Rebirth of the investment era

Chapter 148: Deep V washout, record high!

At 9:21, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fell to 30.95 yuan, and the call auction orders were completed, totaling more than 8,300 lots.

At 9:22, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fell to 30.86 yuan, and a total of more than 9,100 lots were collected through collective bidding orders.

At 9:23, the number of call auction orders for transactions exceeded 10,000 lots, and the stock price gradually moved up from 30.86 yuan over time, returning to the 31 yuan mark.

At 9:24, the number of call auction orders that matched the transactions further expanded to 13,000 lots. The trading situation participating in the call auction became extremely active. The stock price was around 31 yuan, moving up and down. The sentiment at this price was divided. , further intensified.

Finally, at 9:25, the collective bidding ended.

The share price of Shanghai Steel Union was fixed at 30.95 yuan, an increase of 7.23%, with 16,200 lots traded, and the turnover exceeded 50 million.

“The call auction ended and the opening hit a record high. It’s so strong!”

Seeing the opening results of Shanghai Steel Union, some of the main hot money groups in Su Yu's group who were paying attention to this stock couldn't help but sigh: "Compared to yesterday, the volume has been greatly enlarged. Judging from the trend of collective bidding, "Although there are differences in the market, the financial strength to follow the trend is very strong. It seems...the breakthrough of Shanghai Steel Federation today should be taking shape."

"The opening result of Shanghai Steel Union is indeed a bit unexpected, but it directly hit a height of 7 points in one breath, freeing all the hold-up orders on the market. I am afraid that after the official opening of trading, the pressure we will face is not small. Many retail investors who are struggling to unwind will definitely sell on a large scale."

"Look at the intensity of the reception after the market opens!"

"Don't be afraid of the pressure. In this position, I think it is necessary to change hands extremely and reorganize the chip structure in the field to establish a solid support platform!"

"During the collective bidding stage, especially before 9:20, such heavy selling failed to suppress the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union to a too low increase, which is enough to show how strong the sentiment expectations of Shanghai Steel Union are today. , I think under this kind of emotional expectation, no matter how heavy the selling pressure is, there should be no problem in taking over.”

"I don't think there is a problem. Judging from today's collective bidding process and results, it is obviously several levels stronger than the trend a few days ago when the 'Shanghai-style' hot money dominated the Shanghai Steel Union and hit the 30 yuan mark. The that the breakthrough will be successful today.”

"If the orders of more than 20,000 lots that suddenly appeared at 9:17 were not suppressed, the Shanghai Steel Federation might be able to open the market at the daily limit. It would be a pity..."

"What's the pity about this? I think the pressure is right."

"I also think that the capital is just right. If the Shanghai Steel Union one-word board is really allowed to open at the daily limit, then the selling pressure will be really great. Looking at the chip structure of this stock, it is basically 40% The chip costs are all distributed in the former high price stage of 29 to 30.32 yuan."

"Yes, Yiziban dies quickly. A drastic change of hands is necessary here to survive in the long run."

"If the one-word daily limit opens, I will definitely not and will not dare to follow this check. Now this... is a healthy trend."

"The stock price should fall back a bit at the opening, right?"

"There is a high probability of going back to the previous high position of 30.32 yuan."

“If we can hold on to the previous high of 30.32 yuan, it will be considered a successful breakthrough.”

"The turnover of 50 million yuan in the call auction proves that the participation of various funds is quite active. In addition, there was no negative news in the outside world last night. The market opening is also good today. I think the Shanghai Steel Joint Stock Exchange is holding at 30.32 yuan. The probability of living there is basically over 90%.”

"If there is sufficient change of hands, this should be a good point to add positions, right?"

"It's definitely true. If we stand firm at 30 yuan, the subsequent trend will be flat again without any hindrance."

While everyone was discussing, five minutes passed in a blink of an eye...

At 9:30, the two cities officially opened for trading. The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union briefly rose, reaching a maximum of 31.25 yuan, and then continued to retreat as its volume continued to expand.

Su Yu stared closely at the changes in Shanghai Steel Union's market trends, holding the mouse but making no move.

The trends of the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index, Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index and ChiNext Index are slowly attacking upwards. Many popular concept sectors such as 'Internet Finance', 'Mobile Games' and 'Smart Terminal Equipment' are still attracting funds and continue to show net inflows of funds. status, which proves that market investment sentiment is very good.

In this case, Shanghai Steel Union did not have any negative influence from the outside at all.

In other words, today, this position is the best time to make a breakthrough.

Of course, in Su Yu's view, the current stock price drop is an emotional expectation of many active funds in the market.

At this time, the real support in the Shanghai Stock Exchange is 30.32 yuan. As long as the stock price remains above 30.32 yuan, no matter how violent the fluctuations are, it will be a strong performance.

Under Su Yu's gaze...

At 9:35, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fell back to around 6%, and the transaction volume exceeded 100 million.

At 9:38, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union continued to fall, reaching a 5.5% increase, and the transaction volume reached 120 million.

When Shanghai Steel Union's stock price rose below 5.5%, the rate of decline instantly slowed down. At the same time... the time-sharing trading volume also slowly slowed down.

At 9:42, when the turnover reached 145 million, Shanghai Steel Union's stock price rose to 5.23%, and the stock price touched the previous high of 30.32 yuan.

At this time, the time-sharing amount of the disk can be enlarged again.

Su Yu stared at the suddenly enlarged amount of energy. The hand holding the mouse finally moved and started to place orders.

The price of Shanghai Steel Union is a huge point of divergence in intraday sentiment. If the stock price is supported at 30.32 yuan and rebounds quickly, it means that the breakthrough is successful. Many short-term funds currently on the sidelines will swarm in. Enter and carry out large-scale fundraising.

On the contrary, when the stock price was rapidly amplified, it quickly fell below 30.32 yuan and continued to decline.

Then, the sentiment on the market will weaken further, and stockholders on the market who were originally hesitant will judge that this is another bullish top and choose to sell one after another.

"The deal is worth 160 million, but I still have to kill him!"

Su Yu sighed secretly, and then he clicked his finger on the buying and selling options that had been set up on the computer interface, and directly sold 3,000 orders at the market price...

3,000 hands, a total of 10 million funds fell on the market of Shanghai Steel Union.

I saw that the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union fell below the price of 30.32 yuan in an instant due to this huge order, and plummeted straight to the 30 yuan mark.

"Holy shit, another fake breakthrough?"

Seeing that Shanghai Steel Union failed to hold on near the previous high of 30.32 yuan, countless market investors who originally had great expectations were shaken in their hearts and could not help but feel disappointed.

“The opening was too high, I knew I couldn’t count on it!”

"Hey, I bought it too early. It dropped so fast. Can you hold on for 30 yuan? It won't be more than a dozen noodles today, right?"

"Ah... you're diving in a straight line. You can't hold it for even 30 yuan?"

"If I go, there is only a 3-point increase, and the 30 yuan mark has also fallen directly. There is no hope, there is no hope at all."

"This is such a brutal killing. It seems like today is another big day!"

"Can't you hold on to the extra seats on Fortune Road? Isn't it too... outrageous?"

"Haha, I finally got rid of the trap and sold. I knew that when the market was blowing the most against a check, it must be at the top. Even if the wealth road is very powerful, it cannot go against the market trend. "

"Damn, that's such a terrifying amount of energy. In 2 minutes, it exploded to 70 million!"

"The turnover is 240 million, scary!"

"High level diving, is it hopeless? Triple top, what the hell..."

"I'm so angry. My highest point is catching up with the 8% increase in the market. Look at this... I want to eat 20 points of noodles today?"

"This trend is simply crazy. It's such a good opening in the early trading. Why not just go on the market?"

"With such a large amount, is it a waste of wealth?"

"Impossible, the road to wealth is definitely not broken."

"The emotional differences here are too great. There are too many stacks of chips to make it through."

"Hey, you shouldn't have high expectations. In fact, the Shanghai Steel Federation's check has increased enough. Retreat, retreat..."

"I'm speechless. Since the breakthrough is destined to fail and I can't get through, why bother to pull me up? I'm trapped on the top of the mountain. I'm so angry. I'm so angry!"

At the moment when Shanghai Steel Union quickly broke through the two important levels of 30.32 and 30 yuan.

Extreme energy erupted on the market, and the sentiment of investors paying attention to the check, both inside and outside the market, fell from a fiery state to an ice cave in an instant.

Su Yu continued to stare at the changes in Shanghai Steel Union's market.

After throwing out 3,000 hands of chips at the critical moment, it temporarily stopped again.


At 9:58, after the extreme volume explosion of Shanghai Steel Union, the transaction volume reached 260 million and the stock price had dropped to 29.86 yuan, Su Yu took action again.

This time he didn't sell again.

Instead, he swiftly and decisively placed 10,000 market price buy orders, sweeping through the Shanghai Stock Exchange's selling orders and rapidly raising its stock price.

29.88 yuan, 29.98 yuan, 30.15 yuan, 30.25 yuan...

Under his crazy buying.

Within half a minute, the stock price of Shanghai Steel Union returned to above 30 yuan, and sprinted towards the previous high of 30.32 with an even greater force than the downward trend.

At 9:59, after Su Yu made a total of 13,000 consecutive orders.

The stock price of Shanghai Steel Union has regained 30.32 yuan, and the increase has returned to more than 5%, leaving an extreme V-shaped trend on the time-sharing chart.

"Oh my God, what's going on? Lure the air, or lure the many!"

Seeing the stock price of Shanghai Stock Exchange reverse in an instant, and seeing the two important high points of 30 yuan and 30.32 yuan regained, the many retail investors who were emotionally overwhelmed when the stock price plunged sharply before now had their eyes widened, and their hearts were filled with tears. Full of shock and confusion.

"Yes, does this count as being defended or not?"

"Looking at the continued upward trend of the stock price at this moment, it is obviously holding on. It is definitely a short-selling!"

"Thousands of large orders are sweeping the market. This is obviously a wash. It is definitely a wash."

"The 6% increase is simply...a shocking reversal."

"Damn it, it was washed. It's so damn wrong to buy it or sell it."

"This trend... can only be grasped without looking at the market. It is so weird. It often dives in a straight line, but in the blink of an eye, it often rises in a straight line."

"Where is the person who just shouted that the breakthrough failed and this is the top? Come out and take two steps!"

"Haha, I'm back, I'm back again!"

"Raise the limit, raise the limit. Today's market wash is over, we must raise the limit."

"It's a 6.5% increase. The price of 30.32 yuan is completely stable. The upward path is a smooth road. I didn't will definitely hit the limit today."

"This trend is simply heavenly."

"High position deep V washing, there is definitely a lot of room for follow-up, buy it, buy it..."

"Haha... In this deep V trend just now, everything that should be sold should be sold. It's so beautiful. All the unstable chips around 30 yuan should be washed out."

As the stock price moves out of a deep V position.

The emotional fluctuations of many retail investors in the market also formed an obvious reversal of the deep V.

At this moment, Su Yu's main hot money group was significantly frightened, and several hot money holders who held Shanghai Steel Union's stock chips were also frightened.

"Broken and then established, all the unstable chips were washed away in one breath, so beautiful!"

"The technique of breaking and building again is the classic routine of Brother Su. This time... I really learned it."

"Hey, I almost thought it was broken. Fortunately, I endured it. Brother Su is really awesome. The Shanghai Steel Federation changed hands today and it has completely come out. Now, if we go up and attack the board, there should be no pressure anymore." ?”

"Indeed, the transformation of the chip structure in the venue is basically completed."

"After this wave, the completion of the transformation from resistance to support has indeed laid the foundation for the continued interpretation of the subsequent market. Brother Su's detailed trading skills are simply amazing."

"If it were me, I would definitely keep the market above 30.32 yuan and continue to fluctuate and change hands. I didn't expect that it could still be done like this."

"It's all about the use of human nature and emotions. This is the top master!"

"In trading, you can use human weaknesses and emotions to this extent. Anyway, I have only seen Brother Su."

"I have thought about the situation when Shanghai Steel Union broke through 30 yuan and broke through the previous high of 30.32 yuan before, and I also simulated how to trade. Now it idea is simply childish."

"Now I'm completely on my feet."

"Damn it, in just a few minutes, we completely regained the lost ground."

"Obviously, the idea that Shanghai Steel Union's stock price has broken through the previous high and stabilized at 30 yuan has been fully recognized by the market, and the expectations for Shanghai Steel Union's subsequent continued rise are also rapidly changing from the previous differences. It has become unanimous, and today’s closure... it should be a certainty.”

"That's right. Brother Su's washing of dishes is really intoxicating!"

"The point of emotional divergence has passed. It's a real opportunity to add positions!"

"Already followed up."

"Damn it, funds are following the trend so quickly, these guys... I put up a position order, and I can't buy it at all."

"This is the time. Let's just buy it at the market price. Why save the cost of building a position?"

Everyone in the group marveled, sighed, and followed suit...

At 10:08, Shanghai Steel Union, under the pressure of several consecutive large orders of 10,000 lots, surpassed the opening to hit a high and directly reached the daily limit price.

At 10:09, Shanghai Steel Union closed the daily limit, and the stock price was fixed at 31.71 yuan, a new historical high.

At 10:10, the trading volume of the Shanghai Steel Union, which had closed the daily limit, exceeded 380 million, and the turnover rate reached more than 24%, which also set a new high in trading volume. The daily limit had reached 150,000 within 2 minutes. With both hands on the left and right, the competition is obvious, and the mood has completely changed to the same one.

I saw Shanghai Steel Union completely sealing the daily limit, setting a new record high in an almost perfect form.

Su Yu let out a breath and looked at the Shanghai Steel Union chips that had accumulated more than 90 million in the position account, and was very satisfied.

The position building was completed, and Shanghai Steel Union made a perfect breakthrough.

Subsequently, as the market sentiment further evolves and the rumors about the "Shanghai Free Trade Zone" are further fermented and stimulated outside the market, he can stabilize his position and continue to reap substantial profits on this stock.

During Su Yu's brief meditation.

Due to the performance of Shanghai Steel Union's stock price breaking through the record high, the 'Internet Finance' sector was driven again and quickly climbed to the top of the list of conceptual sector gains in the two cities. With the changes in the 'Internet Finance' sector, all related to it The 'Pan-Mobile Internet' concept sector has also followed suit.

At 10:20, under the influence of the Shanghai Steel Federation on market sentiment.

The three major indexes, Shanghai Composite Index, Shenzhen Composite Index and ChiNext Index, all rose sharply again, exceeding 1%.

Subsequently, as the time approached midday, the gains of the three major indexes further expanded, reaching more than 1.5% one after another. Among them, Tianyu Information, the follower of Shanghai Steel Federation, also hit the daily limit again.

In the afternoon, the two markets continued to rise unilaterally, and investment sentiment became further heated.

Finally, when the market closed at 3 o'clock, the three major indexes all rose by more than 2%. Among them, the GEM Index rose by 2.6%, continuing to outperform the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index.

Of course, in the meantime.

The stocks held by the ‘Yuhang No. 1’ fund led by Su Yu and Li Meng still show a situation of ice and fire.

Shanghai Steel Union, Wangsu Technology, Fenda Technology, LeTV, Huaqingbao, Oriental Fortune, Flush... these stocks continue to outperform the market; Waigaoqiao, Lujiazui, Shanghai Materials Trading, Shanghai-Hong Kong Group, Pudong Jinqiao, Jinjiang Investment...these stocks have slightly increased their volume throughout the day, but they still underperform the market overall. The stock prices are motionless, there is no obvious attention from big funds, and the trading volume is extremely deserted.

As for the liquor sector that Su Yu previously dug a trap for Jingda Investment.

After yesterday's downturn, there has been a slight improvement today. Especially for Jincheng Fenjiu, there are signs of continued expansion in volume. It can be seen that there are large funds and they are continuing to increase their positions.

After the close...

Su Yu continued to instruct the company's traders to review the trading while waiting for the update of the Shanghai Steel Federation Dragon and Tiger List.

Then, when the time advanced to 5:30 pm, the Shanghai Steel Federation Dragon and Tiger List was announced, and the entire market's already high emotions about this check were once again aroused and moved towards a higher climax.

"Wealth Road is on the Dragon and Tiger list again, with net purchases exceeding 30 million!"

"It has increased its position for three consecutive days. Fortune Road's holdings of Shanghai Steel Union should be more than 60 million, right? It's strong. The stock price has reached a new high. Fortune Road's position has also returned to near a new high."

"It's not just Fortune Road. If you look at the second place, Mingzhou Jiefang South Road is also here!"

"Damn it, strong alliance."

"This is Jiefang South Road's second move of the year, right? It's entered at a high position, and the purchase is almost 30 million chips. This is obviously very optimistic about the Shanghai Steel Federation's check!"

"Fortune Road and the chairmanship of the chief helm have strong support. It seems that the check from Shanghai Steel Federation is destined to fly into the sky!"

“I haven’t said anything, this is definitely the starting point of the third wave of market conditions.”

"Yes, yes... new highs are just the starting point."

"After today's daily limit, the road ahead will really be smooth."

"I'm afraid the Shanghai Steel Federation will have a straight line tomorrow, right?"

"Hey, it's such a good opportunity today. It's a shame that I didn't buy it."

"Damn it... when the stock price fell below 30 yuan, you shouldn't hesitate. As expected, when the market is most frightened, it is the best opportunity to buy!"

"In addition to Jiefang South Road, there is also Qingchun Road."

"It's really a gathering of big guys. This wave... let's just look at the target of 40 yuan!"

"Jiefang South Road!" When the retail investors who paid attention to this check in the entire market were marveling at the dragon and tiger ranking data, Su Yu stared at the dragon and tiger ranking data and also sighed, "I really didn't expect to encounter this here. , but Mr. Xu is probably just short-term speculating, right?"

The capital capacity of Shanghai Steel Union's check is not particularly large.

A major capital of more than 100 million yuan can only carry one, and now he is leading the trend and market of this stock.

If Jiefang South Road, the top hot money company, really wants to fully intervene in the future, then the subsequent trend of Shanghai Steel Federation is bound to have some changes.

After all, Jiefang South Road has been a top hot spot in the market for a long time.

The emotional impact on retail investors is very strong.

If the other party's trading ideas after full intervention are inconsistent with his, it will lead to huge differences within the market.

This is what Su Yu doesn't want to see.

After all, this will damage his interests and also affect the final height of Shanghai Steel Federation.

Of course, even if he doesn't want to see it, he can't stop the other party. He can only adapt to the subsequent evolution of market sentiment and take one step at a time.

"Mr. Su..."

While Su Yu was deep in thought, Lin Antu suddenly walked into the office and reported to him: "Chen Qingnian from Leishen Security Company has been investigated. He himself has been taken away by the police this afternoon."

"Why were you investigated?" Su Yu asked in surprise.

Lin Antu replied: "I heard he was involved in gangs."

"Isn't this an obvious thing?" Su Yu responded softly, smiled, and then said, "But this guy was not investigated during the crackdown two years ago. Now that he is doing it, there is obviously something fishy. You continue to pay attention. Let’s see how it turns out.”

He guessed that this must be the interest group behind Yang Hao and took action against the Chen family.

But... Su Yu still expressed doubts about whether the other party could move the big rock of the Chen family.

"Okay!" Lin Antu nodded and continued to report some financial market information to Su Yu before exiting the office.

After the other party left the office, Su Yu thought carefully for a while and looked at the time.

Seeing that it was already time to get off work, I couldn't help but turn off my computer, walked out of the company, and drove to the hospital where Shi Yuling was hospitalized.

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