Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 147: New high bidding, suppressed emotions!

"The net purchase amount is more than 11 million, Fortune Road is still increasing its positions, and the follow-up market of Shanghai Steel Union can be expected!"

In the extremely high market attention of Shanghai Steel Union, many investors lamented.

"Counting the net purchases of Fortune Road Dragon and Tiger List yesterday and the first few days of last week, Fortune Road has increased its position by almost 40 million, right? This is the chips that were originally sold at the peak of 30 yuan and bought again. It’s back!”

"Fortune Road is at this position and buying so many chips is indeed enough to show that Shanghai Steel Union is not at the top here."

"Sold on a large scale for 30 yuan, and bought on a large scale for around 28 yuan. In this wave of entry and exit on Fortune Road, I only made 10 points and made no profit!"

"What does this mean? It shows that there is still a lot of room for Shanghai Steel Union in the future. The stock price cannot fall at all. Even the market's god-level main funds such as Fortune Road cannot find lower entry opportunities. So we can only buy chips on a large scale at this position."

"Tomorrow we should be able to see the Shanghai Steel Union hit a record high, freeing up all the hold-ups on the market, right?"

"That's for sure. Based on the data on the Dragon and Tiger List, the market popularity and the trend of the three major indexes breaking through and opening up new space, the Shanghai Steel Federation will definitely continue to rise by the limit tomorrow."

"Today's daily limit of Shanghai Steel Union can be said to be the soul of the market."

"Yes, this price limit has completely turned the divergent sentiments into consensus. I think there will be absolutely no problem if the stock price breaks through 30 yuan."

"With the situation of Fortune Road coming back, there is absolutely no problem if the Shanghai Steel Federation hits 30 yuan, and... I think if the market cooperates, the Shanghai Steel Federation will continue to look at 40 yuan or 50 yuan. It’s not impossible, it’s very likely that today will be the beginning of the third wave of Shanghai Steel Union’s market.”

"40 yuan, 50 yuan? It's not that scary, right?"

"What's the point? We still have to have expectations. After all, the core concept leaders in the two cities are not going to increase four or five times. How dare they be called the big monster of the year?"

"No matter what the expectations are, I think it is right to follow the path of wealth."

"Although, the data of the Dragon and Tiger List will always lag behind the market, but if you follow the Fortune Road, the probability of profit is still very high."

"I have followed the trend and bought today. It is said that if Fortune Road appears in the buying seat of the Dragon and Tiger List, there must be a market and there is meat to eat. People still don't believe it. What is this called? This is called the pattern of top hot money. I I have never seen Fortune Road appear on the Dragon Tiger List, and the stocks he bought did not rise the next day, and... this main force has no precedent of selling the market the next day. This is inherent An arbitrage opportunity!”

"Looking at the history of Fortune Road List, there is really no precedent for this main force to smash the market every other day."

"Analyzing from a style perspective, Fortune Road is really a 'big pattern' operator in the hot money market. He buys and holds stocks for more than three days, and the stocks he buys are very sustainable. The money-making effect, as long as it is not connected too far away or too high, it will not be damaged at all.”

"Yes, yes... I followed Fortune Road to arbitrage on the Shanghai Steel Union. In the past month, I have made a profit of about 40%. I am really grateful to Fortune Road as the main force."

"Indeed, I have never seen wealth in other stocks. How many times in and out, operating over and over again!"

"This proves that the market situation of Shanghai Steel Union definitely has more than one or two times the space."

"Since the Shanghai Steel Union check was discovered on Fortune Road, up to now, the check has increased by almost 2.5 times. Compared with Huaqingbao, Wangsu Technology, Changqu Technology... these should not be considered absolutely high. Bar?"

"Of course it is not an absolute high, and the increase cannot be among the top three in the market this year. The current bottom is 2.8 times higher. Comparing the trend of the GEM index with the trend of the popular concept sector of 'Internet Finance', I think as long as market investment If the mood continues to pick up, there will definitely be a lot of room.”

"Today's market capitalization is only over 4 billion, and Shanghai Steel Union's future expectations are still very strong. The current stock price does not overdraft future expectations, and there is definitely room for upside. Anyway... no matter how you look at it, I I feel that the room for growth of Shanghai Steel Union is definitely greater than that of Huaqingbao. Hua Qingbao can break through 40 yuan and constantly set new historical highs. I believe that Shanghai Steel Union will be able to do the same."

"You're right, the faucet has no top!"

"The first wave of the Nine-Connect Board directly pushed the stock price to more than 20 yuan. The second wave hit a new high and pushed the stock price to around 30 yuan. This third wave... we must win 40 yuan!"

“I used to expect that the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation was just speculating, and I thought that the 20 yuan hit by Jiulianban was just a shame for those investors who had been the biggest hit in the history of the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation. Now... I expect that the 30 yuan of the Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation is absolutely history. Those guys with the big top will definitely get slapped in the face next.”

"Indeed, the leader did not say anything about it. I just listened to the views of those who badmouthed this stock, which led me to throw away all the chips I bought at a low price on June 25, which did not reach 20 yuan. At least , making less than twice the profit, which essentially proves that those who badmouth it are pure market liars.”

"Those who sing short about Shanghai Steel Union simply don't understand the logic of Shanghai Steel Union's continued rise."

"As long as the expectations and logic do not materialize this time, I will not exit the position. To hold leading stocks, you must have faith, otherwise you will not be able to hold them at all."

"All in all, it's better to follow the wealth path to make more money."

"As long as wealth is on the road, I will be there!"

"Follow Fortune Road, and even if I get cut off, I will have no regrets."

"Essentially, in the entire market, only the leading players don't trick others. I didn't believe it in the past, but this time on the Shanghai Steel Federation, I firmly believe it. After all, I bought it for around 23 yuan during the first wave of speculation. Yes, at the time of the callback, my mentality was already broken, but I didn’t expect that it would take the Americans a long time to get over it.”

"Yes, as long as Shanghai Steel Union remains the market leader, then we will die on the leading stocks."

In online stock forums, communities, comment sections of financial websites, chat groups...the number of posts on all topic discussion sections about Shanghai Steel Union's check is rapidly refreshing.

Everyone was full of passion and enthusiasm.

With the Shanghai Stock Exchange's two consecutive positive lines and today's full-scale volume-limiting trend, the previous pessimistic expectations have been completely reversed.

Even at this moment...

In the minds of many investors who hold Shanghai Steel Union, in their thoughts, tomorrow's stock price of Shanghai Steel Union has exceeded the 30 yuan layer-by-layer chip holding range, hitting a record high.

Of course, during this period, Su Yu's chat software included private messages and group messages.

Those are also endless refreshes.

It's just that Su Yu couldn't speak directly anymore, so he ignored them all and didn't reply.

His current identity and seat influence are already quite extensive. If he openly goes long on a certain stock as he did before, it may cause some unnecessary trouble.

Even if someone takes this opportunity to report him for using public opinion and his own influence to manipulate stock prices, it is impossible to say.

And since I have had the experience of being reported once.

Then he has to be more careful and cautious.

After all, he now uses the public data of the Dragon and Tiger rankings to express his actions and arouse market sentiment on and off the court.

Naturally, there is no need to say more words or give others instructions.

"Mr. Su..."

When it was time to get off work, Su Yu's office assistant reported: "Mr. Gong from Shenzhen City wants to invite you to dinner tonight. You see..."

"Did the other party tell you what the purpose was?" Su Yu asked.

He doesn't have enough time in the day now, so naturally he doesn't want to go to some unnecessary entertainment.

"I just want to have an investment exchange with you, Mr. Su." The assistant replied, "This Mr. Gong is a well-known individual free investor in Shenzhen City."

With that said, the assistant handed a piece of information to Su Yu.

Su Yu took it and took a look at it, then threw the information on the table and said, "In the future, unless they come to you in person, just refuse them directly."

Since then, the market influence of his Fortune Road seat has grown.

Many hot money and individual investors with strong market power poured into Yuhang, asking for information about him, wanting to meet with him, and even hoping to jointly create market trends with him.

Before this, Su Yu had rejected at least ten people.

"Okay!" the assistant responded, and then silently exited the office.

Su Yu continued to browse the information and various financial news on the computer for a while. When the time reached 6 o'clock, he stood up and got off work with everyone.

Walk out of the company and come to the parking lot.

He and Li Meng were about to return home directly, when... Zhang Jianbo called.

"Hey, Brother Jianbo!" Su Yu answered the phone and asked with a smile, "Has the matter... come to an end?"

"Guess?" Zhang Jianbo's excitement was unspeakable.

Su Yu chuckled and said, "With Brother Jianbo taking action, there must be no problem!"

"Yeah!" Zhang Jianbo responded, no longer trying to be pretentious, and said happily, "We have won the piece of land you asked for, more than 92 million yuan. Of course...the more than 92 million yuan we won is only for that piece of land. They have to move away the future use rights and development rights, as well as all Ancai Paper’s equipment.”

Su Yu chuckled and said, "My original goal was that piece of land. Who cares about its equipment?"

In his opinion, the most valuable thing in future urban planning is the land. As for the production lines and numerous large-scale equipment that Ancai Paper has worked hard to build over more than ten years of operation... to him, that is just one cent. He doesn't care about things that are worthless, and he doesn't want them at all.

"We have signed the contract."

In Su Yu's response, Zhang Jianbo continued: "The lawyer Shao you entrusted followed us to sign the contract on site. He read it and thought there was nothing wrong with it."

"Okay!" Su Yu said excitedly, "Let's have a meal together tonight. How about hot pot?"

"Okay, sure." Zhang Jianbo replied, "I'll let you take a look at the contract by the way. Then I will most likely go back to Yuzhou tomorrow. Your cousin will be here to handle the subsequent transfer of relevant rights and interests. "

After saying that, the two hung up the phone.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yu told Li Meng to drive to the hot pot restaurant he usually frequented. At the same time, he made a phone call to order a meal. Then he called the other party back and informed him of the location of the hot pot restaurant.

Li Meng turned his head slightly and glanced at Su Yu. After he finished the call, he asked doubtfully: "What did you just say...where did you come from?"

"Oh..." Su Yu said with a smile, "I asked my cousin and brother-in-law to buy a piece of land for me."

"Why buy land?" Li Meng asked in shock.

This matter... Su Yu didn't tell her. Of course, it was not a company matter, and it had nothing to do with her. Su Yu didn't need to tell her.

"I was passing by once and saw that piece of land and thought it was a treasure." Su Yu said, "And the company occupying that piece of land happened to be stuck in environmental protection relocation and was preparing to move out of that place, so... I thought about it. If you buy that piece of land, it might appreciate in value or something in the future.”

"Even if it doesn't appreciate in value..."

"I think it will be useful when my sister's business gradually grows and needs to break away from 'Yimei Clothing'. After all, Yuhang is the 'e-commerce capital', and in e-commerce operations, the clothing industry occupies the largest share. For half a day, if you want to work alone, you must have a base here."

"How big is that piece of land?" Li Meng asked curiously.

Su Yu thought for a while and made a rough estimate: "It must be more than ten or two hundred thousand square meters. Anyway, the land is not small, but it is quite remote."

After saying that, Su Yu didn't hide anything and gave a detailed report of his location.

"There!" Li Meng replied, "It's a very remote place on the outskirts of the city. According to the current urban development direction and planning, there shouldn't be much value there, right?"

"Besides, the money you need to buy such a large area is not a small amount of money."

"I always borrowed some money to find money." Su Yu said with a smile, "When the net value of the fund is settled at the end of the year, and I have some extra money in my hand, I can just return it to him."

"Okay!" Li Meng responded without asking any more questions.

In her opinion, this matter was Su Yu's whim. Although to a certain extent, there was some speculation in it, she did not think too deeply about the land.

I would never have thought of...

In the future, this land will become the core plot in the development of the new city and the highest priority development project of Kumho Group. The land price has increased more than ten times.

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the hot pot restaurant.

Li Meng parked the car and followed Su Yu to the store. After entering the private room reserved by the boss, he waited for almost fifteen minutes before Zhang Jianbo and Yan Chengming rushed over.

When the two of them saw Li Meng next to Su Yu, they were stunned for a moment, and then their expressions quickly returned to normal.

Of course, Yan Chengming was no stranger to Li Meng, and he did not treat Li Meng as an outsider. He did not avoid Li Meng no matter what he said.

"Su Yu, this is the contract, take a look at it."

After a brief greeting and introduction, Zhang Jianbo took out a stack of documents from his briefcase, handed it to Su Yu, and said, "Chairman Lian of Ancai Paper strongly advocated this matter, as you said. , their company is under great debt repayment pressure, and under the high-pressure relocation of the Environmental Protection Bureau, the funding gap is also quite large.”

"They had thought about selling that land before."

"But we didn't find a suitable company to take over for the time being, and our past negotiations just happened to meet their needs."

"That's why it went so smoothly."

Su Yu took the document, glanced at it briefly, and replied: "Although I'm not surprised that this project was negotiated, Brother Jianbo and my cousin still deserve a lot of credit for being able to negotiate it so quickly."

"It just so happens that the other party wants to sell, so we can talk." Yan Chengming took over and said, "But... Su Yu, although the land is big, the surrounding area is really desolate, except for the big factory of Ancai Paper and the ones they built. Apart from the staff dormitory building, there are old shabby houses and a few small shops in the surrounding area, but nothing else. Just spend 100 million on this, and in the future... I'm afraid it will be difficult to earn it back!"

Su Yu smiled and said: "Cousin, guess why the Environmental Protection Agency is chasing so closely?"

"The pollution is serious," Yan Chengming said. "Not to mention, there is a large paper mill standing there. The environment in that area is indeed not good. The water quality of the Qianjiang River nearby has changed significantly."

"And I heard that Chairman Lian said..."

"The government's current requirement is that all heavily polluting enterprises should move out of the main urban area and try to move to more remote areas."

"And originally, their company had certain problems with pollution treatment."

"But during the relocation, the government only allocated more than 50 million yuan, which is far from enough. As for the location of the relocation, the local government has no money, so it just said... that the land is free."

"This condition is favorable enough." Su Yu said, "Ancai Paper still has too many historical problems. The production equipment and production lines are old, and the technology cannot keep up. Coupled with poor management, the debt has been too high in recent years. , naturally under the pressure of environmental protection, it will be very, very difficult.”


Su Yu expected that even if the other party got the 100 million in funds.

I'm afraid, under the huge debt pressure, we still have to accept Kumho Group's backdoor offer and reorganize assets.

"Su Yu, you mean..." During the conversation between Su Yu and Yan Chengming, Li Meng thought of another aspect and said in surprise, "The Environmental Protection Bureau's strong promotion of the relocation of this company is the direction of urban planning. Changing?"

As soon as Li Meng made this guess, Zhang Jianbo immediately woke up and stared at Su Yu in shock.

"I didn't say anything." Su Yu looked at the surprised expressions of Li Meng and Zhang Jianbo and said with a smile, "I don't have the ability to predict the future. How could I have guessed the direction of Yuhang's urban planning and construction? I just simply thought that the land The location is very good, no one wants it now, but there may be some development potential in the future.”


Su Yu paused and then said: "Based on the logic you just said, it is not impossible for such a change in wind direction to occur."

"If there is such a change in the direction of the wind...then the value potential of this land will greatly increase." Zhang Jianbo pondered for a while, "The current development center of Yuhang city construction should be in the west. If the upper If the policy changes and the idea of ​​building the center moves eastward..."

He has always been puzzled about Su Yu's real motive for buying this land.

It was only at this moment, after being accidentally awakened by Li Meng, that he thought of this possibility, and his heart was shocked.

"Moreover, as urbanization deepens, the siphonage and external expansion effects of core cities will definitely be further intensified." Li Meng took over and followed Zhang Jianbo's logic, "In this way... although the current urban planning The core is in the west, but it is not impossible to move eastwards in the future.”

"Okay, don't think about this anymore..."

Su Yu looked at the two people guessing back and forth with a smile, and said, "It's hard to get together. Today we won't talk about work. No matter what, the future... will definitely get better and better."

With that said, Su Yu stood up and poured a glass of wine for both Zhang Jianbo and Yan Chengming.

Then, everyone's conversation gradually deviated from work and began to talk about some things in their hometown.

It was close to ten o'clock in the evening, and the four of them just dispersed after enjoying themselves.

Li Meng didn't drink, so she drove Zhang Jianbo and Yan Chengming back to the hotel, and then returned home with Su Yu.

After Su Yu returned home, he felt a little dizzy after drinking.

I couldn't help but simply wash up and go to sleep directly.

When he woke up the next day, it was already after eight in the morning, and when he finished breakfast and came to the company, it was already 9:10.

Seeing that the time is only 5 minutes away from the plate.

Su Yu skipped the morning meeting and went directly to the company's trading room.

Then, after a short wait, 9:15 arrived and the collective bidding in the two cities began.

Su Yu's eyes were fixed on the trading board of Shanghai Steel Union, which attracted the most attention in the two cities. He saw the stock price flashed quickly and settled on 31.71 yuan, an increase of 10%, and the initial order was closed at 38,000 lots. .

"One-word daily limit?" Su Yu stared at the market, feeling very surprised.

He predicted that after the sentiment of this stock turned from divergence to consensus yesterday, the sentiment of today's call auction would definitely not be bad. However, he did not expect that in the initial stage of call auction, there would be 38,000 orders, and at the daily limit, Go ahead and grab the chips.

With his surprised voice...

At 9:16, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union remained stable at 31.71 yuan, not moving at all, and the daily limit was extended to 42,000 lots.

At 9:17, the daily limit of Shanghai Steel Union was extended to 47,000 lots.

At 9:18, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union was still locked at the daily limit, and the daily limit limit had been expanded to 53,000 lots, with a total of more than 3,800 main sell orders.

"It's not a false order."

Seeing that three minutes had passed and the daily limit and orders were still increasing, Su Yu frowned: "It's impossible to pass the high level board at the peak of the chips, hey..."

Thinking about it, he no longer hesitated.

He quickly put out all the Shanghai Steel Union stock chips he held at the daily limit price.

Of course, he didn't want to sell, he just wanted to temporarily suppress this too unanimous sentiment and let Shanghai Steel Union never open the market in a straight line.

Shanghai Steel Union has experienced two waves of drastic adjustments near the price of 30 yuan.

Even more technically, it has become a two-headed trend.

And he wants to make the chip structure of Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation as healthy as possible; let Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation go further in the follow-up; let Shanghai Iron and Steel Federation turn a double head of 30 yuan into a double bottom, then here is A vacuum of chips cannot be formed, and a full exchange of chips must be carried out in a down-to-earth manner.


What's more serious is that due to the accumulation of huge chips of 30 yuan, and the two previous highs and falls of 30 yuan, it was induced.

If the price limit is really opened, when the index trend fluctuates violently during the session, once a large number of investors who have locked up positions on the market lack confidence,

What we will face is a situation where the daily limit will be smashed to pieces and confidence will completely collapse.

So... it would be better to suppress emotions, create some differences during the call auction stage and at the beginning of the opening, intensify the exchange of chips on the court, and reduce some of the pressure on the market and the pressure on subsequent board closures.

In fact, that's all.

Only in this way can we drive more market sentiment and cross this peak chip range without risk, allowing the Shanghai Steel Federation to come out of adjustment and continue to get out of the third wave of money-making market.

Following Su Yu's movements...

At 9:18 minutes and 35 seconds, a huge sell order totaling more than 20,000 lots fell on the Shanghai Steel Union's market in an instant.

And when these huge sell orders of more than 20,000 lots appeared, the sentiment of the entire call auction of Shanghai Steel Union began to change rapidly, with a large number of main buyers placing orders and quickly canceling the orders.

At 9:19, the number of bidding sell orders on the Shanghai Steel Union's daily limit board reached 38,000 lots. However, after the daily limit orders were rapidly consumed by sell orders and a large number of orders were withdrawn, they had declined from the peak of more than 50,000 lots to 10,000 lots. around, and is still decreasing rapidly over time.

At 9:19:20, the Shanghai Steel Federation's collective bidding finally reversed.

The daily limit was opened, and the stock price fell directly from 31.71 yuan to 30.65 yuan. Selling orders began to suppress buying orders.

Seeing that the overly consistent situation was broken, Su Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to quickly withdraw orders in units of 5,000 lots.


When the real call auction time for irrevocable orders comes.

When the time entered 9:20, Su Yu withdrew all the pending orders, and the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union, in the last half minute of Su Yu's withdrawal, the pressure dropped sharply, rebounded quickly, and finally returned to 31.15 yuan, an increase of 8.02%. , the call auction orders that matched the transactions on the market also reached more than 7,800 lots, and were above 31.15 yuan. There were still more than 800 sell orders suppressed, and the emotional differences were obvious!

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