Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 129 The storm is rising


Su Yu heard that the other party's voice was that of Shi Yuling's best friend Lin Qingya. His eyelids twitched and he felt something ominous. Before he could ask, Lin Qingya hurriedly said: "Yu Ling...she had a car accident. Can you come to the hospital?" One trip? The money in my not enough for the surgery."

"Okay, right away, which hospital?"

Su Yu suppressed the shock and worry in his heart, asked hurriedly, and continued: "Send me your bank card number."

After saying that, Su Yu hurriedly asked Li Meng to change direction and go to the designated hospital. At the same time, he immediately transferred 200,000 yuan to Lin Qingya's bank account and asked her to pay the surgery fee in advance. .

Later, when Su Yu and Li Meng arrived at the hospital...

Lin Qingya was waiting anxiously outside the operating room.

"How's it going?" Su Yu noticed Lin Qingya's cell phone with a trace of blood in her hand and asked calmly.

When Lin Qingya saw Su Yu arriving, she seemed to have seen a savior. Her flustered and anxious expression finally relaxed a little, and she replied: "The doctor who just came out of the operating room said that Yu Ling has passed the danger of her life, but Na Not yet, I’m afraid… I’m afraid…”

"Nana?" Su Yu frowned, "Did Yu Ling get into trouble with Ivanna?"

"Yeah." Lin Qingya responded, "The three of us were all together. At that time..."

Lin Qingya described the situation in detail. The more Su Yu listened, the more he realized something was wrong.

According to Lin Qingya, the two were hit by a taxi that did not slow down at all when they were crossing a zebra crossing, and there were no passengers in the taxi.

Is there some misfortune coming?

If Shi Yuling had suffered this disaster alone, he might not have thought too much about it.

But with the addition of Ivana and the many things involved in Ivana, he couldn't help but think about it.

While the two were talking, the door of the operating room opened again. Su Yu, Li Meng, and Lin Qingya hurriedly stood up from the chairs waiting outside the operating room and looked at the doctor in front of them.

"Are you relatives of the patient?" the doctor asked, looking at the three of them.

"Yes!" Su Yu nodded without hesitation.

"The internal bleeding has been stopped, and there will be a few minor surgeries later, but the overall risk to life is over." The doctor said, "The treatment was quite timely, so don't worry too much."

"Have...the two girls passed the critical period?" Su Yu asked again.

"Yes!" the doctor responded, and then the door of the operating room was closed again.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu and his team continued to wait for two hours before Shi Yuling was pushed out from the operating room. By the time Ivana was transferred from the operating room to the ward, it was already around 4 o'clock in the morning.

"Li Meng, you and Qingya should go back and take a rest first!"

Su Yu looked at the two people who were already quite sleepy and said, "I can do it here."

"Okay, I'll come back tomorrow." Li Meng responded, knowing that this was not the time for him to show off. "You should also take a little rest. It will take a while before she wakes up..."

Judging from Su Yu's demeanor in the past few hours...

Li Meng knew that Shi Yuling, who was currently in a coma, should be as important as a relative to Su Yu. This also showed that in Su Yu's heart, he indeed regarded her as his biological sister, otherwise he would not have So nervous and caring.


As Li Meng responded, Lin Qingya said hesitantly: "I... better stay here!"

"It's okay, I'll take you back." Li Meng looked at the beautiful girl in front of him with a smile, "It's good to have him here. People have to rest. It won't help if you stay here. Instead, you can replenish your energy and come back tomorrow. better."

"Yes, go back!" Su Yu glanced at Lin Qingya and said, "Wait for dawn, tell Mr. Li of your company and ask him to cancel all subsequent publicity and filming tasks for Yu Ling , or arrange for other people in the company to take over."

"Well, okay!" Lin Qingya responded.

Then, he handed Shi Yuling's mobile phone to Su Yu, and then left with Li Meng.

After the two left, Su Yu looked at the phone with a broken screen and a trace of blood in his hand, but his eyes gradually turned from gentle to cold.

He didn't think it was a sudden car accident.

After all, there are no such coincidences in the world.

Originally, he didn't want to care about many things, nor did he want to get involved, but now...since some people and some things have threatened the lives of the people he cares about, he has to figure it out and eliminate certain hidden dangers.

"Brother Su Yu..."

While Su Yu was deep in thought, at six o'clock in the morning, the comatose Shi Yuling woke up.

Seeing her clear eyes, Su Yu breathed a sigh of relief, squeezed out a smile and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt." Shi Yuling said with a smile, "I feel... like I had a long dream, and then I woke up and saw you, brother Su Yu."

"Oh, right……"

Shi Yuling remembered something and said nervously: "Where's Nana, is she okay?"

"It's okay, she's out of danger." Su Yu said, "I asked a special nurse from the hospital to take care of her, in the ward next to yours."

"Yeah!" Shi Yuling heard Su Yu's words and her heart dropped.

"Where's Qingya?" Shi Yulin paused and asked again.

"I asked her to go back and rest." Su Yu said, "Don't worry, she's fine."


"There's nothing wrong with you." Su Yu interrupted her and said gently, "Don't worry about it. Stay in the hospital for a few days and then you'll be back to normal."

"Yeah." Shi Yuling responded softly and then asked, "My cousins ​​don't know about me, right?"

"Do you want to tell them?" Su Yu asked.

Shi Yuling thought for a while, shook his head slightly and said: "No, if I tell my cousin, my aunt, and my aunt, they all know. I don't want them to worry about me anymore, and... Brother Su Yu didn't say that I would be here soon." Can it be cured? Then they shouldn’t worry about me."

"Okay!" Su Yu nodded with a smile, "As long as I'm here, you'll be fine."

"Yes." A smile appeared on Shi Yuling's face, "I know."

As she spoke, the hand that was not used for injection and infusion stretched out from the quilt of the hospital bed and grasped Su Yu's generous palm, as if looking for support.

Su Yu felt her cold hands and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Following his comfort, the two continued to talk for a while, and then Shi Yuling felt a little tired and fell asleep again.

When she woke up again, there were already several more people in the ward, including Lin Qingya, a nurse, a doctor, Su Yu, a beautiful older sister she didn't know, and... there were also lawyers and police.

"Are you awake?" Su Yu saw her waking up again and said with a smile, "Do you feel better?"

"Yes!" Shi Yuling responded softly, looked at the policeman who was patiently questioning Lin Qingya, and asked, "Why are the police here?"

Su Yu replied briefly: "They came here to learn about the incident last night. The driver who caused injuries to you and Ivanna surrendered this morning after escaping."

"Is Nana awake?" Shi Yuling asked again after understanding the current situation.

Su Yu paused and replied: "Not yet, but her identity is sensitive, and the cause of the accident has been carefully investigated by a task force after the driver involved in the accident arrived."


Shi Yuling recalled: "When the car came over, it was Nana who pushed me away, otherwise..."

"I know." Su Yu nodded, "Don't worry, as long as there is a chance, we won't let anything happen to her."

"Thank you, brother Su Yu." Shi Yuling said gratefully.

"It's okay. You have a good rest and don't think about anything." Su Yu said, "I'll take care of everything."

After saying that, Su Yu asked Lin Qingya, who had been questioned by the police, to stay and take care of Shi Yuling, and then exited the ward with the doctors, nurses, lawyers and police he called.

"Officer Huang, is this matter determined?" Su Yu asked, looking at the man in police uniform.

Officer Huang looked at Su Yu and replied: "It's basically determined. On the surface, this is a traffic accident, but after analysis, we found that the car that caused the accident had followed Miss Ivana before. It must have been intentional, and...the driver has cancer, which is in the advanced stage, and he is not going to die soon.”

"I understand." Su Yu was slightly shocked, and smiled and held Officer Huang's hand, "Thank you Officer Huang for telling the truth."

"Hey...Mr. Su is too polite." Officer Huang said, "Since it was entrusted by Lawyer Shao, I will say a few more words within the principles. After all, it was Mr. Su's sister who had the accident, and you are also the victim."

"Well, this matter involves foreign friends, and the bureau still takes it very seriously."

"I'll take my leave now."

"Don't worry, Mr. Su. If there are any special circumstances, I will inform you through Lawyer Shao."

"Okay!" Su Yu nodded and said, "I'll treat Officer Huang to dinner next time."

"Eating is free. This is all official business. You're welcome, Mr. Su." Officer Huang laughed and left.

After the other party left, Su Yu turned to the lawyer beside him, who was the consultant lawyer hired by Yuhang Investment at a high price: "Lawyer Shao, this matter is troubling you. Please follow up and take a look. Who are the people behind the driver who caused the accident?"

"Mr. Su, you're welcome." Lawyer Shao said, "I am Mr. Su's attorney. These...are all my duties."

"No, no..." Su Yu said with a smile, "This matter is not considered internal affairs of the company. Once you handle it, I will pay you the additional commission fee according to the additional commission."

Only with a lot of money can there be a brave man.

Su Yu intuitively felt that this matter would not be simple, and the people involved were definitely not ordinary people.

Therefore, he will never save on some things that can be figured out with money.

"Don't worry, Mr. Su." Lawyer Shao knew that Su Yu was wealthy and had an unlimited future. He smiled and said, "I will definitely follow this matter to the end."

After saying that, he said goodbye to Su Yu and left.

"Li Meng..." Su Yu continued to order, "You should take care of the company's affairs first. I'm afraid I have a lot of things going on here recently and I can't take care of some of the company's management affairs."

"Okay!" Li Meng responded without saying much.

"Oh, right……"

Su Yu wanted to say something else. At this time, a very familiar person suddenly appeared in the corridor of the hospital ward.

"Yang Hao?" Su Yu stared at the young man walking towards him. The sharpness in his eyes became sharp. He pulled him towards a corner and asked sternly, "Does this matter have anything to do with you?"

Yang Hao looked at the vague anger in Su Yu's eyes, shook his head and said, "Why do you think it has something to do with me?"

"Nonsense!" Su Yu said angrily, "It has nothing to do with you, what are you doing here?"

"Hey..." Yang Hao sighed softly, "I didn't expect those people to be so impatient. I'm sorry, Su Yu, this has affected your sister."

"It's really you!" Su Yu said bitterly.

"Didn't you already guess some things?" Yang Hao stared into Su Yu's eyes, "You asked Ivana to come to me, didn't you just guess that I was investigating the cause of my mother's death?"


"I did get some clues from her."

"And her further contact with Liu Zilin was also my instruction. After all, I feel that what happened five years ago is closely related to certain people. The two lives are my close relatives. I must seek justice and get a clear."

"Two lives?" Su Yu was a little confused at this time.

He originally thought that Su Yuhu was the only one who died back then, but now it seems... that's not the case at all.

"Let's not talk about this for now." Seeing Su Yu's expression, Yang Hao sighed softly again and said, "What happened to Ivana and your sister? I only got the news this morning. I'm really sorry... about this It exceeded my expectations. I really didn’t expect that your sister would be affected, let alone that some people would be so heartless.”

"There is nothing serious about my sister." Su Yu said, "It is the Wukelan girl you are worried about. She was seriously injured. Her life is not in danger now, but she may not be able to wake up."

"I was careless." Yang Hao said regretfully.

"I'm afraid those things you tinkered with have been noticed long ago." Su Yu couldn't help but remind him, "Otherwise... this wouldn't have happened today, and Ivana, the girl, should have found something more important that you want. Is there any evidence? Otherwise, we wouldn’t have suffered such a misfortune.”

"Damn, these guys..."

Yang Hao gritted his teeth and cursed, then stared at Su Yu seriously: "Brother Su, if you get involved in some things, you can't stay out of it. I'm really sorry about your sister's matter, but I think... you It’s no secret that you are so close to me. It’s difficult to really stay out of it. Instead of waiting for crises to approach one after another, it’s better..."

"What do you want to say?" Su Yu asked.

"Come with me to see my aunt!" Yang Hao said, "How about we join hands?"

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