Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 141 Violent dishwashing, the true colors of the leader!

"There is a main force of funds that has begun to compete for the buying power on the market." Sensing the change in the market, Li Meng said hurriedly, "Just at this moment, 1,200 market price main sell orders poured out, and the price was broken. The prices in the ten brackets below instantly expanded the Shanghai-Hong Kong Group's decline.'

Su Yu smiled and nodded, and replied: "Just when you were talking, the situation you mentioned also appeared on the board of Waigaoqiao. It seems... the opponent we are planning to snipe at has already I lost confidence and started to adjust positions.”

"very good

"Continue to suppress the market, use the chips in our hands, and compete with him for the insufficient on-site buying orders!"

"After the preliminary market observation and the analysis of the historical K-line volume of these two checks, as well as the published semi-annual report data, we should be the only two major institutions in the market at this moment, as well as 'Jingda Investment'."

"Since their confidence has collapsed, if we continue to suppress them, they will definitely follow."

"This can help us push the stock price deeper, and it can also help us reduce the cost of buying back the chips in the end and expand our future profits."

"Okay!" Li Meng responded.

Then continue to place intermittent selling orders, against the other party's selling orders, and continue to drive down the stock price.

While Su Yu was driving Waigaoqiao's stock price down, he used the vacant funds in his account to continue to buy Jincheng Fenjiu's stocks, causing a continuous attack on funds, raising the stock price of Jincheng Fenjiu, and attracting the other party to reduce their holdings of Waigaoqiao. Bridge and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group also put more attention on the sharp rebound of the liquor sector, luring the other party to further increase their positions in this sector, betting on the 'difficulty reversal' of the liquor sector.

after all

Judging from the signs on the market, although the other party is reducing its holdings of Waigaoqiao and Shanghai-Hong Kong Group.

But there are no signs of large-scale follow-up of Jincheng Fenjiu.

This requires him to continue to pull up, causing signs of a "difficulty reversal" in the sector, luring the other party into this trap.

Fortunately, as he continues to attack Jincheng Fenjiu, and because the performance of several core liquor stocks released in their semi-annual reports last night is indeed good, funds from all walks of the market are also following the trend of this sector. At a glance, there is indeed a bottom-up volume. A lively scene of trend reversal.

But Su Yu knew clearly that this was an illusion.

Because he knows that with a high-level high-level meeting in August, the long-awaited actions of 'anti-corruption' and 'curbing public consumption' will become more in-depth and severe, and the liquor sector seems to be undervalued and extremely cost-effective. The investment logic of Qianzhou Moutai will once again encounter a collapse of expectations, and Qianzhou Moutai, the soul stock of the liquor sector, will also usher in a rare limit-down trend in its listing history amidst this collapse of expectations, killing people. Carrying many well-known institutions among them.

Qianzhou Moutai's August limit drop is a rare clear memory for him.

After all, on the day when Qianzhou Moutai hit its daily limit, the country released the economic strategic plan for the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone", and local stocks in the Shanghai Stock Exchange all hit their daily limit.

The feeling of separation between ice and fire between the two cities was something he would never forget for many years to come.

After pondering for a while, Su Yu saw that after Jincheng Fenjiu's stock price exceeded the 6% increase, liquidity began to increase significantly, so he stopped buying to maintain the market, and turned his attention to yesterday's daily limit. However, the semi-annual report performance in the evening was extremely Oops, today's early trading trend is extremely high, and the stock price trend of Shanghai Steel Union is quite divergent.

At this moment, the transaction volume of Shanghai Steel Union has exceeded 120 million, and the turnover rate has reached 10%. After its stock price reached a maximum increase of 5.8% at 9:53, it began to dive sharply. At this time, it was hovering around 21.30 yuan, with a decline between 2% and 2.5%, constantly fluctuating.

"Wow, the GEM index is at 1130.'

While Su Yu was watching the market, at 11:07, Li Meng suddenly said excitedly: "It has passed the high point of the previous rebound again. Compared with the trend of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, it is really strong, and funds from all walks of life are flowing into the core components of the GEM. The speed of stocks is still accelerating. The market trends of Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, Huaqingbao, and Changqu Technology are simply ridiculously strong. As long as there is a slight correction on the time-sharing line, there will be There is a strong rush for funds to enter the market.”

“The GEM index has reached this point, and the trend has become very obvious.


"J." Su Yu responded, "And the semi-annual report has entered a centralized release

During this period, core popular stocks such as Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, Huaqingbao, and Changqu Technology, which have clear performance and are expected to be strengthened by the market in the future, will naturally be attracted by many institutions that have previously lacked GEM layout. In this situation... it is completely impossible for these stocks to fall back to the bottom platform in June.

"In other words, the GEM is the general direction of the main line of the future market. It has been strengthened!" Li Meng said with a smile, "You are still wise. If we miss the window period for building a position in June, if we want to enter the market now, I am afraid we have to We have to keep chasing higher, and at the same time we face a passive situation where the stock price may fall sharply at any time and dampen the net value of the fund.”

It is not easy for big funds to enter.

When faced with bull stocks such as Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, Huaqingbao, and Changqu Technology, which have been speculated for one, two, or even three rounds, the stock prices are high and are still rising. If you want to intervene on a large scale, the risks are not as high as usual.

For institutional investors and private equity funds.

Even if the fund manager knows that the future expectations of these stocks are very good and there is still a lot of room for continued growth, they are still very passive if they want to intervene on a large scale.

After all, at such a high level, if the stock price falls back by 30% to 50%, it is just like playing games.

Often, many funds and institutions, and even many retail investors, cannot withstand the pressure of such a correction.

This is the reason why many investors have bought big bull stocks, but they can't transfer the money or hold it, because after missing the time window to build a position at the bottom, facing the high stock price, there is simply not that much profit. Cushion can't withstand sharp retracements from time to time.

"You're so complimentary that I'm embarrassed." Su Yu smiled and said, "It's just good luck."

Li Meng smiled and said: "Then you have been very lucky in the past few months. I have thought about it myself. From the time you left the Huaxin Securities Sales Department, your experience has been like a sudden cheating in your life."

When Su Yu heard this, he thought to himself, "That's just cheating!"

However, he would never say these words, and responded with a smile: "That's not cheating, that's accumulation, and it just so happens that the goddess of luck is on my side.

The two of them were talking and it was time for the lunch break.

The Shanghai Index was designated at 2051.23 points, up 0.95%; the GEM was designated at 1131.22 points, up 2.73%, still far exceeding the increase in the Shanghai Index.

In terms of individual stocks, Fenda Technology and Wangsu Technology increased by nearly 7%, and their stock prices hit a record high since their listing.

The growth rates of Huaqingbao and Changqu Technology hovered around 5%, twice the growth rate of the ChiNext Index, and their stock prices also hit all-time highs since their listings.

Only the core stocks in the 'Internet Finance' sector, which had poor performance, underperformed the GEM Index.

Among them, Tianyu Information ranked first in the 'Internet Finance' sector due to the 50% performance growth rate disclosed in the semi-annual report. Today's stock price increase ranked first in the 'Internet Finance' sector. It once again regained the seat of the sector's leading concept stock from Shanghai Steel United, and Shanghai still has the highest market attention. City Steel Union, after diving high in early trading today, has been oscillating underwater, with violent amplitude, relatively weak trend, and slightly insufficient ability to undertake.

After eating, take a short rest.

At 1 p.m., the two cities reopened.

Under the continuous attack of funds, stocks with excellent performance and equally excellent future expectations such as Fenda Technology, Wangsu Technology, Huaqingbao, Changqu Technology, Tianyu Information, etc. continued to rise, and the GEM index rose, breaking through 3%, the point continued to hit a new rebound high. The motherboard is like a broken car that is out of gas.

In the continued sluggish trading situation, the GEM was passively carried away. The scissor difference in growth continued to hit the highs on the GEM. It did not decrease, but continued to expand, allowing the entire market to adhere to the countless core values ​​of value investment on the main board. The organization hurled insults that were difficult to understand.

Even this time

Seeing that the GEM refers to stocks that are slightly valuable and worthy of investment, they are already at extremely high valuation levels.

It also made many institutions that couldn't hold back their hearts and wanted to move their positions to the GEM, but were deterred for a while and sighed again and again.

Of course, the sluggish motherboard market is not without bright spots.

“Ren 2: The bright spot, at least today’s liquor sector, is generally performing well in terms of performance.



Under such circumstances, it has promoted the entire concept of "big consumption" and driven the index upward.

As for the Shanghai Steel Federation, which has attracted much attention:

After 2 o'clock in the afternoon, after this check, it seemed that there was indeed a problem with the funds on the market, and the mood did decline. And everyone's eyes seemed to suddenly focus on the so-called performance stocks. Regarding the concept of the story, 'For stocks, expectations have been lowered, and we can't help but start to cut positions.

And in the case of further selling of funds on the market.

Shanghai Steel Union also experienced a further plunge, with the decline expanding to about 5%, becoming the only green sign among the red on the GEM's popular constituent stocks.

Seeing that the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union continues to decline, the popularity is dissipating.

Su Yu thought about the main line of speculation that this stock carried, as well as the countless retail bulls gathered on this check. He knew that once the popularity was allowed to gradually dissipate, it would take a lot of effort to pull it back up later, and he couldn't help but take advantage of it. With the spare funds in the fund account operated by myself, I bought Shanghai Steel Union again.

1000 lots, 2000 lots, 3000 lots

The time reached 2:45, entering the last fifteen minutes of the late session.

Su Yu made a large purchase without any scruples, taking in the chips accumulated in the selling position of the Shanghai Steel Association, and continued his upward attack, driving up its stock price in a straight line.

At 2:47, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fell back to around 4%.

At 2:49, Shanghai Steel Union's stock price fell back to around 2%.

At 2:51, Shanghai Steel Union's share price fell back to flat, and instantly turned red without any hesitation.

At 2:52, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union continued to rise from a red position to a 2-point increase, exceeding the opening price. The K-line during the day turned from green to red, showing a long cross.

At 2:53, short-term funds in the entire market, seeing the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union reversed dramatically, and seeing that the GEM index was obviously about to close its positive trend, rushed to the market and rushed to follow up.

At 2:55, with various short-term funds rushing to follow up, and with extremely high attention, the overall trading sentiment of Shanghai Steel Union reversed, the market volume shrank, and the upward trend of the stock price continued to accelerate.

At this time, Su Yu's emotions in the venue were completely aroused when he saw the check.

It will no longer dominate the market.

Finally, at the close of trading at 3 o'clock, Shanghai Steel Union's increase continued to expand to 6.21%, and the stock price was fixed at 23.08 yuan, closing at the highest point of the day's stock price, twice the increase of the GEM Index. After countless investors paid attention to this check Among the exclamations, sighs, annoyance and shock, the true colors of the two cities’ leaders were reappeared.

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