Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 132 Time Window

"Yes." Li Meng responded. Seeing that Su Yu had a plan in mind, he didn't say much.

"Let's leave this matter like this for now!" Su Yu said, "There is no rush. We can only let public opinion ferment while waiting for news from the police."

After saying that, the two continued to chat for a few words, and then fell asleep separately.

The next day, after Su Yu arrived at the company, he and Lawyer Shao formulated a plan to use the power of online public opinion to urge the police to dig into the truth behind the accident and the mastermind behind it.

Then, I found a self-media team to report the established facts of what happened.

Live broadcast on Weibo to continue to heat up this topic.

As this topic has been on the hot search list on Weibo one after another, and as more and more people have paid attention to this matter, the progress of the police investigation has also advanced by leaps and bounds under the pressure of public opinion.

In the afternoon, after the stock market closed, Su Yu came to the hospital again to visit Shi Yuling.

The driver who caused the accident was forced to persuade his wife and son by public opinion, and during the continuous interrogation by the police, he finally could not bear the pressure and revealed the truth, saying that a week ago, someone did give him 1 million to let him hit the car. The death of Ivana, as for Shi Yuling, was completely accidental.

He also said that he had indeed followed Ivana before, but he never had the courage to bump into her.

And that night, he did drink a lot of wine and mustered up the courage before he stepped on the accelerator and hit it.

Later, based on clues from the driver's confession.

The police tried to find the person who contacted the driver, but found that the other person had gone abroad to a small European country and could not be contacted at all for the time being.

And when the clues pulled out by the thread broke, in the next few days...

The police once again started investigating the people Ivana had recently come into contact with. At the same time, they also began to investigate the company of the fugitive who instructed the taxi driver to kill.

Finally, from the two clues, the only intersection was found.

That is Liu Zilin, who has been in close contact with Ivana recently, and a bar that Liu Zilin and several similar second-generation rich people jointly funded and operated.

The police found out through investigation.

A week before the car accident, Ivanna and Liu Zilin often went to that bar for dates.

Moreover, the mastermind of the car accident who escaped happened to be an employee of that bar.

Of course, what is more coincidental is that a week before the car accident, Ivanna took a taxi from that club alone after dating Liu Zilin, and the two had a fierce quarrel in front of the bar.

All clues point to the precious son of the CEO of Kumho Group Real Estate Company.

When the police directly summoned Liu Zilin.

The moment Liu Zilin stepped into the police station, he was frightened to death. Without waiting for the police to interrogate him, he confessed directly, saying that he had indeed pursued Ivana before and that the two had had a quarrel, but the car accident had nothing to do with him. There was no connection, and he said that he had shares in the bar, but the specific operation of the bar had nothing to do with him. He did not know the employee who contacted the driver who caused the accident, and he did not even know that there was such a person among the bar employees. .

Of course, one-sided words are not trustworthy.

Even though all the clues and evidence pointed to Liu Zilin, and it was proven that Liu Zilin knew the employee who contacted the driver responsible for the accident, under the combined influence of the pressure of public opinion and the use of personal connections by Yang Hao and the interest groups behind him, the police still took the plunge. At this line, Liu Zilin was formally detained.

And after Liu Zilin was detained...

The multi-interest groups with Kumho Group as the core began to compete from behind closed doors to open battles.

After listening to the comprehensive news and intelligence obtained by Lawyer Shao and Lin Antu, Su Yu nodded, knowing that the matter was finally over.

Liu Zilin was detained, and Liu Yaqiang, who loved his son as much as his life, was bound to come forward.

The other party will try his best to use the interests in his hands to save his son from jail.

This means that the struggle for power and interests within the Kumho Group has become more and more intense since then, and the time window he wanted has also arrived.

Of course, he did not think that the original mastermind of the car accident was Liu Zilin.

After all, based on his understanding of this person, this guy named Liu Zilin is just a cowardly, good-for-nothing second-generation rich man who has no guts to do such a murderous thing.

Moreover, according to what Liu Zilin said, there is no motive for killing at all.

Su Yu guessed that Liu Zilin was 100% a scapegoat pushed by the mastermind behind the scenes.

It's just that at this time... I want to use the car accident to continue to dig deeper and find out the mastermind behind pushing Liu Zilin to the front desk. In the absence of other sufficient evidence links, and in the absence of any fatalities in this car accident, , it is already very difficult, and the only thing that can support the continued investigation in the future...

All we can do is wait for Ivana to wake up and tell everyone the real inside story.

"Mr. Su...are you still going to do this?" Lawyer Shao asked while Su Yu was deep in thought.

Su Yu came to his senses and said, "Continue to follow. This... may not be the end, but just the beginning. Liu Zilin... it still depends on the final outcome of the police case."

"Okay." Lawyer Shao responded and then left the office.

"Director Lin..." Su Yu pondered for a moment after Lawyer Shao left, and then told Lin Antu, who was still sitting next to him, "Please ask for the list of other shareholders of that bar, as well as the list of shareholding agents. Oh, also There is... the internal situation of Kumho Group, please pay more attention to it."

"Okay!" Lin Antu nodded.

"Oh, by the way..." Lin Antu said after responding, "I got the list of core stock holdings of several funds invested by Jingda."

"Okay!" Su Yu said happily when he heard this, "You can send it to my email later."

Lin Antu nodded and continued: "In order to invest in Jingda and place two hidden stakes, it really took a lot of effort on my part, but I finally got it done."

"Thank you for your hard work, Director Lin." Su Yu chuckled.

"It's not hard work at all." Lin Antu said, "It's just that there will be two more continuous expenses in the future."

Su Yu smiled and said: "As long as we can open up important information channels and establish our own market intelligence network, it is appropriate to spend a little more money."

"Oh, right……"

Su Yu suddenly remembered something, paused, and then said: "As for the internal situation of Ancai Paper Group, please help me find out as soon as possible."

"What situation is Mr. Su referring to?" Lin Antu asked.

He didn't quite understand why Su Yu suddenly jumped from Kumho Group, which he was eager to pay attention to, to Ancai Paper, an unrelated company.

"Their overall operating conditions, loan repayment pressure, and the urgent needs of the controlling party, especially regarding the group's paper mill in the suburbs, close to Qianjiang, has been punished several times by the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau Situation." Su Yu said, "It doesn't matter how big or small it is, as long as you can figure out the situation clearly, and it's not in the public financial report, I need it."

We can no longer pursue the source of the 'car accident'.

Then he has to go back to the starting point and seek the benefits he had planned long ago from the increasingly fierce internal power and interest strife within the Kumho Group.

The fiercer battle between Kumho Group.

This further illustrates that the internal disputes over interests have reached the final stage of deciding the outcome, and that Kumho Group is about to finalize the decision to backdoor Ancai Paper.

This also shows...

If he misses this time window.

It would be very difficult, or even impossible, to acquire the land of Ancai Paper quietly and at a relatively small price.

"Okay!" Although Lin Antu didn't understand Su Yu's intention, he still nodded seriously, "Mr. Su, give me half a month. I will definitely figure out everything about this company."

"Half a month!" Su Yu whispered secretly and said, "There is no time window as long as half a month. How about giving you a week at most?"

Lin Antu didn't expect that time was so tight. He was silent for a while and said, "It's okay, but the cost of capital is probably much higher."

All information channels and market intelligence require money to open up.

This is Lin Antu's consistent philosophy.

This was also the principle behind his development of a market intelligence network.

"Okay, no problem." Su Yu said, "You can ask Director Yao to approve the amount of funds needed. Again, I just want the results, regardless of the process."

"Understood!" Lin Antu nodded.

Then, the two continued to chat for a few words before Lin Antu left the office.

After Su Yu watched Lin Antu leave, he thought for a while, took out his phone, and called Mr. Qian and Qian Yuanbao: "Hey, Mr. Qian, are you busy?"

"No." Mr. Qian chuckled, "I was bored, so I found a place to fish. Speaking of which, is it all thanks to you, Brother Su?"

"Me?" Su Yu wondered, "Do I have that much influence?"

Qian Yuanbao laughed and said: "I used to have the stock market for me to ponder and ponder, but now that the financial management rights are handed over to you, Brother Su, wouldn't it just be boring? Brother Su is really amazing. It's only been half a month. By the time, the net value of the fund had reached around 1.5, and it looked like... it would be easy to double it by the end of the month, which is really amazing."

"Haha..." Su Yu said with a smile, "It's all driven by the recent good market conditions. In fact, I didn't do much."

It has only been ten trading days since the fund completed its position.

Except for the first few trading days, this week he was busy solving the car accident involving Shi Yuling and Yvonne, and basically did not operate his account.

However, the overall market performed extremely well this week.

Not only did the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index achieve five consecutive positives, but the ChiNext Index even raised the index to above 1,100 points in one breath, returning to the index peak at the end of May, completely smoothing out the entire decline in June.

And during this period...

The concepts of 'Internet finance', 'mobile games', 'electronic information', and 'film and television media' concepts... all broke out. The core holdings of the entire 'Yuhang No. 1' fund reversed from the index on June 25. Counting from that day, the bottom rebounded, and the last time it rose was 45%, especially among them, such as Hua Qingbao, Shanghai Steel Union, Oriental Fortune, and Wangsu Technology, the increase exceeded 65%, which became a continuous market trend. core popular stocks.

And thanks to the performance of these stocks that far exceed the market average growth.

The newly established 'Yuhang No. 1' private equity fund has naturally become the most beautiful scenery in the entire private equity fund market, which has greatly boosted the more than 100 investors who invested in this private equity fund. Confidence also made this fund famous.

"You can achieve this kind of performance without much operation, which shows how powerful Brother Su is!" Mr. Qian happily praised, "It's true that I was optimistic about Brother Su's investment ability early on, haha... with you helping me with financial management, From now on, I, Lao Qian, will really have nothing to worry about."

"Oh, right……"

"Brother Su, your reputation is getting bigger and bigger now, aren't you considering opening another private equity fund?"

"I'm going to invest another 100 million, but I wonder if you will accept it?"

"Uh..." Su Yu heard him talking about the number of 100 million, and couldn't help but sigh that this man really had some deep pockets, and said, "Although the market has rebounded a lot during this period, the bottom around 2000 points is considered solid. However, the overall market sentiment has not recovered much. The trading volume in the two cities is still limited, and the liquidity is still very scarce, which cannot support too much or too large free flow of funds. Therefore, the company currently has no plans to open new funds. Mr. Qian can rest assured... …If the company had any ideas in this regard, and it was a big customer like you, it would definitely notify you as soon as possible.”

"Then Brother Su's call today was..." Mr. Qian asked tentatively.

Su Yu was silent for a moment and said, "To be honest, Mr. Qian, I'm looking for borrow some money from you."

The time window for acquiring Ancai Paper's land has reached the final moment, but he currently does not have that much of his own capital to leverage the land.

And bank loans...

Given the conditions under which ‘Yuhang Investment’ has just been established, it may be difficult to lend a huge amount.

Therefore, he had no choice but to start from the outside and had to borrow debt to leverage this project that would be worth a lot of money a year later.

"Borrow money?" Mr. Qian was very surprised.

Based on his understanding of Su Yu's abilities, the domestic stock market was Su Yu's cash machine.

He didn't expect that Su Yu would still be short of money.

Of course, after being briefly surprised, he roughly guessed that what Su Yu was planning to do when he borrowed money from him was definitely not a trivial matter.

"How much does Brother Su want?" Mr. Qian asked after a pause.

After seeing Su Yu's investment ability, in his eyes, Su Yu was also a high-quality borrower in terms of the borrowers and housing loans.

If he could rely on a loan, he could bind Su Yu to have full financial management authority for him.

That would be a lot of money.

"One hundred million." Su Yu said.

"One hundred million?" Mr. Qian was shocked, "Brother Su wants so much money?"

"Yes!" Su Yu said, "For others, such a sum of money is an absolutely huge amount, but for Mr. Qian, it shouldn't count, right?"

Mr. Qian coughed slightly and said, "Brother Su still thinks too highly of me. One hundred million in cash is a large amount for me. But if Brother Su wants to use it, if it is a short-term loan within half a year, I will We can still think of a way, but...what does Brother Su plan to use this money for?"

"Investment in a project." Su Yu said, "It may not be convenient to tell Mr. Qian the details, but since I have spoken to Mr. Qian, I can guarantee Mr. Qian's interests."

"It's not a small project that requires such a large amount of funds!" Mr. Qian said. "Brother Su, I understand that it's not convenient to inform you. Let's do this... When I come back, how about we discuss this matter in detail? Brother Su, I’m not worried about your ability to borrow money but you won’t be able to repay it, but I’m worried about you failing in such a large physical project.”

"Okay!" Su Yu nodded.

He knew that the other party must have wanted to know about the project he invested in at this moment, and even wanted to get a share of the pie.

Su Yu is not worried that after telling Mr. Qian about the project, the other party will become his competitor. After all, if there is no rearview mirror for rebirth, from the current perspective, the vast wasteland that Ancai Paper has occupied for almost 13 years is on the outskirts of the city. That place is indeed of little value and not worth fighting for.

After the initial exchange and discussion, the two hung up the phone.

Afterwards, Su Yu walked out of the office and came to the trading room.

Seeing that the trading team had grown to four people, Su Yu asked Li Meng with a smile, "How is it?"

"The market trend and the fund's stock holdings are both very good." Li Meng replied, "And according to your instructions, our purchase volume of Huachuang Xinte's stock has reached about 30 million. It occupies close to 5% of the fund’s total position, do you still want to continue buying?”

"Buy!" Su Yu said, "Minghui Capital has such a heavy position in this stock, it is worthy of trust."

"But the market news about this stock is almost silent." Li Meng said, "In a sense, when I entered the stock of Huachuang Information Testing, I was simply supporting Minghui Capital. In the past week, we should have increased the net value of their positions by about 15%."

Su Yu nodded and said, "It doesn't matter. Next time, just let Mr. Xu treat us to a dinner worth hundreds of thousands. In fact... you didn't see them destroying the dishes in the venue, right?"

"That's not true." Li Meng said, "The more than 30 million chips are basically chips thrown by retail investors during the extremely rapid expansion and rapid decline."

"In that case, don't think too much about it."

Su Yu said: “According to the plan, just build up to 10% of the fund’s holdings.

With that said, Su Yu sat down at the computer next to Li Meng, turned on the computer, and began to check the core position data of several major funds invested by Jingda that Lin Antu sent him.

Huaguo Baosteel, China Commercial Bank, Shenhua Coal, Jincheng Fenjiu, LeTV, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Waigaoqiao...

Su Yu looked all the way and found that except for the core low-valued blue chips held by this private equity institution, the other stocks were somewhat irregular.

And due to recent changes in market trends.

The other party's position in low-valued blue chips has already shown a reduction in holdings.

The main core positions are concentrated in Jincheng Fenjiu, LeTV, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Waigaoqiao.

"Fenjiu is obviously in a state of gradually covering up its positions." Su Yu compared the position change data of Jingda Investment in the past two months and secretly said, "As for LeTV's new entry, it is also the only GEM stock in the overall position. It should be In order to make up for the lack of layout on the GEM, but at the same time because LeTV does not provide a good buying point, among the four core holding stocks, this one has the lightest position."

"As for Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Waigaoqiao..."

Su Yu couldn't figure out the logic of the other party's previous intervention in these two checks.

But he knew that the other party made a mistake and actually bet on the core stocks of the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", a core hot spot in the second half of the year.

If he doesn't snipe Jingda, invest in this opponent.

Then, according to the position results of the other party, in August, when the country's economic strategy document on the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" is released, the other party will be able to experience a comprehensive surge in the net value of the fund and completely turn over.

However, now, Jingda Investment cannot wait until the dawn of time to turn over.

"According to this position situation..."

Su Yu thought for a while and thought to himself: "We have to divert the other party's positions to Jincheng Fenjiu, and we have to take the opportunity to wash out the other party's positions in the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group and Waigaoqiao."

Now that we have decided to attack this opponent.

Then he will completely destroy the other party's investment confidence and belief in one fell swoop.

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