Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 131 Conspiracy

"You mean..." Su Yuying heard the implication of Su Yu's words, "Li Pu Illumination is a trap?"

Su Yu smiled and replied: "Mr. Su should know more about Chairman Tong of Lipu Lighting than I do. It is true that... he has a good personal relationship with Chairman Yang, but I don't think he is a capable person." People who sell the brands they have worked so hard to build and then bow their heads and admit defeat, build plank roads openly and secretly build warehouses, do not just happen in ancient times."

When Su Yuying heard Su Yu's last words, her expression was shocked for a moment.

At the same time, there were some changes in Yang Hao's eyes.

"My sister suffered an unprovoked car accident. Even if my friendship with Yang Hao is not taken into account, I will investigate to the end and seek justice for my sister." Su Yu saw the change in their expressions and continued with a smile, " But there are more things...I can only do nothing about it.”

He went too deep into the Kumho Group's internal disputes, which was actually of no benefit.

It’s almost the end if I can remind you this far.

Of course, Su Yu also had his own intentions and plans when he made the matter of Lip Lighting clear at this moment.

After the car accident, Yang Hao and Su Yuying wanted to use him to continue the line that Ivana had investigated before. They wanted him to pursue this line and bite out Liu Zilin, Liu Yaqiang, and even the Chen family behind them. He also wanted to use Yang Hao and Su Yuying to muddy the waters of Kumho Group and make the power disputes within Kumho Group more divided. He also wanted to not contact Shang Ancai Paper Group so quickly and early so that he could have time. Come and take over the land of Ancai Paper.

"Brother Su, don't worry." After his expression changed slightly, Yang Hao regained his composure in an instant and said with a smile, "Apart from that, I won't ask Brother Su to do anything else. It's just about what I told you today. I hope Brother Su can keep these things secret for me."

Su Yu smiled softly and said, "You can say this to me, which shows that you really trust me. So... Regarding these things, I will naturally ignore them."

"Thank you, Brother Su." Yang Hao said with a smile.

Su Yu nodded slightly, then continued to look at Su Yuying and said with a smile: "If Mr. Su has nothing else to say, I will leave first. After all, I have to go back to the hospital for a visit."

"Let's go after dinner!" Su Yuying persuaded her to stay.

With that said, she ordered the nanny to prepare dinner.

"No." Su Yu said, "I have been here for a while. If I attract too many people's attention and connect me with Mr. Su, what I want to do in the future will encounter greater resistance."

Su Yuying thought about it and felt worried.

Therefore, he did not force Su Yu to stay and asked Yang Hao to send him out of the villa.

And when Yang Hao returns...

Su Yuying looked at her nephew's trust in Su Yu, smiled, and couldn't help but ask: "Do you trust him so much?"

"Brother Su is a very smart man, and he also values ​​friendship." Yang Hao briefly explained the relationship between Shi Yuling and Su Yu, and then said with a smile, "What he said he would do, he will definitely do it. A little bit... I believe in him, and regardless of whether Brother Su can force Liu Yaqiang and the Chen family out in the end, it will not be a loss if he can win Brother Su to us. After all, I am very optimistic about his future in Yuhang. Developed.”

"If you trust someone too much, sometimes you will suffer big losses." Su Yuying reminded.

Yang Hao smiled, but didn't care, and said, "Isn't there an old saying that says, 'Don't trust those who employ them, and those who don't trust them'?"

"It would be best if that Wukelan girl could wake up as soon as possible." Su Yuying sighed with emotion and asked, "If you go to the hospital, what will the doctor say?"

Yang Hao replied: "The danger of life is over, but when you wake up, there is little hope."

"That is to say..." Su Yuying sighed, "The clue you relied on this girl has really been completely cut off?"

"Absolutely!" Yang Hao said, "So we can only rely on Brother Su to take this matter down."

Su Yuying was silent for a while and nodded slightly: "Five years later, these people are still so crazy and treat human life as nothing. They are simply a cancer of the new society."

"Yeah!" Yang Hao nodded and said, "But Skynet is huge and careless, and they will always pay the price. Oh... By the way, aunt, Brother Su just said that Lip Lighting... What do you think about this? ?When I was lurking about this stock, Brother Su seemed to have vaguely reminded me, saying that this kind of thing was too unpredictable, easy to enter, and difficult to exit. However, when I heard that there was something fishy about my mother's death, I was not calm. I didn’t think too much about it. Now that I think about it carefully, this may indeed be a cover-up trick used by my father. He wanted to use this incident to see clearly the people who have been opposing him within the group."

"Build the plank road openly and visit the warehouse secretly."

Su Yuying whispered and said with a smile: "It's really possible. Tomorrow... I'll go see Chairman Tong of Lipu Lighting and listen to what he has to say."

"Yeah." Yang Hao continued to respond, feeling slightly relieved.

In fact, even though the US$16 million invested in Lip Lighting is not a small amount, it is not the key to them.

What worries them the most.

If they intervened in Lip Lighting, the matter would have been exposed.

Then, at the Kumho Group's shareholders' meeting later, when the opponent raised this matter, the entire interest group of medium and small shareholders they had united with would be completely unable to take the initiative.

"How are you getting along with Miss Ni recently?" Su Yuying continued to ask after a pause.

When Yang Hao saw her asking about this, he said a little apologetically: "I'm used to being a fool, and my reputation in Yuhang is not very good. Miss Ni most likely doesn't like me."

"That's just your appearance." Su Yuying said, "You have to be more proactive, and... make more appointments with people and prepare more surprises for them. In the future... if the surnamed Chen falls, her father There is a high probability that he will take over the position of Chen and become the next executive deputy mayor."

"You should know what this marriage means to you if it comes to fruition."

"And this is the red thread that Aunt Qinfang and I have worked hard to help you hold. Don't forget to cherish it."

"Well, okay!" Yang Hao responded lightly, but he was not very interested.

Su Yuying saw his look and knew that the knot in his heart had not been resolved, so she couldn't help but persuade her: "Haozi, Xiaoya has been gone for five years. Don't stay stuck in it. Your Aunt Fang can let it go." , why can’t you let go? We must commemorate the dead and always remember their goodness, but the living must also live well for the dead and cannot let down the expectations of their dead relatives.”

"these years……"

"You've always been like this, and I'm not the only one who feels bad when I see you."

"Even my sister and your mother will feel equally distressed when they see you like this."

"Yeah!" Yang Hao continued to nod slightly, without saying anything. He just stayed silent for a while before saying, "Auntie, tell me... how involved is my dad in my mom's car accident? He knows that my mom's car accident was... A deliberate murder? After all these years...why could he remain indifferent and let this matter pass like this? "


"I have never been able to figure out that if my mother died, it was the Chen family who did it."

"Even though my mother was closer to Uncle Ni in terms of business and Kumho Group's macro-strategic layout, the Chen family, as Uncle Ni's direct competitor in the officialdom, had no choice but to get rid of my mother in that situation. Motive, but this motive is far from enough!”

"After all, the risk of this matter is too great."

"If I were that person from the Chen family, I would not take such a risky move just to take a step further and defeat my opponent."

"Your father..." Su Yuying saw a look of pain in Yang Hao's eyes, thought for a moment, and said, "Since your mother passed away, his actions have become increasingly incomprehensible. I don’t know how involved he is in your mother’s affairs, but I just think your father has been too close to the Chen family over the years, which is very abnormal.”

"I used to think that my dad was doing it for the development of Kumho Group in Yuhang." Yang Hao said, "I just didn't like that he was indifferent to my mother's affairs, but now... after I know about my mother's death and When the Chen family couldn't get rid of the relationship, the more I thought about it, the more scared I became."

"Especially when he removed you, my aunt, and the old man from when my ex-mother was in charge of the group, all of them were eliminated from the core of the group."

"This makes the uneasiness in my heart become stronger and stronger."

"Have you... talked to your dad?" Su Yuying knew what Yang Hao was afraid of and looked at him with some affection.

Yang Hao shook his head: "Now there is basically nothing to say between me and him, and recently, the old rivals Kumho Group and Pengyuan Real Estate have been competing fiercely for the demolition project of the 'Xianglan' land. He didn’t have time to pay attention to me, hey… I hope I was just imagining it!”

For his father.

There is no hatred, just some complaints and dissatisfaction.

Of course, for the Kumho Group to change the current status quo, for the aunt and a group of old people from the past to return to the core, and to prevent his father from taking over the power of the group, in the relationship with the Chen family, the motives and motives of getting deeper and deeper... He was determined to do this and even cut off some of the Chen family's interests in the group.

While the two were talking...

Su Yu returned to the hospital and visited Shi Yuling and Ivanna. At the same time, he had dinner with Shi Yuling in the hospital, and then returned home to rest near nine o'clock in the evening.

"Su Yu, have you read the hot searches on Weibo?"

When Su Yu had just finished washing and was getting ready to go to sleep, Li Meng suddenly came out of the bedroom and said urgently.

Su Yu was stunned and asked, "What's going on?"

"The video of Yu Ling and the Wukelan girl from Ivana, when they were involved in a car accident, was exposed and was on the hot search list." Li Meng said, "And its popularity is also It continues to climb, and everyone is madly condemning the taxi driver."

"Hot search?" Su Yu raised his eyebrows, extremely surprised.

He knew without thinking that if this matter could be on the hot search list on social platforms, someone must have spent money to put it on the list.

"Is the response so fast?" Su Yu took Li Meng's phone and took a look at it, and said secretly, "It seems that Yang Hao and the interest groups behind him are really going to take action this time."

It is clear……

The other party wants to use public opinion to force the police to expand the investigation.

"This should be good for Yu Ling and the Wu Kelan girl!" Li Meng said, "After all, the more people pay attention, the more detailed the police will investigate."

"Even a fool knows..."

"Then there is definitely something wrong with the driver. This car accident clearly looks like deliberate murder."

"It's not just that!" Su Yu said, "The direction of public opinion and the condemnation of everyone will affect reality. Ordinary people cannot bear the huge pressure of being pointed out by thousands of people and criticized behind their backs. , even if the driver broke the pot and knew that he was not going to die soon, and could withstand the pressure of police questioning, then... his family, wife, and children would never be able to withstand the pressure of public opinion. "

"This will force the driver to reveal the truth..."

"Speaking of it, if there is really someone behind the scenes, then the person behind the scenes is really too rough in this matter."

"rest assured……"

Su Yu's eyes flashed with a cold and stern light, and he said: "As long as the public opinion is heated up, in three days at most, the person behind the scenes will definitely surface."

"Then we..." Li Meng asked, "Do we need to add some fire?"

Su Yu thought for a while and said: "No, the money for buying hot searches is not cheap, let alone buying hot searches continuously. Let some people who are willing to spend money do it. We just need to let Lawyer Shao should follow more closely and at the same time just do the job in hand."

Su Yu said and returned the phone to Li Meng.

Then, he immediately called Lawyer Shao to inquire about the situation.

"Officer Huang has found that a week ago, a sum of 1 million yuan entered the bank account of the driver involved in the accident." Lawyer Shao said, "But this fund was injected from abroad."

"Outside the country?" Su Yu was a little surprised in his heart.

Lawyer Shao continued: "It cannot be said that it is from overseas. It is a gambling company in Hong Kong City. Mingmu, it is legal. It is said that the driver who caused the accident bought the winnings from the football lottery."

"Haha..." Su Yu said with a smile, "This aspect is really flawless."

After sighing with emotion, Su Yu continued to ask: "Do you have any clues about the capital structure behind this gaming company in the port city?"

"Not yet." Lawyer Shao said, "But now Lao Huang said that there is great pressure from public opinion in the bureau, and the leadership has added manpower to the task force and is treating it as a major case."

"Okay!" Su Yu said, "Thank you for your hard work, Lawyer Shao."

After saying that, Su Yu hung up the phone.

"Are foreign forces involved?" Li Meng opened his eyes wide and found it incredible.

Su Yu thought for a while and said: "It's probably just that the funds have turned around and found a regular and legal Mingmu. I originally thought that these people were not careful in their work, but now it seems... I underestimated them too much." , I can imagine that after the funds are recorded in the account, if it turns around, then... the person who comes into contact with the driver is probably just a low-level role, and at this moment, this small role is probably no longer in the country. "

"What should we do now?" Li Meng asked.

She knew that Su Yu was very concerned about this matter and would investigate it to the end and give the two girls justice.

"The best way is to wait for Ivana to wake up and explain clearly what happened." Su Yu said, "The other is to use Ivana as the core and find the people who have had excessive contact with her. From here, We have found a motive and a breakthrough, of course...the police have to do these things. After all, professional things and professional people are much more reliable than us."

"All in all... there is still a turning point."

"We just need to use the power of the media to continue to hype up the popularity and progress of this matter step by step, bit by bit, and continue to put pressure on some people investigating this matter."

"Don't worry, the Skynet is in full swing and there will be no leaks."

"The bigger this thing gets, and the more unusual the police find it, the deeper the investigation will be, and the sooner justice will come."

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