out the shares."

"According to the logic stated by Mr. Xu, this is an opportunity." Su Yu pondered for a moment and said, "But you should bet on more than just this shell stock, right?"

Since the layout direction of Minghui Capital is the concept of restructuring.

So, with the size of Minghui Capital's private equity fund, it will definitely not bet on just this one stock.

"Of course there are seven or eight shell stocks with the same concept." Xu Zhongji said, "But currently, I think the one with the best chance is Huachuang Information Testing. However, if Mr. Su is interested, the logic of other shell stocks, We can also share and study together in the next time."

"So... this is the one with the highest weight among your fund holdings?" Su Yu continued to ask.

Seeing that Xu Zhongji had already said this, there was no need to hide it anymore. He nodded slightly and said, "We have a position of nearly 100 million in this stock."

"At this time, there are still nearly 100 million positions, which shows that you are really deeply involved." Su Yu sighed, "The market value of this check should not be small, right?"

Xu Zhongji nodded and continued: "It's true. It still has a market value of nearly 2 billion."

"No wonder..." Su Yu chuckled, "Before Mr. Xu met with me, he should have met with the managers of other private equity institutions and disclosed this news, right?"

Xu Zhongji didn't know how Su Yu guessed it, and his face looked slightly embarrassed.

He smiled and said: "Since Mr. Su has said this, I won't hide it. Before meeting Mr. Su, I did mention this matter with a friend of Juyin Investment, but I didn't A friend does not agree with the logic I said. He thinks that a company with a market value of more than 1.5 billion, or even more than 1 billion, does not meet the conditions of a shell stock. After all, the current primary and secondary financing markets are not prosperous and can be said to be bleak. At this stage, few companies seeking backdoor listings can afford such high listing financial expenses and costs.”

"Understood!" Seeing that Xu Zhongji was finally honest, Su Yu said seriously, "If Mr. Xu said that the potential backdoor target of the layout is not Xinwei Group, the so-called domestic communications giant, I really don't necessarily believe it. But this company... I believe that as long as they can achieve their desire to go public, they don't mind bearing more financial expenses and costs of going public. After all... they are not short of money."

Although looking in the rear view mirror of history.

This Xinwei Group, which is a backdoor company of Huachuang Information Testing, is a complete fraud company.

But at this stage, this scam company is at its peak. Not only has it won the so-called 3 billion communication base station and equipment contract in Cambodia, but it has also made large investments in Nicaragua, Ukraine and other countries. , and even called for launching 32 satellites within six years to cover 95% of the world's population, and cooperating with the Nicaraguan government to dig a Nicaragua canal comparable to the Panama Canal to change the world's shipping pattern, etc., which temporarily became the country's export of technology. The domestic communications industry giant has been promoted to the altar by major capitals.

Faced with the capital market’s valuation expectations of hundreds or hundreds of billions.

Su Yu felt that Xinwei Group's identity as a 'fraudulent company' was far from exposed, and the huge amount of funds the other party had raised through forged major foreign investment projects was enough to support the company's continued fraud. The eager motive of backdoor listing may dance with lies, but it is not impossible.

"Yes!" Xu Zhongji chuckled, "Once in Yanjing, I was fortunate enough to meet Chairman Wang of Xinwei Group. Judging from the contact, he is indeed a big-scale and responsible entrepreneur. At present, Xinwei Group The Micro Group has invested in many projects in Southeast Asia, Ukraine, the Middle East and other places, and the entire world communications situation is in the transition from 3G to 4G. The Micro Group is backed by the talent reserve foundation of Huaqing University and such With years of technology accumulation, Xinwei Group has entered the global communications infrastructure market and occupies a considerable share of competitiveness. This company has very broad prospects and has the potential to become a giant in the domestic private communications industry. .”

"And when it wants to use a backdoor to land in A-shares."

"Huachuang Information Testing is definitely the best choice for it. After all, in the entire market, except for Huachuang Information Testing, there is no other company that can match it in terms of business, but it happens to be in Yanjing, so relatively A clean shell company.”

"And, I can foresee..."

"If Xinwei Group really chooses Huachuang Xinte in the end, it will be a grand capital feast, with interest rates at least doubled, no matter what."

Su Yu listened to Xu Zhongji's words, nodded slightly, and said: "Such a backdoor listing plan like She Tunxiang's plan is definitely not something that one or two capital institutions can afford. If the whole thing goes according to Mr. Xu's expectations, , when the time comes, additional shares will definitely be issued, and there will be sufficient time to participate, why would Mr. Xu make such a big gamble?"

"Xinwei Group's IPO plan must be watched by countless institutions." Xu Zhongji said, "If the news comes out and the dark card becomes the bright one, Mr. Su will feel like our 'Minghui Capital', or Can a private equity institution like yours, "Yuhang Investment", be qualified to participate in this kind of fixed-income plan with almost guaranteed profits? Impossible! Many large domestic institutions cannot get enough of such a cake. Can it be our turn?"


"We can only plan ahead based on clues from some information channels and logical speculation, and bet on the market probability of the other party's choice."

"It's just the probability this time, I have a very clear feeling."

“Knowing that Xinwei Group is backing Huachuang Xinte, a huge concept will happen.”

“Mr. Xu’s investment path and courage in choosing targets really surprised me.” Su Yu said with emotion, “But at the same time, I sincerely admire this kind of courage to see opportunities, take action, and integrate knowledge and action. "

He was telling the truth.

If he does not have the advantage of being a reborn person and is in Xu Zhongji's position, even if he seizes this opportunity through some clues and information channels in the market and determines that Xinwei Group's backdoor listing of Huachuang Xinte is a high-probability event, I am afraid that I dare not take the main fund and make such a heavy bet.

After all, nothing is 100% perfect when investing in financial markets.

Once the final result is unsatisfactory, faced with Huachuang Information Testing, which can be said to have only the value of a shell stock, it is basically impossible to exit safely in the face of extremely scarce liquidity in the long bear market.

That is to say...

Even if the bet is right, it may be like Minghui Capital, which is currently facing the desperate situation of fund liquidation, and may not be able to persist until dawn.

Just like this time.

If Xu Zhongji couldn't pull reinforcements like him.

So, before the news that Xinwei Group intends to backdoor Huachuang Xinte has settled, as Hua Chuang Xinte may further decline, Minghui Capital is very likely to liquidate the fund, withdraw funds, and give up continuing If you continue to gamble, you will only be left with heavy losses in the end.

"Thank you, Mr. Su, for your approval." Xu Zhongji said with a smile.

"No need to thank you." Su Yu said with a smile, "I didn't agree to cooperate for Mr. Xu's sake, but I agree with the logic you said and that there is indeed huge game value and a win-win basis. That's all,'s not impossible to raise the stock price for you and give you a favor."

"Understood!" Xu Zhongji nodded slightly, "I will keep this favor from Mr. Su in mind."

"Then I wish you all a happy cooperation." After the other party finished speaking, Su Yu smiled and stretched out his hand.

At least doubling the investment opportunities, coupled with the favor of Minghui Capital, this kind of cooperation basis, in Su Yu's view, is the real sincerity.


Su Yu knew that the investment opportunity hidden in Xinwei Group's backdoor deal with Huachuang Information Testing was far more than the so-called doubling of profits, and triple or quadruple profits were not out of the question.

When the two of them talked about this, the tense atmosphere that had been tense before completely dissipated.

Xu Zhongji and Manager Wang breathed a sigh of relief, and the worries that had accumulated for many days slowly dissipated between their brows.

In fact, if Su Yu doesn't agree...

They had no choice but to reduce their positions in Huachuang Credit Testing, so they could barely avoid the fund's liquidation risk and cope with large redemptions from investors.

But after months of suffering like this, the hope of seeing the light was completely shattered.

Moreover, in the case of such a large loss of the fund, the net value settlement of the fund and the abandonment of the restructuring investment strategy that has been adhered to for a long time are also quite detrimental to the future development of 'Minghui Capital'. This is something Xu Zhongji cannot bear. Something that I am not willing to bear.


After a round of careful negotiation and hard discussion, Su Yu agreed with his investment logic and was willing to help and participate in this opportunity to help stabilize the stock price of Huachuang Xinte, thus also passing the stock price of Huachuang Xinte. Stabilize the net value of the main fund of 'Minghui Capital' and the last trace of psychological confidence and hope of investors.

Of course, during the conversation between the two.

Li Meng watched Su Yu's attitude of strong refusal gradually turn to acceptance. For a moment, he was still a little confused and didn't understand, but it was just not easy to ask at this moment.

So, she kept holding back her words.

After the dinner was over, they each said goodbye, walked out of the hotel, and got in the car. On the way back to her residence, she couldn't help but ask Su Yu: "Investments in the secondary market, restructuring and backdoor incidents are the most difficult to catch. The investment opportunity is also the investment opportunity with the highest risk. How can you be sure that General Manager Xu is not fooling us so that we can enter the market and carry the sedan chair to relieve their "Minghui Capital" main fund from being trapped in a heavy position? "

"Currently, although the IPO market is stagnant, the only way for companies to go public is through backdoor restructuring."

"But the market value of Huachuang Information Testing cannot be completely called a shell stock. Sanwu junk stocks whose main businesses have declined comprehensively have neither performance nor concept stories. If there is no news about restructuring in the end Rumor has it that we entered the market to take over the chips, and it will be quite difficult to exit later.”

After the other party mentioned the stock of Huachuang Information Testing.

Li Meng took advantage of the meal to go to the bathroom and checked the stock on his mobile phone.

After this stock released its annual report last year, the market found that its revenue was shrinking more and more, and it could be said that there was no prospect at all. Its stock price continued to fall. In the past two months, it fell by almost 40%, which was tragic. Incomparable, the circulation volume is huge, the hold-up volume is extremely heavy, and the daily turnover has shrunk to less than 10 million.

Such a situation...

In other words, private equity institutions like Minghui Capital, which has a heavy position in this stock.

If you want to get out of the market and no other large-capital investment institutions take the initiative to help, you won't be able to get out unless the stock price drops further and the price continues to plummet by 40 to 50%.

To this day, she still firmly believes that Su Yu's judgment at that time was correct.

That's because the main fund of 'Minghui Capital' has a heavy position in Huachuang Credit Testing, and it can't be cut off. It wants to pull the market but has no follow-up funds to follow up. It will only lead to getting deeper and deeper. That's why I found them. , with good words and good words, he made up a beautiful story about restructuring and backdooring, and coaxed them into entering the market to take over.

After all, according to her idea, there is no such thing as pie in the sky in this market.

Intrigue and deception are often the norm.

Su Yu looked at the side face of Li Meng who was driving, and said with a smile: "When I first heard what the other party said, I thought it might be a trap, but after careful analysis, I felt that... there were potential benefits, which far outweighed the risks, that is, No matter what Mr. Xu’s purpose is for cooperating with us, there is no problem with the investment logic of Huachuang Information Testing stock as he mentioned. And as far as I know, the Xinwei Group has, in the past six months, But there are motives for seeking a domestic listing.”

"Furthermore, this check can be used to get Minghui Capital's main funds close to the liquidation line."

"It proves that it has fallen a lot."

"Indeed, it has fallen by almost 40% in the past two months." Li Meng answered.

"That's it." Su Yu nodded slightly and continued, "Intervening at this stage, even if it is a trap, we can easily distinguish it after the initial intervention, and it is better than Minghui Capital who has trapped it on a large scale. 'More proactive, so...there's nothing to be afraid of."

"Yeah!" Li Meng responded.

Su Yu thought for a while, and was ready to explain in detail the logical relationship here and the relationship between the profit and loss of the game.

At this moment, the cell phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

Su Yu thought that it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and he didn't know who was calling him. He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. He was surprised when he saw Shi Yuling's name on the caller ID, and couldn't help but answer the call.

"Su...Brother Su..."

The voice that came through the connected microphone was not Shi Yuling's.

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